Downsizers Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    Friday weigh in

    Firstly i must apologise to all the team as my gain is going to be so bad for this months figures!

    Pw: 176lb
    Cw: 191.6lb

    I didn't weigh in last week as i had a huge gain (19.6lb )and i was too ashamed😢
    The maths said I'd have to eat over 8000 calories a day to gain all that weight and there is no way that happened!
    The number is what it is and I've actually lost 5lb since Tuesday :)
    Let's hope it come off as quick as it went on!

    Never apologize! We are here to support people no matter if is a gain or a loss.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    Steps: 4,635
    Rings: ✔️
    Swim: 2/2

    PW 156.6
    CW 156.4

    Lots of cravings still as a result of my crappy eating over the holidays. Yesterday, I ended up over calories. I am heading to the pool. I am still having quite a bit of pain so I will play it by ear on what I do. Definitely, will not be doing my arm weights or the front crawl.

    Have a great Friday!

  • jimboden3
    jimboden3 Posts: 317 Member
    Weigh-in Day: Friday (Jan 5, 2023)
    PW: 242.1
    CW: 244.2

    So I missed last week's weigh-in as the family was out of town to attend the Cotton Bowl game in the Dallas, TX area. Terrible football game but lots of fun with having all 4 kids back with us for more than a week. I've been sick the last few days - nothing serious, just a cold but lots of work getting piled on at the start of the year so I'm glad it's Friday. I ate pretty healthy over the break other than when we were on the road but it'll be time to restart working out. My Fitbit screen is dead but it's still tracking steps, etc., I can't look at my watch to see what time it is, or when the battery is running low, so it looks like it's time to get a new one.

    Has anyone had both a Fitbit and Apple watch and favor one over the other? The Apple watch seems to have more features but it looks bulkier and is more expensive. I currently have a Fitbit Charge 5 which is pretty slim and fits easily under my shirt cuff which I prefer but I need to get something that actually works.
  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 130 Member
    edited January 5
    rainyrae wrote: »
    Okay, I’m technologically illiterate. When I post and I quote someone, how then do I leave that quote so that I may give my answer below the quote? You can look at my recent post quoting @lindamtuck2018 ti see what I’m doing. It just looks like my answer is part of the quote. 🤷‍♀️ Did I say quote enough? I just reread what I wrote. 😂

    I edited your post to see why it wasn’t below the quote. You had removed the
    from the bottom of my post. If you leave it in and start your comment after the [/quote] it will be below my post. Does this help? [/quote]

    Yes it does thanks!
  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 130 Member

    Goal: 6000
    12/31 - 796
    1/1 - 954
    1/2 - 1002
    1/3 - 3178
    1/4 - 3033
    1/5 -
    1/6 -
  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 130 Member
    Steps: 4,635
    Rings: ✔️
    Swim: 2/2

    PW 156.6
    CW 156.4

    Lots of cravings still as a result of my crappy eating over the holidays. Yesterday, I ended up over calories. I am heading to the pool. I am still having quite a bit of pain so I will play it by ear on what I do. Definitely, will not be doing my arm weights or the front crawl.

    Have a great Friday!

    As I was reading your post I was wondering if a different stroke would help and then you mentioned that. Maybe breast stroke. I hope you don’t have any increased pain today. You are definitely inspiring me and making me excited to get started swimming on Monday! I am feeling much better but I don’t want to push my luck just yet. Have a great weekend!
  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 130 Member
    edited January 5
    jimboden3 wrote: »
    Weigh-in Day: Friday (Jan 5, 2023)
    PW: 242.1
    CW: 244.2

    So I missed last week's weigh-in as the family was out of town to attend the Cotton Bowl game in the Dallas, TX area. Terrible football game but lots of fun with having all 4 kids back with us for more than a week. I've been sick the last few days - nothing serious, just a cold but lots of work getting piled on at the start of the year so I'm glad it's Friday. I ate pretty healthy over the break other than when we were on the road but it'll be time to restart working out. My Fitbit screen is dead but it's still tracking steps, etc., I can't look at my watch to see what time it is, or when the battery is running low, so it looks like it's time to get a new one.

    Has anyone had both a Fitbit and Apple watch and favor one over the other? The Apple watch seems to have more features but it looks bulkier and is more expensive. I currently have a Fitbit Charge 5 which is pretty slim and fits easily under my shirt cuff which I prefer but I need to get something that actually works.

    You must be in Ohio State fan. As a die hard Hawkeye fan ( and this year was especially hard 🙄) and Big 10 fan, I’m sorry for your loss.

    I had a Fitbit many years ago but I definitely prefer my Apple Watch. I do like all the features that it provides for fitness and just overall! If I forget to start tracking a walk for example, after about 10 minutes it will say” it looks like you are doing a walking workout? Would you like to track it?” And then it will track including the 10 min prior when it started noticing the activity.
  • RoblinB
    RoblinB Posts: 282 Member
    @Slimmersixties Thanks being honest about how things are going. If this path was easy, we wouldn't need each other. I saw a post somewhere suggesting that we need to "learn to ride the roller coaster". I thought that was a pretty good image - in the past I have typically flown out of the car around some of the rough corners! You are still on board and already moving in the right direction! We are cheering for you!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    itladyee wrote: »
    I am happy to say that I used my home gym for 30 minutes today ...My arms are soooo sore ouchie :) off to make lemon butter halibut with cauliflower with bacon and cheese ..daughter will be having noodles with hers

    That's awesome!!!

    Thank you :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    Weigh-in Day - Friday
    SW: 256.0 (I am ashamed of that number but I am determined to get back to where I was before getting injured and having 8 surgeries)
  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 130 Member
    Weigh-in Day - Friday
    SW: 256.0 (I am ashamed of that number but I am determined to get back to where I was before getting injured and having 8 surgeries)

    Give yourself some grace. It sounds like you’ve been through quite the ordeal. As a retired nurse with 28 of those years being in the OR as the ortho team lead, those surgeries you’ve endured are not for the faint of heart. One day at a time. You already had one 30 minute day in your home gym and that’s fantastic! You are an inspiration to me. If you are still at it after everything, then there should be nothing stopping me! Have a great day!
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 825 Member
    Friday Weigh-In

    PW: 236.8
    CW: 236.6 (I'll take it lol)

    Goal: 6,000
    12/31 - 2,277
    1/1 - 2,256
    1/2 - 7,145
    1/3 - 6,061
    1/4 - 6,952

    I'm thinking about changing my weigh in day. When I weigh in the day after strength training, I tend to go up.....not doing anything official yet, but I'm thinking about it. I'll keep you posted :)
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,363 Member
    Friday Weigh-In
    PW: 223.6
    CW: 221.6

    Motto: 🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!

    Recap: Another morning where my motto got me going. I did hit snooze one time though!

    - THOUGHTS: Your body keeps an accurate journal, regardless of what you write down 🙂

    Step Challenge - Goal 8500
    12/31 - 18,504
    1/1 14,231
    1/2 6,138 - travel day and lost 2 hours with the time change. I really want to get back to averaging 10k a day. 🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!
    1/3 8, 314 - I did look and got another 200 hundred steps. When I was in my home, there was more room to walk or I'd jump on my treadmill. Got to do better getting the steps in earlier.
    1/4 7,600 - I need to go back to Vegas :)

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Starting - 223.6 (12/29/2023)
    1/5 221.6
    Total 2.00
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,363 Member
    Friday weigh in

    Firstly i must apologise to all the team as my gain is going to be so bad for this months figures!

    Pw: 176lb
    Cw: 191.6lb

    I didn't weigh in last week as i had a huge gain (19.6lb )and i was too ashamed😢
    The maths said I'd have to eat over 8000 calories a day to gain all that weight and there is no way that happened!
    The number is what it is and I've actually lost 5lb since Tuesday :)
    Let's hope it come off as quick as it went on!

    Hang in there... and no apology needed. There will always be ups and downs's not linear. Were you tracking during this time? That always helps me. Another thing about weight loss/gain...we never know what our bodies are actually doing sometimes....stay the course and you will be back on track in no time!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    rainyrae wrote: »
    Weigh-in Day - Friday
    SW: 256.0 (I am ashamed of that number but I am determined to get back to where I was before getting injured and having 8 surgeries)

    Give yourself some grace. It sounds like you’ve been through quite the ordeal. As a retired nurse with 28 of those years being in the OR as the ortho team lead, those surgeries you’ve endured are not for the faint of heart. One day at a time. You already had one 30 minute day in your home gym and that’s fantastic! You are an inspiration to me. If you are still at it after everything, then there should be nothing stopping me! Have a great day!

    Thank you so much :)
  • myhands4God
    myhands4God Posts: 128 Member
    rainyrae wrote: »
    jimboden3 wrote: »
    Weigh-in Day: Friday (Jan 5, 2023)
    PW: 242.1
    CW: 244.2

    So I missed last week's weigh-in as the family was out of town to attend the Cotton Bowl game in the Dallas, TX area. Terrible football game but lots of fun with having all 4 kids back with us for more than a week. I've been sick the last few days - nothing serious, just a cold but lots of work getting piled on at the start of the year so I'm glad it's Friday. I ate pretty healthy over the break other than when we were on the road but it'll be time to restart working out. My Fitbit screen is dead but it's still tracking steps, etc., I can't look at my watch to see what time it is, or when the battery is running low, so it looks like it's time to get a new one.

    Has anyone had both a Fitbit and Apple watch and favor one over the other? The Apple watch seems to have more features but it looks bulkier and is more expensive. I currently have a Fitbit Charge 5 which is pretty slim and fits easily under my shirt cuff which I prefer but I need to get something that actually works.

    You must be in Ohio State fan. As a die hard Hawkeye fan ( and this year was especially hard 🙄) and Big 10 fan, I’m sorry for your loss.

    I had a Fitbit many years ago but I definitely prefer my Apple Watch. I do like all the features that it provides for fitness and just overall! If I forget to start tracking a walk for example, after about 10 minutes it will say” it looks like you are doing a walking workout? Would you like to track it?” And then it will track including the 10 min prior when it started noticing the activity.

    I have both Apple watch and Fitbit watch. I describe them best as--An apple watch is a great smart watch with good activity tracking. Fitbit is a good activity tracker with smart watch features. I put on my old Fitbit today and I found that I actually like my apple watch better. Both of them you can connect with friends and encourage and challenge each other.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    I have had both. I had no luck with fitbits as they would stop working. I swear Fitbit’s just didn’t like me. I do love my Apple Watch. I actually like the size. I can read my text so easy. I don’t find it bulky or heavy. I love all the information you get in the health app. The badges are motivating to get you working out. They have monthly badges, limited editions and lots others. I got one that has cellular so I am able to make a call if I forget my phone. I use the Apple wallet. It makes it easy to pay without taking my wallet out of my purse. Yes I can be lazy. I love that it counts my laps when I’m swimming. There are a ton of workouts you can select. I really only use swimming, water fitness and other. I have had my Apple Watch for over 2 years with not really any issues. Usually if there is a problem it’s the operator not the watch. You can also do challenges with friends. I haven’t used this feature as I have no friends. lol Just kidding, I don’t have friends that have an Apple Watch. I did love the challenges in the Fitbit but I believe they don’t have them anymore. The other thing that really like is the rings. There is an move, exercise and stand ring. I try to close my rings each day.

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    edited January 5
    I am excited we just got a Sprouts and Aldi store here ... daughter and I are going to go check out Aldi today they have a lot of keto things ...I am also going to try organic due to having headaches and migraines a lot lately .. I am excited to see what I can do in 2024
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    I am excited we just got a Sprouts and Aldi store here ... daughter and I are going to go check out Aldi today they have a lot of keto things ...I am also going to try organic due to having headaches and migraines a lot lately .. I am excited to see what I can do in 2024

    Was not impressed with Aldi and no they don't have a lot of keto stuff and if you want a cart you will need to pay a quarter but I absolutely love sprouts ..this will be my new store
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,910 Member

    PW: 164.8
    CW: 162.8
This discussion has been closed.