WaistAways Team Chat - August 2024



  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    Welcome @daniellesease! We are happy to have you!

    I have had a busy week and unfortunately some headaches the past few days. The temperatures dropped, and then got hot again and the heat just triggered them 🥲 It should hopefully cool back down in a few days.

    Still got to the gym and walked today, but headaches make me want to eat. So unfortunately, I ate a bit extra 🫤

    Anyone have plans this weekend? It's a 3 day weekend for me and I am looking forward to it!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 684 Member
    @lauren_989 sorry about your headache! Weather can cause them for me too. I was surprised by how cool it felt when I stepped outside around 9:30pm today. But thinking that coolness will stick around is a fool's errand.... Sept & Oct will bring heat waves to New England for sure. ugh.

    I had a nice day off, and looking forward to another tomorrow. I went north of the city to a little public beach on a lake that I have been meaning to visit since I first found it on google maybe 3 years ago. It was lovely! Very quiet because it is Thursday. Water was pretty clean and not too cold. I got some sun and read my book, and tried a new restaurant for takeout on the way home. Did a strength workout with my friend over zoom - I haven't done something concentrated with dumbbells in quite a few weeks so it felt really good to just sweat for 25 min. She and I are going to try to be consistent with these Thurs workouts like we already are with a bigger group for dance cardio on Tuesdays.

    I had my first of two fantasy football drafts tonight. Despite the wishy-washy weather, autumn is indeed coming!! NFL season kicks off in just a week wooooooo

    I'm reflecting on my habit tracker for the month. The biggest things I need to improve are tracking and meeting my protein goal (85g+ per day) and more variety/amount of fruits & veggies. Particularly veggies. So hopefully that is doable for September.
  • daniellesease
    daniellesease Posts: 27 Member
    edited August 30
    Hi all! Thank you for adding me to the team. I am super excited to have a common goal with others. I am in the military, so not many people are struggling or experiencing what I am going through right now so it’s been quite difficult. I had my lower spine fused last summer and I have been cleared to start exercising again, but I will still have some limitations. I try to eat healthy and track my calories as well as my exercise. For me it’s been hard to manage the sleep and water intake part of this journey. Yesterday I was able to start jogging, and I did a mile in almost 15.5 minutes. Not the best, but it was still something. I was around 220 when I had surgery, and over the course of a year, I ended up gaining more than 35 pounds due to limited exercise. The past couple months I have gotten down about 9-ish pounds, but I need to drop 100 more overall to be close to where I was pre-injury. My highest weight was 258, and I am now 248. My pre-injury weight was 147, but I would be happy getting around 170. Also, I just turned 40, so that makes getting fit that much harder. Anyways, that’s me and my journey in a nutshell. I look forward to this community and challenge to help keep me accountable and motivated. -Dani
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    It is great meeting you, Dani! That is an excellent pace for not running in a while!

    It has been thundering and raining here for almost 1.5 hours now. I was hoping to go for a walk this evening, but that doesn't look like it's happening.

    I still need some weigh in's for this week!

    Can you believe tomorrow is the last day of August?!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,281 Member
    @lauren_989 my lovely hubby forgot to weigh this week.. the nerve! We are at the lake now so he'll miss it.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,281 Member
    Happy birthday @Gidgitgoescrzy and welcome @daniellesease .. looking forward to being part of your journey!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 684 Member
    Had a lovely day off. It feels like a Saturday or Sunday, but with this extra long weekend, I have plenty more time for relaxation!!

    I woke up pleasantly sore from my workout yesterday evening, and I added on with a 2 hour kayak today. There was such a nice breeze on my way back downriver. Whispers of autumn are here!

    I had a very late lunch, I was really famished after a light breakfast, and now it is almost 9pm so I don't think I'll be having a regular dinner, which is fine. Tomorrow night I plan to order Indian, which I haven't gotten in a few months now and it is my absolutely favorite takeout in my neighborhood. My big project this weekend is actually going to be to practice my birthday cake! My birthday isn't until the end of October, but this is a complicated cake to decorate and I have made the mistake in birthdays past of not practicing my cake ideas, so they end up being less than I imagined. I actually woke up out of a dream this morning with a really specific vision of what I wanted the cake to be, so that's fun. It will be tricky to eat, obviously, because I don't want to handle it all myself (cake each night is not aligned with losing weight, if you didn't know....) and I also don't want it to go to waste. So I might try to slice it up and bring chunks into the office on Tues-Wed. We'll see. Would be nice to have some other opinions on a new frosting I am trying.

    @Gidgitgoescrzy annoying you have to do month-end close by yourself, you have certainly earned a celebratory weekend. Hope you decide on some food that won't bother the stomach

    @lauren_989 I am a little jealous of your weather actually, I am craving a good thunderstorm...
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member

    117.0 this morning - happy to be back to the top of maintenance range.

    2 weeks more at or under this, and I'll be back to the Goal Zone.

    The weekend is off to a good start. We are FINALLY at the time of the year when the sun is out and is not set on stun. I had a gorgeous 2 hour ride this morning and it felt so lovely to be out in the cool breezes, bright sunshine, and no horrible muggy ickiness. The best. Jasper was in fine fettle as well, and my friend and I (and her mare) had a great ride. Plenty of long stretches of trot, which works both horse and rider - we kept warm for sure!

    The rest of the weekend will include the first apple picking from our orchard, bringing in the last of the firewood, turning over the compost if it does not rain, working on balanced canter and stamina with Jasper, and keeping up my kettlebell and other workout stuff.

    It is great to meet you @daniellesease - my daughter is also in the military (Canadian Army) and has been through a rough medical issue. I wish you all the best, and hope that this team can help you work towards your weight and fitness goals. Come in here to tell all - the good, the bad, the frustrating, and all the things! We'll help in any way we can.

    Enjoy your weekends, everyone!
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,602 Member
    PW: 192.6 lbs
    CW: 191.8 lbs

    Sorry for the late post! Friday was a hectic day for me with work and non-stop meetings from 8:30-4pm.

    This past week tested me quite a bit. When we got back from our little weekend getaway, I was slightly up, but then as we moved through the week, the number continued to rise, and I started to scrutinize myself and my choices. I was eating at my caloric budget every day, but my inner thoughts would question if I was accurately logging. I powered through and didn’t let myself just give up like I may have done in the past. I stuck with my calories, I worked out, and I am so glad that I did.

    This weekend has one social event - a baby shower - so I should be good to stay within my calorie range through the weekend too. As per usual, I have spin class this morning and a vinyasa yoga class tomorrow. Also, I am waiting for the next Sydney Cummings’s calendar to be released for September to see what workouts I will have planned for me. The last 4 months of her workouts have been so amazing, so I can’t wait to see what is next.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    I got to the gym this morning and jogged and lifted weights. It felt really good today!! I just finished my eggs and toast breakfast then will be heading to visit hubby's grandma in the nursing home.

    @Gidgitgoescrzy Happy Birthday!! 🎉

    @wishfuljune great job sticking to your calories! It is so hard when the scale doesn't match what we are doing.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    So, I have been going to body pump regularly and increasing walking and cardio, but I feel like I have not focused on my core at all. I am going to do a 30 day core/ab challenge for September if anyone wants to join in! I like this one because it has rest days built in and starts slow.

  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 437 Member
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 684 Member
    @lauren_989 I had the same thought this past week, I haven't been doing anything core-focused for workouts in a while! I don't know if I can keep up with that calendar specifically but because my daily PT exercises include squats, I've been thinking that I could easily add in some situps while I am already doing something quick. So, I will commit to 10 situps and 10 bicycles daily for September.

    Speaking of September, do we have links for next month's chat and habit tracker? I just set up my paper habit track and planner for the month. Ready to start on the right foot!!

    I just came in from about 3 hours on the roof, tanning and reading and munching on strawberries. I have never really tracked my water intake before because I think it's pretty good, but I may start casually tracking in September to see if I am as solid in this category as I have been thinking.

    @wishfuljune congrats on a good weigh-in and staying the course!
  • strong_fit_ells
    strong_fit_ells Posts: 148 Member
    Good evening Waistaways ❤️

    I am sorry to ask, but @lauren_989 can I please go to Team support for the next 3 weeks? I have a lot going on at the moment 😢 the work is crazy, I have next 3 weekends that I'm cooking for 150 to 200 customers each weekend. My two eldest sons are moving out to study at university and sadly the weightloss is the last thing on my mind. I'm really upset because they are leaving 😢

    I don't want to let the Team down so I think the best outcome for me is to sit this month down if that's OK 😊

    I'll try to support and comment as much as I can 😊

    Thank you 🥰
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    @strong_fit_ells absolutely, but come back and keep us updated on how things are going!

    The link to the September habit tracker:

    The link to our new chat:
  • zankash23
    zankash23 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi so sorry I would like to be exempted for this week also. I just recovered and hope to jump back. In tomorrow xx
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,281 Member
    Step update
    Aug 18 - 1731 steps
    Aug 19 - 5494 steps
    Aug 20 - 11664 steps
    Aug 21 - 5793 steps + 96 minutes outdoor cycling
    Aug 22 - 6280 steps
    Aug 23 - 5091 steps
    Aug 24 - 4177 steps
    Aug 25 - 5563 steps
    Aug 26 - 9908 steps
    Aug 27 - 9630 steps
    Aug 28 - 8889 steps
    Aug 29 - 9908 steps
    Aug 30 - 5997 steps

    This has been low for me. The week of Aug 19 was me working from home and I always get less steps that way. But I had four days where I could have met my 10K if I'd just pushed myself a bit more! I also wish I'd spent more of my saved commuting time working out, but I am just not in the habit anymore. Something to work on.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,281 Member
    Week 3 Step Report

    Top steppers
    #1 @strong_fit_ells 107,836 steps
    #2 @lauren_989 92,986 steps
    #3 @ashleycarole86 51,750 steps

    Consistent steppers
    #1 @strong_fit_ells and @lauren_989 6 of 7 days hitting goal
    #2 @ashleycarole86 2 of 7 days hitting goal

    And a big congrats to both @strong_fit_ells and @lauren_989 for improving their week 3 steps over week 2 by 40% and 37% respectively!

    This was also @lauren_989's second week in a row laddering up!

    Week 4 steps are due tomorrow! I still plan to get out one more time tonight to get a few more steps in for the week.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    edited September 1
    I think @strong_fit_ells and me partnering up in the step challenge in week 3 really helped our steps...at least for me! Unforturnately, this weeks steps are not the best.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    End of August already! I am in that wonderful honeymoon period of getting back to more intensive strength workouts - muscles feel so good when they are getting strong! Going up and down stairs, bending over to grab something heavy, swinging stuff around - it all feels great. I always have some parts of my muscles that are well maintained, but making sure that they all are always gives me a kick of joy. I'm also working more on the heart muscle and doing more intense intervals and things - now I just have to be consistent rather than complacent. Any inspiration or reporting buddies welcome!

    I'll post my September intentions over there - let's get back to school. Even us old folks trying to keep up that energy :smiley:
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 891 Member
    Weigh In Day: SATURDAY
    PW (Previous Weight): PASS/Out of Town
    CW (Current Weight): 169.6
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
This discussion has been closed.