Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - October 2024



  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 250 Member

    Hello, I’m Teresa! I’ve been here a long time and love how supportive this group is. I live in Georgia and am married to my wonderful husband, who is now battling dementia and other health issues. We live with my mom, sister, and little dog, Maggie Mae. I work for my church as their administrative assistant. Like the rest of us, I am working on getting fit and healthy. I love to lift weights and jump on my rebounder. I do intermittent fasting for at least 16 hours daily, with an occasional 24-hour fast tossed in. I don’t eliminate food groups, but I try to minimize sugar and add a lot of protein to my meals. My biggest challenge is changing my mentality from being a “dieter” to a woman living a healthy lifestyle. I found a program called Diligent Mind Self Care that has been invaluable in helping me change my mindset.

    @micaroo4 (from Sept. post) I agree with how fast you are, and then let your blood sugar drop before eating again. I love the idea of walking within an hour of eating. I’m going to start doing that and will either walk or jump on the rebounder. :)

    Good morning! There is not much going on today. I did a brutal triceps and back workout that felt great but will have me crying tomorrow. I completed a 24-hour fast yesterday, and that made me proud. I’m going to try to do those every Sunday since I don’t work out. Today, I have a lot of church work to do for the beginning of the month, which is always my busiest time. You all take care! :)
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 857 Member
    Weigh in Sept 29th
    CW: 212.4

    Just trucking away over here. I’m keeping active but I’m feeling sluggish.
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 717 Member
    Weigh In: Monday
    SW 225
    PW 197.8
    CW 197.4
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,972 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 @AmbersWay @Jactop @bobboyardee
    Reminder To Weigh In Tomorrow To The Following: @FushiaKat
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,972 Member
    Go Mission Slimpossibles in 3rd place for the week and month! @lisalisa123 @baodell17724 @vegan4lyfe2012 @bethanie0825 way to go top week winners!

    Mission Slimpossibles rockin September in 3rd place again, we're ending the month strong! @baodell17724 @megnolia82 @lisalisa123

    @sleepygirl79 Do you mean you're out-of-town now so you're skipping it? I reported it.

    @trooworld I'm glad you're feeling better! Thank you for the birthday wishes!

    @laurelfit57 @txcritter69 @micaroo4 @TeresaW2024 Thank you for the birthday wishes!

    @TeresaW2024 Congrats on the long fast and awesome workout, doing great!

    @laurelfit57 Aw looks like you all were having a blast at the farm, the kids are so precious and you look beautiful!

    Hi team! Interesting birthday, I went to a volunteer appreciation at the food bank last night then to dinner with my parents and brother's family and back to Steve's house for cake and ice cream. My brother got us Godsmack tickets for next week in Reno, can't wait! One of the women on the charity board invited me out to lunch and another member came to a new Mediterranean restaurant so we had some time to have fun plus discuss the grant I'm working on. My neighbor (next door the flaky one) is upset with me as she wanted to get together to give me a gift and we keep missing each other so she's saying she went to bed early when I was supposed to go over tonight and I could smell by the cigarette smoke so she wasn't in bed yet. Frustrating I love her but she's crazy flaky, doesn't try to get along with my other friends, has never said yes to a same day invite, and tells me she's real jealous of my friendship with another neighbor then flakes on me to dog sit or makes plans with her daughter when we have plans and cancels. Feels like a freaking bad relationship! I've been trying to get a grant done for the charity's Valentine's for Seniors and it's due tomorrow. Aside of the neighbor I'm feeling very blessed with my Mission Slimpossibles friends, friend groups, and and awesome family. Have a great October 1 and Tuesday!
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 367 Member
    edited October 1
    Hey y'all,

    I decided that I need to do a reset/kick start, so I decided to visit skinnytaste.com for the first time in a very long time. I was looking for some kind of detox vegetable soup. I came across a recipe for "Turmeric Chicken Noodle soup" Omg, it was so, so good!! It was a whirlwind of flavors, so yummy 😋

    I'm going to try and eat clean for one week. I'm doing good drinking my water and I have started drinking hot tea in the evenings again.


    Finished product: baby spinach on the bottom, soup on top of the spinach and rice vermicelli on top. Lol... I was skeptical but it was delicious 😋


    I'm not feeling to good about this week's weigh in, but next week should be better.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,522 Member
    What motivates you to stay committed to your weight loss and fitness goals, even when you face setbacks or challenges?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,522 Member
    @baodell17724 That's awesome that you have all this support. The upcoming holidays are hard but you'll get through it! Just don't disappear on us! :D

    @TeresaW2024 Good job with the workout! Wow, 24 hours, good job!

    @Jactop Good job!

    @laurelfit57 To be exact, as of this moment, I have 8,744 recipes saved lol. I have been using a program/app/website called Plan to Eat for about 10 years now. As I add recipes, I tag them and categorize them so that I CAN find things! LOL No date yet but I am doing the appointments needed to get the date. I should have surgery by the end of the year, I hope! Thanks for asking. Good job getting back on track after a fun weekend. I'm sure that 2.6 lbs is probably a lot of water weight from the concession stands. That you pick farm sounds fun! There is something similar by my work every year but I've never gone. Good goal to have this week. Aww, that's a cute picture!

    @Katmary71 Thank you! And you are welcome! I hope you had a great birthday. That's too bad about your neighbor. She sounds like a lot of work lol. Good luck getting the grant done.

    @DrewsAnna Thanks for the recipe. Glad to hear it was good. Good luck this week!

    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What motivates you to stay committed to your weight loss and fitness goals, even when you face setbacks or challenges?
    I am motivated by my current state of health and hope for the future. My setbacks and challenges have to do with my physical health and it's easy to use that as fuel to keep going.

    Hi all. I went to the cardiologist yesterday to get the heart monitor that I am wearing for two days. I'm glad it's only for two days. I have electrodes taped to various part of the front of me and wires hanging off those. I have to have this controller that is about the size of a deck of cards in my pocket. I can't take a shower for 48 hours. I'm already sick of it lol. I have a scan of my gallbladder tomorrow morning, I called to ask if I should reschedule because of this and they said I wouldn't have to. Hopefully that's correct.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 250 Member
    @laurelfit57 Fasting isn’t that hard once your body adjusts. I like to fast from dinner until around 11 a.m. the next day, which gives me 16 to 17 hours. And I don’t fast super clean because I always have two big mugs of coffee with a little half and half. That helps keep the hunger away. ;) You know that 2.6 lb gain is probably from all the sodium you had eating concession stand food. It will come off quickly. That picture is adorable!! :)

    @Katmary71, I’m glad you had a good birthday with your family. I have no idea what Godsmack is, but I hope you have a great time. I once had a grandma who lived in Reno. When I was a kid, we got busted when she let me pull my arm on a slot machine. She cussed out the guy, telling him that she had arthritis and was just using my arm. Good times! :D Your neighbor sounds like a crazy lady!

    @DrewsAnna That chicken soup looks so good! :)

    @trooworld Joe had to wear that heart monitor and hated every moment, so I feel your pain. I hope all goes well with the gallbladder scan. You are getting closer and closer to your surgery date. I know you are getting excited! :)

    Good morning, and happy October! Does anyone else think that September was the fastest month in history? :o Y’all, I am so stressed out right now! I discovered yesterday that my online church software wasn’t opening because it’s based in Tennessee, and their office has no power, and the servers are down. They have no idea when it will be up and running, and I do everything through that program! I can handwrite the checks for payroll and bills and keep track in Excel, but there is a whole lot more I need that I can’t do. I’m not even letting my brain think about what will happen if it doesn’t return. And I know this issue can’t even begin to compare to all those people who lost everything in Helene. It’s so tragic, and seeing the pictures of the destruction is heartbreaking. It’s a reminder to be prepared for a disaster and count your blessings because life can change instantly.

    Question: What motivates you to stay committed to your weight loss and fitness goals, even when you face setbacks or challenges?

    It can be so tough to stay motivated when setbacks and challenges happen. That is why I regained the 80 lbs I had lost when everything in my life with Joe and my niece got so crazy. But what keeps me returning with a renewed commitment is that I deserve to be fit and healthy! I want to age well and be able to go and do things. I don’t want to be on meds or unable to get up off the floor if I fall. I will NEVER give up on myself, no matter what setbacks occur. :)
  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 57 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    @baodell17724 That's awesome that you have all this support. The upcoming holidays are hard but you'll get through it! Just don't disappear on us! :disappointed:

    Well, this year they'll be no order to Swiss Colony (since childhood I've been addicted to their dobosh tortes and petit fours)! The other thing is that I lost interest in dieting in the past after 3 months because that seems to be when I hit a weight plateau. I didn't know about intermittent fasting then, and how a 24- or 48-hour fast (just water, tea, coffee) can re-set your body clock to start losing again. I also wasn't doing "10,000 steps" back then. AND I wasn't logging my weight every day either, which pressures me to make sure I'm drinking enough water and herbal tea to flush fat out of my system. And being significantly older now (67) - since my last diets in 2013 and 2009 - there's more major health concerns in the back (front, too!) of my mind.

  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 124 Member
    I had some weird news this morning. I weighed myself on whim and I'm lower than I've been in over a decade... 212.1 lb. down from my high last year of 255 lb. But for no apparent reason! I was active and kept to my calories this week but it makes no sense. And it's actually a touch frustrating because I KNOW it will pop back up by my weigh in day. It's getting frustrating that my weigh in day is ALWAYS my heaviest day!
  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 57 Member
    morenin wrote: »
    ...And it's actually a touch frustrating because I KNOW it will pop back up by my weigh in day. It's getting frustrating that my weigh in day is ALWAYS my heaviest day!

    That's why I always do a full- or partial-fast (500 cal) the day before my weigh-in reporting day! LOL :D

  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 124 Member
    morenin wrote: »
    ...And it's actually a touch frustrating because I KNOW it will pop back up by my weigh in day. It's getting frustrating that my weigh in day is ALWAYS my heaviest day!

    That's why I always do a full- or partial-fast (500 cal) the day before my weigh-in reporting day! LOL :D

    Tempting, but that would put me a noticeable amount below 1000 calories which seems like a bad idea for me personally. I'm going to try walking on the treadmill more, I need to strengthen my heart anyway.
  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 201 Member
    @katmary71. Yes I was out of town on weigh in day
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 314 Member
    WI Monday

    PW 214
    CW 213.8

    I missed last week. I was traveling. I am back and settled.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 539 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 39 of 52

    PW: 138.6
    CW: 138.4

    I got all my shots, the covid arm was sore for a couple days but that was it. I should be good for the flu season now, it said to get the flu shot before Halloween. It's Halloween building contest time again, I'm thinking about what to build but have not started yet. They are coming out with a new ride today I might use since it's a ride contest, I usually do the ride first.

    OMG the end of the year is coming fast, and I have no idea of what to get my husband for Christmas. Maybe I should focus on Thanksgiving first.

    I was up sick in the night so I'm taking it easy today, I think it might have been the Strawberries I ate for my snack yesterday I threw them out this morning. I've been eating a mini bag of frosted animal cookies with my popcorn snack in the evenings, lol there are only 6 small cookies in a bag. I loved the declutter list, I'll read that again.