WaistAways Team Chat - JULY 2024



  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,187 Member
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 272 Member
    @lauren_989 I would like to move to Thursdays as my new regular day.

    @yinxfed Best of luck in your journey.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 305 Member
    @YinxFed - You will be missed! Good luck in whatever life holds for you!

    I've noticed the biggest thing happening this week is that I've gone for seconds on dinner every night. It's always been after a good workout, but I need ot dial back the going for seconds. I know drinking a glass of water about 20 minutes before eating can help with feeling full and therefore curbing overeating. I think I will do this again, starting tonight before dinner.

    Keep up the great work everyone! I will do my best to make sure that I don't let everyone down with my weigh-in tomorrow. I've been hovering around the weight I had last week, so we will see tomorrow!
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 850 Member
    Weigh In Day: MONDAY
    PW (Previous Weight): 164.0
    CW (Current Weight): 167.2

    Just going to allow my body to do what it do. The scale got as low as 162.4 last Thursday. Kids were in bike camp and I walked while they rode. Important weekend at work took a lot out of me. Diet could have been tighter…and water intake could've been higher. But I’m going to focus on inputs—and realize that my body composition has been improving—so the scale doesn’t tell the whole story.

    Moving onward.

    @lauren_989 I’ll weigh in on 7/29 and when we hit August I will start to weigh-in on Saturdays. So my first weigh-In should be Aug 10th. I am out-of-town on Sat Aug 3rd and Mon, Aug 5th.

    Did I get the weigh-in window right after 7/29 with the weekday change?

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,187 Member
    @StayFITTer it's amazing how much the scale can fluctuate in a week. Plus you increased your exercise which can make you retain water. You can even weigh in weekly taking the average of your daily weights for the week.

    @MaddawgMadsen I love the idea of drinking a glass of water before meals. I notice that when I drink more water during the day, I feel fuller.

    Bad day over here. Ate way too many sweets. Tomorrow I am going to focus on no added sugars. Aka the 2 cookies I ate plus some cheesecake 🙉 I did go to body pump and the cheesecake was lunch, but still.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,264 Member
    I bought a Felt gravel bike that can swap on road tires. I'm really happy with it.. she's robin blue!!

    I may have missed you already but best of luck, you've been a great teammate and source of inspiration.
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 272 Member
    PW 143.2
    CW 142.8

    Okay so 2 weeks in a row down, whew...

    @MaddawgMadsen I will have to try that.

    My ankle is feeling all better, so I'm glad it resolved quickly, now to remember to do my exercises a few times a week.

    It has rained here all week so my outside flowers are super happy, I am loving the fact that I can pick myself a new bouquet every week.

    The weather should be absolutely perfect this weekend, so I am planning to get out on the kayak, and maybe some pool time in the evenings since they have an adult pool that is warm, it's not a hot tub, just a pool with jets, but it's keep at like 85 degrees, and no kids are allowed in it.

    @StayFITTer there is an app called Libra (icon is a scale with a measuring tape around it) - if you weigh in everyday, it gives you your average weight, taking into consideration all of the ups and downs, I found it incredibly helpful.

    Have a wonderful day everyone !
  • bowens1973
    bowens1973 Posts: 190 Member
    Username: Bowens1973
    CW: 243.2
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,318 Member
    YinxFed wrote: »
    Hello Friends,

    It pains me to say it, but I have decided that MFP no longer serves me as it used to so am leaving the app and this lovely team.

    I wish you all success and my very best wishes.

    Yinka xx

    I don’t know if you’ll see this Yinka @YinxFed but I will miss you and wish there was another way to keep in touch. Be well and good luck on your journey to health. ❤️
    Folks don't get old, it's quite tragic when wearing the wrong socks can injure you!

    I hear you Vikki @Gidgitgoescrzy !! I woke up almost two weeks ago and hurt my neck. I got up once during the night and was fine, two hours later my neck was killing me. I thought maybe just muscular and it seemed to improve but then got worse again. There’s also a lot of popping and cracking I’m not use to. Also have been having headaches on that side as well. I feel like something is out of whack. I’d go to a chiropractor, but I’m hesitant to do anything right now because I’m about to lose my health insurance for a month. My new insurance from new position starts September 1. I have gently been turning my neck to keep it moving.

    Also, I second the ankle/foot ABCs. I did go to PT for a badly injured ankle and that was one of the exercises.

    My week has been good. I’ve actually gotten myself onto my mat and done Pilates and breath work twice. Rolled on my bouncy ball. Have worked most days to get my steps done. I’ve been watching my 150 activity minutes. Haven’t logged every thing but some things. Little improvements. The MFP thing I’m doing now has some good reminders. I’m going to attach here. Make it a great day.

    And just for fun, one of my pretty zinnias. ewrpe4ihwzne.jpeg

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,264 Member
    Beautiful photo @micki48 of your flower, so gorgeous. Love to hear things are going well for you

    Just wanted to stop back and add a photo from the race. See, less than 50 KM makes me happy. ;)
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 566 Member
    CW: 182.6 I’ll take it!
    The carb cycling seems to be helping since my exercise levels haven’t changed much during these past 2 weeks. I’ll describe it more later.

    lauren_989 the best way to get your tomatoes producing is to threaten their roots. Yes, you read that correctly. Take some chopsticks and push them into the dirt close to the stem at an angle. You want to be little gentle, but still jostle them about. They’ll kick fruit production into high gear ‘cause their instinct tells them you’ve gone homicidal! Good luck. Before, during, and after pics!
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 566 Member
    YinxFed wrote: »
    Hello Friends,

    It pains me to say it, but I have decided that MFP no longer serves me as it used to so am leaving the app and this lovely team.

    I wish you all success and my very best wishes.

    Yinka xx
    I’ll miss you! Be well. 😘

  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,601 Member
    PW: 193.4 lbs
    CW: 193.2 lbs

    Not the best week for me or my pup. He ended up having quite a few accidents in the house, so we have been feeding him plenty of bland food and prebiotics per the guidance of the vet. He’s only just started to show signs of getting back to his normal routine.

    Then I wasn’t feeling very well either; I am wondering if it was a quick stomach bug or something, and I only started to feel normal again yesterday.

    All to say I only managed two workouts this week (Sunday and Wednesday), but I am hoping to do one this morning before work, and I didn’t take my pup on any walks because of how he was feeling too.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,264 Member
    Greetings all!
    Some of the holiday weight gain has started to slip off already, so that's great. I said I'm more motivated to get back on my bike but my return to office schedule this week hasn't allowed for it yet. Hopefully next week. I know Brad is going out with a friend for sure Tuesday while I'm at outdoor soccer.

    Glad you're on the mend, tough when the pup is sick too... hopefully everyone is back to normal soon in your household!

    Enjoy the weekend everyone
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 462 Member
    @wishfuljune. Hope the pup is on the mend. Not fun when more than one is down.

    @micki48 - love the flow photo. I don't have many flowers around my yard, it's mostly garden vegetables. I've been able to pick some peas and found 1 zucchini that has already been turned into something yummy. I know in the next few months I'll be having zucchini overload. Does anyone have any good recipes for zucchini?

    Some great losses this week. I have kept my activity going and proud of myself for tracking my evening snacking which has decreased significantly since tracking. Funny how just checking something off in a spread sheet is incentive to keep up the good habit.

    Weekend plans is to get some yard work done. We've been having so much heat it's been hard to get work done outside.

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,187 Member
    @ashleycarole86 welcome back from vacation and great job already getting on track again!

    @wishfuljune I'm glad both you and your pup are feeling better. You still managed a loss after your big one last week!

    @cleaneater80 so I have some healthy and unhealthy recipes for zucchini 😂 My favorite though is to make pizza out of it. This says to make it like a boat, but I usually cut it into 4 slices the long way.


    I am at the airport waiting for my flight that has been delayed twice already 🙄

    I did walk up and down the gates but it's a small airport so not a far walk lol. Hopefully our flight will get here soon. I had a 3 hour layover, so I'm not too stressed...yet...
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