Shape Shifters Team Chat - August 2024



  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,966 Member
    @Pupowl IKEA isn't a fun shopping experience?!?😨 I'm thankful my closest one is 1.5 hours away! Every time I go there I get at least a dozen things that I don't need. Plus if you go early you get a whole breakfast for $1. Then there's the free coffee... and $1 frozen yogurt... and now I want to go to IKEA. 😕 🤣
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,465 Member
    Just wondering if anyone here has tried the 75 Soft Challenge. I looked at 75 Hard and it would be too Hard for me! 75 Soft might be doable, and I think I need to change things up a bit... the scale is moving in the wrong direction!
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,913 Member
    @looneycatblue We actually had a 75 hard/medium/soft challenge here for all the groups earlier in the year. If you want to read for some ideas, here is the thread:
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,465 Member
    Pupowl wrote: »
    @looneycatblue We actually had a 75 hard/medium/soft challenge here for all the groups earlier in the year. If you want to read for some ideas, here is the thread:

    Thank you, I give it a peek!
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,966 Member
    Just wondering if anyone here has tried the 75 Soft Challenge. I looked at 75 Hard and it would be too Hard for me! 75 Soft might be doable, and I think I need to change things up a bit... the scale is moving in the wrong direction!

    @looneycatblue I'll play. I looked at 75 hard once before and it was literally too hard 😂 never heard of 75 soft before but an game to try it.
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,465 Member
    Here are the basic rules (found by Googling)
    75 Soft Challenge Rules
    The simplified 75 Soft Challenge rules are designed to be followed for 75 days to help you build a consistent healthy routine. Here are the rules:

    1. Eat well and only drink on social occasions.
    2. Train for 45 minutes every day, with one day a week for active recovery.
    (I read that the 45 mins can be broken up if you want)
    3. Drink three liters of water a day.
    4. Read 10 pages of any book a day.

    @DaffyGirl88 , I'll start tomorrow... getting my mind set today! Anyone else want to try this?
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,966 Member
    Here are the basic rules (found by Googling)
    75 Soft Challenge Rules
    The simplified 75 Soft Challenge rules are designed to be followed for 75 days to help you build a consistent healthy routine. Here are the rules:

    1. Eat well and only drink on social occasions.
    2. Train for 45 minutes every day, with one day a week for active recovery.
    (I read that the 45 mins can be broken up if you want)
    3. Drink three liters of water a day.
    4. Read 10 pages of any book a day.

    @DaffyGirl88 , I'll start tomorrow... getting my mind set today! Anyone else want to try this?

    I will start on Saturday also! I will fall apart at the end as I have a family reunion type thing on day 65, but this will be a good thing to prepare me for that event.
  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 362 Member
    PW 193.5
    CW 194.5

    It’s been a weird week, food-wise. I’ve been on a soft diet due to my dental work, I had one night where dinner was literally junk food (had to leave my house at 4 to carpool to an event an hour away, and upon arrival found they had all kind of snacks. Didn’t get home til 10:30), and another night we met up with a big group of friends to visit with some dear friends who came in from out of town. It was Mexican, which usually causes me to retain fluid. And I also ordered a margarita. I don’t drink often and I tried to be good and order a small drink but the restaurant made a mistake and made me a large instead. Oh.darn. 😆 Plus we are going out of town next week and I am determined to eat out of the pantry this week so I don’t have a lot go to waste. We will be having some interesting meals for sure!

    Something I’ve been struggling with is listening to my body and refraining from eating if I’m not hungry. I find I’m eating a lot more because my husband is hungry, not me. Now that I’ve noticed that, I need to work on how I will respond to it.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,966 Member
    @cre804 there are worse things in life than "accidentally" getting the Mucho Margarita LOLOL
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,827 Member
    Pupowl wrote: »
    Hello Shape Shifters. I have been really busy with lots of different things. Tinus has not been using the big cat trees and the shelves along the ceiling for a while now. He is still very happy, playful and runs a lot, but jumping and climbing not so much. So earlier in the week, I cleaned both cat trees and took pictures to post them for sale online. I think they will take a while to sell since one of them is huge and expensive. I got one really low offer I turned down and one person that said they were interested, but no further messages to follow up. Tinus will still have enough stuff left to scratch on and I am looking forward to having more options with the living room.
    I also posted an ad for cat toys and an adorable cow hocker I have no use for. I don't like selling things online because it is always very hit and miss with people. I have often had that people showed up late, or randomly cancelled or tried to haggle when they were here even though the price was already agreed upon. I just find it all stressful. I had 3 boxes with 12 protein bars each that I thought were disgusting so I listed them for free. They just got picked up by a young guy and he gave me a watermelon in return which was really sweet. Tinus was afraid of it, lol.
    Once the cat trees and shelves are all gone, I might repaint the wall if it is needed and I will get some new furniture for myself instead. I would like another Ikea Kallax unit that I can use as a room divider as well and I picked out a lovely relax chair with a footrest to read in. But sorting out the other stuff first. All those plans and more keep my brain very busy. I woke up at 3:30 this morning and couldn't sleep anymore, so I got up at 4:45. No 8 hours of sleep for me this time! Anyway, I am gonna chop up the melon now. Have a lovely day everyone! <3
    I suggest this caption for that photograph:
    "So, what's this thing, disturbing my slumber..."
  • partyof7
    partyof7 Posts: 10 Member
    Friday weigh in
    CW 161.5
    PW 161.5

    Recommitting to keep losing, but happy I had no gain. Enjoy the weekend everyone!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,393 Member
    Pupowl wrote: »
    @jessicakrall8 Just wanted to point out that @izzyred9400 beat me with steps in week 1!

    I keep my tally as I run through the weeks, so I'm wondering if perhaps she had a missed day in the middle of that week that was left out or any case, very sorry @izzyred9400 ...was not intentional...I'll see if I can edit my boo boo.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,863 Member
    angmarie28 wrote: »


    Finally cool here after WEEKS of around 100, ugh. Been too hot to workout lately. Had a huge storm hit last night. My home was fine but it uprooted trees, knocked over fences, and part of my works roof was ripped off.

    @angmarie28 I need your daily step goal for August please. It was blank on July and we asked but never received a response. Please advise. Thanks!

    Hmmm, I feel like some of my posts aren't going through. Anyways my goal is always 10,000
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,863 Member
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,863 Member
    Prev weight-188.2
    Current weight-188.2

  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,966 Member
    Good soggy morning to you, still a lot of rain. The temperature has fallen but still 98% humidity. 🥵

    Anywho, Friday steps
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