Downsizers Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 130 Member

    Goal: 6000
    12/31 - 796
    1/1 - 954
    1/2 - 1002
    1/3 - 3178
    1/4 - 3033
    1/5 - 2497
    1/6 -


    PW: 203.5
    CW: 200.5

    So close to onederland! Haven’t been there in soooooo long!
  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 130 Member
    I am excited we just got a Sprouts and Aldi store here ... daughter and I are going to go check out Aldi today they have a lot of keto things ...I am also going to try organic due to having headaches and migraines a lot lately .. I am excited to see what I can do in 2024

    Was not impressed with Aldi and no they don't have a lot of keto stuff and if you want a cart you will need to pay a quarter but I absolutely love sprouts ..this will be my new store

    You know that you get your quarter back right?
    I like Aldi for some things like canned goods and produce is much less expensive. However they do not have all the produce that I like to buy either. I always go to two stores when I shop for groceries. I don’t know what a sprouts is but what I wish we had here is Trader Joe’s. Love that store!
  • jimboden3
    jimboden3 Posts: 317 Member
    @rainyrae - Yes, we're big buckeye fans as we have 2 kids that attend Ohio State. Our oldest daughter is back getting her 2nd degree - this time in music education (her passion) but she was in the Marching band (French horn) and loved it. Her brother is a junior and is also in the Marching band (he plays the Sousaphone (tuba) and looking forward to 'dotting the I" next year.

    @rainyrae, @myhands4God, @lindamtuck2018
    Thanks everyone for the feedback on the Apple Watch vs. Fitbit - greatly appreciated!
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,910 Member
    @rainyrae So close you can taste it. You got this!


    @megan_smartiepants1970 Your never quit attitude helps us all; with all that you have been through - most of us would have just said I'm done. I hope you know that you are an inspiration to us all.

    @lindamtuck2018 Do they have water aerobics at your pool; I have read that the benefits for seniors are numerous. As for lunches - I hard boil a few eggs and cook up some chicken breast and keep on hand in the fridge. I usually add to a salad for lunch (or some tuna), but sometimes when I don't feel like making a salad just eat them as is (with some cottage cheese - but I know that you don't like the milky creamy stuff).
  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 130 Member
    iLive2Walk wrote: »
    @rainyrae So close you can taste it. You got this!


    @megan_smartiepants1970 Your never quit attitude helps us all; with all that you have been through - most of us would have just said I'm done. I hope you know that you are an inspiration to us all.

    @lindamtuck2018 Do they have water aerobics at your pool; I have read that the benefits for seniors are numerous. As for lunches - I hard boil a few eggs and cook up some chicken breast and keep on hand in the fridge. I usually add to a salad for lunch (or some tuna), but sometimes when I don't feel like making a salad just eat them as is (with some cottage cheese - but I know that you don't like the milky creamy stuff).

  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 510 Member
    SW 270
    PW 176
    CW 179

    Yikes 😳 was not expecting that especially since I felt I was doing better this week. Maybe it’s like loss going weeks with minimal change then woosh. I guess all the holiday treats caught up with me. I’m still in shock I’m up so much this week. Old me would say why bother and eat everything in sight. New me is reviewing the past week to understand why🤷‍♀️dusting myself off to keep pushing. Happy Weekending!
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 510 Member
    rainyrae wrote: »
    I am excited we just got a Sprouts and Aldi store here ... daughter and I are going to go check out Aldi today they have a lot of keto things ...I am also going to try organic due to having headaches and migraines a lot lately .. I am excited to see what I can do in 2024

    Was not impressed with Aldi and no they don't have a lot of keto stuff and if you want a cart you will need to pay a quarter but I absolutely love sprouts ..this will be my new store

    You know that you get your quarter back right?
    I like Aldi for some things like canned goods and produce is much less expensive. However they do not have all the produce that I like to buy either. I always go to two stores when I shop for groceries. I don’t know what a sprouts is but what I wish we had here is Trader Joe’s. Love that store!

    TJs is my favorite too! Miss having one close by. I do like Aldi for basic produce and sprouts is great with better prices than Whole Foods but I always get sucked into buying too much new “healthy” packaged stuff.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    edited January 6
    rainyrae wrote: »
    Steps: 4,635
    Rings: ✔️
    Swim: 2/2

    PW 156.6
    CW 156.4

    Lots of cravings still as a result of my crappy eating over the holidays. Yesterday, I ended up over calories. I am heading to the pool. I am still having quite a bit of pain so I will play it by ear on what I do. Definitely, will not be doing my arm weights or the front crawl.

    Have a great Friday!

    As I was reading your post I was wondering if a different stroke would help and then you mentioned that. Maybe breast stroke. I hope you don’t have any increased pain today. You are definitely inspiring me and making me excited to get started swimming on Monday! I am feeling much better but I don’t want to push my luck just yet. Have a great weekend!

    Yes, yesterday I stuck to breast stroke and a few laps on my back. Not back crawl but a stroke that I am not sure what it’s called. I don’t due a proper whip kick when swimming because of my knee replacement but it gets me down the pool. Somet days it’s easier to deal with pain than others. I find it a little easier when I am not depressed but surprisingly I came out of my depression just before Christmas but seem to be still struggling with dealing with the pain. Maybe time to rptalk to the therapist who helped me a few years ago with pain management again. Take your time pushing yourself to exercise until you fully get on your feet. I hope you are back to a 100% soon. Also, what is your favourite stroke to do? Breast stroke has always been mine.
    RoblinB wrote: »
    @Slimmersixties Thanks being honest about how things are going. If this path was easy, we wouldn't need each other. I saw a post somewhere suggesting that we need to "learn to ride the roller coaster". I thought that was a pretty good image - in the past I have typically flown out of the car around some of the rough corners! You are still on board and already moving in the right direction! We are cheering for you!

    Love the analogies. I have flown out of the car a few times but the driver(this team, mfp) backed up and put me back in. I never stayed on a weight loss plan for this long. I owe it all to this amazing team.
    Weigh-in Day - Friday
    SW: 256.0 (I am ashamed of that number but I am determined to get back to where I was before getting injured and having 8 surgeries)

    Never be ashamed. I am proud of you for getting back to your journey.
    Friday Weigh-In

    PW: 236.8
    CW: 236.6 (I'll take it lol)

    Goal: 6,000
    12/31 - 2,277
    1/1 - 2,256
    1/2 - 7,145
    1/3 - 6,061
    1/4 - 6,952

    I'm thinking about changing my weigh in day. When I weigh in the day after strength training, I tend to go up.....not doing anything official yet, but I'm thinking about it. I'll keep you posted :)

    I was in the .2 club this week also. Sometimes we can breath a sigh of relief at maintaining or a very small weight loss! If you want to try a different day for a week or two we can move you back if you don’t like it. I tried moving to Wednesdays a few months ago and moved back 2 weeks later. We are very flexible.

    itladyee wrote: »
    Friday Weigh-In
    PW: 223.6
    CW: 221.6

    Motto: 🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!

    Recap: Another morning where my motto got me going. I did hit snooze one time though!

    - THOUGHTS: Your body keeps an accurate journal, regardless of what you write down 🙂

    Step Challenge - Goal 8500
    12/31 - 18,504
    1/1 14,231
    1/2 6,138 - travel day and lost 2 hours with the time change. I really want to get back to averaging 10k a day. 🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!
    1/3 8, 314 - I did look and got another 200 hundred steps. When I was in my home, there was more room to walk or I'd jump on my treadmill. Got to do better getting the steps in earlier.
    1/4 7,600 - I need to go back to Vegas :)

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Starting - 223.6 (12/29/2023)
    1/5 221.6
    Total 2.00

    Great loss! I love your motto by the way. My apartment is a great layout for doing loops but if we had taken the other apartment we looked at, it would be difficult. A few people in the building do laps in the hall and even use the stairs as part of their walks. I should use the hall but I live in my pjs unless I have to go somewhere and I am too cozy to get dressed.
    I am excited we just got a Sprouts and Aldi store here ... daughter and I are going to go check out Aldi today they have a lot of keto things ...I am also going to try organic due to having headaches and migraines a lot lately .. I am excited to see what I can do in 2024

    Was not impressed with Aldi and no they don't have a lot of keto stuff and if you want a cart you will need to pay a quarter but I absolutely love sprouts ..this will be my new store

    For That’s to bad they don’t carry the things you like. I never heard of going organic for headaches. Thankfully for the most part the injections the pain specialist gives me in my head and neck seem to help. My next step will be to get Botox. Maybe if I do the doctor can but a few extra in to help with my wrinkles. 😂
    iLive2Walk wrote: »

    PW: 164.8
    CW: 162.8

    Fantastic loss! You are certainly recovering from the holidays. My cravings are bad since the holidays. What were your strategies you get back your healthy eating plan?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    rainyrae wrote: »

    Goal: 6000
    12/31 - 796
    1/1 - 954
    1/2 - 1002
    1/3 - 3178
    1/4 - 3033
    1/5 - 2497
    1/6 -


    PW: 203.5
    CW: 200.5

    So close to onederland! Haven’t been there in soooooo long!

    First of all, amazing loss! I can’t wait to celebrate your arrival in onderland. It’s a beautiful place and feels great to get there. I believe I treated myself to a pedicure when I reached onderland.
    NouveauRee wrote: »
    SW 270
    PW 176
    CW 179

    Yikes 😳 was not expecting that especially since I felt I was doing better this week. Maybe it’s like loss going weeks with minimal change then woosh. I guess all the holiday treats caught up with me. I’m still in shock I’m up so much this week. Old me would say why bother and eat everything in sight. New me is reviewing the past week to understand why🤷‍♀️dusting myself off to keep pushing. Happy Weekending!

    I think the new me as a great strategy to move forward.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    Steps: 13.062
    Rings: ✔️
    Swim: 3/2

    I had to recheck the math on my conversion for my steps. It was correct. I am trying to increase my pool time. I am going to change my walking goal. I am making the walk as minimum of 3 times per week instead of everyday. Pain is more tolerable today so I will have to see how I am after grocery shopping No pool today but I plan on going tomorrow morning.

    Enjoy your Saturday!

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    No they don’t offer aerobics at the pool. I did want to go to one at the pool I used to use before Covid but it was only offered during the day. I don’t have a car available and I spend enough on Uber to get to my appointments. I definitely find it hard to stomach cottage cheese. I am going to use some of the strategies you guys suggested. Thanks.
  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 130 Member

    Breast stroke is my favorite too although I feel like I get a better workout with front crawl. I like to alternate between front crawl, breast stroke, and back crawl all in the same session. I feel like that way I’m working my muscles in different ways much like doing different exercises with free weights.
  • aneedlecraft
    aneedlecraft Posts: 181 Member
    Belated Thursday check-in
    PW: 315
    CW: 318
    Back to work & school next week.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    rainyrae wrote: »
    I am excited we just got a Sprouts and Aldi store here ... daughter and I are going to go check out Aldi today they have a lot of keto things ...I am also going to try organic due to having headaches and migraines a lot lately .. I am excited to see what I can do in 2024

    Was not impressed with Aldi and no they don't have a lot of keto stuff and if you want a cart you will need to pay a quarter but I absolutely love sprouts ..this will be my new store

    You know that you get your quarter back right?
    I like Aldi for some things like canned goods and produce is much less expensive. However they do not have all the produce that I like to buy either. I always go to two stores when I shop for groceries. I don’t know what a sprouts is but what I wish we had here is Trader Joe’s. Love that store!

    I didn't have any money on me so I just put my stuff in a bag that I brought ....I still wasn't impress.. Sprouts is an organic store ..I am going that route to see if my headaches/migraines will get better

  • RoblinB
    RoblinB Posts: 282 Member
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    PW: 163.4
    CW: 163.1
  • RoblinB
    RoblinB Posts: 282 Member
    NouveauRee wrote: »
    Old me would say why bother and eat everything in sight. New me is reviewing the past week to understand why🤷‍♀️dusting myself off to keep pushing.
    I absolutely admire this skill you are developing! Go, new you!! <3

  • RoblinB
    RoblinB Posts: 282 Member
    itladyee wrote: »
    I can't wait to melt all this fat and find this amazing body under it!🙂
    I smiled last week when you wrote this, @itladyee, and wanted to do the same. I was finally back at the office this week post holidays (I go in two days per week and otherwise work from home) and went down to the fitness centre for an hour at the end of the day (this has been my usual over the past few months). It is a very basic set up, super cheap membership, and only a few folks ever use it. Usually I wear long sweatpants but that day I had grabbed a pair of shorts before running out the door in the morning. Hopped on the recumbent bike and actually gasped at my reflection (yes, mirrors all around) when I started pedalling. Whose hamstrings are those??!! How does one receive a leg transplant and not know it??? I have cycled off and on for many years, but I cannot remember this degree of definition before (or maybe I am just more willing to look for it now. I have previously been pretty mirror-avoidant!)

    Now, just to find those missing abs! That will be the ultimate surprise for me! ;)

    Regardless, just wanted to share this unexpected NSV and encourage you as you "don't think about it, just do it!" Hope you soon surprise yourself real good, too! :)

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,229 Member
    The January Week 2 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin tomorrow, Sunday, Jan 7th. Get in, get your name on the list and then, the mystery begins!!! Should make for a fun, FUN week! See you there!

    Here's your link:

    Jessica :smiley:
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,946 Member

    PW: 143.2 pounds
    CW: 141.2 pounds

    Just re-losing weight I keep re-gaining.
    Trying to get back to 140.3 which is what I was on Nov. 11th.
This discussion has been closed.