Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - APRIL 2024



  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 542 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 17 of 52

    PW: 137.8
    CW: 137.8

    Happy Tuesday. I just took my computer apart and had all the dust sprayed out of it. OMG it was so bad. One of my fans is making a noise sometimes and my computer has 9 of them so I have no idea which one it is and since I don't hear all that well it will be impossible for me to figure it out. Next time it happens I will take the cover off and touch each fan. I'm making potato pancakes for my husband again today so I'm off to cook up some bacon. He loves them and is eating them 4 days a week now. The kitties are doing well, no issues at the moment. But Leo does not like to take his thyroid medication and has started hiding from me when its time. I'm having baked potato with queso cheese sauce, shrimp, cauliflower and spices today for lunch. It's one of my favorite meals.

    Never let a day go by that you don't say something nice to yourself. You are your best friend, treat yourself that way.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    : @AyaTheTyga
    Reminder to Weigh in Tomorrow for the following: @Divya365
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    @littlebabekitty You got this!

    @AustinRuadhain That's ok that weigh-in was worth the wait, woohoo!

    @megnolia82 I know what you mean about cutting back, I Googled it to see as I remember reading that's common, I feel the same way. Here's an article about it: https://www.sciencealert.com/eating-less-improves-mood-sleep-and-sex-drive-in-healthy-people-study-finds It didn't really say WHY just that it's good for us in many areas.

    Discussion Question: What activities or images come to mind when you think about self-care? For me pretty much the beauty stuff like deep condition hair, mask on face. I know it's more than that, the 4 hours I'm at the holistic clinic I'm in charge of their “self-care” program so it's wellness that nourishes us in some way and gets us to slow down a bit. I think of my baths at night as self-care.

    @trooworld Thank you for posting the question! I'm glad you're doing awesome during the week! That's tough I know it's harder with another person around and both you and your husband enjoy cooking. I'm doing two different things, claims for my brother which I've been doing for awhile. The new job is at the holistic clinic, I'm in charge of their “self-care” program where people can come in and use machines plus help with administrative work. I spent today making summaries of the different machines to put in a binder for people for quick reference. I love your self-care description and including things like vitamins and meds, I hadn't thought of that. Good call with the chiro, I think that's a great idea to do something now before it gets worse. I'm curious in the shockwave treatment helps, I hope so! I can see why you aren't fond of Mondays, hope tomorrow is less stressful.

    @TeresaW2024 Between us I'm not feeling hard kombucha is worth the extra 100 calories more than regular kombucha. I hope the orthopedist can help you and you get in soon. That's true exercise is self-care too, didn't think of that! It's one of the best things I do for my mental health.

    @AmbersWay I'm glad to hear you're getting back to exercising now, I'm sure next week will be better.

    @micaroo4 Love your definition of self care too! A cup of tea, purring cat, and book is my favorite way to end the night.

    @Divya365 Ouch I hope you're feeling better soon that sounds painful. I hear ya on sitting, I'm flared up from not being able to elevate my legs all day which sounds silly.

    @FushiaKat All that potato talk has me craving one especially with queso! LOL do you know all of Leo's hiding places? I worry about that with my cat that's skittish if he ever needs medication as he's hard to catch. You say something nice about you too, I did to myself because you reminded me.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Oh my goodness you and Hunter and food sounds stressful! I'm glad you stood up for yourself even if it made her cry, I think you did the right thing. My Dad is similar but not living together makes it easier. I came real close to throwing a bag of gingersnaps at him a few years ago when I wasn't eating sugar and said no and he came and put it by me on the couch. Makes ya want to stress eat gingersnaps or throw the bag across the room! I got up and put it back in the pantry. I can't even imagine how exhausted you are! Happy birthday to Mom! I love that picture how awesome she gets to meet her great-grandkids.

    Hi friends! I'm wiped out tonight! I can't even imagine a concert after work tomorrow, I'm so tired right now. I'm going to take a long bath and go to bed early again. Not sure of tomorrow's schedule, one of the practitioners is teaching a class when I get off work and I'd have to leave early so not sure what I'm doing yet. I'm making a binder on the self-care equipment people can do there that's about a page on each item so it's not so overwhelming. I wish I'd done this research when I had the free membership so I could've understood it more but glad I'm learning it now. I dropped off about 15 tomato plants at a plant stand and took about that to the charity president. Have a great Wednesday and maybe Thursday if I don't make it on tomorrow!
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 859 Member
    Morning check in April 24

    Good morning! Ok so I know this is silly because it’s only been a few days, but I’ve been off the wagon for… years. But I’ve been tracking religiously for the last 3 days. And I find that momentum is the most important thing so I’m going to celebrate those 3 days because what I do today is the best indicator for what I will do tomorrow.

    Here’s to an amazing day 4. And to each of you, wherever you may be on this journey - have a fantastic day! You’re amazing 😍
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @TeresaW2024 I'm glad the rain stopped but sorry it got chilly. Thank you, more on that therapy below. I did have a slightly better Tuesday! I hope you have a great day. I'm sorry it's going to cost so much money to see about your hand but I do hope they can help you. I can't wait to see what they say. What is rebounding, btw?

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Congrats on the loss! You are very welcome. :D I used to have a crush on Henry, too lol. Now, he's like a brother figure to me. Thank you. I'm glad you stood up to Hunter. That must have been hard to do. Awww, Sophie bear! She's adorable. What a great picture of the kids and your mom!

    @Divya365 Oh my gosh, you poor thing! That sounds so painful. I hope you feel better soon. Hugs.

    @Katmary71 You are welcome! That sounds like you are really busy now. That's awesome that you are working at the clinic. I think that binder will really help clients. I will talk more below, but the shockwave therapy isn't covered by my insurance. Bummer. But I may still do it. Are you going to skip the concert?

    @megnolia82 That's exciting you are cutting back on your hours. Congrats on 3 days of tracking! I love what you say here: "what I do today is the best indicator for what I will do tomorrow."

    Well, found out my insurance only covers the chiropractor, not the shockwave therapy. Apparently, hardly any insurance covers that as it is considered "experimental." I may see how much it will be if I pay out of pocket. There is evidence that it works on plantar fasciitis on 44-80% of people who receive treatment: https://www.healthline.com/health/shock-wave-therapy-for-plantar-fasciitis I am nervous about going to this appt as I am self-conscious of people touching my body while I'm so overweight.

    No Zero Days: Tracked everything, drank 72 oz of water.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What activities or images come to mind when you think about self-care?
    When I think of self-care, I imagine a Jacuzzi, Hot Tub, or Sauna. To me, self-care is pampering myself with a facial or getting my hair or nails done.

    @TeresaW2024 - I hope the orthopedist can help with your right hand.
    @Katmary71 - Glad you had successful first day at your new job. I hope you enjoy the concert.
    @FushiaKat - That baked potato sounds delicious.
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Good for you, standing up for yourself. It drives me crazy when people tell me to eat stuff when I don't want too. Happy first Birthday to Sophie! Her birthday cake is so cute. Happy 81st Birthday to your mom! You have a beautiful family.
    @Divya365 - I hope you feels better.
    @megnolia82 - Congrats on 3 days of tracking! Every day counts and that much closer to reaching your goals. Be proud!
    @trooworld - I hope that you can get shockwave treatment at a reasonable price and it is helpful.

    💪Mission Slimpossible Strong!💪
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    : @AyaTheTyga @Divya365
    Reminder to Weigh in for the Following: @askewcr @tfelts147

    @Megnolia82 Go you definitely celebrate each day and ace day 4 of taking great care of yourself!

    @trooworld Well shoot that's pretty promising results, how frustrating that it isn't covered! Maybe if you talk to them about it they'd offer a cash dicsount? Shoot that's more expensive than I realized, thanks for the link so I could read about it. Really frustrating insurance would cover a surgery but not something that could stop progression and possible issues to the rest of your body from walking with a limp.

    @Veta2018 Thank you! Funny my mind worked like yours on the self-care but thinking of it also in sticking to my eating and workout plan helps, one of those "something you HAVE to do vs something you GET to do" wording that makes a difference.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    Hi MS ..You have a new member joining your awesome team ...Please welcome @bark2j5 :)
  • Divya365
    Divya365 Posts: 95 Member
    Username: Divya365
    Weigh in Day: Wednesday
    PW. 143
    CW 142

    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What activities or images come to mind when you think about self-care?

    for me self care is doing my morning routine of meditation, gratitude journal followed by a 20 min exercise,( which I'm taking a break from till I heal) and going out for a long walk with Leo and kids.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Nice weight loss this week!! Good job sticking to the healthy food. My husband does that sometimes too. and it's so annoying. Oh My God Sophia is so cute !!! Glad her first birthday went well. Happy 81st Birthday to your Mom, she looks so happy to be surrounded by her grandkids and all.

    @Katmary71 Congrats on your new job!! Hope it's not stressful, I like your self care activities deep conditioning hair and face mask, sounds relaxing. Were you able to attend the concert ?

    @megnolia82 Congrats on tracking your food consistently.

    @trooworld Thank you for the wonderful discussion question this week. Shock Wave therapy sounds so promising, too bad it's not covered by insurance. I hope you get a discount and it relives you of your pain. Congrats on drinking 72ozs of water.

    @Veta2018 Congrats on your weight loss this week. I like the rhyme from the book. Glad you are helping out your mom with MFP, it can be frustrating.

    Hello Everyone, thank you for all your wishes. The healing is slow but I'm feeling better than last week. I'm able to do my chores as long as I don't sit, so I'm moving as much as I can to stay active. My friend gave me some impatiens flower seeds, I have not grown impatiens from seeds before, I usually buy them from Home Depot. If anyone has tried growing them from seed , please let me know if it's easy to grow them from seeds or if it's just a waste of time.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @Veta2018 Thank you, more on that below.

    @Katmary71 I know, right? He is doing other things for my foot. But more on that below.

    @bark2j5 Welcome to the team!!! Glad to have you. :D

    @Divya365 Congrats on the loss! I'm glad you liked the discussion question. :) Thank you, it's okay, he has other treatments to help. I'm glad you are feeling better than last week. I have not tried those seeds but I am growing my baby lettuce and baby beets from seeds. Good luck!

    @megnolia82 Wow, smoking day! Way to go. Have a great day today!

    Hello all. The chiropractor appt went well. I think he will really be able to help me in many ways. He explained things well and took my concerns seriously. He said I actually have two things going on with my heel: plantar fasciitis and something called fat pad syndrome (which makes it feel like I have a big bruise on my heel): https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/what-to-know-heel-fat-pad-syndrome . No wonder it hurts so much at times. He said he wouldn't even recommend shockwave treatment for me at this point until we get the fat pad syndrome under control as I wouldn't feel a difference. He gave me some exercises to do for my back and neck area and I will see him twice a week at first (this is how he treats people with plantar fasciitis) and then taper down. Tonight, we are going out to eat with my sister-in-law to a good steak house. I will most likely get the filet mignon.

    No Zero Days: Tracked everything, drank 72 oz of water.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 397 Member
    Username: askewcr
    Weigh in Day: Thursday
    PW. 249.5
    CW 250.5

    I continue to feel better. My sugar this morning is 163 which is a great improvement. I plan to go back to water aerobics next week. Hopefully that will get my numbers to trending back down like they were. Thanks for all the well wishes and encouragement! Let's go get it!! B)
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 263 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 HaHa, I just told Joe last night that I never bat an eye to getting a good hotel or even dropping a lot of money for my dog, but heaven forbid I spend that kind of money on my own health. :D Good for you for having it out with Hunter about respecting your wishes on what you want to eat. It might take a few times, but she will get it. :) Happy birthday, little Sophie and your mom!! <3

    @Katmary71 How many hours a week are you working now? I hope you don’t overdo it and that you keep your health a priority. That binder sounds like it will be beneficial for people. :)

    @trooworld Rounding is jumping on a mini trampoline. One of the benefits is that it drains the lymphatic system, which flushes toxins out of the body. It works your muscles and improves bone density, balance, and more! I am following a trainer who specializes in older women called Earth & Owl. I love it!! :) That is great that the chiropractor appt went well! Hopefully, he will give you some relief and help your pain. That is interesting about fat pad syndrome. I have never heard of it but the article seems to think there are things you can do to improve. Good luck! :)

    Good morning! So, my doctor’s appointment ended up with me spending over $600 for the visit, X-rays, and a steroid shot. Why that shot cost so much is beyond me!! 🙄 I do have damaged tendons, and getting the shot gives me the best chance of healing. If in four months it isn’t improved then we will have to consider surgery. I really don’t want to do that!! 😳I plan to wear my brace as much as possible and can’t lift anything heavier than a coffee cup for the next week. In other news, I’m home today and will do my rebounding workout and a little housework. I had a staff meeting last night and a ton of stuff to do at my computer. Have a good day!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    Welcome @bark2j5 !
    @Divya365 - I've grown impatiens from seeds. I grow all my plants from seeds. Then, later the ones that didn't grow I buy. I grow them in hanging baskets and planters. It's important they get lots of sun and watered regularly.
    @megnolia82 - You're doing great!
    @askewcr - High-five to getting it done and feeling better. Let's go get it!

    I've been bringing my plants in at night. I'm sad because I forgot to bring them in the house last night and it was cold. I woke up to frost this morning. I hope I didn't lose everything.

    💪Mission Slimpossible Strong!💪
  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 205 Member
    Hopping on! Dare I say I think spring is here?! We have a had a few cool mornings and evenings but actually had to break out the shorts yesterday!
    Today I’m doing a heart stress test to see if there’s a reason I’m getting out of breath so easily. I want to get back into running while it’s warming up, but this is seriously holding me back. I’m afraid people will just see me as out of shape because of my size, but I’ve run since 2020 in warm weather and my size hasn’t changed much at all. For now, no hill walks.
    Hope everyone is doing well. Nice to see people getting plants in. Around here, late May is the magic time to avoid frost.
    Take care!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,230 Member
    @Katmary71 – YES! It is so frustrating when our family members keep pushing food on us like they’re drug dealers. Although now you have me wanting a gingersnap and some tea LOLs. My mom has one other grandchild (my niece, Kalyn) that lives in Colorado, so unfortunately I don’t see everyone being together again. Last time was 2 years ago when my son got married. My mom was super surprised, tho, so it was really cute :) I swear…for someone having so many aches and pains, you sure don’t let that stop you! I’m exhausted just READING about everything you do!
    @megnolia82 – Your plan to cut back on your work hours next year is fantastic. Here’s hoping you’ll be able to relax and do those few things you have planned and you are able to have some actual down time. Cheers to momentum – you are kicking BUTT!
    @trooworld – Fingers, toes and eyes crossed that this doctor can do some good for you!
    @Veta2018 – Thanks :) Fun fact – the door on the Fairy cake is actually another cookie! I hope your plants survived the night. I had to scrape the frost off my windshield this morning. Made me 5 minutes late to work. Good thing my boss was even later!
    @Divya365 – I agree – Sophie is super cute! Looking just like her dad :) And my mother was so beyond thrilled to spend the extra time with all of my progeny :) So glad to hear you’re feeling a little better!
    @TeresaW2024 – Ouch for that $600, but at least you seemed to get a lot out of it!
    @sleepygirl79 – I hope the stress test went good. Enjoy the spring weather!

    I am pretty proud of myself for managing to continue losing weight while dealing with all the family stressors going on. Yesterday I would’ve finished under calories, but I made a conscious decision to have a bag of popcorn. Took me over calories, but still slightly below maintenance. I thought about it, weighed my pros and cons, and decided I wanted it. And I savored every piece, one by one.

    I’m about to skedaddle out of work in a few…I’d like to go home and do some stamping. You have no idea how far behind I am with just Birthday cards since Oliver won’t let me stamp. But, he is quite cute…how can I tell this face no?

    I hope everyone has a fantastic evening! Make good choices and drink your water!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    Thuesday Ice Breaker Question

    What’s your favorite type of day? (weather, temp, etc.)

    Mine is full sun, 100 degree plus weather. I have a hard time gauging heat. I can feel warmth but i cannot tell how warm. My wife has to watch out for me. Where i used to work i would clock out and then go run 3 miles before going home. I remember one day i had finished my run and my wife is calling me. She asked me where are you? I said i am at the park. She asked why i was there. I said doing what i have done for years, i stop here to run. She said OH MY GOODNESS!!!!DARREN IT IS 115 DEGREES OUTSIDE AND YOU STOPPED TO RUN?!?! I reminded her that i cannot feel heat like most people and that no one at work said it was hot. We now agree if i feel warmth then i ask if it is too hot to run or if she says it is hot then i don't ask to run.

    With that said please stay hydrated even it means you have to pee all the time or your eyeballs will float.

    An example of proper hydration is a 200 pound person needs to drink 100 ounces of good clean water daily at rest.

    If you need a hydration recipe holler i have one i can share.

    I think you all an AWESOME group of people.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What activities or images come to mind when you think about self-care?

    Sorry so late answering this. To be honest i was going to pass on this. I do not fully understand self-care. I am almost always worrying. over-thinking, or worrying about overthinking, over-thinking about worrying, feeling guilty about both and definitely praying about all that and more.
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 859 Member
    Hold me back!!! I want a snack!!

    I had another amazing day today. Although my projected 5 week weight is up a couple
    Pounds from yesterday. The difference is I walked 75 minutes yesterday and only 30 today.

    I had a tough few minutes wanting to eat something - not out of real hunger. Out of that mouth hunger that salivates when I think of crackers and cheese or ketchup chips. Ugh.
    Anyway, forgive my rambling. I’m trying to distract myself long enough for that desire to pass.

    I think I did it :) just to be safe, I think I’ll head to sleep early tonight. :) have a good one!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    : @tfelts147
    Reminder for tomorrow's weigh in to the following: @Cornanda @davors19 @trooworld @ninyagwa
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    @bark2j5 Welcome Alison! Everyone Alison and I have been friends for a few years on here, she's always down for challenges and when I posted about the current dance challenge in the entire group she'd asked about it and I told her about us, can't believe I never got you in Fat2Fit before! I think she'll be a great fit plus I can never catch up on my feed anymore so I'm looking forward to hearing how you've been here.

    @Divya365 Thank you! I did go to the concert last night, it was great I loved it! I've never grown impatiens from seed. I just Googled it and it says they need light to germinate so lay on top of the dirt and cover with clear glass or plastic wrap to enhance germination. Keep warm and mist daily but do not over water. It says they're prone to dampening off so definitely don't over water, some people sprinkle cinnamon on top to help with dampening off. I'm fascinated by them needing light very cool!

    @megnolia82 Woohoo you've got some streaks going right there from days to weeks! You've cleaned up your diet a lot. I don't even want to think of what my venti frappuccino and a slice of lemon bread with icing added up to! That's practically my daily calories for weight loss. I'm happy you're seeing the results now.

    @trooworld Interesting he's not trying to get you into shockwave treatment right away, hopefully by the time fat pad syndrome calms down you won't need it. I've never heard of it fascinating but hate that you have two things to deal with. I really hope the exercises help you and soon! Is there any chance he could advise insurance to help with something for weight loss? Since I've been writing up equipment it may be worthwhile to ask the chiropractor what he thinks of vibration plates, I used to make fun of them but there's some research saying it can stimulate bone health which is promising for those with osteoporosis. From reading Teresa's a rebounder would be a lot cheaper than a vibration plate if it can do all that!

    @askewcr That IS a great improvement on your sugar! Are you off the steroids now? I'm sure being off them and exercising will help stabilize everything. I'm glad you're feeling better too, you're getting it!

    @TeresaW2024 You know me well I'm flared up from the computer that's off to the side so I can't rest my elbows on the desk which is irritating the heck out of my neck compression. I'm working 15-20 hours a week there then at home a few hours for my other job. I hope your wrist starts healing, if it's not working soon it may be worth looking into something like micro current. I don't want to be a PITA with the holistic stuff but if you ever want to try it I can ask on the group I'm in for someone around your area who's certified. I don't know if you remember Shauna from this group but her Mom went to one when I'd gotten her info from the manufacturer's Facebook group (don't know how it went just that the first time went well). Hope you get everything done!

    @Veta2018 Oh no I hope you don't lose anything as well! Boy it's too bad you don't live around here sounds like you'd be an amazing help at the greenhouse! I hope your plants survive I know that's so depressing. We had someone helping to water at the greenhouse recently as the manager's second son was just born and a bunch of stuff was dead when I went in today, I'd brought my neighbor for the first time and was trying not to freak out in front of her in case she repeated what I was saying at the farm. I'd planned to go tomorrow and the manager said he saw it all this morning and had been planning to warn me before tomorrow so I wasn't too upset. I AM but I don't want anyone to stop volunteering with us over it just we need to do better explaining how to water (we lost about 10 trays of basil, zucchini, squash, etc and everything is dead on the far corners of trays as they were rushing through it- sadly it was probably one day that was rushed that caused all that loss). Anyhow hope your babies survived with as little damage as possible.

    @sleepygirl79 Yay I can feel your happier energy at it being spring, love it! I hope the heart stress test goes well and you get some answers. Makes sense to be careful until you know what's going on. I love seeing plants going in too, the first daffodils and tulips make me so happy.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 LOL tea is ok but no gingersnaps! Now I want popcorn, that's my favorite cheat snack (cheat because it's NOT healthy how I prefer it). Wow Oliver is the cutest baby! All of your grandchildren are beautiful I love seeing them. Did you buy that onsie I love it!

    @19shmoo69 I'm curious of your hydration recipe. That's interesting on your warmth detector, good thing you have your wife to help you! I'm taking a few supplements I drink in the morning and don't want to mix them, between all that and drinking structured water at work I'm in the bathroom all the time. I lost a good viewing spot at the concert every time I went to the bathroom last night.

    Thursday Question Answer Favorite Type of Day- I do love warm days which would be 80s and up but not over 105, the first warm spring day is always a celebration to me that coping with extra winter pain is coming to an end. I like the fall crisp breezy days too but pain-wise heat helps the most and I love being outside in it.

    Hi friends! The concert last night was awesome aside of not being able to see, I had a great time and loved hanging out with my old friend and his wife and my brother. I'd forgotten I met my friend's wife, we get along great so hopefully we'll all hang out again soon. Weird to think she'd have been my SIL if I'd married my ex-boyfriend. I think I was handed a backstage pass but I wasn't going to go without my brother and I'd rather not think I missed out on something. I'm sure if I'd met Geoff Tate I'd say something perfectly moronic so I'd rather not live with the mortification of introducing myself a few times and tripping. My neck is super-flared up, I'm hoping if I go to bed early it will be better tomorrow. Have a great Friday friends, I'm off to lay down.

    No Zero Days- worked, worked out, ate healthy, fun greenhouse/friend time
    Logging- done
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member

    3 Tablespoons sea salt (I use Redmond)
    2 Tablespoons potassium chloride
    1 tablespoon magnesium chloride
    Mix together (I follow the recipe and fill a small jar and shake it up to combine it)

    I use 2 teaspoons of the mixture in my half gallon container.

    Personally I add a half a teaspoon of baking soda (it helps with toxins in the body)
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,973 Member
    What’s your favorite type of day? (weather, temp, etc.) I like it sunny and warm, maybe 65-75, with low humidity and no breeze. That's bicycling weather! But I'll take it hotter and more humid, as long as it's sunny with no wind, because that's also bicycling weather (just means I need to bring water). I'm also pretty happy with full sun and any temperature at all, because it's great to be outdoors enjoying the sun. Clouds are OK too. Pretty much anything but steady rain and snow, and I'm not too unhappy with the weather.

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,114 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 178.3
    CW: 177.2

This discussion has been closed.