Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Nice PRs ftrobbie and romy!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited February 2015
    upsaluki wrote: »
    Nice PRs ...... romy!

    +1 well done, not sure how I missed that update. Nice avatar update too.

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Whoo yaay for an outdoor run Paytra :) and new trails to trial too!
    Good runs Ceci! Glad the new shoes are working out.
    upsaluki, good work on getting your miles in.
    Romy WHOO!!! wicked PR\
    Nice work on your HM PR robbie, you'll smash it come race day :)

    Now lets see for me. Saturday was a good run, had a friend ask me mid parkrun to pace her to a PB. I found out the target time, agreed and set the pace. Unfortunately my friend couldn't hold the pace. I did slow a little, but I wanted to keep as close to pace as possible in case she managed to wind me in the last km or so. It wasn't to be. Surprisingly I ended up only 9 seconds off the target time and pacing was completely by feel. The course doesn't lend itself to GPS and having done a warmup and including it in the overall run, I couldn't even check time against position on course.
    I skipped a 28km trail run on Sunday.... sounds like it was a good run but that would have blown my weekly mileage out big time.

    Tonights LSR basically got cut in half. I had mojo issues getting going and nearly pulled the pin all the way to finishing lacing my second shoe. Set out and everything felt ok. A few niggles, but nothing major. Had to stop for traffic up hill... ouch that hurt to start again, but good otherwise and all seemed good until 10-11k, legs were just feeling lethargic. Pushed down the hill and onwards towards home/13k mark. Hit the decision corner and called it a day. I could have pushed on easily enough and I know heading down hill I would have found a rhythm, but not tonight. If all other runs go to plan I'm still going to clock up 60-65km this week.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I had forgotten how much I love riding my motorcycle. There were a few times mid ride that I had thoughts like, "This would be a great ride on the bicycle" or "I'm glad I'm not on the bicycle for this!" We crossed an old suspension bridge that I'd like to run over sometime.

    Today should be a rest day, but I brought all my gear in case I decide to run or ride. I might have to do tomorrow's run today because of my schedule at work.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Nice runs and terrific distances!

    Ceci, that sounds like such a great ride!

    It's pouring outside (or was this morning....it's almost stopped now), so I got onto the treadmill. I've tightened the belt and it didn't slip once this run but that didn't improve my treadmill run-time (5K in 43 min).
    After walking for a couple of minutes, I added another 1K at an incline of 3 (10:00). I think I'm going to add a kilometer or more of incline running whenever I'm on the treadmill. I'm on it for 70 minutes anyway, so best make the most of it.
    I'm getting too comfortable with my workouts, I think. I feel like I've had a work out but not like I've gone full out. Time to step it up a bit.
  • iainletham61
    Going to just get the 5k run out the way should have jus t went for it tonight was meant to be doing W8D1 28 mins but I was feeling go
    od and just keepgoing it was a good run not fast but I know Icould have uupped the pace managed 4.6 km so the 5km sub 30 mins will be done this week hopefully .
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    One of us is famous in Jantastic.
    For some Jantastic folk it’s been super chilly whilst for other’s their Strava Jantastic workouts have been red hot! In Philadelphia, USA, Melissa Fehr claimed a workout in -6C and in Armadale, Australia Ben Oxwell claimed a workout in 35C!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    *snort* I scanned straight past that in the newsletter. Proof I'm a fruit loop!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    A famous runner among us! Congratulations taeliesyn, or should I say Ben?

    Iain, you are doing fantastic, not many people manage to run a full 5km by the end of C25K, but it looks like you will be one of them!

    I met my neighbour when I was out running today, the ultra distance runner who broke his ankle at the end of the year. He's finally allowed to put weight on it and was walking back from the gym. He was supposed to take a taxi, on doctor's orders, but decided to walk and I think he was regretting it! It is all uphill! He was telling me about his accident. He was running on a quiet country road when he slipped, he looked down and his foot was at a right angle and there was a bone sticking out. He usually takes his mobile phone but for some reason hadn't taken it that day, so he dragged himself over to the side of the road and pulled himself up and started shouting for help. Luckily a lady was riding her horse in a nearby field and heard him. She phoned for an ambulance but it didn't turn up (there are only 2 ambulances to cover a huge area) but luckily someone came along in a car and took him to the local A&E until the ambulance was available. Moral of the story, don't forget your phone!
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    I think I pulled a muscle in my stomach. It's twingy, but hurts sometimes when I bounce around so I'm going to take a few days off to see how it responds. Frustrating.....
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    *snort* I scanned straight past that in the newsletter. Proof I'm a fruit loop!

    There's a newsletter? I missed that completely!
    upsaluki wrote: »
    I think I pulled a muscle in my stomach. It's twingy, but hurts sometimes when I bounce around so I'm going to take a few days off to see how it responds. Frustrating.....

    Ouch! Take it easy.
    Going to just get the 5k run out the way should have jus t went for it tonight was meant to be doing W8D1 28 mins but I was feeling go
    od and just keepgoing it was a good run not fast but I know Icould have uupped the pace managed 4.6 km so the 5km sub 30 mins will be done this week hopefully .

    Blazing! Way to go!

    I took a late lunch today and got in a 4 mile run including some speed intervals in the middle- 30 sec fast run, 1 minute slower X 10. Was very ready for the fast running to be over and took me a little while to settle into a good pace to finish the last mile, but I managed. Did the 4 miles in 39:15. Oh, and I overdressed as usual. It was in the 50's. I should have worn shorts and short sleeves.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    romyhorse wrote: »
    Moral of the story, don't forget your phone!

    I'd be completely lost without my phone!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Well I'm not sure whether I'm not really over being ill, or whether the intensity of work is causing me to struggle a bit, but last week I was still quite under the weather so only did about 25Km of my planned distance, and even that was a struggle.

    Last night was 8.4Km easy paced with some strides, and tonight was a 10Km tempo run, I managed to finish both, but my HR trace is showing a little elevated.

    Anyway, onwards and upwards.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    I'm doing this in bits because I lost the long update last night before it posted. How?

    taelisyn, nice going on pacing your friend around the parkrun without the certainty of chronological updates. Is there no end to your talents pacer, race director, lab rat, snake charmer, Jantastic hero, coach....I'm exhausted listing them. Shame you skipped the trail run, which from your social running I think you would have really enjoyed especially since you pulled the pin half way round on the following run. Thanks for letting me stay in front of you for a few more days on Strava though ;) . And thanks again for the pep read last week as it helped yesterday too. More later.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    PaytraB, nice going on getting back on the dreadmill. It is interesting to see someone recognise that their training is getting comfortable and that they need to do something different. Too many people get into a comfortable pattern of maintenance which leads to slow decline as the muscles are not stressed enough to adapt and get stronger. Well done for not being one of them

    Iain, nice going, as Romy says, not many people get to the end of C25k and can actually do a 5k. It took me several weeks of C210k afterwards to get there.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Upsaluki, hope the twinge is nothing serious and that you are out pounding the pavements soon.

    Romy, interesting tale. Unless I have the hydration pack with me or it is raining, I have no pockets that can carry a mobile phone. I understand the risks and it is something I frequently debate. But living in Nottingham I have rarely had to go more than 10 minutes before seeing another person or car. If I go trailing I wait until it is light and then there are enough runners/ dog walkers around anyway. But I do carry a medi alert band with contact details etc. on Nothing flash http://www.safety-site.co.uk/products/vital-id-adult-medical-emergency-ice-wristband-medical-allergy-diabetic

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    For me simple recovery run on Monday. It was needed, quads tight, left hip flexor loose, clearly it wasn't but it did feel odd all from Sunday's effort. The first 1.5 miles was like running through heavy clogging mud, despite being on the pavements. It did clear the system out though.

    Yesterday and thanks tae, was another suck it up big boy session. A shorter version of it two weeks ago, lead to the start of the whiny, moany stage. The warm up and first tempo interval was fine, the second I could feel me slipping off the pace, and the pace alert kicked in after 6mins. I had a decision to make, this could go on for the remaining 2 mins and then a further two 8 min intervals or I could knuckle down and get it done. Iain's comment led to me thinking about c25k and how a lot of it was mental. So I believed in me, overruled the brain and got it done. Felt really pleased at the end. Back to a recovery run later this morning.

    Hope your running/ training is going well and your cycling ( Ceci) and your weights (Romy) and your recovery (upsa). Have fun :D
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited February 2015
    Ceci/ MM missed the new page update, having a picnic moment. Problem in chair not in computer, as I thought I refreshed the browser to see all updates. Doh.

    Ceci, nice going on the speed intervals, got those on Friday, not looking forward to them. Wow you guys get quite variable temperatures, we are a lot more stable here, it's been sitting at or around freezing overnight or a few degrees above during the day here.

    MM, not sure what the answer is, it sounds as though you have enough insight to work through it. Sometimes I find that being able to be alone with my thoughts really helps me out destress. Good luck on finding your issue.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Upsaluki and MM, hope you are both feeling better and getting back into the groove soon.

    Well done on your tempo/interval runs Ceci and Robbie. I haven't done those in months, they always fall on a Wednesday in my plan but that is when I go out with Jog Scotland. Think I need to switch things up a bit.

    I've switched my weight lifting routine for a bodyweight routine till after my race next month. I have been seeing improvement in some areas but some of the exercises are hurting my knees.
  • iainletham61
    Went for it it ..,....was meant to be D2 WK 8 ....I just kept going until I hit the 5k, timed out at 36.16 which was a 7.15 pace...,I'm going to run 5k again either Friday or Saturday then crack on with 10 k training which I'm hoping will help to improve my 5k pace???