WaistAways Team Chat - JULY 2024



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,264 Member
    Let me know how Twisters is @lauren_989

    Looks like whatever you're doing is working @Heathere244 .. great loss this week

    My weight stayed stable over the weekend which is great for me as I have gotten in the cycle of trying to fight my weekend gain all week. So in this way I had a better weekend than most!

    Lots of walking in store for me today and maybe hopefully a Peloton ride after work!!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,187 Member
    Sunday: 8,136 + 30 min walk @ 3.5 mph
    Monday: 5,643 + 60 min body pump class
    Tuesday: 3,884
    Wednesday: 5,135 + 60 min body pump class
    Thursday: 5,494
    Friday: 3,961
    Saturday: 2,811
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 272 Member
    I had a good but rather unproductive weekend, we went to the pool on Saturday, and I got lots of walking in. Sunday we did not go kayaking, it was hot and humid and we just weren't feeling it.

    I did make some eggs bites for the work week, I wasn't sure I would like them, they are cottage cheese, eggs and in mine, red pepper, onion and jalapeno. My husband absolutely loves them, he thought I was weird when I told him about them, so this might be a regular prep thing. Although I put them in cupcake liners, and that was a bad idea, but I was afraid they would stick alot, so if you have any ideas on how to get them to not stick, I would appreciate it. I read silicone cupcake liners work, but I'd prefer firsthand knowledge before I buy them. Maybe I should just buy a new cupcake pan, mine has seen better days...

    I got up this morning and did some hiit exercises, it was only 10 minutes, but it was more than everything I did last week put together.

    Then I went to the dr, for my BP check up, and I am off the meds. So I am officially off all meds for bad health, I am still on HRT, but I don't consider that a med, as it's need is not due to poor health, it's due to my age, and not wanting to deal with it. :wink:

    All the aches and pains are better, so I am going to get back into the exercise this week, I think I will hold off on the squats until August 1st. So maybe a video this evening.

    Have a great day !

  • smcewen99
    smcewen99 Posts: 46 Member
    PW: 386.4
    CW: 387

    Some good wins
    1) Lower heart rate on my hill climbs (bike)
    2) Difficult week for snacking/ stress - but tracked all of it ;-)
    3) Rested when I needed it (permission)

    Congrats on the all the losses this week.

  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 305 Member
    I weighed myself on Thursday, but then never had a chance to log in and record it. I know it's too late to count for last week, but I'm going to share it so it's up to date for this week's weigh-in.

    PW: 177.8
    CW: 178.0

    I did better this last week as far as exercise goes. I made it to three crossfit classes, two spin classes, and two days of pickleball. I just need to be better at logging my food. I very much dislike doing all of that on my phone, but I need to suck it up because that's my only option lately.

    I do pizza bites with zucchini. I cut it into rounds and make those the pizza crust. Then I stack them with toppings. Zucchini chips are pretty good, too, and easy to make in an air fryer. Lastly, I love putting a little parmesan on top of rounds and cooking those in the air fryer.

    I thought Twisters was really good. If you respect it as its own movie and try not to compare it too much to the original, it's great!
  • smcewen99
    smcewen99 Posts: 46 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    Sunday: 8,136 + 2 mile walk @ 3.6 mph
    Monday: 5,589 + 60 min body pump class
    Tuesday: 3,884
    Wednesday: 5,135 + 60 min body pump class
    Thursday: 5,494
    Friday: 3,961
    Saturday: 2,811 + 30 min walk @ 3.0 mph

    I didn't wear my fitbit to the beach today, so have a lot more steps than recorded. But I need to work on increasing steps. I have an alarm set for tomorrow morning to go for a walk. Just hope I can wake up!

    @Lauren_989 great cardio again this week - way to go!
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 462 Member
    @lauren_989 Glad to hear you made it to RI despite the chaos. Hope you get more downtime and sun. Beautiful pictures.

    @Gidgitgoescrzy - wow fantastic victory getting off your meds. That's the best non-scale victory

    @MaddawgMadsen - love the pizza bites idea

    PW 165.2
    CW 164.6

    Had a busy weekend. We got our trailer ready for camping over the long weekend and doing all the yard work I've been avoiding because of our heatwave. Had a good workout this morning and meal is prepped for tonight.
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 850 Member
    edited July 29
    Weigh In Day: MONDAY
    PW (Previous Weight): 167.2
    CW (Current Weight): 166.0

    Going in the right direction. Looking forward to my new Saturday check in day starting Aug 10th. I travel on Thursday Aug 1st-Aug 6th, but I’m not too worried. Felt like I tightened up a little with food choices and mindfulness—I’m hoping I’ll get back into food logging again in August, but stay focused on my water intake.

    Thank you so much for the advice and @MaddawgMadsen app suggestion. I never thought to average my weight. I just figured “it is what it is!” Also, I don’t want to have the habit of measuring everyday. I kinda like looking on Thursday to get an idea of what Saturday could look like or on Saturdays to see what Monday could look like.

    But I’m going to trust the process and keep making deposits. I feel like I’ll see the -150’s this year. Hopefully this summer!
  • Lyss983
    Lyss983 Posts: 49 Member
    CW: 167.0 lbs

    The exercise bike arrived on Saturday, took my first ride on it today. I did 10 minutes and survived :smiley: My regular workouts have been doing the 2nd level of a Darebee routine, so I did the 1st level today instead and added it to the time on the bike.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,187 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrzy Great job being able to stay off your meds! That is a huge NSV. I have not made eggs like that in a muffin dish, but I have seen it. I figured it should come out with just using a spray like Pam, but I have never done it. Keep us posted!

    @smcewen99 That is sometimes hard to track all the snacks you are eating. I have been trying to do that myself and I can see why my weight is not trending down at this point. More like lose 2 pounds, gain 2 pounds.

    @Lyss983 Wow! Great job riding the bike! I hope you like it!

    So, I knew I was going to the movies today, and so I ate a lighter breakfast and lunch. But I still ate a ton of popcorn, eek! The movie was really good!! I loved the first one, but I think I like this one even better!!

    Tuesdays is when my parents watch my nieces, so I will have them over. It will be non-stop go go go, but that will help me not eat and move! I am going to pass on this week's weigh in. I don't want to weigh on my parent's scale when I don't know how it compares to mine at home.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,270 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    @Kali225 we all have months that are not great. Is there anything you learned from July that will help you in August?

    I made it to RI back to my parents house for a vacation/time to complete continuing education hours. This was my original trip planned, I feel like I was just here. Dad is doing a lot better, just about back to 100%. He has an appointment with an oncologist in August.

    I ate awful yesterday at the airport. My flight was delayed and I ended up landing at 2am. Then by the time we got off the plane and to my parents house (my sister was nice to pick me up that late) it was 3am. I went to go inside and as I opened the door, something flew by me brushing my hair and going in the house! I literally said "Oh f***!" It landed on the counter, and luckily it was a bird and not a bat. So I go upstairs say hi to my mom and dad (who wanted me to wake them up when I got there) and I was like by the way, a bird is in the house downstairs. So now it's 3:30am and we are trying to get a bird back outside. What a joy lol. Luckily it went outside pretty quickly and only pooped on a hardwood floor and not the cloth couch.

    Today was a great day though. Stayed under calorie budget and had a wonderful walk at the beach! Not sure if you have ever been to Roger Wheeler (Sand Hill Cove) @wishfuljune but that's the beach my parents like to go to. It was a beautiful day, I got some vitamin D.
    Then we grilled out for dinner and I said no to brownies :)
    You said no to brownies after a night like that! I'm beyond impressed, even if your next day was not perfect for food. You did that! :smiley:

    And @micki48 3 Pilates and breathwork sessions - that is great! I have been getting back to more regular Pilates these days too, and it feels much better.

    It looks like exercise is on the upswing for a big part of the team - great! It always feels easier when others are doing it too. I'll be going and exercising with Jasper first thing tomorrow morning before it gets too hot. Then giving blood and going to hear a music competition. Should be a fun day! I hope all of you have a good one too.

  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 272 Member
    So no video lst night, I did the rower instead, I haven't used it in forever, I had to watch a video to make sure I had proper form, so I did 20 minutes... When I was finished, I told the hubby, I'm not sure that really works your legs. Well, this morning I can say for sure; it works your legs.

    Yesterday was a good day food wise, today is looking to be also, depending on what we have for dinner, I think I am going to ask the hubby to pick us up salads on the way home.

    Have a great day !
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,264 Member
    Storm cloud of emotion got the better of me last night and I didn't get on the bike. We had such a solid plan to, so I'm frustrated.

    Tonight is guaranteed to be active as I have outdoor soccer.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,829 Member
    New group chat is open ...Please head on over and reintroduce yourself. But keep weighing in here for July
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 305 Member
    I forgot! @Gidgitgoescrzy - We have made the egg muffin bites before. They are really good and a great, healthy (depending on what you add to it) breakfast option. Especially since you can make it as a meal prep. A light spritz of an oil spray seems to work pretty well, or using reusable silicone muffin cups. I'm excited to hear how it goes for you.

    @lauren_989 - I am so happy you loved the movie, too. I don't know if I can say I love it more because I haven't seen the original in so long. But, it was done well enough that loving it more is definitely possible.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,829 Member
    edited July 30
    You have a new member joining your amazing team ...Please welcome @NewHippie :)
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,187 Member
    Welcome to the team @Neon_hippie!! Please introduce yourself and let us know a little about you, where you are from if you want to share.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,187 Member
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 305 Member
    Last night's CrossFit class was brutal, but only because we were doing exercises I struggle with. We did four rounds of: 1 minute planks, 1 minute dumbbell box step ups, and 1 minute deadlifts with no breaks in between. Planks... well, I would be surprised if I was the only one who struggled with planks. Box steps ups aren't terribly hard, just tiring as the middle exercise and especially with a dumbbell. Deadlifts. They're a great exercise, but I know I struggle with form when I try to go quickly.

    I went to the store after and then home to make dinner. Pinto and black bean burrito bowls with a little cheese, lime cilantro rice, tomatoes, serrano peppers, avocado, Greek yogurt (I made the change to this from sour cream years ago and love it!), and lime. So, so filling, yet I found myself snacking on chips later in the evening.

    When I remember to track consistently, I find that I am regularly lacking in sodium in my diet. Especially with how much I've been exercising lately and the heat. That's probably the best explanation for the chips when I wasn't hungry. I will try to remember to have an electrolyte filled water next time.

    Oh! Our coach made an all 90s playlist today for spin class. So, I obviously had to go. My body this morning is tired!

    How is everyone else doing? What is one thing you have accomplished this week?
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,187 Member
    @MaddawgMadsen great job with all the exercise you are doing! I find that dead lifts are easy to hurt my lower back, so I would be cautious doing them fast. I always have to remind myself to engage my core and that helps my back.

    I went for a walk this morning. It was 72, but the humidity is crazy. I feel like I started sweatimg the second I stepped outside! I am going out to lunch with my parents amd sister today and I looked ahead at the menu and found a tasty looking wrap that should be a lower calorie option.

    Let's see...one thing I accomplished this week is getting my continuing education done for my license. I don't feel like I accomplished anything towards my health goals. I intend to make a plan for next month, but haven't done that yet.
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