Chat room - what's on your mind?



  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 14,471 Member
    Happy New Year.

    One of my traditions is making and eating collard greens, black eyed peas, and cornbread (sticks & triangles). I also gave away a nice plate full to neighbors. Good thing. My recipe makes 30 pieces of cornbread (16 triangles and 14 sticks). I always appreciate help eating them. They are so good...


    I'm going to stir the leftover greens into the cow peas before storing to eat tomorrow and the next day.

    My neighbor is going to make chili soon; I'll make more cornbread for the occasion. I'm actually kind of glad they didn't make one of THEIR new year traditions - sauerkraut balls. They are tasty when hot out of the oil, but holy cats they're little grease bombs.