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Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JULY 2024



  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,064 Member
    Happy FriYay!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - congrats on the 20 pounds and your tattoo is beautiful. Love the colors

    @micaroo4 - so sorry to hear about your brother, hope it goes well

    @trooworld - You can make a homemade ice pack with 1 part rubbing alcohol and 2 parts water. I made one for my hip and it's really nice and cold.

    Hip is still painful, but a little better. I'm over it. Want to fast forward to "healed" but that's not how it works.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,447 Member
    @megnolia82 I'm sorry you are having a rough go. It's really tough to eat healthy when you are feeling bad, a lot of people tend to go for comfort foods. Can you try soups and stuff like that? It still feels comforting but is healthier. I know it's not ideal in the summer though.

    @TeresaW2024 I can't wear a knee brace because my legs are big and I can't find one that is comfortable, they all feel like tourniquets! :( I wore one of the Icy-Hot patches yesterday at work and it helped, so I will wear those and definitely take rests. We were not having storms at all, they said that the outage was due to equipment that needed repairing. Oh man, I hope your power stays on! I hope Maggie starts using her leg. Sorry about the rain and humidity, that sounds awful.

    @askewcr Congrats on the loss!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 They probably would have a wheelchair but there's no way I will use one: it's so crowded, it would make me even more miserable to try to get around in the crowds in a wheelchair, I've seen how people do not move for wheelchairs and they block them and it's awful! :( I'll manage somehow, I hope! I'm so glad to hear Oliver is doing better. I'm also glad you figured out a way to give the medicine to him! Your tattoo is beautiful. I've been seeing a lot of dragonflies around here, which is odd because I thought they were by lakes and rivers. I also love the font.

    @micaroo4 I'm so sorry about your brother. Big hugs and good thoughts sent your way.

    @Katmary71 It is a pain! Thank you, and thanks about the pain. I hope I can enjoy it as well. I'm going to use Icy-Hot patches, they helped yesterday. I can't wear a knee brace because of the size of my legs, I can't find a comfortable one. They all feel like tourniquets. I hope the meeting with the roof company goes better than the last one!

    @Cornanda Thanks. Do you put that in a bag? On fabric? I can't picture it. I'm glad your hip is a little better.

    Hi all. It's going to be so hot here today. Yesterday, at 6 pm, it was 90 and today is supposed to be hotter, so it's going to be hard going to Comic-Con. We are parking far away from the convention center, it's a 20-minute walk to it. We usually walk back to the car a couple of times to rest and eat lunch but I don't know if we are going to do that today. Everyone always asks me if I dress up for Comic-Con: I do not for two reasons: I do not feel comfortable enough in my body and 2) when you dress up, people constantly stop you to take your picture. I just wear yoga pants or jeans and a T-shirt. I made 3 new t-shirts this year for the event. About my knee/leg: I am going to wear Icy-Hot patches all day, I tried one yesterday and it gave me some relief. I'm also taking Naproxen.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • FoxyMoxie04
    FoxyMoxie04 Posts: 6 Member
    Sorry I missed last week!! Here is my weigh-in this week:

    Weigh In Day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 146.4 lbs
    Current Weight: 144 lbs

    I hope everyone is doing well!
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 305 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 265
    CW: 264
  • maryirisfroehlich
    maryirisfroehlich Posts: 26 Member

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    PW: 207.9
    CW: 206.2
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Guess what? I missed another Thursday. This is becoming a habit. Sorry bout that.

    Not so Thursday Ice Breaker Question (I may have asked this before)

    What is your favorite exercise/workout?

    Mine is leg day. My legs are the strongest part of my body. I feel it can give me a chance to show off a bit. My upper body....well........not so much......weak.weak.weak.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,934 Member
    : @Karlo7248 @bathanie0825 @AustinRuadhain
    Reminder to weigh in tomorrow to the following:@865jessica @Digger61 @gemwolf110 @tammymccrady6278 @annachangesagain
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,934 Member
    @Cornanda I'm glad the hip is improving, hope it keeps getting better each day.

    @trooworld Hope things go well at Comic-Con and the Icy-Hot patches do the trick!

    @FoxyMoxie04 Great seeing you back!

    @micaroo4 So glad John is out of surgery and in recovery, sending prayers his way!

    @19shmoo69 Mentally the farm, physically I'm enjoying arm weights right now as I just got a new 25lb dumbbell and am starting to see a muscle increase. Legs in the gym I feel like you my legs are real strong on the machines and I go up pretty fast, arm weights take forever to improve plus I can only do one heavier dumbbell at a time without hurting my spine.

    Hi team! Long day, we said goodbye to the farm manager and met the new one. Worked and am exhausted, I have a ton of HOA stuff to do then Sunday I'm flyering a farmer's market with another charity board member so not the relaxing weekend I planned but we aren't far from the charity's Salsa Cook-off and I wanted to do my part. Have a great Saturday team!
  • annachangesagain
    annachangesagain Posts: 15 Member
    Username: annachangesagain
    Weigh in day : Saturday
    PW: 162 lbs ( 73.5)
    CW: 159.2 lbs (72.2 kg)
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,665 Member
    Username: micaroo4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW: 127.7
    CW: 128.8

    My maintenance range is 127-133; I'm within my range.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,064 Member
    @trooworld - I put it in a ziplock bag. I have a towel by where I sit and I wrap that around it to keep it in place. It leaked a little after a week, so I thawed it and poured it into a new bag. Hope you have fun at comic con!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,064 Member
    @trooworld - I put it in a ziplock bag. I have a towel by where I sit and I wrap that around it to keep it in place. It leaked a little after a week, so I thawed it and poured it into a new bag. Hope you have fun at comic con!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,447 Member
    @FoxyMoxie04 @davors19 @Maryirisfroehlich @Lislisa123 @annachangesagain Congrats on the losses!

    Not so Thursday Ice Breaker Question: What is your favorite exercise/workout?
    I used to love to hike, but I haven't done it in a long time. We have a lot of places to hike here in San Diego. I also like walking with friends. Nowadays, I'm happy to do anything I can physically do.

    @Katmary71 Thanks! I hope you like the new farm manager. I also hope you get to relax tomorrow at least!

    @Cornanda Thank you!

    HI all. We got to the parking garage for Comic-Con at about 9:30 am. We had that 20 minute walk to the convention center. On the walk to the center, I could tell my knee was bad. I didn't realize how bad it was. Every step was a shot of sharp pain. We had to walk very slowly. We made it to the convention center, and walked a little bit in the exhibit hall but I was in so much pain, I couldn't enjoy it. We were making our way over to a panel/talk and we stopped at the first aid and they let me sit down and gave me an ice pack. Since I had already taken Naproxen, there really wasn't anything they could have given me. The Naproxen wasn't helping. We made it to the panel and stayed for about half of it. It felt nice to sit down. We decided to go back to the car and eat lunch but I knew I couldn't come back, I was walking far too slowly and hurt way too badly. I cried in the streets about having to leave and the pain. We left at noon, just a few hours after getting there. I came home and iced my knee, which helped. I messaged my doctor who told me to take 500 mg of Tylenol 4-6 times a day along with the Naproxen. So that's what I am going to do. After resting my knee, I dropped my husband back off at the convention and came home and rested more. I feel better today, but then again, I didn't feel terrible in the morning yesterday. I hope today goes better. I took one picture, and I am sharing another that my husband took. The first pic is of some interesting costumes (not sure who they were) and the 2nd picture is one my husband took, from Troma Studios, with the founder Llyod Kauffman on the far left and the Toxic Avenger on the right with the mop. @vegan4lyfe2012 I know you appreciate that last picture!!!

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"


  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 232 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 I’m glad Oliver is doing better and you found a way to give him his medicine. I love the tattoo and the font used for the names! <3

    @Katmary71 I don’t think we have any drive-in, but that would be awesome. I will look and see. :) I hope your dad does OK with the roof company. I know you would prefer to supervise that situation, as would I. You do have a busy weekend, so stay cool and try not to overdo it. :)

    @micaroo4 I’m glad your brother made it through surgery. I will be praying for him that he makes a full recovery. :)

    @trooworld I am so sorry that your knee hurt so bad that you couldn’t enjoy the event. Hopefully, you will have a better day today. <3 That first pic had me doing a double take because that man right over the person in white’s shoulder looks exactly like my ex-husband! I had to look at his Facebook page to see that it wasn’t him. He is sporting a grey beard these days. :D

    Good morning! Two days ago, I switched up my workout program and returned to my favorite LIIFT 4 with Joel. I will just say that my back and arms are killing me this morning. I do LOVE sore muscles! :D Today, the church is having a one-day VBS event. I didn't sign up to volunteer, but I will go up there and take some pictures and see if there is anything they need me to help with. It’s only supposed to be in the high 80s today. I read yesterday that the Farmer’s Almanac says that Georiga might experience a cooler Fall than normal. I’m praying that is true!!!

    Question: What is your favorite exercise/workout?
    I love lifting weights best. I prefer upper body days over lower body days, but that is just because I have an annoying back issue that I must be careful not to cause a flareup. I also love my rebounder, which is fun and full of amazing health benefits. :)
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,938 Member
    Username: Digger61
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 209
    Today’s Weight: 207
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 280 Member
    Good morning,

    @TeresaW2024 I have heard stuff about foam rolling helping with recovery from sore muscles. I agree that getting up and down off the floor is a great exercise for us as we are getting older. I do the same thing as far as just getting up and down off the floor over and over I try to not use my arms or hand to help me get up. I am glad that Maggie is heeling well. Hopefully she will be goods a new real soon.

    @Amberway John is the same way I have seen more of the US since marrying him. We travel by vehicle all over the US but when it comes to flying or getting on a boat he is not for it. The boat is definitely out as he gets sea sick and he says flying is not something he wants to do. But he will drive all over the place. I will keep trying to talk him into getting passports so that someday we just might make over to Germany. My mother was from there.
    I am glad you got to see a doctor. House calls (we don't even have that) for $20 is a dream here. I can't even see my PCP in his office for that it's $25.
    I hope you are on the mend now.

    @Katmary71 The recipe I use is from https://jordosworld.com/mexican-tater-tot-casserole/

    @19shmoo69 It was a FAIL on the recipe. It never even made it to the first step. I ate the pineapple out of the can.

    @FushiaKat That is awesome I love to also try different types of salsas. We usually find them at festivals or when we are out for a ride on back roads in small town boutique shops.

    @trooworld I am sorry you are having problems with your leg due to your knee pain. I hope you can find a way to make it work for Comic-Con. WOW, I would be up all night too with no AC.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 It is so good to see Oliver is doing better. Congrats on the 20 lbs gone. I also love the dragonfly tattoo.

    @micaroo4 I am so happy to see your brother's surgery went well and I will continue to keep him in my prayers.

    What is your favorite exercise/workout?
    I love walking/hiking. I have begun toning with weights again which is something I have not done in yrs.

    Things have been very busy around here. I have pretty much decided that Diesels training is going to be a full time all day long thing. I still put him in his crate at night but during the day he is with me or on his raised bed. The other day we had thunderstorms roll through and he was scared so I put him in his crate and all he did was bark to get out and about 30 to 45 mins of it I went to check on him and he had chewed up his mat. He has never destroyed anything until that. I'm not sure he is seeing his crate as a safe place. He has been using the crate now for over a month and I have not seen him take interest in it at all. He will go in it at night while on his lead and told to kennel, but if not on the lead he will try to run from it. Monday I should be getting with his trainer as I am still having some difficulty in getting him to stay focused at time when his anxiety is up.

    Have a great weekend!

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,665 Member
    I talked to John. He's got a terrible headache. He is awake and able to converse, but not for very long. They got him up at 4:15am for another CAT scan. They brought him breakfast, but his brain is still messed up - he poured the orange juice in his coffee, and he put sugar on his scrambled eggs. So things are not going that well so far. He has 2 other people planning to visit him today, and he's not sure what time they will come. He can only have 1 person at a time, and he also doesn't know what other tests and procedures the hospital has in store for him today. But maybe if I am there, it will cause the other visitors to leave sooner and that might be what he needs. I'd be happy to just sit in the room with him for a while and not have any conversation if that's what he needs.

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,467 Member
    Username: gemwolf110
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 211.8
    Today’s Weight: 212.9
This discussion has been closed.