WaistAways Team Chat - August 2024



  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 891 Member
    edited August 17

    Honestly, I’m not sure! It’s this Thurs,Fri and Saturday. I just hope I’m able to walk the grounds and find a spot to do some calisthenics. And have a s’more before the year is out.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,322 Member
    edited August 18
    CW 219.5 (average) Don’t remember my last weigh in.

    @lauren_989 so glad you got to meet with Liselyn and Evelyn. Any photos to share?

    Sorry I’ve been MIA and totally missed my last weigh in and a whole week.

    I will check in again tomorrow to catch up. Falling asleep.
  • zankash23
    zankash23 Posts: 123 Member
    PW: 143
    CW: 144

    Sun- 6921
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    Sunday: 10,145 + 2 mile walk @ 3.9 mph
    Monday: 5,341 + 60 minute body pump class
    Tuesday: 3684 + 25 minute full body stretch
    Wednesday: 3,542
    Thursday: 10,089 + 50 min elliptical - 4 miles
    Friday: 2,929
    Saturday: 7,853 + 60 min body pump class
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    This weeks challenge is a partner walking/step challenge. Head on over and check it out! 🚶🏼‍♀️

    @micki48 I should have taken pictures but didn't think about it 🙈

    I got out for a 3 mile walk/jog this morning. Starting the couch 2 5k program again...I am signed up for a 5k on turkey day so I want to get practicing 😊
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,528 Member

    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners

    Percentage of Members in the Green!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    Great job this week @StayFITTer and @cleaneater80

    Also, 44% of our team was in the green this week!

    Way to go team! 🎉🎉🎉
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,281 Member
    Sun Aug 11 - 5969 steps
    Mon Aug 12 - 10052 steps
    Tues Aug 13 - 11277 steps
    Wed Aug 14 - 12167 steps
    Thurs Aug 15 - 10197 steps
    Fri Aug 16 - 7519 steps
    Sat Aug 17 - 3964 steps

    My Garmin is starting to near the end of its battery life.. it will die now when it says it still has 40% left! I think I can replace the battery but I'm missing out on some step recording when it's dead!
  • Lyss983
    Lyss983 Posts: 52 Member
    Current Weight: 165.4 lbs

    It's been a solid week! Stayed on track, got my workouts in, took a rest day midweek because my body needed it! Bought myself some IUGA leggings from Amazon, super comfy and they have pockets! :)
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 684 Member
    @Lyss983 love a good legging purchase! I am currently wearing a pair I got from Torrid on sale around black Friday I think - never shopped there before but the sale prices were good and they also have pockets!! [the best feature a legging can have imo]

    having a pretty good day here - I traveled home from the Catskills yesterday in very heavy traffic, and I was totally exhausted so I slept in this morning (no laps today! will pick it back up tomorrow). Had a pretty productive day for work - we get to be remote for the next 2 weeks, so no commuting for me until Sept 3rd!

    I'm not really feeling a workout today, so after I grocery shop, I might try a walk and see how my foot feels after the first 2 weeks of PT exercises.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    @strong_fit_ells I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation. The step challenge this week will help you get back into things! I always feel like it's ok to splurge a bit on holiday, but as long as you get back to your plan and habits when you get home is the important part!

    @Lyss983 way to go listening to your body and resting when you need it!

    @Kali225 I hope you had fun in the Catskills. You deserve to sleep in when needed. You are lucky you can work from home for 2 weeks!

    Great day here! The weather cooled off some and we are heading into a week of "false fall." I am going to get outside and enjoy it while I can! I took a walk on lunch today in addition to my body pump class. 😊
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,281 Member
    It's super warm here and I'm busy waiting for it to cool off enough that I can walk my dog. We're having a mini heat wave for sure.

    I'm also remote all week while they renovate our office which is a nice treat, these are the conditions I lost my weight in when I was so successful and I miss it.
  • Neon_hippie
    Neon_hippie Posts: 77 Member
    Name: Neon_Hippie
    PW 168.0
    CW 168.0

    Well, I didn't lose this week, but I didn't gain either. So, yay? :#
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 311 Member
    Trying to get back to a routine after vacation has been hard for me recently. So, I decided to give myself a challenge. I'm going to do a quasi-75 Soft. The 75 Soft is a lighter version of the 75 Hard. Here are the guidelines for 75 Soft (75 Hard in Parenthesis):

    For 75 days (in a row otherwise you start over):
    1. Eat well in general and avoid alcohol except for social/special occasions (Stick to a diet, no alcohol, no cheat meals)
    2. Exercise once for 45 minutes each day, with one day of active recovery each week (Exercise for 45 minutes twice/day, including one outdoor workout)
    3. Drink 3 liters or ~ 100 ounces of water daily (Drink 1 gallon of water daily)
    4. Read 10 pages of any book each day (Read 10 pages of a nonfiction, personal development-focused book)
    5. (Take a daily progress picture)

    For me, the quasi 75 soft means starting this Friday I will be:
    1. Following a diet: carb cycling - no alcohol
    2. Exercise daily: even if it is just a walk - I don't care about the length of time
    3. Drink at least 2 liters of water
    4. Occasional progress photos

    I plan to do this for at least 75 days to see how I feel. It should end just before U.S. Thanksgiving.

    I know one other person in this group is doing carb cycling. How is it working? What tips/suggestions do you have for it?
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    PW: 207.6
    CW: 207.4

    @ashleycarole86 what is the hardest part for you going to the office compared to working at home?

    @MaddawgMadsen we did a 75 day soft/medium/hard and it was challenging, but you can do it! There is also a thread under the announcements if you need ideas.
  • strong_fit_ells
    strong_fit_ells Posts: 148 Member
    Good evening Waistaways :smile:

    Today was very good day :smiley:

    I am really proud of myself because I owned up about my debt to my husband. It is massive weight of my heart. We've had a good chat about it and maybe tonight I will actually sleep well instead of worrying.
    I've signed up to a free app Debt Pay Off Planner. I listed everything I owe and if I pay minimum payments I'll be debt free in four years. With my husbands help I'll be debt free in two years....
    So today is really really good day :smiley:

    steps :smile:

    Thursday 12,246
    Friday 7,404
    Saturday 7,599
    Sunday 10,386
    Monday 12,877
    Tuesday 16,954
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    @strong_fit_ells that is good that you talked with your husband! I hope you can get restful sleep tonight. Great stepping!

    Today was busy over here. It is georgous outside! 🌞 I worked 1/2 day, had a work meeting at lunch, came home and did my c25k training today, donated blood, got stuff for my book club tomorrow night at the store, ate dinner, and went for another walk this evening with my hubby. I am tired!! I'm trying to drink a bunch of water and sitting by the fan. Second walk might not have been the best idea after donating a pint of blood! 😪
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    You are all amazing. I love your open sweet sharing @strong_fit_ells :heart:

    I am so glad to be home after a wonderful week with my sister and our mom. What a fantastic time we had, and we got to meet @lauren_989 ! Even though I am glad to be home where there are way fewer cars and people, I have to say that the week was full of great workouts, talks, hard work on helping our mom start to reduce her possessions and unnecessary stuff, and fun outings. All the things! Then I got home to WAY cooler temps, my garden full of crazy amounts of stuff, rain, and soon a good sleep :smile:

    I have learned for the millionth time, that strong workouts lead to less pain. Going to keep it up. Hoping to buy an elliptical - I like it so much better than the exercise bike, but they are expensive! I'll look for a used one...

    Hugs to all!
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 311 Member
    @lauren_989 - I also donated blood yesterday! But, I did not do a walk afterwards. I seem to frequently get lightheaded after donating, so I am good at planning the rest of my day with minimal exertion.

    I have attempted the 75 hard before, but only made it to day 25 or so. Then I tried the 75 medium/soft, but only made it to day 40. If I remember correctly, I think I ended up sick around day 40 and tried to push through, but only made myself sicker. Hopefully this time I can do all 75 days. If I get sick, I'll let my body rest, heal, and then tack days on at the end.

    @strong_fit_ells - You are strong. It's in your name. But, it's also in your actions of talking to your husband about your debt. I am so happy you did this! What a weight off that must be! Good job. Keep taking the hard steps now and hopefully all future steps in your journey will get easier!

    @jugar - I managed once to find a used elliptical for $50. After a couple of years I realized I never used it and sold it for $50. I bet if you search you can find a good deal on one! It sounds like you had a very fun and successful trip to NC. I'm glad to hear it.

    In-laws are in town and they like to eat and drink! Luckily, I can scale back while I'm at work to absorb the excess while they are here, but I'm a little nervous about the weigh-in tomorrow. It will be so nice to start the 75 challenge on Friday!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    I am exhausted today. I had a hard time falling asleep last night and then I had to wake up early before work to get steps in for the partner step challenge. I had my book club after work today and knew I wouldn't do anything but that this evening.

    It was interesting, because normally there is a lot of junk food there. But this month was healthy! Someone made a delicious salad with apples, cranberry, chicken, and pecans with a light vinagrette dressing, there was boiled shrimp, strawberries, and a fruit truffle. The salad was my favorite.

    Well I'm off to sleep 😴
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 684 Member
    hello hello, and happy hump day.

    I am really struggling with sleep this week, hope it is somehow related to my time of the month - which I think (???) is ending today. I've had some persistent cramping today that I would love to cease. Trying to stay up until 10pm and then let myself crash. Last night was some really interrupted sleep which isn't like me. As a result, I switched my "morning" swim laps to lunch hours yesterday and today - it felt really good to get it done both days and get in the water, even if the timing wasn't what I planned. I'll try for morning again tomorrow but with these 2 weeks of all-remote work, I have the leeway to swim at some other point if I want.

    Eating has not been great, since about this time last night. I didn't eat anything today until after 2pm!! Not good. I struggle with being hungry in the mornings, and definitely not turning to protein when I should. Why must carbs be so tasty and comforting...

    Trying to keep my Friday weigh-in in mind, I really don't want yet another bounce back up into the high 250s. The point is to go DOWN, you dumb scale.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,281 Member
    It's a good question - I think mostly it's just the lack of commute time and formal prep to go into the office makes me feel so much more organized - my kitchen is right there so I don't have to plan ahead, I can just access everything I need, I can have a quick shower and get dressed but that's all that's required, I can walk my dog at lunch, small chores like dishes and laundry get done during breaks.
    I lost all my weight during COVID work from home and the other reason I think being home more works for me is it means I'm out less with others doing things that don't help me work towards my goals (meals out, snack days at work, happy hours, etc.)
    There has been something so nice about it, I do wish I could hold onto it permanently but it's just not a reality for me

    Looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow, I know the positive effects of what I've described above will show up on the scale tomorrow!
This discussion has been closed.