Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • davetheperson
    davetheperson Posts: 124 Member
    Today, I did a 9.2 to 9.8 mile loop (depending on which tracker you wish to believe) and finished in 1 hour 36 minutes 14 seconds. I did it, just to see if I could do it.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Another parkrun, another PB. Had intentions of going out harder than normal, but I wasn't pushing for a PB, just trying to catch a friend in front of me.
    Came home with a new 5k pb of 23:03!!!!!
    55 second improvement from my last parkrun 2 weeks ago
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    "Long" run today. About 4.5 miles in an hour. All but the last mile was easy and the last bit was challenging without there being any real question of my being able to keep running.

    I think a lot of my issues have stemmed from bad form driven by posture. Some by shoes. I do need more padding than I really like :)

    I've found that the quality of my workouts is reflected in my long run. If I'm over exerting, it shows up first here. My internal count is three weeks of quality workouts and a long run that is "right" or "easy" is a signal to progress. Since I missed a run this week, I'll keep to my current schedule this week and add 10 minutes to my base next week if my long run still feels good. And then I'll wait until my long runs feel "right" again.

    I don't know if I'll be fit to do a 10 mile run in a couple months. If not, I'll just skip it and keep my focus on base. Next year, I'll be able to prepare for all my races and runs out of a base where I'd be able to easily finish mid-pack without additional training. And that will be incredible, especially since I'd still be training for the specific races.
  • Andiebeanluvsu
    Andiebeanluvsu Posts: 105 Member
    I feel like I'm starting to get into the running groove again. Today, I set my 10k app to the last workout (60 minutes of running), and just told myself to suck it up and get it done. I didn't finish the whole thing, but I did run 45 minutes of it (as compared to the 15-20 minutes I've been doing), so I'm happy with that for now. I walked out the last 2 of my 6 miles (with another 3 minute run segment sandwiched in there somewhere. I definitely did not hydrate well enough before my run, which was my fault, and I probably could have done slightly better if I had. Still, I'm going to get that 60 minutes done if it's the last thing I do!! I downloaded a half marathon app last week, and it's just sitting there waiting for me to not be scared to do it, lol.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Ran 10k today. Was supposed to run 5k but I've missed a few long runs when I was on holiday. Couldn't run my usual 10k route so had to run a much hillier route. It was hot and humid and there was a strong headwind on the way back. So I was pleased with a time of 70 minutes. I haven't been able to access the forums often lately so it is nice to catch up on everybody's running!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    After a frustrating end to July, August is looking a little better. Last week, just as I thought I was getting over my knee issues I got a sudden sharp pain in my achilles tendon while stretching after last Tuesday's run. My heel has been sore for a while but nothing major. I think something finally tore loose during that stretch. Then I was stupid and did speedwork Wednesday night. Thursday morning I was limping and decided to take a couple of days off. Rest & ice definitely improved things and I managed a 6-mile run Saturday and a 13-mile run today. Actually 13.1 miles at 8:57 average pace. I was really happy to get through that with hardly a complaint from my achilles. It's sore right now (about 6 hours after I finished my run) but better than this time yesterday. My coach said no fast running so speedwork will wait until this thing heals.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Hi everyone! I haven't been posting here lately. My runs have been on-going and I'm doing great, considering it's summer and the heat really affects me. That said, my runs are pretty slow (heat slowness) and I feel I don't have a lot to say here.
    Basically, I'm still running every second day, trying for at least 5K each time. I've missed a couple of runs due to very high temps but not any due to making excuses. Those 5K can, if necessary, be done in 2 attempts (small walk break in the middle). I don't carry a water bottle so if I feel overheated, I walk for a minute. It'll be interesting, come fall, to see whether I fall back or improve or remain the same. At the moment, I can't even guess.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Glad your long run was good LS and that you seem to be finding your groove again.

    Jumping from 25 to 45 mins is a great effort Andie, as your groove comes back you'll get back there!

    I love when a 5k turns into a 10k, almost simply because it can Romy, good work!

    Nice pace for the 13.1 Tim, listen to your coach and heal up. You'll be faster for it in the long run.

    I'm enjoying the cool while I can Plex, just because runs are slow doesn't mean they are any less worthy! Keep it up and I'm sure you'll see improvement as it cools down.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Well I had a bit of a stressful day yesterday, got home and headed out to run. Got going a bit faster than normal after my 500m warm up and decided to try and hold a 5min pace average for my run.
    Pushed too hard up one hill and had a few moments of walking, but recovered. Pace drifted all over the place as expected with hills, but I hit the downhill stretch on the 7th km and dropped into sub 5min kms for the next 3.
    Came home with a 51:35 for the 10k portion of my run, and 61:14 for the total 11.6km of the run (warmup/cooldown included) I was just starting to fade a bit on the last km, but it was uphill and a headwind.
    It was a hard run, but I do think I have more in me yet.
    So 10k 51:35 A new 10K PB. a 3:32 improvement over my last 10k pb. WHOOO :D
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Whoot! Congratulations, Tae! That's a really good time.

    Thanks for the encouragement. I'm really looking forward to fall. I'll miss the sun a lot, though.....can't have everything....
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Yesterday was my first run since July 20th. It was hot (90) with a feels like temp close to 100. My running buddy was convinced she wanted to try 5 to 10k, week 5 day 1 (two 3 mile runs with a short walk in between).

    The first 3 miles was great, although I can't convince her she needs to slow down during the first couple of miles, so she'll have energy left for the last couple of miles. We ended up walking more than running for the last 3 miles. I could have run more, but I wanted to stick close to her in case she passed out from heat exhaustion!

    We ended up doing the first 3 miles in 32:10 and the 2nd 3 miles in 45:02. I didn't really have any issues with breathing or heart rate, but my legs were screaming and are sore this morning!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Yesterday was my first run since July 20th. It was hot (90) with a feels like temp close to 100. My running buddy was convinced she wanted to try 5 to 10k, week 5 day 1 (two 3 mile runs with a short walk in between).

    The first 3 miles was great, although I can't convince her she needs to slow down during the first couple of miles, so she'll have energy left for the last couple of miles. We ended up walking more than running for the last 3 miles. I could have run more, but I wanted to stick close to her in case she passed out from heat exhaustion!

    We ended up doing the first 3 miles in 32:10 and the 2nd 3 miles in 45:02. I didn't really have any issues with breathing or heart rate, but my legs were screaming and are sore this morning!

    Maybe let her take off like a rabbit and chug along behind her until she runs out of steam. Having everybody you just passed pass you in the last third of a race does wonders for an understanding of pacing. :)
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    So 10k 51:35 A new 10K PB. a 3:32 improvement over my last 10k pb. WHOOO :D

    Way to go!!! Congrats!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Got in a 2 mile run this morning, trying to beat the heat! It was good. 10:08 pace. I'm expecting the two who usually run with me after work won't today. Won't hurt my feelings any. Supposed to be hot and humid.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Trail run last night which felt good. Very good.
  • Andiebeanluvsu
    Andiebeanluvsu Posts: 105 Member
    Went out this morning determined to conquer that big 60 minute run that would signify the completion of c210k. I set my app and set off at a nice, slow pace (around 13-14 minutes a mile). I was feeling great throughout the whole run--like I could go forever. Then my app told me I was done for the day. I stopped to cool down and look at my mile splits and realized I'd only been running for 50 minutes instead of 60!!! Ugh!!!

    At least it was 5 minutes more than my last run, and now I know I could have finished if I hadn't stopped (I have a hard time getting going again after stopping).
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I posted this in my feed but thought I'd post it here too.

    Last week I was watching the women's 5000m race at the Commonwealth Games. Jo Pavey from England won the bronze medal in 15 minutes. 15 minutes!! She is 40 years old and has a 10 month old baby, how amazing is that? And another inspiring story from the Commonwealth Games. 40 year old Steven Way didn't start running till he was 33, he was overweight and a heavy smoker and started running as a way to lose weight. He had entered the London Marathon the previous year and finished in a time of 3:07! He now runs the marathon in 2:16 and was chosen to represent his country at the age of 40! He is aiming for Ron Hill's over 40's marathon record of 2:15.

    There is still hope for us!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Had a couple of extra rest days as I hurt my knee walking up the stairs (again!) Today was supposed to be a 3k easy run but I missed a 6k speed work session yesterday and I haven't done any speed work this year so decided to switch. 10 minute warm up, 20 minutes alternating 1 minute sprint, 1 minute easy, then 10 minute cool down. Soooo hard! But I was really proud that I managed to run all the easy sections, usually I have to walk some of them. When I got home my girls wanted to go for a bike ride so went out and did 12k with them. My youngest managed to cycle up all the hills without stopping, for the first time ever! Now I have a gazillion calories to eat but I'm not particularly hungry.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    That's a great day, Romy! Congratulations to your daughter for managing all those hills! Way to go!
    Maybe have a small treat (if you want one) for all your hard work and don't worry about the rest.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Had a hard week. After a good run last Friday, I had a flyball tournament throughout the weekend and came back from it feeling miserable. After three days sick, didn't go to work, didn't run, didn't go to my trainer workout, I stumbled back to the living yesterday and at least got some stair climbing done. This morning, Fells and I got in a 3 mile run. It was cool this morning and very pretty. It felt so good to get out!

    I don't know what I had. Maybe shingles. Maybe just a really bad poison ivy reaction.