

  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 259 Member
    Workout: 8 mile run, 1 mile walk
    Weigh In: 105.8 lbs
    Nutrition: Acceptable (Good/Acceptable/Unacceptable/Terrible)

    This Week's Daily Goals
    (asterisk * for each day accomplished. 7 possible; goal is at least 5 asterisks for each goal.)
    1. Read Bible New Testament 1 chap/day. (Romans 11) **
    2. Nutrition level Good or Acceptable daily *
    3. Maintain dayshift schedule (5a/5p/9p) **
    4. Taper down to two "poison garbage cancer wrinkle sticks" per day. **
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 259 Member
    CeeBeeSlim wrote: »
    Happy Sunday, Pals! Just to remind me - What are everyone’s ultimate fitness and wellness goals? Things you would do even after your scale weight loss?
    Great question CeeBee. I'm going to attempt to answer.

    My scattered Fitness Wellness Goals:
    1. Longevity. I want to be healthy and active for many years to come
    2. Brain health. I want to be able to have intellectual conversation and reasoning skills and wisdom my entire life
    3. Flexibility
    4. Strength increase. This would allow for more independence.
    5. Relationship quality improvement. Deeper, more meaningful relationships with my loved ones through mindful utilization of relationship skills.
    6. Digestive health improvement.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,001 Member
    @Justagirl81 - Nice job on the goals.

    This morning - Chest and shoulders, then a little cardio. I have bloodwork today for my thyroid, so I am working remote for a little while and will go in this afternoon to the office. Nice and peaceful at home without anyone here. Rather enjoyable.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,302 Member
    “Nice and peaceful at home without anyone here”. Lordy - sounds so wonderful and then I feel guilty for having thoughts like that. Ugh.

    Thanks for sharing those mantras @SherryRueter. Keep em coming. Great goals @justgirl81. Wonderful to see how well-rounded we are behind the physical - emotional, mental, spiritual - just as important. 👏👏
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,001 Member
    okay - yes I did get in my protein yesterday. About 140g.
    so Day 1 of Protein high = done!

    I felt....
    Full. It does fill you up and it DID NOT make me crave extra.
    I think I could eat less - felt very full. I think I can eat less food if I keep 120-150g protein / day.

    I still had ice cream at 8:30pm. That's a whole 'nother issue though. LOL
    I was sleepy at 7pm. Took a short walk. If I'm sleepy again at 7pm tonight, maybe I will do 15mins of elliptical instead.

    Weight this morning 107.6# height 61" Goal to weigh less.

    Plan: Continue to Day 2 of High Protein and to weigh in again tomorrow.
    Perhaps the daily data of a weight will help me focus on the right foods.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,001 Member
    @ceebeeslim It IS NICE to be home alone. the quietness. the peace. the ability to just do YOU without anyone else watching. Not that they do watch. But, 'ya know'.

    My hubby is constantly telling me how HIIT and heavy cardio is NOT ideal for me. That I need more 'steady state' cardio and zone 1, 2,3 cardio. Yesterday, while agreeing that HIIT is not great for my health (although .... I don't know that I believe experts to be honest. maybe they are pushing zone 1-2-3 cardio because we have too many obese people and they think this at least gets them off their butt).

    ANYWAY...... I said to him.... well the processed foods, fast food drive thru meals and chips and ice cream should be eliminated from my life also. He was speechless. I'm guessing because he KNOWS that is true also...... The MORE WHOLE foods we eat, the less processed, the higher our health, right?!?!?!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,302 Member
    I would agree with your last statement @SherryRueter. At least for me, I feel better - my body feels better - when I eat less processed foods.

    I’m no expert but I know folks say there are no “bad” foods. And distinctions are made between processed and “ultra-processed”. Either way, I’m trying more whole foods this week and feeling much better.
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 259 Member
    Workout: 8 mile run
    Weigh In: 106.4 lbs
    Nutrition: Acceptable (Good/Acceptable/Unacceptable/Terrible)

    This Week's Daily Goals
    (asterisk * for each day accomplished. 7 possible; goal is at least 5 asterisks for each goal.)
    1. Read Bible New Testament 1 chap/day. (Romans 12) ***
    2. Nutrition level Good or Acceptable daily **
    3. Maintain dayshift schedule (5a/5p/9p) **
    4. Taper down to two "poison garbage cancer wrinkle sticks" per day. ***
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 259 Member

    I still had ice cream at 8:30pm. That's a whole 'nother issue though. LOL


    I'm sure we all have issues. lol
    Have you ever tried making your own?
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,001 Member
    justgirl81 wrote: »

    I still had ice cream at 8:30pm. That's a whole 'nother issue though. LOL


    I'm sure we all have issues. lol
    Have you ever tried making your own?

    @justagirl81 - LOVE chocolate covered Katie. I'll check out your link. I have been intrigued by the ninja creami. By the way, do you track calories, macros, anything?
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,001 Member
    I just really like food. and sweets.

    But the science behind things and cravings is interesting to me as well.

    Yesterday I had made myself a coffee using a coffee pod and 1/2 of my protein shake. I put in 3 equal packets (artificial sweetener). AND, while it was delish (I had a couple more later that day), just like Dr Gregger states in his site (search artificial sweetener) - a few hours later I had huge cravings (and I gave in .... and over ate.... yada yada yada.... same story.... different day).
    Look at around minute 3:00
    "Your daily blood sugar averages out the same, because your blood sugar is WORSE later in the day - you get a greater insulin spike with aspartame and splenda. An HOUR later , they shot up HIGHER than the person who drank a bottle of soda. SAME Exact blood sugar spike in Monk Fruit and Splenda - even though they had no calories from sugar. You are MORE likely to eat more food at your next meal than if you had sugar. When it comes to calorie intake, they are all equal. "

    Isn't it interesting though.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,001 Member
    Day 2 of high protein -
    Gave into sugar. Had about 90G total

    So Day 1 of Protein high = disappointed myself. We're not supposed to say that are we?
    the good part, I re-learned that Sugar is easily abused. And artificial sweeteners are NOT my friend.
    In comparison to Protein, it took more SUGAR to make me feel full and satiated.

    Did not weigh in, because I didn't "do good" yesterday.

    Plan: Continue to Day 3 of High Protein and to weigh in tomorrow.

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,302 Member
    I’m always confused by the artificial sweeteners. Are they good for diabetics? Not good at all? Is monkfruit better?

    Down three pounds overnight - two reasons. Result of shingles vaccine number 2 left me with no appetite and as an experiment for a day only ate when I was hungry - no processed foods.

    Discovery! I don’t need a lot of food at all! Definitely not smart if you really need the minimum of 1200 daily calories and want to hit goals but I felt satiated. Maybe the water was keeping me full too??
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,001 Member

    what if we didn't go by the 1200 is too low ...
    what if we just ate when we were hungry... stopped when we were no longer hungry....
    and ate whole foods...

    Is all the focus on calories and protein and BULL#$%&* just clouding our internal cues?
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 259 Member
    Workout: 7 mile crosstrainer
    Weigh In: 106.0 lbs
    Nutrition: Acceptable (Good/Acceptable/Unacceptable/Terrible)

    This Week's Daily Goals
    (asterisk * for each day accomplished. 7 possible; goal is at least 5 asterisks for each goal.)
    1. Read Bible New Testament 1 chap/day. (Romans 13) ****
    2. Nutrition level Good or Acceptable daily ***
    3. Maintain dayshift schedule (5a/5p/9p) **
    4. Taper down to two "poison garbage cancer wrinkle sticks" per day. ****
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,302 Member
    @SherryRueter It’s so confusing and you don’t know who to trust! Under 1200 - gasp - you’ll lose muscle, hair, nutrients!!

    Under 800 - needs medical supervision!

    But what about between 800-1200? And maybe not everyday since calories needs change everyday! I feel full, making good choices with food and staying away from the processed crap.

    I’m no longer young am petite - and besides my exercise I’m sedentary. I’m going to listen to my body. I find when I’m going to the pantry and fridge - it’s out of boredom or habit - not need.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,302 Member
    A couple of years ago I asked a highly-regarded internet coach about this - he was accepting questions for a day - his answer:


  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,001 Member
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,001 Member
    That is today’s plan.
    I’ve been filling one out daily.
    Yesterday I think I was at/around maint calories for the 3rd day in a row . (So 1800-2200). I’m petite also ceebeeslim 5’1” and 53yrs.

    Thanks for sharing what the trainer said. I completely agree.

    Yesterday- low on fiber foods. But only one off plan treat and that was 300cal. So- not bad per se.
    It increases my 3pm snack to be a bread. A meat. And a sweet (so it became a meal). I adjusted so my dinner was yogurt and watermelon.
    I did not track calories.

    I’ve also taken a break from my Apple Watch. And my bicep hurts a lot…. So probably cardio and yoga for a bit. Maybe body weight stuff . Not sure.
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 259 Member
    Workout: 5 mile walk
    Weigh In: no weigh in
    Nutrition: Acceptable (Good/Acceptable/Unacceptable/Terrible)

    Workout: 7 mile run
    Weigh In: 108.0 lbs
    Nutrition: Unacceptable (Good/Acceptable/Unacceptable/Terrible)

    This Week's Daily Goals
    (asterisk * for each day accomplished. 7 possible; goal is at least 5 asterisks for each goal.)
    1. Read Bible New Testament 1 chap/day. (Romans 14) *****
    2. Nutrition level Good or Acceptable daily ****
    3. Maintain dayshift schedule (5a/5p/9p) ***
    4. Taper down to two "poison garbage cancer wrinkle sticks" per day. *****