Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    edited February 2015
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    Stress Test! Time for me to Embrace the Suck. I figure now I have a HRM, it will be good to do the stress test for both a fitness benchmark and to hopefully find my max HR. I'm kinda scared about that one tbh. Warmup, 6 minutes of hell (Well hopefully not the entire 6 minutes) recovery for 10-15minutes and then repeat hell. Finish with a cooldown. I know it's technically wrong but I have set pace alerts for my 6 minute intervals that will hopefully keep me on the edge of sustaining the pace and blowing up. Background target is to break a mile in that 6 minutes.

    Sounds a bit like the Cooper tests that I do, 12 minutes as fast as possible then assess the distance completed.

    It's the basis for the standard test used in the UK military and at the moment I'm passing in the range for being 25yo, so I'm quite happy. Still hurts like hel to do it.

    Anyway, in terms of progress I wasn't well at the beginning of the week so missed my 9km on Monday night. Managed to get 8.4km easy paced with strides in on Tuesday. Friday night and Saturday morning are 13km and 15km, so I'll probably add a bit to each of them to compensate for missing Monday.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Just joined the bridge to 10K version i'm on D2 W7 of the C25K and hope to complete about 19th February, I have entered a 10K race on April 12th so that gives me 6/7 weeks to train, I was considering jumping onto W6 of the Bluefin Ease to 10k programme but would take any advice or pointers in respect to this....

    Ease to 10k is probably pretty similar in the beginning to C25k. You might be able to figure out which week fits and go with that. You could finish up the C25k, then go right into a 5 to 10k program. The one I did was 6 weeks. (If you are truly running every other day, you can finish it a little quicker than 6 weeks.) You might not be able to actually run the entire 10k, but then again when the race day adrenaline kicks in, you might be surprised!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Just joined the bridge to 10K version i'm on D2 W7 of the C25K and hope to complete about 19th February, I have entered a 10K race on April 12th so that gives me 6/7 weeks to train, I was considering jumping onto W6 of the Bluefin Ease to 10k programme but would take any advice or pointers in respect to this....


    Welcome too. Just to complement Ceci's comments, I went from C25k to C210k but the first 8 or 9 weeks of C210k were the same as the c25k programme so I just started where c25k ended. Looking at the Bluefin programme week6 looks like the first week of c210k after finishing the C25k element. So your guess looks spot on. Good luck with the race, let us know how the training and race goes.

    Have fun

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    taeliesyn, good luck with the stress test, they suck too. Remember to enjoy it ;)

    Foundation session this morning, and so much better than the same run on Monday. Pace up, hr down, despite feeling a bit blah and tired. This training thing might be working!! I will enjoy the speed interval session tomorrow, worked out the route, just waiting to embrace the suck with a smile.

    Have fun

  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Welcome Iain!

    Out running with Jog Scotland last night, still only me and my son. Tuesday's snow had melted so majority of route was clear. Knees were sore when I went to bed so I took some ibuprofen, still a little bit sore this morning but by lunch time they were feeling okay. Tried out another new pair of running shoes, Skechers Go Run Rides. In the reviews someone said they were perfect for people who under pronate and forefoot strike, which is how I run. I was really surprised at how flat my feet were, with every other pair of shoes I have tried my feet get pushed onto the outer edges, even in shoes that are supposed to be neutral. So in that respect they were great but I am not sure if they have enough cushioning for me.
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    I made it out yesterday and today. Yesterday was a road run for 3 miles. Today was an 8 miles trail run. My gps didn't record that much, but I ran to the trail marker for four miles and back.

    Good thing too, I needed those extra calories to eat the home cooked meal my Aunt made. I was able to take a day of vacation in Illinois before heading up to Wisconsin tomorrow.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Iain, sorry on the name spelling. Oops

    Romy, I hope you get some more runners soon. Glad that the knees are ok, look after them.

    Upsaluki, nice going on the runs in Kentucky, looks like you have had some fun.

    Tae, thanks mate. Suck embraced with a whole lot of PMA (positive mental attitude). Made the splits, the best split was on an uphill section, which I dislike, although it seems shorter and less steep every time I do it. So I don't know whether it was the pep talk after the last interval session but thanks anyway, I think it helped. This is a great place just to dump feelings and get some great feedback.

    Thanks everyone, off to the office with a sense of accomplishment already, trust me, that's good for a Friday. Enjoy your sessions.
  • iainletham61
    Hi folks thanks for the advice and help its much appreciated it all sounds like a good plan, should be through the 5 K programme by the 19th so i'll be back after thats out the way.
    See your from Scotland Romy whereabouts? i'm Glenrothes, where's everyone else from?
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Firstly, welcome Iain and don't feel you have to shy away from just because you haven't actually started the B210K program, or picked up Ease into 10k like you're planning.
    My only advice would be to take a week or two between finishing C25K and picking up the ease into 10k where you just have some easy runs.

    Yeah I think all Stress tests are similar really. I think I prefer the 6 minutes rather than 12 of the cooper test MM.
    Bugger about being sick, adding a few miles at the end of the week isn't a bad idea especially if they are easy miles.

    Robbie, glad you had some good runs and that you embraced the suck, it really does make a difference :)

    Romy, bugger you're not getting much company with your group at the moment. Good nes about the shoes. You may find after a few runs you get used to them. Or they may be only good for short runs where the padding isn't as important.

    Trail runs are always problematic for GPS recorders upsaluki. Glad you're getting some runs in. Home cooked meal sounds good.

    Did my stress test tonight.... Honestly not the best night/day for it. Warmup run, left calf felt funky and I just felt slow. Got to my starting point and just as I was about to find somewhere to throw my water bottle there was an extremely beautiful and fat tiger snake on the path, about 3foot long. Fortunately there wasn't anyone else around as most people freak out over snakes here. Fair enough to some extent as most of them can kill you. Tigers are definitely on the deadly list.
    I went to move behind the snake to hurry up his exit from the public area, but he decided to freeze instead. So I had to gently throw some rocks at him to get him moving. Once I was sure the snake was safely away I found a spot for my bottle and psyched up for the run.
    First 6 minute pass... I went out too hard and faded towards the end, fell just short of making a 6 minute mile (about 60m/180ft short). Took a long time to walk back to my starting point and psyche up again. Second pass was a bit slower. I tried to not start off quite as fast, but I think I cruised a bit too much.
    I did set new PB's for 400m, 800m and 1k according to Strava, and found out my max HR is apparently 193. It was interesting looking at the extra stats I get with my HRM, will take a few runs to start understanding all the stats and the HR stuff properly though.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Hi folks thanks for the advice and help its much appreciated it all sounds like a good plan, should be through the 5 K programme by the 19th so i'll be back after thats out the way.
    See your from Scotland Romy whereabouts? i'm Glenrothes, where's everyone else from?

    I am from Texas, but currently live in Northwest Arkansas.

    My run yesterday was 4 miles along the sidewalk/ greenway near where I work. Finished with a very respectable 9:44 pace!

    I ordered new running shoes, same model as my current ones only in a wider size. They came in yesterday. Just trying them on and walking around the house, they feel great. We'll see how they run, though!

    I should rest today, but I will likely take advantage of freakishly warm weather and get the bike out this afternoon. Tomorrow my plan calls for a 9 mile run. The girls I ride with are getting out tomorrow afternoon, hoping I'll be able to recover enough to do that too! (Riding uses different muscles than running, right?!)
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Iain, I'm from Moray originally but now live in Aberdeenshire, via Glasgow. Is there a park run near you? Might be good practice before your race.

    Taeliesyn, you are either crazy or brave throwing stones at the snake!

    Ceci, I'm sure you will be okay if you take it easy.

    I've got to run 10k this weekend, will have to be Sunday. Tomorrow my youngest daughter has a Highland Dancing competition in the morning and a ballroom dancing competition in the afternoon, then a quick dash home to watch the rugby.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I don't believe I ever posted an update. (Sorry about that!) I ended up joining a local running program and completed my first 10K last year. I am now training for my second 10K and incorporating NHS C25K+ for my shorter runs/interval training. Here is more info: http://www.nhs.uk/tools/pages/Couch-to-5k-plus.aspx

    I hope that each of you can complete your first 10K and enjoy running for a long time to come! The best advice I can give is to pick a program that works for you and to take it at a pace that works best for you. If you do too much too soon, you may end up hating it. If you can run with a buddy, all the more fun!

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Iain, I'm from Perth Western Australia.
    Ceci, good run, glad the new shoes fit well :)
    fitplease, glad your running is doing well :)

    Romy, I am a little crazy although I am also a trained snake catcher so I was confident around the snake.
    Good luck with your 10k!
  • iainletham61
    Wow scotland , Texas and aussieland, sounds like it could be a bit off a mad mix .
    Romy there's a couple of Resolution 5k runs happening March time so I'll incorporate either the Edinburgh or Glasgow one into my programme
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I went for an outdoor run today. It was great after almost 2 weeks on the treadmill. I ran 6K in 47:15. I'm trying out different routes and pathways. Today's route took me past a park with a trail that I will explore one day. For today, I stayed on the road, meandered through a new neighbourhood and circled back home, for a total of 8.4K (2.4K was a warm-up and cool-down walk).

    Finished this week's Jantastic challenge and will also run on Monday because I'm off of work.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    The new shoes felt great, even after the 9 miles I ran this morning! (1:32:40) I had to make myself slow down during miles 7 and 8, but pushed through and am very pleased with my pace. I finished off a pack of gatorade energy gels during the run. Hydration still doesn't seem to be an issue.

    I rode 16+ miles yesterday afternoon and another 20 this afternoon. Fairly slow paced, easy rides on the local greenway. Rode on a new section today that just opened. I can now ride from work about 20 miles in one direction without ever getting on the road. I LOVE IT!!!
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Good running everyone. Ceci- yesterday was a pretty impressive double dip with running and riding. Taeliesyn- funny snake story. People freak out here too, especially if they rattle.

    I was able to get in a five mile run yesterday. Lots of slush and puddles here right now in Wisconsin.

    Welcome Iain and fitplease
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Beautiful but cold morning, perfect morning for running. Ran 10k in 1:05 which is my fastest outside of a race so very happy with that. Now having a relaxing afternoon at home.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Got my scheduled 2 mile run out of the way before breakfast. 19:12

    Probably going to take the motorcycle out this afternoon.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Iain - Originally London but moved north to Nottingham 30+years ago.

    Taeliesyn, nice going on the stress test.

    PaytraB, well done on getting out through the neighbourhood and leaving dreadmill behind, literally. :D

    Ceci, that looked like a spanking run and then some cross training afterwards, way to go.

    upsaluki, well done on getting the 5 miler in.

    Yesterday for me was a recovery run, but looking back at my diary, over the last 4 months the same run at same pace was done at 10bpm higher 4 months ago. So something has definitely improved. It really felt comfortable and the time flew by. Today was a long run with speed play which enabled me to get to HM distance. This turned into my best HM run. So I apologise for the whining, moaning and whinging over the last couple of weeks, as interval sessions have not gone well. But they are clearly having an effect even if it might have been even better, never happy. Anyway 5 weeks to go to Silverstone, so l a full on week, a cutback week, a final full on week and 2 weeks of taper. Now getting excited and the shoes for Silverstone are getting worn in.

    Have fun everyone and good luck with your training/ running.