WaistAways Team Chat - August 2024



  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    The August Week 2 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin on Sunday, Aug 11th, so please join us for the Stress-Free Me Challenge! Here's your link:


    See you in the chat thread!
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 437 Member
  • zankash23
    zankash23 Posts: 123 Member
    PW: 143
    CW: 143

    Sun- 6167
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 684 Member
    thank you @lauren_989 ! And another perfect day for you, woo!!

    In addition to the weather, I got really tired last night so I got into bed early and played some video games. Let myself sleep in a bit (8:45am lol) today and got out to kayaking eventually. It was lovely out.

    Now I am relaxing with some preseason football. Autumn is around the corner!!!!
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 891 Member
    Weigh In Day: SATURDAY
    PW (Previous Weight): 166.0
    CW (Current Weight): 168.6

    I was traveling last week. Would say the scale went in the wrong direction BUT—I’m pleased with my weigh-in results because I saw myself creep back into a “decade” that I left months ago.

    Looking forward to focusing on water and food tracking. Tracking food for the next day and updating it is helpful. Making sure I have water filled for next day—a “drink” routine making my tea and coffee has been nice too.

    While on vacation I made great use of the hotel gym. Got a chance to use a Pelton bike and a Forme Mirror for the first time.

    Looking forward to prioritizing high-protein and Whole Foods this week
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,281 Member
    Greeting from Missoula, Montana! Nice to be on the other side of the border where so many of you are for a few days! We have been having a blast per usual... the Robert Plant and Alison Krauss concert was EPIC. The talent that Robert Plant has and how amazing his voice still is... wow. I would say we were basically moved to tears a few times.
    Then we saw it was the Missoula County Fair and I've never been to a US fair so we had to check it out. There was a butterfly and insect display that we really enjoyed, we played a few rounds of bingo, had a couple drinks and some food, and checked out the exhibit halls. One of the neat things I'm not used to is all the judging and ribbons awarded to all sorts of things - flowers, crafts, baked goods, vegetables.. we had a blast walking around and seeing all the entries.
    Then we had a luxurious vacation nap (oh so good) and decided to go to the movie theatre to see Trap. We enjoyed it, you had to suspend belief a bit as some of the concepts were a bit far fetched but it was all good.
    I remember last time I was in Missoula I was a similar weight - they have an old carousel downtown and you have to be under 250 to ride and I remember melting down that I was above that... well lo and behold all these years later and I'm basically back in the same boat. I need to stop just talking about it and start doing something about it, I'd say.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,281 Member
    Step reporting
    Those of you who've been around for a while know that your co-captain has let the step reporting fall for periods of time over the years. I took an unplanned break in July when I couldn't seem to get on here to even catch up with posts let alone record and report and so on. My apologies and thanks to everyone who still posted and kept accountability.
    Anyway, it's a new month, week 1 is due, and I'm committing to tracking it! So, Aug 4-10 steps and exercise minutes, please post for anyone who is still interested and I'll be reporting on those I get later this week. And thanks @zankash23 as always for being our first poster!

    Aug 4 - 4648 steps
    Aug 5 - 7935 steps
    Aug 6 - 19593 steps
    Aug 7 - 9521 steps
    Aug 8 - 10518 steps
    Aug 9 - 9640 steps
    Aug 10 - 8673 steps

    Total weekly average was just over my 10K a day thanks to my really big Tuesday. Woo hoo! A good starting place for the month for me.

    @jugar @lauren_989 Love that a F2F meetup is in the works!! Can't wait to hear all about it.

    @StayFITTer What did you think of the Peloton? Which instructor did you do (if you remember?)

    @Kali225 It is so crazy to me it's already preseason.. it is hard to believe that fall is just around the corner. Soon our chat will be filled with NFL talk yet again :)
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    Sunday: 8,289 + 1.7 mile walk @ 3.4 mph
    Monday: 2,639
    Tuesday: 6,731 + 1.7 mile walk @ 3.4 mph
    Wednesday: 6,027 + 1.7 mile walk @ 3.4 mph
    Thursday: 3,028 + 45 min yoga
    Friday: 6,842 + 1.7 mile walk @ 3.4 mph
    Saturday: 11,183 + 1.7 mile walk @ 3.4mph

    This week I didn't get to body pump at all. They had changed the times because instructors were on vacation, so it didn't mesh with my schedule. So I just did some walking around my neighborhood. Anywho, back to my regular schedule next week!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,528 Member

    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners

    Percentage of Members in the Green!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    Great job this week @strong_fit_ells and @Neon_hippie!!

    Shout out to @Gidgitgoescrzy who is down 50 pounds from her highest weight!!

    Let's stick with our habits for the upcoming week!

  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 684 Member
    woooo @Gidgitgoescrzy Vicki, 50 lbs down is awesome!

    @ashleycarole86 so glad the concert was great. I'm so interested to hear you comment on the prizes at the fair - that isn't a thing in Canada? I would say not every fair in the US is big enough to have competitions for livestock and plants etc but it's very common. (Particularly maybe in the midwest & west regions where the farms are also so much bigger). And I like your attitude about being around the same weight last time you were at the carousel - time is weird and we go through so many seasons with our weight, but you can always reset yourself!

    @StayFITTer I'm also curious to hear what you thought of the bike at the gym

    Not a great day for me eating-wise here, but otherwise SO successful for a Sunday. I got groceries done early, started meal prepping, took 2 hours on the roof to sunbathe, got more meal prep done, vacuumed my kitchen, did some nice stretchy yoga, took an hour long bath, and refilled my 2 water filters in my fridge + all 8 of my ice cube trays. [I am usually SO bad about that last chore so this is a triumph].

    Ready for bed on TIME on a SUNDAY (who AM I), and looking forward to waking up early for my 2nd week of morning swim sessions. :)
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 891 Member
    edited August 12

    I liked the bike. I did an on demand Ally Love workout. It was cool because I was able to see people who was taking it with me or previously took it—see if I could beat their score and I saw other people encroaching on my spot so it made me work harder. Someone sent a high five? Didn’t know how to initiate one but anytime the news feed highlighted someone’s efforts (ie This person completed their first ride, etc) I tried to celebrate it.

    I wish I would’ve taken/experienced a live class. They had them as late as 10pm PST—but I don’t think it was cycling. So they do offer other formats.

    My issue these days is music—I’m an old school instructor so explicit language was a red flag for me cause you don’t want to offend your audience.
    I can get over it, but curious if a heads up can
    be given—or it’s just a person’s personality so what you see is what you get…

    So with that said—I COULD see why someone would spend 44 a month for the service…the novelty of it all is cute….
    but I’m good with my $7.90 a month with Apple Fitness Plus—I just need a bike to tell me my output.
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 281 Member
    Happy Monday, I had a good weekend, although my weight is up this morning and I am not exctly sure why. I feel like I ate okay this weekend.

    Saturday, was exercise, then a facial, then out to celebrate my husbands birthday.
    Sunday, we went on a morning stroll at the nature center, then to Costco, then home to food prep. I did 30 minutes of yoga, then 5 minutes of Pilates.

    The Yoga app I use, just released a pilates app that is still in Beta, I just did 5 minutes, because I wanted to see what it was like, I like it. It gives you all the important reminders, and it's just very good at explaining everything. It's also totally customizable, and the best part is, once you subscribe to one app, all of the other ones are included, so I don't even have to pay for it. They also have hiit, barre , and meditation.

    Have a wonderful day !
  • Heathere244
    Heathere244 Posts: 23 Member
    edited August 12
    PW 176.1
    CW 175.4
    My weigh in should be Sunday but I was out of town.

    I have a nice but stressful week coming up. I am going to visit my Daughter and Grandchildren, but I am flying into Atlanta and driving about 1 45 minutes from there. Driving in Atlanta will be my challenge. I am thinking one step at a time. Crossing my fingers all goes well.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    @Heathere244 have a safe and fun trip!!

    @Kali225 were you able to get up early this morning and get your swimming in?

    I am exhausted today. I set my alarm to get up at 1am and look for the meteors with the peak of the perseids, but when I got outside it was cloudy. Should have looked at the weather first 😂 Then it took me almost another hour to get back to sleep 😴
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    edited August 13

    I also have only gotten 1 weigh-in so far this week. Reminder to:

  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 684 Member
    @lauren_989 yes ma'am! My goal this week is to reach 30 or more laps, but today was just another 25. I was a little slow getting out of bed. Luckily, the temp in the pool was extra warm so it was a nice way to start the day.

    I've had a good dinner. Going to allow myself to finish off a serving of ice cream before getting ready for bed. I had a productive day at work and left around 4:40pm which felt great. Going to try to do that tomorrow as well - I am aiming for laps in the morning and dance cardio with my girlfriends in the evening.

    @Heathere244 good luck with your driving!
  • Neon_hippie
    Neon_hippie Posts: 77 Member
    PW 168.8
    CW 168.0

    A friend is celebrating a 30-pound weight loss, and I asked him if he had any wisdom. He used the term "hobbit". As in his eating was very hobbity: a combination of habit and hobby. Once he realized that he set out to break down those bad habits and move away from the "food noise". I kind of like that approach.
  • Ruth_2024
    Ruth_2024 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm not very motivated atm, so I'm dropping out.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,281 Member
    @Kali225 They may do some minor prize awarding here for certain things but I've never seen in that format where there's actual ribbons and the entries were clearly from local folks in the county... it was cute to see someone's homemade chocolate chip cookies there with a bite out of them for judging! We really enjoyed ourselves.

    @StayFITTer I think the classes do have an E for explicit so I imagine if you steer clear of those you'd be okay. I presume that's just the music and doesn't speak to how crass the instructor may be though ;) and some are more so than others

    Yesterday I had a work from home day and due to a meal kit delivery accident I had two meals to cook - pork tacos at lunch and chorizo burgers for dinner. Normally Brad does the cooking so that was a lot for me. But I managed and the food was good.

    Soccer tonight so I'll get a good run around. I also got my 10K steps yesterday which is always much harder on a work from home day so I'm glad about that. I walked my dog at lunch and then walked to a friend's house - they just moved to our community and they're so close to us! Was great to see their new house.

    Have a great day!
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 467 Member
    Hi team

    August has gotten away on me. I started a new course last week and as much as I'm enjoying it my summer is even busier. My husband and I sold our travel trailer last year and we are now working on converting a cargo trailer into a camper. It's a bigger job than I expected but my husband is very handy. We took it out over the long weekend but only had a toilet and beds. This week we are putting in cabinets and the fridge. I really want a fridge the next time we are off camping. DIY projects always take at least twice as long as you expect.

    PW- 164.6
    CW - 163
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    Ruth_2024 wrote: »
    I'm not very motivated atm, so I'm dropping out.

    You have been doing great! But I know motivation can come and go. Would you like to move to the support team for a month, or completely drop?
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    PW: 209.8
    CW: 207.6

    Another strong week. Surprised after my loss last week. I bet it will slow down next week, but will enjoy it while it's here!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 684 Member
    @lauren_989 great loss!

    @ashleycarole86 which meal kit do you guys use? I have been toying with the idea of getting one at some point, but I travel a fair amount on the weekends and I just worry about 1. forgetting to cancel, 2. things going bad, 3. too many portions for just me.

    Having a good day here. Got up to 28 laps this morning in the pool, and left work on time after getting my big project for the week in draft order for a catch up meeting tomorrow. I realized around 2pm that I hadn't had breakfast.. so I took my string cheese home for a snack instead. Not really feeling hungry for dinner at the moment. Dance cardio in about 30 min, maybe I will have an appetite after that.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
  • strong_fit_ells
    strong_fit_ells Posts: 148 Member
    Hi Waistaways 😊

    I hope everyone is OK 😊
    I'm enjoying my holiday at the moment and for once we have a beautiful weather ☀️

    @lauren_989 can I please have this week as stay the same, please? I forgot to tell you I'm on holiday and won't be able to weigh in, sorry 😢
    I'll be back home this Saturday so everything will be back to normal.

    Thank you ❤️
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