WaistAways Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 257 Member

    I would like to make a suggestion on the shoes, you should go get fitted, it really depends on your foot, and how you step.

    This. 100% this. Buy the shoes that are fitted to you. I did this when I was running a lot 12 years ago. I was fitted to Brooks Ghost because I am the opposite of @Gidgitgoescrzy with no arch (flat feet). I have now owned eight pairs of Ghosts. In fact, I am wearing a pair right now and realizing that even though they're my newest pair, they will need to be replaced soon because of the wear I've put on them. Getting the shoes that are fitted to your feet will help tremendously! As humans, we are on our feet a lot and because of that many of the issues and pain we feel actually start with the feet. Treat them right, and they will treat you right.

    @kali225 - have fun snowboarding this weekend! And, don't work too hard. It will be there for you tomorrow. ... or rather, Monday.

    @zumbaforever - That is a great average! My current average is 152 in one league and 158 in the other. 222 is my second/third highest score. I've gotten 223 twice, now 222. And, many 219s and under. Never a 600 series though. If there were still a cloud of cigarette smoke in the alleys, I would not bowl. I have a teammate who smokes between games and I have to be careful to not stand near her when she comes back in because there's still enough smoke on her to trigger my asthma if I'm not careful.

    @ashleycarole86 - Thursday, January 11th - 3,831 - winter is killing my step counts. It was right around 0 Fahrenheit this morning. Highs only in the teens lately. A good amount of snow and lots of wind to really add to the chill. Not ideal for walking or getting steps in.
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 628 Member
    Friday Weigh-In
    PW: 256.8
    CW: 255.6

    very pleased with this. and I am getting a lot done at work this morning which I love, including leading a call - my team recently started giving me a bit more responsibility, hope that's a good sign for my upcoming performance review & raise/bonus discussion haha.

    @StayFITTer agree with Jolene and Vicki here about getting a shoe specific to you - Brooks are quite a popular brand but I suggested these to Sylvia specifically because it sounds like she is having the same type of pain that I have been. Hokas have blown up in popularity the last 2 years, I hear they are really comfortable - unfortunately they do not really make a "support" shoe line so that brand has never been an option for me (even prior to tendonitis symptoms, I pronate quite intensely). so lots of variety out there! let us know what you end up going with! and happy to hear this team is helping you stay on track. we've been extra active recently and I am loving the waterfall of posts! [but it is easy to fall behind when we are so chatty haha]

    @Gidgitgoescrzy I don't have much stake in the AFC side of playoffs at this point but I am happy for Flacco, too! some crazy storylines developing this season haha

    @wishfuljune I hope you are getting good sleep at least with all these long workdays!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,189 Member
    So so sorry to hear that this weather had an impact on your chicken coops and that you lost a chicken. Heartbreaking for sure....

    We are hunkered down working from home but we do have to go out tonight for curling. Once we get home I don't think we have any reason to leave the house for the rest of the weekend so we'll stay close by to stay warm. I would like to do some Peloton workouts as the opportunities slipped away for me during the week due to appointments, long commutes, and other things.

    I also have a week 1 step report to generate before all the week 2 numbers start rolling in so I'll be working on that as well!

    Have a good weekend all (and go Bills!)
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 441 Member
    @lindamartin27 hope the storm passes quickly and the Chickens can be safe. Thoughts are with you on the loss of one.

    @ashleycarole86 I'm in the same boat and hibernating. My poor dog has been in the house the past 2 days and she's going crazy. Need to find more activities for a 1 year old German Shepherd because she loves winter, just not this cold snap we are in.

    I haven't been very active on here and will have limited time to say hi but I'm cheering you on from the sidelines.

    PW- 164.6
    CW - 165.6

    Have a great weekend friends
  • lindamartin27
    lindamartin27 Posts: 33 Member
    @ashleycarole86 @cleaneater80

    Thank you for your kind words and thoughts. Meant more than you know. Finish off the day strong. Was able to get rest of my flock in another coop that we finished by lunch today. Got them setup for the extreme cold weather we have coming. Ended up with almost 16,000 steps already from the incident. Everyone stay safe and warm. ❤️
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    @lindamartin27 Wow - that is a big job, and it sounds like you have gotten your flock safe and warm now. Storms can really wreak havoc. You certainly deserve a nice quiet night, safe and warm for you too. :heart:

    Speaking of storms, when I was out riding today, I took one of our trails that goes around a rural airstrip for small planes. One plane is tied out there year round, and today when I rode past, the plane was upside down. It blew so hard here a few nights ago, that it pulled up the moorings and flipped the thing. I hope the guy has good insurance... At least today, there was a good spell of sunshine, still under freezing so that gravel roads didn't get super icy again, and Jasper and I had a nice outing. A rooster scared him a bit - crowing so loudly from his yard that he startled Jasper every time! We survived, and Jasper now has another scary thing that he lived through.

    Keep warm - ride the Pelotons, dance the videos, step the steps and enjoy the good food! Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Last line-up of the week! Remaining Friday and all Saturday people, here you go :smiley:


  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 739 Member
    edited January 13
    @lindamartin27 Sorry for your loss, but way to finish the day strong. Be encouraged and stay warm.

    @micki48 Good luck with your weigh-in and catching up with post. Can’t wait to get replying down to a science! 🤦🏾‍♀️

    @jugar You have a great weekend
    as well. Thanks for sharing your riding adventures. Mr. Jasper sounds really sweet.

    @Kali225 @MaddawgMadsen @Gidgitgoescrzy

    Absolutely Re: Getting fitted and the best shoe for you. Honesty, I typically wear New Balance and we have a store in Michigan called Meier and they have BOGO for $1 shoes ever so often. I’ll use that to discover a shoe. .If I find a shoe I like, I typically buy it again, and put it on the shelf.

    With that said, I haven’t had a proper fitting in a while and I was blessed with a pair of Brooks over 10 years ago as a result. I learned that I supinate.

    I love learning what works for other people but thanks for the reminder to get fitted because that’s what I did
    Before I got the brooks—went to two different stores for opinions so we knew
    what to look for.

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning WaistAways!

    CW: 181.4!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,189 Member
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 654 Member
    @ashleycarole86 great numbers stepping this week! Out of curiosity for the other step challenge, how many steps do you add on for my 60 minute body pump class?
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 628 Member
    hello from the mountains! I had an AWESOME day on the slopes, despite some truly terrible weather - it was raining half the morning, then sleet, then briefly turned to snow flurries and I was completely soaked when I went in for lunch. Luckily I found a spot for myself on a leather couch in front of a wood burning stove... toasty! took a while to feel dry and warm enough to head out again but so glad I did. Got 15 runs in, in total, my quads are completely shot (I forgot snowboarding is basically being in a half squat the entire day LOL) and my calves may straight up walk away from me tomorrow. but I feel great, ready to take on some slopes in Maine in 2 weeks, and confirmed that my gear can make it one more season - but I did order a new helmet and I'm going to use a coupon at REI to get new goggles.

    @lindamartin27 so sorry about your chicken! glad you had a spot to move everybody else and keep them safe going forward.

    @wishfuljune days where unplanned meals sneak in used to really stress me out but it sounds like you have or are building the right approach to the choices you do get so that kind of day doesn't totally throw you for a calorie loop. well done!

    @jugar when you take Jasper on a trail, what trails are they? Were they created/cleared for riding? Or public access trails that allow horses? Something on your own property?

    I am sliding into yoga and ordering pizza for dinner. I also picked up a 4 pack of cider to get a lil buzz on. the perfect winter Saturday. B)
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