WaistAways Team Chat - August 2024

Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
edited September 1 in Social Groups
Here is your Team chat room for August 2024. This is where you weigh in, post your goals and progress, discuss any issues or topics of interest, share ideas, support your teammates, receive help when you need it, and dream big. Try to post often, and help each other succeed! Bookmark this thread to make it easy to land here any time.

Fat2Fit has five great teams. The group and team leaders are as follows - contact them any time!

Our Moderators:
Ashley - @minstrelofsarcasm
Jessica - @jessicakrall8
Lauren- @lauren_989
Megan - @Megan_smartiepants1970

Our Team Captains:
Downsizers - @Megan_smartiepants1970 and [open]
Mission Slimpossible - @Katmary71 and @trooworld
Weight No More - @minstrelofsarcasm and @melaniedscott
WaistAways - @ashleycarole86 and @lauren_989
Shape Shifters - @jessicakrall8 and @Pupowl

Our Team Motivators:
Downsizers - @NachDeezy
Mission Slimpossibles - @19shmoo69
Weight No More - @rachelrjh and @BodyTalking
WaistAways - @MaddawgMadsen
Shape Shifters - @LaurieWrobo and @Cyncia85

HOW IT ALL WORKS: The August challenge runs for four weeks, from August 4 - August 31.

Everyone weighs in weekly on their chosen day right here in the team chat. At the end of each week, the tallies are done to determine the team and individuals with the most weight lost. The best losers are announced with full fanfare every Sunday. The team competition is all in good spirits - may the most losing win, and may everyone else get to work on next week!

We also celebrate those small, steady losses. If you lose, however small an amount, you are in the green! At the end of the month, we celebrate everyone who lost at least a bit every single week. You are heading steadily towards your goal even if you aren't at the top of the weight loss leaderboard. In March we are aiming for every team to hit 50% green every week - let's do this!

To make your weigh-in easy to find for your team Captains, please put it right at the top of a message, and use this format:
Weigh In Day:
PW (Previous Weight):
CW (Current Weight):

If you miss two weigh-ins in a row without asking for a break, you will be dropped from the team, so be sure to inform your team captain if you are traveling, sick, or just need some time off. If you want a break, you can be excused for a week or two, or can be moved to the Support Team for as long as you need. You still participate in the discussions, you can weigh in if you want to, but it will not count in the weekly tally. Don't worry! You can always come back even if you get dropped.

Once you reach your goal weight, you join the Goal Zone. You continue to weigh in every week. If you have 2 weeks above your self-defined goal zone, you go back to the regular team to lose that amount before it builds up. You will have a chance to hone those maintenance skills and stick with your team.

In addition to your own team, there are weekly F2F Full Group CHALLENGES. You can do all or none - it's up to you. Participating adds a lot to your success, so we hope to see you there often! These can involve anything fitness, health, or nutrition - and they’ll get you moving, thinking, and learning about this journey. Check the Announcements section for full group challenges.

Let’s show our fellow challengers some F2F love Introduce or re-introduce yourselves right away, and let's get August on the road!


  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 311 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Jolene. I live in SW Colorado with my husband and two dogs. I am fairly active, but I do love food ... and beer. That is a big reason why I am part of this group and have been for a little over a year.

    I started over 190 lbs in June of last year. I hit my lowest at the end of October at 170.4 (so close to a new decade!), but have since slowly going up. My most recent weigh in was 178.0. October was my best month by far because it was the only month I was completely diligent with regular exercise, daily logging of food, and no alcohol.

    I keep coming back to this group because I know I would be a lot higher than 178 without it. Also, I just love hearing how all of you are doing!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    Welcome to August 2024!

    I am Lauren, co-captain along with @ashleycarole86. I am 38 years old and from North Carolina, USA. I have been on a weight loss journey most of my adult life. I have done a lot of the yo-yo thing, losing a lot of weight in 2012 and then gaining it back. Over the last few years, I seem to be gaining and losing the same 10-15 pounds.

    Summer is hard for me, bbqs, vacations, etc. I am hoping August will be good and on my flight home on Thursday, I am going to make a plan for the month to get me there.

    Some helpful information/tools:

    Posting your daily updates
    We know from experience that posting daily (or as often as you can!) makes a huge difference to your success. Use any format you like to let everyone know how you are doing on your daily goals and habits. You can report on food, exercise, water, sleep, or whatever you are tracking and trying to stick with. While you're there, talk about how you are, ask questions, and if you can answer someone else, please do! Congratulate others, commiserate, enjoy someone's rant, or go ahead and rant yourself. It all helps make the kind of community where we are in each others' heads when the hand is reaching for that off-plan snack, or the couch is feeling way too inviting...

    Weighing in
    Please try to weigh in on time (but don't sweat it if you have to use a different day sometimes)! Put your weigh in at the TOP of a message, so it is clear and easy to find. If you cannot post your weight for whatever reason, you can request a week off, or if you need a longer break, you can be moved to the "Support Team" where you still participate but your weigh-ins will not be part of the weekly tally. This is where members who are ill, on vacation, or just needing a break can hang out for as long as needed.

    The F2F Habit Tracker
    If you want a simple place to track your most important habits, give this a try. The link and how-to info are under "Announcements" on the main F2F page. This will be posted soon for August.

    So everyone, tell us a bit about you, your goals, what steps you are going to work on. It's fun to know your name and where you live (if you're willing to share that), what brought you here, how your weight loss journey has been, and where you are headed now. We all have information to share, things we can learn, and lean on each other as a team for a successful month!
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 467 Member
    Hi all I'm Joann, I live in Alberta and work as a public health nurse. I'm married and have a 10 year old daughter 2 year old German shepherd. On top of that I'm taking an online MPA degree. I am part of this group to lose some weight but mostly to stay accountable for my healthy habits and would like to see some movement on the scale. July was a good month and I know it was from tracking my evening snacking, which gets the better of me.
    I'm excited for August but know it will be quite a month. I have a condensed course for 3 weeks, my birthday, and some camping trips booked.
    My goal for this month is to again keep track of my snacking and alcohol during the week. With all the hot weather, ice cream stops and late nights I need something to keep that downward slope with the scale.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    edited August 8
    You have a new member joining your wonderful team ... Please welcome @Neon_hippie :)
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    The August habit tracker is now posted. If you would like to track your goals for next month, head on over!

  • smcewen99
    smcewen99 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey Team,

    I'm Shawn from Toronto Canada. (return tripper June and July)
    My weight loss journey can be classically called Chariots of Fire - slow, steady and classic.
    I travel heavy for sales during the summer months and need to track daily to ensure the best decisions.
    My goal this month is to increase my movement and get more rest (recovery)

    Good luck to all.


  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 281 Member

    Hey everyone, it's been busy over here, we had our fiscal year end. But I've been keeping up with my eating and exercising so all is good.

    I'm Vikki, 52, married, Baltimore, MD - Have been with the team on and off for I think 4 years now. I am basically at goal, I do want to get a few more pounds off but won't be heartbroken if I don't. I started at 192, my goal was 145, but I would like to get into the 130's but my body seems very happy in the low 140's.

    I think for August I am going to concentrate on trying to get like 5 bs off, and at the same time build a consistent exercise habit. I am planning on doing my squat challenge, and rowing 3 times a week. We should get back to walking here at work soon, but the weather hasn't been cooperative at all.

    So I will start with 10 weighted squats daily, increasing by 5 every 3 days, with 1 day off a week. (right now I am using a 15lb kettlebell, but I'm not sure that will be feasible when I get above 20, so I might lower the weight then.)

    I am only rowing 10 minutes at a time, I did 20 minutes a few days ago, and I hurt for 2 days, so I did 10 minutes last night and that was good, I will increase by 5 minutes each week.

    I am also going to do yoga 2 days a week.

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    The August Week 1 Group Challenge is live and ready to begin on Sunday, August 4th. Please join us for a 7-Day Mental Health Challenge! Here's your link:


    See you in the chat thread! B)
  • zankash23
    zankash23 Posts: 123 Member
    PW: 144.4
    CW: 143

    Sun- 6823
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 566 Member
    CW: 183.2
    Sorry I was late from Wednesday, but I’ll aim to be on track next week!
    Have a good night. Intros tomorrow.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    edited August 4
    Sunday: 8,883 + 3 mile walk @ 4.0 mph
    Monday: 2,594
    Tuesday: 5,374
    Wednesday: 7,056 + 2.25 mile walk @ 3.9 mph
    Thursday: 9,899 + 2.25 mile walk @ 3.9 mph
    Friday: 6,748 + 1.7 mile walk @ 3.8 mph
    Saturday: 6,313 + 1.5 mile walk @ 3.3 mph
  • Heathere244
    Heathere244 Posts: 23 Member

    PW 175
    CW 176.1

    Not sure why the scale moved up this week. My goal for this week is to find a high protein breakfast that is quick and easy. Also, find and stick to an exercise routine that I can do 3 times a week.

    I am 52 years old from Crestline, OH. I have an adult daughter and 3 grandchildren. I work full time Mon through Fri. I try to keep active on the weekends. I like hiking and camping, but also reading and jigsaw puzzles. I struggle with binge eating with stress, I am not really a social media person, so I don’t do well with daily posts. I am trying to do better at this, but it is not easy for me. Good luck to everyone on this weight loss journey.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    @Heathere244 you have had 2 big losses 2 weeks in a row! That may be why the scale is fluctuating. But keep doing what you are doing because it is working! Quick breakfast ideas that I like are eggs. Sometimes I boil them the night before so they are ready to grab and go. Other times I like to make scrambled eggs with peppers and onions!

    I have had a great past few days. I went for a walk this morning around the neighborhood (specifically for the weekly challenge...please join!). I have really focused in on my food and tracking before I eat. I have my week planned for meals as well.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    I read this interesting article on walking today. It shows that slow walking after a meal can help control blood sugsr spikes compared to sitting. I know a lot of time after dinner, I sit on the couch and read or watch tv. It also showed there is benefit even if you have to split your walking into 2-5 minute increments throughout the day.

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,528 Member

    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners

    Percentage of Members in the Green!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,528 Member

    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners

    Percentage of Members in the Green!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    *Our team came in 1st for the last week of July!! 🎉
    *Congrats to our week 5 winners: @Kali225 @Heathere244 @zankash23
    *A shout out to our monthly winners:
    @Lyss983 @zankash23 @Heathere244
    *We had 61% of our team in the green last week! 💚

    Let's keep up the great work! 🎉🎉
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 684 Member
    hello hello! August already?

    I'm Kay, 29, living in Boston, working downtown in finance, and continuing to struggle with binge eating and emotional/tired eating. I think August 2020 was my first month with this group, so this is my on/off 4-year anniversary.

    June and July were really washes for me, and I think partly to blame is getting behind on everyone's posts here! So I am trying to recommit to a daily check-in, even if I am only reading along and not chiming in.

    My first major goal or step to take this month is adjusting my sleep pattern to (once again) try to become a Morning Workout person. I am already somewhat failing because it is 11:30pm here, but Sundays tend to be later nights for me anyways because of errands and meal prep, etc. Today was a pretty long day, as I drove back home from Cape Cod after my cousin's bachelorette weekend. It was really fun, weather was great, and while the calories from alcohol were not in line with my goal of losing ~100lbs from where I am right now, we also danced for like 2 straight hours last night at a bar, so hopefully I net some of the drinking out on the dancefloor!!

    Definitely feeling a little low on sleep now, but I am going to set my alarm a bit earlier than usual for tomorrow and then Tuesday attempt to get up around 5:45am and be swimming laps by 6:10am before getting ready for work. Wish me luck.

    @Heathere244 I have 3 low fat (2%) mozzarella string cheeses almost every day for breakfast, and I love that they are grab and go, and 18g of protein for 180 calories [I am fiercely loyal to the Polly-o brand]. I also like to meal prep egg muffins on Sundays every few weeks, with egg, sausage or bacon, some low fat cheese, bell pepper, onion, chives, salt/pepper/paprika, and bake them in silicone cupcake papers/molds. They reheat nicely through the week and have a decent amount of protein for the number of calories.
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 281 Member
    Happy Monday, I had a good weekend. Rowed for 15 minutes on Saturday, and 20 minutes of yoga yesterday. Did squats both days, I've determined I have to do them very slowly, because apparently for me it's important to keep my knees over my heels at the whole time, this will help the knee issue I have, so I don't think I am going to go over 20 per day this month.

    Food has been good this weekend, although yesterday we had ice cream for dinner, but I knew we were going to, so it was planned and accounted for.

    @ Kali225 I just started making those egg muffins too, I got the silicone molds, used them for the 1st time yesterday and they are awesome. 1st time I used paper cup cake thingy's, and that was a mess. Anyway, I put cottage cheese in mine, to up the protein a bit. This week I am going to crumble them up in a high fiber wrap, and add some salsa. ( I put onion, red pepper and jalapeno in mine).

    I also prepped some chicken, I use a blackened seasoning, and it's spicy, so I have some carrot and cabbage with ranch, and put it in a wrap, it's soooo good with a nice crunch. Those 2 things are way more than I would normally eat, so It will be interesting to see how this goes. I'm trying to get away from my protein shake / bars habit and eat more natural food. I want to figure out how to make my own ranch also, so maybe next weekend.

    Have a wonderful day !
  • Lyss983
    Lyss983 Posts: 52 Member
    Previous weigh-in: 167.0 lbs
    Curren weigh-in: 167.6 lbs

    Weight has increased, but more than likely hormonal, so I'm not too worried. Was on track for food and movement all last week. Starting up this workout set today, with added bike time on the strength-focused days: https://darebee.com/programs/soma-40.html
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,281 Member
    Hey lovelies. Ashley here, your co-captain along with @lauren_989 who keeps us all focused. I am 37 years old living in Alberta, Canada. I have had weight struggles all my life and use food to cope with all matters of things. I'd successfully lost over 100 pounds with this group but I've had a major regain and I'm still here just trying not to lose focus on what I need to be doing.

    Highlights in July were completing a nearly 50 KM bike ride and a lovely vacation in Kelowna, BC. However, a good friend passed away, my husband's job has been adding a ton of stress to us, my MIL had a health scare, and we just faced a few more challenges than usual.

    Having said that, August is here, we have our health and our happiness, and we are looking forward.

    I've had my dad here visiting from Manitoba and then next weekend we are in Montana for a concert but I'll try not to fall too far behind!
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 311 Member
    Happy August everyone!

    @gidgitgoescrzy - My husband and I regularly make a ranch type dip out of Greek yogurt that's delicious. That dip with fresh veggies have actually become our go-to potluck item. Here is a link to a dip recipe: https://www.wellplated.com/greek-yogurt-ranch-dip/

    @ashleycarole86 - What concert are you going to? I love concerts and haven't been to one in a while. Needless to say I am a little bit jealous!

    @Heathere244 - I second what @kali225 and @gidgitgoescrzy said about the egg muffins. They are a great way to ensure a protein packed breakfast. I especially like the idea of adding cottage cheese to them. I've never done it, but I bet it would be good. Lately, the husband and I have been doing overnight oats. I use less oatmeal than my husband and take it easy on the fruit. Also, we both use protein powder and chia seeds in our overnight oats. Lastly, I use a low-calorie, nut based milk for my liquid. It is pretty calorie dense, but takes me all morning to eat it. So, it becomes my breakfast and my morning snack.

    I leave on Wednesday for a week long trip back to some remote parts of Oregon, so I will not be able to weigh-in or participate much in the chats.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrzy @MaddawgMadsen I also use Greek yogurt to make ranch dip. I cheat however and just buy a package of ranch seasoning and add it to the Greek yogurt.

    @MaddawgMadsen I hope you have fun on your trip!

    @Kali225 I think sleep is very important to focus on! That is a great goal for this month.

    @Lyss983 That work out plan looks great! I want to look at it closer and maybe I will do it as well.

    I had a good day today. I am hoping to go for a walk around my neighborhood this evening. Either that or do some active stretching. That is something I have been thinking about needing to do more as well. I ate within calories and I'm looking for a green number tomorrow!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 684 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrzy oh yes, I have made egg muffins with regular papers and it was nearly a total waste! silicone all the way. Cottage cheese is a good tip, I should try that next time

    @ashleycarole86 sorry to hear about your friend, and health scare for your mom! here's to things looking up in August

    I left work in a bit of a mood, but I was on a mission today - get to the Burton store before they close so I could be sized for a new snowboard and buy one, during their very impressive summer sale. I got a new board AND new boots, a $940 value, for $499! I am so, so excited for this upcoming winter (she says in August).

    Made some zucchini fritters to go with leftover chicken wings for dinner. Got in some quick, stretchy yoga before bed.

    Night all!
  • Neon_hippie
    Neon_hippie Posts: 77 Member
    Weigh In Day: Tuesday
    PW (Previous Weight): 170
    CW (Current Weight): 168.8

    Well, oof, what a week--pretty hot and humid here. Hopefully pay more attention to my nutrition in the upcoming days. Off to muck out some stalls and play with goats (not my own). I've never done egg cups but do make-ahead breakfast burritos using a hi fiber wrap, eggs, and roasted veggies with a little bit of cheese thrown in. They freeze really well and can be eaten thru the week.

    @lauren_989 : Thanks for the reminder about weighing in!

    @MaddawgMadsen : Thanks for the link to the ranch/Greek yoghurt combo. I will give it a try.

    @Lyss983 : Thanks so much for the exercise link--it's what I've been looking for, lol! It looks great!

  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 281 Member
    Yesterday was good, no exercise, it was my rest day.

    Today will be rowing, squats, and whatever else I feel like doing.

    I am my own worst enemy, I always feel like I'm not doing enough, then I do too much, and I just can't seem to find that happy balance.

    Have a great day !

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    PW: 212.6
    CW: 209.8

    Had a great week after a bad week (I was in RI so didn't weigh in last week). I hope I can keep this momentum up!
This discussion has been closed.