Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - APRIL 2024



  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 397 Member
    Glucose reading today of 261 due to meds taken for pneumonia today. I have increased water intake and still up. Taking it easy today. Ready for this sickness to be over. Still have a rough cough.and tiredness. Pray for your pal.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    WEIGH-INS STILL NEEDED: @Jactop @Divya365
    Reminder for tomorrow to weigh in to the following: @askewcr @tfelts147

    @trooworld That's a good plan with the chart. LOL I'm excited for you to smell the mint, I'm happy it sprouted the one time I tried growing mint from seed it didn't grow and was very frustrating. Thank you. There IS never enough money I get that feeling. I'm glad you were under calories even though the Cheetos interfered. I hope your back feels better.

    Question answer- I'm ok, feeling stagnant and stuck. Worried I'll never get my body to heal at all at this point which is scary as my feet are worse every day.

    @laurelfit57 Oh no I'm sorry you're one experiencing trouble finding the right medication dose and hope you get to a better place. That's interesting about Ty, my brother's dog is like that too and the Halti helps a lot. Ty's face looks a little sad with it on! I'm glad you're still checking in you're doing better than you think I'm sure plus we love hearing from you and seeing your pups!

    @sleepygirl79 Hang in there May is right around the corner! That stinks about your lunch being shortened, I'm sorry. Yay for long walks!

    @askewcr Yikes at least you know it will go back down once you're off them, I know it's still scary to see those high numbers. Sending prayers your way you're feeling better soon.

    Hi team! Just got back from going to negotiate a deal at Lowe's for our project next month, we got half off the mulch we're using if we get it tomorrow so we're going to need a big caravan as we're getting 150 bags. Luckily the backyard we're doing has a side yard we can store it all in for the next two weeks as I'd offered to store it in my garage and still have moths in the house from last year's military care package postal boxes. I talked to the homeowner earlier and she's real excited which makes all the hassles worth it. I have a meeting tonight about the day of the event then am getting dirt from Lowe's curbside so I'd better go empty my car, water the garden, and eat. Doing good with food and logging today. Have a great Thursday!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    GRRRRRRRR!!!!! It is just not fair. I made a long post earlier. A little ranting, a little venting, a little encouragement and some catching up. I came back on, and it is gone. This app is against me. Maybe it will like me tomorrow. Hopefully this will post.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,973 Member
    Good morning Slims!

    It's good to be home. Back to real life. Rich and I both still have colds, but it feels like mine is breaking up. We got a good night's sleep in our own bed, and we're going out to breakfast since we have no food in the house.

    My cat sitter is an idiot. I won't use her again. I have a lock box for the house keys. My instructions for the last day were for her to put the keys in the box, spin the numbers so the box is locked, and then lock the box onto the door knob with the u-bolt. I left the box open and apart (the u-bolt just clicks into the top of the box, around the door knob). Well, I guess she played around with the box and put the u-bolt on it, and then couldn't figure out how to get it off again. So she couldn't put it on the doorknob. I was a the airport, and she was texting me (after I'd told her the night before that she would not be able to reach me) and she was asking what to do with the keys since she couldn't use the lockbox. I told her there is a lever inside the lock box that releases the u-bolt. She wasn't texting me back. Then, I got another text telling me that she couldn't get the bolt to release so she put the keys in the lock box and put it under the driver's side seat of my car. I said OK. I get home, and she had LOCKED the car. Apparently it didn't occur to her that I didn't have the car keys with me, and those house keys to get in. Fortunately, I had given my boss a spare key to my house (she was my back-up plan in case something happened to the cat sitter while I was away). And since it was my boss who brought us home, we were able to get in.

    I attempted to go to the store when we got home last night, but my car battery was dead. I got a jump start and let it run for 45 minutes. I'm hoping it will start this morning without a jump. I will take it back to Honda to get the battery replaced. It was a 100-month warranty on the battery and I bought it 4 years ago, so I ought to be getting a new battery for about 1/2 price.

    I came home to find that my cat Earl is suffering from his skin allergies again, so I'll also have to phone the vet today. I really don't want to have to bring him in for them to examine him; it's the same thing as always. But they usually give him steroids and I really want them to suggest something else.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @laurelfit57 Thinking of you and your pups.

    @askewcr Sending good thoughts your way.

    @Katmary71 It's barely there, I am hoping it really grows soon. Thanks, my back does feel better! re: your answer to the question...I'm really sorry, that's a big worry. I hope you are worrying for nothing. Wow, good job negotiating half off!

    @19shmoo69 Aww, Darren, that sucks!

    @micaroo4 Sorry about the cat sitter, that would make me mad. I hope you can get your battery replaced today. Poor Earl.

    Hi all. I got into the cheese popcorn again last night but I purposefully put it in a bowl instead of mindlessly eating out of the bag. So, progress. Today, we have a "world heritage potluck" at work. I am bringing Hungarian goulash. It is more of a soup than a stew (the stewy type is a different style I guess? This one is supposed to be more authentic). Since it will be hard to track, I pretracked 500 cals for the potluck.

    No Zero Days: Tracked honestly, was under my calorie goal, drank 72 oz of water.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 263 Member
    @Veta2018 Almond Joys are my favorite candy bar! I need those Atkins bars!! :D It does sound like you have a lot going on and it sounds like you and your husband have a great relationship. Not every couple works well together.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I pray that Michael stops with the drama and lets Hunter have Byron. Why do these idiots try to hurt their kids by hurting the mom? My sister and I are trying to figure out how to get my niece into a new house over by where I live. We found one that could be perfect. Please pray we can get it and get her free from her toxic jerk. 😕And I do remember how Hunter likes to snack. You have to be strong. Have her keep her snacks away from you, and remember that it only leaves you upset when you cave. You can do it! <3

    @Katmary71 I don’t think I agree with your nutritionist on all oils. Buy a good quality avocado oil and stay away from junk oils like corn and vegetable oil. Ghee is great! I use it all the time, too. And I did use lard back in the day but haven’t in years. It makes great fried potatoes!! :D

    @trooworld Cheeto popcorn! Girl, that is a temptation and a half. Good job staying under your calorie goal. :)

    @laurelfit57 I hope you can get your medication right so you can get your rest. Ty is giving you the stinkeye! :D

    @aksewcr Prayers that you heal and recover. I had pneumonia several years ago, and I remember that cough. ☹️

    Good morning! I'm sorry I didn’t write yesterday, but the pastor called me with a list of things he wanted, and I had to spend much of yesterday working on the list. The worst is that he doesn’t think our church Google calendar is enough and wants me to get one of those large desk calendars and write everything on it so we can see it at our staff meetings. My idea of us pulling up our calendars on our phones didn’t seem like a good idea to him. 🙄 I haven’t had the brain width to watch the second Mel Robbin video, but I plan to do that today. I just have to control my current season 10 Hell’s Kitchen addiction. I have never watched a season with that many nasty people. It’s great!! :D

    DISCUSSION QUESTION OF THE WEEK (sorry it's late!): How are you, really? What are you worrying about that you can let go of?

    I’m stressed but trying to turn it over to God and trust that he will get us through. My niece has to get rid of her good-for-nothing baby daddy once and for all. There is a house near us that we want to move her to and get her to. right now, she is 20 minutes away, and it's such a pain for my sister to drive back and forth every day. Plus, this guy won't leave, which I knew would happen. It will cost me a lot of money, but it has to be done to protect those babies! Sometimes, I really miss my old life when Joe took care of me, and I had no family to be responsible for. :/
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 397 Member
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    PW: 249.5

    I feel a little better today. My sugar is 191 so it's on it's way down. Whew! Thanks for all the well wishes. Have a wonderful day Pals! B)
  • Divya365
    Divya365 Posts: 95 Member
    Username: Divya365
    Weigh-in day: Wednesday
    PW: 142.8

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,973 Member
    DISCUSSION QUESTION OF THE WEEK (sorry it's late!): How are you, really? What are you worrying about that you can let go of?

    I have been very stressed out, feeling like I have to take care of everything, and fix everything that goes wrong for everyone in my life. I really need to let that go. If it's not my problem, then it's not my problem...I don't need to take it on, just because someone tells me their problem. I need to let others figure out their own solutions.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    Hi friends! Want to get the weigh-in update going in case I can't get on later.

    Reminder for tomorrow's weigh-in to the following: @Cornanda @davors19 @trooworld @ninyagwa
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    @trooworld A photo appt is the appt for listing pictures. We had to use a different photographer as my team has signed on to some trial program to boost our listings and we have to use THEIR photographer.

    @TeresaW2024 The new photographer wasn’t a bad human, just not great at the job, he missed some key features of the home and had to go back and take more photos. I used to really trust the place that worked on my car before, and all of the guys that work there are super friendly, it’s just that they haven’t been great at making good repairs so I stopped going there after the oil filter incident. Congrats on the loss!

    @txcritter69 I do hope you share before and after photos of the cabinets! I am fascinated by rehab before and after shots!

    @Veta2018 I appreciated the photo too! Sounds like you have a lot of projects going on, I hope you’re able to tackle them all!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 You’re doing a great job of being a support person! I hope you are able to settle into living together in a way that brings you both peace of mind.

    @Katmary71 ewww….maybe you can find a nutritionist who does vegetarian options, I’m not vegan but eating animal fat just to add fat sounds gross. That’s great that you were able to negotiate that great discount!

    @laurelfit57 She looks like she is not about that Halti life! Lol

    @sleepygirl79 I hope things slow down to a more manageable pace for you soon. I know what it’s like too!
    @askewcr Take care, hope you feel better soon.
    @19shmoo69 The app was having a tough day yesterday, the site didn’t exist for a while!
    @micaroo4 Welcome back to New Hampshire…where it’s er….sunnyish? It’s always nice to be home after a holiday, makes you appreciate your routine more I think.

    How are you, really? What are you worrying about that you can let go of?
    I’m overwhelmed, and as much as I love my husband, when I have to remind him 3 times to pay the electric bill, and the third time is because we get a shut off notice it makes me nuts! We have the money, he just doesn’t make the payment! I’m not sure I’m able to let go of stuff…
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,973 Member
    @ninyagwa - I've got one at home just like yours! He's got the money, but he doesn't like to sit down and write a check to pay the bill. Aaargh! I feel the frustration! As for my guy, his excuse now is that he's run out of checks. Well buddy, go to the bank and order more. Has he done it yet? Of course not! And THAT is why we have separate accounts. The household bills are paid. It's only his personal shiitake that isn't.
  • tfelts147
    tfelts147 Posts: 45 Member
    Username: tfelts147
    PW: 227.6
    CW: 228.2

    Slight gain but I will take it....
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good morning Slims!!!!

    I'm thinking the question was about worries we cannot let go of.
    My worries are my wife's health, the bills and several things need fixed. I'm not a fixer and I'm broke. It would be different if prices in general were lower.

    Ice breaker question

    Who would be the first celebrity guest in your very own talk show?

    I think mine would be John Cooper from the band Skillet.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,114 Member
    Friday weigh in
    CW: 178.3

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    PW: 245.4
    CW: 243.8

    -1.6 lbs
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @TeresaW2024 I know, right? LOL I didn't get into it last night though, so there's that! LOL That's too bad he didn't like your idea about the calendar, that seemed like a good idea to me. I'm sorry your niece is in that situation. I hope you can get her moved and it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg.

    @askewcr I'm glad you are feeling a little better and your sugar is down.

    @ninyagwa Ah okay! That makes sense. I hope that the trial program helps. Oh gosh, that would drive me crazy too, if I had to remind my husband to make the electric payment!

    @19shmoo69 Is your wife making any changes to improve her health? I'm sure the visit to the hospital scared her. Tell us why you chose John Cooper.

    Icebreaker question: Who would be the first celebrity guest in your very own talk show? Hmmm...I was going to say one of my best friends as she is hilarious and has the same sense of humor as me. We laugh a lot when we are together. As far as celebrities, the former lead singer of the band Black Flag named Henry Rollins. Insightful, funny, intelligent. He'd make a good guest (he does spoken word that is like standup comedy and real-life situations, it's on YouTube if you are interested).

    Hi all. I did so-so at the potluck yesterday: there were so many interesting foods I wanted to try (it was a "world heritage potluck" so foods from your ethnic background). I took a little of what looked the best. But I overdid it on the desserts, I think. It makes me wonder if I would have had a bigger loss if I would have controlled myself more. On another note, my old neighbor died yesterday. She never took care of her health.

    No Zero Days: Tracked to the best of my ability, didn't get into the cheese popcorn, and drank 72 oz of water.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 319
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    @trooworld my wife has good days and bad. It seems her migraines are back quite often. I don't know if she's making changes. I know it sounds odd. I cannot really get into it. With that said our oldest son bought her a better exercise bike that she uses.

    When I became a Christian my wife bought me a Skillet CD. It's a bit sentimental. I've been a Skillet fan ever since. I've seen them in concert several times. It's like he's been there through my whole walks of ups and downs. I'd like to hang out with him.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    : @Jactop @davors19
    Reminder for Tomorrow for the Following: @865jessica @Digger61 @gemwolf110 @tammymccrady6278
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    DISCUSSION QUESTION OF THE WEEK: How are you, really? What are you worrying about that you can let go of?
    I feel fustraited with myself because I can't help but have some resentment towards my step son. I don't want to feel this way. Whenever my husband shares something about him, I feel irritable. I think he needs to stop helping him and let him struggle. My step son has no consequences for his actions, he's unappreciative of all we do for him, and it's never enough. He's about to have a baby and makes some really bad decisions. He bought a motorcycle and then replaced it with another and another. He does stunts and keeps wrecking and repairing them. He already broke his ankle once and I'm afraid one of these times he's going to really hurt himself. I can go on and on with complaints so I'll just stop there.

    Ice breaker question:
    Who would be the first celebrity guest in your very own talk show?

    I would choose beautiful, talented pop singer/song writer Katy Perry. She is unique, silly, and not afraid to just be herself. I seen her in 2008, when I took my oldest son to Van's Warp Tour. This was her very first tour, before she became famous. I enjoy listening to her songs "Hot&Cold", "Teenage Dream," "Fireworks," "Dark Horse," "Roar," "The one that got away" and many others.

    Well, my husband had another job offer, so he decided to not focus on his tree business and instead go back to work at the steel mill. My FIL forgot to tell us he needed a ride to a procedure to have the battery charged in his pacemaker. Yesterday, I took him. It was a long day. His appointment was at 6:30 in the morning and an hour away. I took all day because the doctor started another procedure before discharging my FIL. I was so tired when I finally got home. I made myself eat dinner before bed, because I was worried about being under 1000 calories. We haven't been working on the new house like we planned. I'm hoping we will get something done this weekend. I really need to go grocery shopping because there is nothing to eat in this house.

    💪Mission Slimpossible Strong!💪
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    @micaroo4 I'm glad you're feeling better! I'm glad your boss was able to help you get in the house. Poor Earl hopefully you'll be able to get his steroids without going in. I get that about getting too wrapped up in other's problems, it's hard not to do that.

    @trooworld Hungarian goulash sounds awesome, I've had “American” which is good too but different. How was the potluck? Just saw it went well, sounds fun! Henry Rollins is pretty fascinating, I've watched his interviews and enjoyed them. I'm so sorry to hear about your neighbor.

    @TeresaW2024 I haven't bought Ghee yet, I've been getting better butter so the switch shouldn't be too hard. I hope your niece gets rid of him too, it would be awesome if your niece could move close.

    @askewcr So glad your sugar is down that's great news!

    @ninyagwa I think I won't follow everything the nutritionist says though a new change will make that interesting (will tell in a minute below). Hugs that would be frustrating dealing with bills being forgotten.

    @19shmoo69 Understandable worries with the economy and your wife, is she doing any better? I'm sorry to hear about the migraines. I like Skillet too.

    Talk show guest: I'd pick Prince (bet @trooworld beat me to this) or Sully Erna from Godsmack (does great stuff for music, kids, and mental health with the SCARS foundation).

    Hi gang! Things went well yesterday with getting the bark to the project house thanks to a last-minute Uhaul, we're ready to go in two weeks for sure now. I posted on my feed yesterday the craziness of getting 150 bags there, I'm going to share the photo of all of us afterward with the house owner, she's loving all the excitement (she's in pink). When I asked if she'd get in the pic with us she jokingly said she'd be the poor old disabled woman who needs help. I loved her right away which is why I've been pushing this to happen, she said she's more excited than a kid at Christmas. I went to see the nutritionist/micro current specialist and talked with the boss for awhile, we've made an arrangement where I'll be helping in the office and with social media. I'm going to have to rearrange my schedule a lot but I'm excited. I also just got tickets to see Geoff Tate from Queensryche and his new band next Wednesday at a small venue with my brother, my sending him recent live performances swayed him into saying yes despite it being in the middle of the week for both of us. Have a great Saturday everyone! I'm continuing to do great with logging, glad to see many of you are doing well too! xvv8x1kq3hbx.jpg
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,973 Member
    Username: micaroo4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW: 127.8
    CW: 128.2

    Still within my goal range. Center weight 130.
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 219 Member
    Weigh in day Saturday
    PW 190
    CW 191.1

    I don’t get it …I’m now doing over 11000 steps a day and drinking close to 3L daily. Maybe it is the new job and the activity is starting to add toning and muscle. I don’t know but I’m discouraged this morning
  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 125 Member
    PW- 247.8

    I'm still working on staying within my calorie goals. I had my reassessment at PT and I'm going down to two times a week instead of three. I'm getting stronger and have a lot less pain. Slowly very slowly my left side is getting better.
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 263 Member
    edited April 20
    @trooworld I’m sorry about your neighbor dying. It’s a wake-up call for us all to take better care of our health while we have the chance. I always overdo the potluck dessert table, too. 🫤

    @Veta2018 Ugh, what a long day for you, but I’m sure your FIL appreciated you taking him. I like Katy Perry, too! When my daughter was 14, she and her best friend did a whole dance routine to Hot&Cold that they performed for us one evening. It was hilarious. :D

    @Katmary71 I would so pick Prince, too, if he was still alive! I loved him soooo much!! 💜What a great picture. The homeowner looks so happy. :) Will your new job working in the office and doing the social media pay, or will you take it out in services? I hope you love it!

    Good morning! Today is Joe and my 19th anniversary of the day we met. If you don’t know, we met on an online forum and almost immediately fell for each other. It took ten months to get our lives in order so that he could come pick me up and bring me to live in Georgia. We are going to celebrate by going to see a movie called the, “Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare.” It’s based on a true story and is supposed to be funny, witty, and action-packed. We at least hope it is! :D Afterward, we are going to dinner at a new BBQ place called Jim ‘N Nicks. It should be a fun day. :)

    Ice breaker question:
    Who would be the first celebrity guest in your very own talk show?

    Rob Lowe because he is my boyfriend! <3 We would talk about all his fantastic movie and TV roles, the Akins diet, and literally have a wonderful time together.:D
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Username: gemwolf110
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 216.9
    Today’s Weight: 217.5
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @19shmoo69 I'm sorry about her migraines, I can relate, I get them. They are hard to deal with. That's good she's using the exercise bike. Thanks for explaining Skillet. Sounds like an important group to you.

    @Veta2018 That sounds like a tough situation with your stepson. I like Katy Perry's music. That's good you ate something before you went to bed. How much more do you have to do on the new house?

    @Katmary71 It was awesome! Yes, the American one is good, too. The potluck was great: there were dishes from India, the Phillippines, England, Mexico, America, and probably more I'm forgetting. Yeah, I love Rollins. Thank you, she lived a sad life. Ooh Prince! I would love to have Prince as a guest on a talk show! That's good the bark to the project house went well. Cute picture. That's cool you are going to be helping at the clinic. Will that give you a discount on procedures/treatments? How fun to go see the guy from Queensryche. My friend liked that band.

    @tammymccrady6278 Sorry about the gain. Maybe your body is getting used to the new activity.

    @865jessica That's good news. Congrats on the loss!

    Hi all. I've got a full day ahead of me. I'm getting groceries this morning, going to a musical with a coworker at 1, and then making dinner. It's going to be busy. Have a great day!

    No Zero Days: Ate much less pizza than normal, didn't snack.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member

    @trooworld my wife bought the CD for me. I was doubtful at the time. Lol. I started to play it and immediately she hit stop. I asked her why she did that. She said listen to it. It's broke. Something is wrong with it. I had to convince her to let it play and if it didn't change or if we didn't hear singing then she could take it back. Lol. It wasn't broke.
This discussion has been closed.