CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,341 Member
What are we all aiming for?! 🙏🏽🤞👏👏💪🏋️‍♂️


  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,540 Member
    The next 2 or 3 months is when I lose weight naturally. Swimming. Farmers market. Tomatoes and cucumbers fresh off the vine, just rinsed with the water hose. Yum. hope this year goes well.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hahaha! @Corina1413 I read your post quickly and thought “how does rinsing oneself with a water hose” contribute to weight loss?? 🤪🤔. Worse yet - I thought about it - anything to drop a few pounds!! 😂
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,341 Member
    @SherryRueter That be you?! And those arms?!?! Where the green with envy emoji?!?! 👏👏👏👏
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,226 Member
    Yes - That's me! @CeeBeeSlim
    Its my middle that I'm concerned with . back 10 years ago *i remember* liking it better. It could be I am remembering wrong. But I was about 10# less as well. I definitely have more muscle mass. But I also have worse food habits (Is this an aging thing? .... Maybe as we age our filter for *lets have an apple* goes out and it becomes *might as well eat donuts.**
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,341 Member
    You look great @SherryRueter! Inspired!!

    And same here, 15 pounds less but lots more muscle mass. Wasn’t even thinking about muscles back yonder! And I do think aging gives me more “excuses” - more because there’s so much going on - eldercare - etc - it feels like I’m denying myself something. Tell me why I needed TWO cookies and cream milkshakes from Cookout WITH Cheetos! What’s wrong with me?! 😩😜

    You just gotta laugh sometimes!!
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 384 Member
    Workout: 8 mile run, 1 mile walk
    Weigh In: 105.2 lbs
    Nutrition: Acceptable (Good/Acceptable/Unacceptable/Terrible)

    This Week's Daily Goals
    (asterisk * for each day accomplished. 7 possible; goal is at least 5 asterisks for each goal.)
    1. Read Bible New Testament 1 chap/day. (Romans 7) *****
    2. Nutrition level Good or Acceptable daily *****
    3. Maintain dayshift schedule (5a/5p/9p) *****
    4. Taper down to two "poison garbage cancer wrinkle sticks" per day. *****
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,226 Member
    @ceebeeslim Right!?!?!?! why did i need ice cream, donuts, oreos AND chocolate covered almonds? Where was my head? (Obviously my mind / primal mind said "I can do it". when clearly its against my goal).

    Thanks for the "you look great" That's why were in this group, because we have just a LITTLE that we want to lose and THAT is a hard thing to do.

    Continuing on today.... Greek Yogurt with a little cheese cake pudding powder in it(so good). 1/2 protein shake OWYN - plant based - this one was vanilla latte and had 180 mg of caffeine ! woohoo!!! My new bestie. I took 1/2 of it, put in 8oz of unsw. Almond milk. Heated it up and BAMMM--- hot beverage and sweet fix nailed. AND healthy!

    @Justagirl81 - I would say Wed unacceptable and Thursday was Terrible.

    Things on my side. My lowest weight was 98# I thought I looked good. I'm sure I was too small.
    My "this is a nice weight" was 102. I'm 108 - at 5'1" that's noticeable to me. Just 4# loss for the summer would be a goal. Hell, not gaining would be a goal as well as being comfortable enough to see the scale and me on it. But ..... what matters more is that I enjoy how I feel in my shorts and tank tops (I guess that matters more) .... Thats what they are trying to tell us. I'm babbling....

    @ceebeeslim - Good luck with eldercare. That seems to be challenging.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,341 Member
    Thanks @SherryRueter! Yes - it is so so challenging. My moms dementia makes it impossible to predict what one minute to the next will look like - and she requires 24/7 supervision. I have so many apps with alarms connected to her health issues - any “ding” sounds sends me to anxiety land. My dad’s memory is going and his hearing is practically gone.

    Friends don’t quite get it - to them my sacrifices don’t make sense. It makes sense to them if they were my kids (it’s the natural order of things) but not for my parents (letting my own life slip by). Who knows - I just do what I think is right and I have no regrets.

    Anywho - that’s why I “indulge” more often than I like. But - I’ve decided to not get so caught up on calories and rules (IF, no carbs, stop eating at 8pm etc). As soon as I do I think I’m being deprived and my plan is never sustainable - only short term
    hits. I read something helpful I will try to find…
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,341 Member
    … nothing new here. Simple, but felt freeing to read.

  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 384 Member
    Workout: 8 mile run, 1 mile walk
    Weigh In: 107.8 lbs
    Nutrition: Acceptable (Good/Acceptable/Unacceptable/Terrible)

    This Week's Daily Goals
    (asterisk * for each day accomplished. 7 possible; goal is at least 5 asterisks for each goal.)
    1. Read Bible New Testament 1 chap/day. (Romans 8) ******
    2. Nutrition level Good or Acceptable daily ******
    3. Maintain dayshift schedule (5a/5p/9p) ******
    4. Taper down to two "poison garbage cancer wrinkle sticks" per day. ******
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 384 Member
    Workout: 6 mile crosstrainer, 1 mile walk
    Weigh In: 107.9 lbs
    Nutrition: Good (Good/Acceptable/Unacceptable/Terrible)

    This Week's Daily Goals
    (asterisk * for each day accomplished. 7 possible; goal is at least 5 asterisks for each goal.)
    1. Read Bible New Testament 1 chap/day. (Romans 9) *******
    2. Nutrition level Good or Acceptable daily *******
    3. Maintain dayshift schedule (5a/5p/9p) *******
    4. Taper down to two "poison garbage cancer wrinkle sticks" per day. *******
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,341 Member
    Happy Sunday, Pals! Just to remind me - What are everyone’s ultimate fitness and wellness goals? Things you would do even after your scale weight loss?

    1) lose 10 pounds and reassess
    2) lower belly fat
    3) have consistent habit of 10k steps daily
    4) continue CG strength training programs
    5) 30 minute walk daily
    6) at least 7 hours sleep
    7) 7 servings fruits and veggies
    8) 25 grams of fiber
    9) less than 35 grams of added sugar
    10) at least 90 grams of protein

    I think if I can get here CONSISTENTLY - like doing these things as habitually as brushing my teeth, I’d be set! There’s other I would add (and probably should prioritize) like developing a spiritual meditative practice to help with stress, increase stretching, yoga, or Pilates, and include some body measurement goals.

    I’m not sure how to do this but accountability helps me with my discipline and consistency. It probably shouldn’t be this way but if I knew I had to show up somewhere to get measured, weighted, review food logs - it would help.

    I’m trying to quantify my nutrition - not just the weight.

  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 384 Member
    Workout: 8 mile run, 1 mile walk
    Weigh In: 105.2lbs
    Nutrition: Unacceptable (Good/Acceptable/Unacceptable/Terrible)

    This Week's Daily Goals
    (asterisk * for each day accomplished. 7 possible; goal is at least 5 asterisks for each goal.)
    1. Read Bible New Testament 1 chap/day. (Romans 10) *
    2. Nutrition level Good or Acceptable daily *
    3. Maintain dayshift schedule (5a/5p/9p) *
    4. Taper down to two "poison garbage cancer wrinkle sticks" per day. *
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,226 Member
    @Ceebeeslim - I LOVE that IMG you shared. and summarized my key points below.

    The KEY Isn't in eating LESS
    The Key is eating more nutrient dense foods,
    which equates into less calories

    One must eat to support a lean and healthy body.
    And to do that one must LEARN how.
    The HOW is thru eating MORE
    + Fruits
    + Veg

    and LESS
    + Processed craaaap

    TO learn how to feed your body,
    start to listen to it, and how it feels after you eat.

    Instead of focusing on deficits,
    Focus on learning.

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,341 Member
    @arrgh! Lost my typed message!

    In any event I agreed with you @SherryRueter and wondered why when I know all this intellectually it’s so difficult to establish as a habit!!

    Were you the one who read Atomic Habits and find it useful???

    I know one should not aim for perfection, but why when I am inconsistent - it’s too often, or so way overboard when I do!! Is fat, sugar, etc - just that addictive?? Maybe I just need more discipline and/or subconsciously not putting that much importance on it.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,226 Member
    @ceebeeslim - I have read Atomic Habits, However.... My most recent "FIND" is the book by Jon Acuff "FINISH". It's about starting towards a goal and instead of "quitting", you finish. If I find a good section to quote, you'll see another message/ post from me with it.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,226 Member
    Happy Monday, Pals!
    I need to remind myself what my ultimate goals are....

    Things you would do even after your scale weight loss? (copied your list @ceebeeslim , then modified.

    1) Lose 5Lbs & reassess 2Lbs and maintain that. Then Assess.

    2) Take Zinc/Magnesium supplement nightly

    3) 2+ servings of fruit daily

    4) 3+ servings veg. daily

    5) Protein forward. Aiming for 90-140g a day.

    6) Increase fluids - evidential I am dehydrated. I thought 90 oz a day was enough - but the 30oz I drink for my workout is not allowed to be included in that hydration #. BUMMMERRRRR - so
    Doctor recommends 80oz by 5pm (sipping throughout the day). AND, 30oz for the hour I workout. Total: 110oz daily.

    Already a lifestyle:
    1) 10,000 steps and 30mins of walking (I do around 60-90min)
    2) 4 days strength training, 1 day Yoga/stretching
    3) 9:30 - 5am sleep. (7-7.5 hours)
    4) 90 oz of water
    5) veggie forward and Fruit forward, but when I am NOT at home or we are low on groceries.... these are the 1st to drop and be replaced with processed foods.

    **Protein note. Caroline Girvan eats 180g a day she said in her video I watched this morning.
    Eye opening, right? That wouldn't leave room for many silly carbs now would it?

    ??? what do you think of having a 3-Day Protein challenge? See if you can get in 100-180g of protein in each day for 3 days. Kinda like a game. (AND, keep the fiber at 20-30g. so things keep flowing ... hehehehe). I just might do that. Track how I feel. Does that much make me feel better or worse. Does it stave off cravings? Does it help with bloating, sleep, or other things?

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,226 Member
    " Denial makes you ignorant.

    The most troubling aspect of denial is that the only people we can't recognize it in is ourselves. Spotting it in other is incredibly easy. Right now, it's not difficult for you to call to mind a friend who is on their fifteenth diet yet continues to enjoy "cheat days". someone who is dating an idiot that they hope a marriage will miraculously fix..."

    Why should you cut your goals in half? (make a 10# weight loss a 5# weight loss).
    Because perfectioninsm uses denial against us. Perfectionism wans us to deny reality and chase goals so large, we would be crippled before we even start. The athlete who didn't swim, run or bike but wants to do a 70 mile triathalon is living in denial.

    Your emotions cloud your judgement. They form a perfect smoke screen for denial, making your path feel murky and confusing. ... Data kills denial, which prevents disaster. BUT only if you listen to it."


  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,226 Member
    "Perfectionism tells you that its now or never. If you don't finish now, you never will. We are so eager to have an amazing month that we exhaust ourselves in the first two weeks and never accomplish it.

    So what's the worst that could happen if you cut your goal in half or gave yourself twice as much time? My research shows that those who cut their goals in have increase their performance from past similar goal - related challenges by 63%. It encourages them to keep going. Motivates them to work harder because the goal is SO attainable."

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,226 Member
    ...and this one...

  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 384 Member
    Workout: 8 mile run, 1 mile walk
    Weigh In: 105.8 lbs
    Nutrition: Acceptable (Good/Acceptable/Unacceptable/Terrible)

    This Week's Daily Goals
    (asterisk * for each day accomplished. 7 possible; goal is at least 5 asterisks for each goal.)
    1. Read Bible New Testament 1 chap/day. (Romans 11) **
    2. Nutrition level Good or Acceptable daily *
    3. Maintain dayshift schedule (5a/5p/9p) **
    4. Taper down to two "poison garbage cancer wrinkle sticks" per day. **
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 384 Member
    CeeBeeSlim wrote: »
    Happy Sunday, Pals! Just to remind me - What are everyone’s ultimate fitness and wellness goals? Things you would do even after your scale weight loss?
    Great question CeeBee. I'm going to attempt to answer.

    My scattered Fitness Wellness Goals:
    1. Longevity. I want to be healthy and active for many years to come
    2. Brain health. I want to be able to have intellectual conversation and reasoning skills and wisdom my entire life
    3. Flexibility
    4. Strength increase. This would allow for more independence.
    5. Relationship quality improvement. Deeper, more meaningful relationships with my loved ones through mindful utilization of relationship skills.
    6. Digestive health improvement.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,226 Member
    @Justagirl81 - Nice job on the goals.

    This morning - Chest and shoulders, then a little cardio. I have bloodwork today for my thyroid, so I am working remote for a little while and will go in this afternoon to the office. Nice and peaceful at home without anyone here. Rather enjoyable.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,341 Member
    “Nice and peaceful at home without anyone here”. Lordy - sounds so wonderful and then I feel guilty for having thoughts like that. Ugh.

    Thanks for sharing those mantras @SherryRueter. Keep em coming. Great goals @justgirl81. Wonderful to see how well-rounded we are behind the physical - emotional, mental, spiritual - just as important. 👏👏
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,226 Member
    okay - yes I did get in my protein yesterday. About 140g.
    so Day 1 of Protein high = done!

    I felt....
    Full. It does fill you up and it DID NOT make me crave extra.
    I think I could eat less - felt very full. I think I can eat less food if I keep 120-150g protein / day.

    I still had ice cream at 8:30pm. That's a whole 'nother issue though. LOL
    I was sleepy at 7pm. Took a short walk. If I'm sleepy again at 7pm tonight, maybe I will do 15mins of elliptical instead.

    Weight this morning 107.6# height 61" Goal to weigh less.

    Plan: Continue to Day 2 of High Protein and to weigh in again tomorrow.
    Perhaps the daily data of a weight will help me focus on the right foods.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,226 Member
    @ceebeeslim It IS NICE to be home alone. the quietness. the peace. the ability to just do YOU without anyone else watching. Not that they do watch. But, 'ya know'.

    My hubby is constantly telling me how HIIT and heavy cardio is NOT ideal for me. That I need more 'steady state' cardio and zone 1, 2,3 cardio. Yesterday, while agreeing that HIIT is not great for my health (although .... I don't know that I believe experts to be honest. maybe they are pushing zone 1-2-3 cardio because we have too many obese people and they think this at least gets them off their butt).

    ANYWAY...... I said to him.... well the processed foods, fast food drive thru meals and chips and ice cream should be eliminated from my life also. He was speechless. I'm guessing because he KNOWS that is true also...... The MORE WHOLE foods we eat, the less processed, the higher our health, right?!?!?!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,341 Member
    I would agree with your last statement @SherryRueter. At least for me, I feel better - my body feels better - when I eat less processed foods.

    I’m no expert but I know folks say there are no “bad” foods. And distinctions are made between processed and “ultra-processed”. Either way, I’m trying more whole foods this week and feeling much better.
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 384 Member
    Workout: 8 mile run
    Weigh In: 106.4 lbs
    Nutrition: Acceptable (Good/Acceptable/Unacceptable/Terrible)

    This Week's Daily Goals
    (asterisk * for each day accomplished. 7 possible; goal is at least 5 asterisks for each goal.)
    1. Read Bible New Testament 1 chap/day. (Romans 12) ***
    2. Nutrition level Good or Acceptable daily **
    3. Maintain dayshift schedule (5a/5p/9p) **
    4. Taper down to two "poison garbage cancer wrinkle sticks" per day. ***
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 384 Member

    I still had ice cream at 8:30pm. That's a whole 'nother issue though. LOL


    I'm sure we all have issues. lol
    Have you ever tried making your own?
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,226 Member
    justgirl81 wrote: »

    I still had ice cream at 8:30pm. That's a whole 'nother issue though. LOL


    I'm sure we all have issues. lol
    Have you ever tried making your own?

    @justagirl81 - LOVE chocolate covered Katie. I'll check out your link. I have been intrigued by the ninja creami. By the way, do you track calories, macros, anything?