Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • Andiebeanluvsu
    Andiebeanluvsu Posts: 105 Member
    Ran my first 6k race this morning. PRs all over the place!!! I finished in 44:10 (about 8 minutes faster than I've been training at home) , and gained 196ft in elevation. All of this despite the fact that I've been training pretty exclusively on a flat course as there are zero hills by my house). It was painful and I wanted to give up and walk so bad, but I did it!!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Sorry I haven't been around, traveling, traveling, traveling, and when home, my work location has been changing all over the place.

    Had a rotten run today.

    The three driving vacations, to St Louis (& New Jersey), Toronto area, and Houston, one after another, in addition to work location switches in between them, have messed up my routine, food, and digestive system. I have spent too much time in the car, too much time in areas I didn't know and had difficulty finding time and places to run, too much time eating what I could get vs planning my food, and too little time sleeping. In addition to getting food when traveling, even when I've been home, I haven't been sure if I would be working in an area with a refrigerator or not or whether I would have time for snacks or just a lunch break. Then I'm baby-sitting the dog of a friend of mine. the dog can be difficult as he gets into trouble whenever I leave him for any length of time, even if crated. So that's another source of stress. Sleep has been tough.

    I've been bouncing around what I should be doing. Nothing has gone wrong or bad or spiraled out of control or anything, but I don't have the clear pattern in front of me that I had for the past year.

    I've decided that the 2 lbs I went up are real and need to be lost again, however they are just two pounds.

    I went to my trainer workout on Wednesday, and metabolic conditioning class on Saturday morning, and ran both to and from them. But, didn't get anything done on Thursday or Friday except doing some stair workouts during work. Today was supposed to be my long run. I'm so off my half marathon plan that I figured I'd just run 8 miles this morning and then figure out what I really should be doing for the next 6 weeks this afternoon. I managed 5 miles, then my nose was running, my throat felt like it had something in it and I kept coughing, my digestive system was in revolt, and my glasses wouldn't stay on my face. They kept sliding off. Oh and my knee hurt. I was more that 3 miles from home, so I ran/walked back home as best as I could. Even now, hours later, my legs (actually my whole body) still feel stiff and sore and I feel tired all over.

    I have 6 weeks until my half marathon, so I need to figure out what to do now, come up with a plan, and get myself together.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Whew, it was a busy week of training but I made it all the way through without skipping a run. My knee is feeling better but not 100% back to normal yet. I ran 38.5 miles last week which is a new high. And I just hit 140 miles for the month. By Thursday I should be over 150 for July. Yesterday I started something new with my long runs. I did 50 minutes at an easy pace and 50 minutes at my goal marathon pace, followed by a 1-mile cooldown. It was pretty warm & humid and I did the first 50 a little too fast but nailed my marathon pace for the 2nd 50 minutes. But it was much too hard of an effort. Next week I will back off the pace a little and see how that goes. Each week the marathon pace section will get longer. I keep increasing for 3 weeks then back down to a much slower long run, then repeat the process.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Did a spontaneous trail 5k on Saturday. First half of the race rocked and then my sinuses decided to choke me. Once I was able to breathe again, about 30 people had passed me and I wasn't able to get my mojo back. :grumble:

    I've got to get this figured out. My quads still feel shredded, though that might be from the swimming and hopscotch that was part of my Sunday.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I've been running up and down the stairs at the hospital where I've been with my Mom since Friday morning. She's on the 3rd floor and I have been avoiding the elevators so I'd get some exercise. Hoping she gets to go home tomorrow and I'll be able to make it back to my home by the weekend. I did run the block to the neighborhood CVS last night. Can't wait to get back at it!
  • davetheperson
    davetheperson Posts: 124 Member
    I've been forgetting to check in, but still going. I did a short 2 mile hill run the middle of last week, and then I did 5.33 miles on Saturday in 54 min without stopping or walking, which was my goal for the day. I was tempted to run tonight, but one of my calves feels weird since my run on Saturday, so I did some upper body circuit training and as always, getting those 10,000+ steps in.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Intervals and a 5k run afterwoods
    1200m warmup, 2x 200/200, 3x 400/400 1x 800/400, 2x 200/200 and 400 cooldown (which I sorta forgot)

    Not entirely sure of what paces I ran, just ran by feel and towards the end it hurt but it was good. Then the 5k with friends, which came in at 26:37 with a fairly fast finish, with the last 300m under 4min/km pace :D
  • davetheperson
    davetheperson Posts: 124 Member
    Okay today I did 10K (actually 6.39 miles to be exact), I felt pretty good. I'm trying to be more conscious of my form, and it seems to help. I finished in 1 hour 3 minutes, my pace was an average of 9:52 per mile. I felt as if I could have gone a little faster but I really wanted to do 10K without stopping or walking and was afraid I would burn myself out too quickly.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Okay today I did 10K (actually 6.39 miles to be exact), I felt pretty good. I'm trying to be more conscious of my form, and it seems to help. I finished in 1 hour 3 minutes, my pace was an average of 9:52 per mile. I felt as if I could have gone a little faster but I really wanted to do 10K without stopping or walking and was afraid I would burn myself out too quickly.

    Great, great job and good time. Learning the correct pacing for longer runs is the key to successful races down the road.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Tim thanks for the info!

    Varda hope you can get your sinus/allergy thing figured out.

    I ran 2 miles yesterday after 9 days off. It felt good to be out there again. Two miles felt like enough. Worked some hills into my route but kept it at an easy pace.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Did W1D1 of C25K with a friend this morning. Those of you who have done that already know how much fun that is! Let my friend set the pace and the first running interval I looked at my Garmin to see the pace and we were running 10:03. Told her that was pretty fast (first time runner!) so she backed off a little. She did so awesome. At the end she was pleasantly surprised by how good she felt and said "I could do this." No aspirations to be a runner - really is looking at this as a way to get in better shape. She had trail running shoes, which weren't ideal on the track, so I sent her with a pair of my retired Brooks to try out. We went 2.01 miles so an average pace of 15:00 min/mile.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Great run last night. 3.1 in 41 minutes. It was getting dark by the time I left the office, so I did some paved paths right next to Faramir trail. I wanted to do the rail trail (flat) but didn't have time. It ended up being sooo much fun. Sometimes running is everything you need it to be, you know.

    Still need to figure out the snot issue, but ALL the other problems that I've had this year seem to have vanished. Recovery is still a little slow, but I think I can SLOWLY start building up again. I felt good last night and feel really fresh today. I'll take it!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Did W1D1 of C25K with a friend this morning. Those of you who have done that already know how much fun that is! Let my friend set the pace and the first running interval I looked at my Garmin to see the pace and we were running 10:03. Told her that was pretty fast (first time runner!) so she backed off a little. She did so awesome. At the end she was pleasantly surprised by how good she felt and said "I could do this." No aspirations to be a runner - really is looking at this as a way to get in better shape. She had trail running shoes, which weren't ideal on the track, so I sent her with a pair of my retired Brooks to try out. We went 2.01 miles so an average pace of 15:00 min/mile.

    I forgot about your injury. This might be good for you right now too.

    Also, she NEEDS to get to a running store. No wonder running has sucked for her.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Did W1D1 of C25K with a friend this morning. Those of you who have done that already know how much fun that is! Let my friend set the pace and the first running interval I looked at my Garmin to see the pace and we were running 10:03. Told her that was pretty fast (first time runner!) so she backed off a little. She did so awesome. At the end she was pleasantly surprised by how good she felt and said "I could do this." No aspirations to be a runner - really is looking at this as a way to get in better shape. She had trail running shoes, which weren't ideal on the track, so I sent her with a pair of my retired Brooks to try out. We went 2.01 miles so an average pace of 15:00 min/mile.

    I forgot about your injury. This might be good for you right now too.

    Also, she NEEDS to get to a running store. No wonder running has sucked for her.

    Yeah I told her that my "reward" for competing Week 1 was good running shoes. I had a history of buying new outfits, etc. every time I was going to work out and then not actually stick with the plan, but I figured after the end of week 1 I would know whether I was likely to keep with it or not.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Great run last night. 3.1 in 41 minutes. It was getting dark by the time I left the office, so I did some paved paths right next to Faramir trail. I wanted to do the rail trail (flat) but didn't have time. It ended up being sooo much fun. Sometimes running is everything you need it to be, you know.

    Still need to figure out the snot issue, but ALL the other problems that I've had this year seem to have vanished. Recovery is still a little slow, but I think I can SLOWLY start building up again. I felt good last night and feel really fresh today. I'll take it!

    I'm so happy to read this.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Sounds like you're moving again Laura. Great! Glad that you were able to get out with your friend and hope she continues. I was a little disappointed that my running with my sister during the Christmas break didn't encourage her to keep going, but also didn't expect it as it was my idea, not hers. I was glad that she was willing to at least do the first week of C25K before she went home.

    Glad you're getting the runs in too, Varda, despite the allergies.

    Go Tim, Joe, taeliesyn and Dave!

    I'm still having difficulty getting back into my training for my half marathon. My plan was to run 3 mile Monday (did it and added a hard exercise class), 3 miles on Tuesday with my trainer workout, 5 miles on Wednesday, and then 10 miles on Friday. I have a flyball tournament this weekend, so running any real distance is off then. Well as I said I got the Monday and Tuesday in, and Wednesday and today have been just beautiful days to run with unusual cooler weather, but I haven't gotten out.

    I seem to have contacted poison ivy somewhere. My belly, legs, and less so, my face have broken out and I itch terribly. I've been having trouble sleeping for 3 or 4 days and feel rotten. Last night I convinced myself that skipping the evening run, going to bed, and then tackling it in the morning would be a good idea, except I didn't sleep well, yet again, over slept and was (very) late to work. Tomorrow is an off day for me, so I'm going to try to sleep well tonight and get that 10 mile one in, no matter what, even if I have to walk some of it!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I did it! I'm so happy! I got on the rail-trail and ran 5.5 miles, then just walked leisurely around as I ate Bonk Breaker (from my Stride Box) and drank some water. Then I noticed that there was a ranger station right there along the rail-trail with public restrooms! Yeah! Used the rest room then ran home, I started walking when I got close the the end, but covered 10.5 miles running! My plan was for 10 miles.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I did it! I'm so happy! I got on the rail-trail and ran 5.5 miles, then just walked leisurely around as I ate Bonk Breaker (from my Stride Box) and drank some water. Then I noticed that there was a ranger station right there along the rail-trail with public restrooms! Yeah! Used the rest room then ran home, I started walking when I got close the the end, but covered 10.5 miles running! My plan was for 10 miles.

    Woo hoo!

    I was gunna make up my missed run this week today, but it doesn't look likely.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I did it! I'm so happy! I got on the rail-trail and ran 5.5 miles, then just walked leisurely around as I ate Bonk Breaker (from my Stride Box) and drank some water. Then I noticed that there was a ranger station right there along the rail-trail with public restrooms! Yeah! Used the rest room then ran home, I started walking when I got close the the end, but covered 10.5 miles running! My plan was for 10 miles.

    That's awesome! And I love the name Bonk Breaker. How was it?
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    The Bonk Breaker was a small dense blueberry oat cake. It tasted fine and was good on my stomach and nice to have as 10 miles takes me a while. I wouldn't have wanted to try to eat it without water though. If I see it in a store I would probably buy it for future runs, but I'm not going to make an effort to order it special. An oatmeal cookie would probably do the same thing, although the cookie would probably be more crumbly and harder to carry.