WaistAways Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 257 Member
    @strong_fit_ells - Maxi is ADORABLE! <3
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Goodness! Lots of it! And cuteness - that puppy is so sweet @strong_fit_ells :heart: She will be driving you crazy in no time :smiley:

    My silly horse was a such a good boy today. We found a great exercise that he understood really well and will help him develop his back muscles. Then he helped me clean up the arena and put away the poles. He loves those jobs. His reward is cut up carrots served one at a time in a way that he has to stretch his neck to the sides, down and back, and in all the ways that gives him a good stretch. He knows to stand still and just stretch to get them, and it is a good game. I did a lot of both posting and sitting trot, so my core and legs are feeling well worked too. I got spaghetti squash with eggplant, tofu, kale, and fresh tomato sauce and I didn't even have to stretch my neck to eat it. I had to do my Pilates beforehand though - no dinner until that happens!

    Speaking of which, I hope you are able to fit in those Pilates sessions @micki48 - I know you love them, and I thank you every day for introducing me to Robin Long's site.

    Enjoy the enjoyables, everyone! (that's my advice for today @MaddawgMadsen )
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Wonderful Wednesday Women! You're next :smiley:


  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    edited January 10
    @strong_fit_ells - omg! The puppy is so cute!

    @jugar - That sounds like a fantastic day for you and Jasper, and that meal also sounds delicious!

    @MaddawgMadsen - Don’t be afraid to be selfish about yourself. No one else is going to dedicate as much time as you will to better yourself.

    I think about that a lot. It’s very easy for me, especially at work, to want to people please, but now I make time for myself. I also focused a lot this past year on my own professional development, and I had to tell people no in order to make time for me and my goals. It was uncomfortable for me at first because I didn’t like saying no, but it helped me a lot and I had one of my best years at work.

    It was terribly windy and rainy last night which scared my dog around 3am. I heard him leave our room and go downstairs, so I followed and found him in a corner in our basement. I carried him back upstairs and sat with him and pet him until he calmed down, so I’m a bit tired this morning.

    I have a big project deliverable today so I’m focused on that. I plan on taking my dog for a long walk now that it’s slightly warmer out this morning, then work, and hopefully get in a yoga workout before the end of the day. I am going into the office tomorrow and Friday because we’re getting our solar panels installed and they will need to shut off the power at my home.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,189 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrzy congrats on the new decade!!

    @Kali225 what a fun activity with your friend.. sounds like a great time

    We got snow overnight and it's super cold here and getting colder. I had the Flames game last night and I handled it well. We were together 5 hours and I had 3 drinks. Those box suites usually turn into a bender so that felt like a win. I also didn't eat at supper and in the box - just let my supper be enough.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 257 Member
    PW: 172
    CW: 171.8

    Just barely inching my way down. But, I didn't make many CrossFit or spin classes in December, so I know I lost a little muscle mass. I feel smaller even though the weight doesn't show it much. I'm pretty sure I'm just building back the muscle I lost in December.

    @ashleycarole86 - Tuesday, January 9th - 4,923 steps, 1 hour of CrossFit --- Stay warm! Those are scary low temperatures.

    @gidgitgoescrzy - Nice work on making it to a new decade! You're rocking it!

    @adrimango - I did have pasta last night because the mealime meal we chose was a pasta one. But, I used chickpea pasta, so way more protein and fewer carbs than a normal bread or pasta would have. So, I don't feel like I really broke my no processed carbs challenge. The meal called for tofu, pasta, tomatoes, zucchini, garlic, basil, lemon, and red chili flakes. I added toasted pine nuts to it because I LOVE pine nuts.

    Thank you everyone for the advice! Hopefully we can all gain something from it!

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    It looks like we're building another lovely green week. Excellent progress!

    I also hope everyone got through the crazy storms well, and that the Albertans have not frozen to their chairs. It is flipping cold - but that happens every winter, right? You amazing people.

    Congrats on hitting the 150s @Gidgitgoescrzy ! Two weeks in a row of a strong showing - be careful not to get into that "too hungry" place or listen to the "food reward! food reward!" voice :sweat_smile: although the post-weigh-in supper sounds pretty amazing. Enjoy!

    I'm struggling with upping steps, but doing better at keeping up the nightly exercise bike sessions. Hopefully we'll get more snow and I'll be out there on the snowshoes again soon.

    Thursday people coming up! I'm getting to the nagging early tonight :smiley:

    Tally ho!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 654 Member
    @strong_fit_ells that is such a cute puppy!

    @ashleycarole86 wow! That is crazy low temperatures!! Stay warm and safe!

    The storm blew through yesterday, luckily we didn't lose power. However I have a terrible migraine tonight 😕 combo of hormones and weather. Hopefully it will be gone by tomorrow.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,898 Member
    @wishfuljune We put solar panels on our garage years ago. Had the first side installed. Decided we wanted to do the second side ourselves. Love them.
    No workout today. To busy. Got home after 1000. Silly grocery store closed their seafood counter at 1700. That is nuts. Most people get off then. No time to get there. My copperband butterfly fish has to have clams or mussels. I will try tomorrow. Still have a couple clams frozen.

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,189 Member
    edited January 11
    Username ashleycarole86
    Thursday weigh-in

    PW 234.4
    CW 237
This discussion has been closed.