Shape Shifters Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2023



  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,347 Member


    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners
  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 943 Member
    My steps for end of October
    10/28 15,249
    @Pupowl Please could I be added to the November step challenge.I will increase my daily steps to 16,000.
    My favourite place to walk in the winter is my local park.
  • Armygirlarmyof1
    Armygirlarmyof1 Posts: 527 Member
    Sunday steps 5371
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    Daily Steps

    10/27 19,151

    10/28. 25,315
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,217 Member
    edited October 2023
    Hello! I am here to introduce myself. I'm 45 years old and from Seattle! I have been on MFP a couple of years and I haven't really used the social features much. I used to be on SparkPeople and the social aspect helped so much, and honestly, I'm struggling.

    I was a very heavy child and I was 250 lbs in my early 20s. I'm only 5'1" if I stretch up really tall.

    My life has been a roller coaster with depression and chronic illnesses, but I was in an AMAZING place two years ago. I got down to 125 lbs. I ran a marathon. I was on top of the world even though I still had horrific chronic pain and Illnesses. I have regained 15 lbs in a year. I can't. I'm supposed to be marathon training and I'm struggling so much. It was difficult before, but manageable. I'm thinking of just going down to the half-marathon, to be honest.

    I run about six half-marathons a year. It's a lot of money but that money ensures I stay in shape for it.

    Aside from that, I'm a musician (viola) and artist and I live alone with my beautiful cat.

    I will actually be out of town next Sunday (weigh-in day).

    I tried to post a picture of my beautiful cat Mildred, but it won't let me, so just picture the quintessential Halloween cat, silky black with yellow eyes.


    Hope this team helps you to continue on your loss journey! Sounds like you found a tremendous way to stay fit and keep you exercising regularly with your running. I'm in love with walking, so I can relate. Sorry about the depression and chronic pain you mentioned...I have several friends who suffer with chronic conditions, so I'm familiar with their plights and trying to find ways to deal with them. I think the fact that you're addressing it up front and working to get back on track quite impressive.

    Your kitty is beautiful...thank you for sharing her picture with us. We love to share our fur babies...

    Again, welcome...and let us know how we help keep you motivated. I bet your viola music is so beautiful...I find the viola quite unique and haunting when I hear a reflective, touch of sadness vibe. Love to hear the string quartets...simply lovely.

    I have marked you as Excused for next week, but if you find, since you're just starting with us, that you'd like to weigh in early, before you leave, just post it before you travel and I can get it recorded for you. First couple of weeks is usually when you see lots of changes in your nutrition patterns, so people are usually anxious to weigh in and see those drops. Just let me know.

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,217 Member
    CONGRATS to everyone who placed or had an honorary mention last week or for the month of October! Also, hearty congratulations to those who had a whole month "in the green" on the tracker!

    Great job Shape Shifters!


  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,217 Member
    Step Challengers, I hope to post the winners for October next Saturday, so if you could check the chart, there are 6 team members who need to update their information from Week 4. Thanks in advance! Numbers are pretty impressive for the month!

  • Cyncia85
    Cyncia85 Posts: 327 Member
    Please enter zero as my steps for the missing days for October.
    Thank you
  • Cyncia85
    Cyncia85 Posts: 327 Member
    I forgot to weigh myself this morning; Sundays are my weigh-in day. I will post my weight tomorrow, Monday October 30th.
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,321 Member
    10/28 6,811
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,321 Member
    edited October 2023
    Here's a pic of my new kitty [/img]

  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,321 Member
    My new kitty, Aegon - 2.7 lbs I couldn't add the pic to the previous post now it is
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,462 Member
    Final steps for October:
    Fri 10/27: 10,362
    Sat 10/28: 15,302

    I'd like to keep going with the step challenge, staying at 10,000 steps/day.
    My favorite place to walk is in the woods or at the beach, but both of those are too far away for every day. So I generally have to settle for one of two trails or two parks.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited October 2023
    Previous weight-180
    Current weight-181

    Super bloated this week. Bleck
This discussion has been closed.