Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    MM, you're about right on that temperature.

    Being any fool, I got 4 from 4 tonight, night, wet, speed intervals, post dinner. All four things I don't like doing but hey. If Taeliesyn can run slow, Romy with a cold, MM in the city rather than on a trail, Ceci in a hamster wheel and upsaluki with stomach cramps, why am I moaning. Good session, good pacing, met all the targets really happy. Intervals are becoming less of a problem. Out for some corporate hospitality at Nottingham Rugby tomorrow night, so no running but ingesting too many bad things. There's always Saturday to make amends. :D

    Have fun
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I'm having a dilemma. I hurt my right knee walking upstairs Tuesday night, don't know how I keep managing to do this. Wednesday it felt okay, it is always a busy day for me so 6km at Jog Scotland and another 6km walking. Both knees were sore Wednesday night. Rested yesterday but they are still a bit sore. I have to do a 10km run this week plus one for Jantastic. I could do 10km this afternoon but then I might be too sore to run at parkrun on Saturday. If I don't run today I am not going to have time to fit in 2 runs as I am busy all day Sunday. I could do a 30 minute run today and do 2 laps of parkrun on Saturday, it's off road so isn't as hard as running on the road. I'm leaning towards the latter at the moment...
  • iainletham61
    Fallen off the wagon this week after my good 5K last Saturday my first run on Monday was a disaster had to abort after 20mins was in total agony (upper leg) i have my Resolution 5K at Edinburgh a week on Sunday so decided not to push it in a hope it will cure before the race. Tried a wee jog last night its certainly getting better but theres still a twinge, try again tomorrow and see how it goes, if i can get a couple of easy paced 3Ks in between now and next Wednesday and then some easy cross training Thursday & Friday day off Saturday then the race on the Sunday i'll be happy.....still determined to get in under 30mins

    Wheres your parkrun Saturday Romy?
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I got off work early enough yesterday to get in my 5 mile run at the gym, go home and let the dog out, then come back into town for a killer one hour spin class (needed the ride for Jantastic), followed by a delicious cheeseburger, fries, and a local brewed cream stout. (YUM!)

    Today I rest, sort of. There is a new exhibit at our local Art Museum, so I hope to spend a couple of hours walking around there this afternoon.

    Tomorrow's ten miler will likely be either very wet, or in the gym. xkepj3pm2r0z.gif
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Hope you are okay for your 5k Iain. My parkrun is at Hazelhead Park in Aberdeen, there will be a new course record set tomorrow when Kenyan international Gideon Gathimba takes part as a fund raising event!

    Ceci, I was thinking of you when I ran 10k in my local park today, it was bad enough having to run 8 laps of 1.25km, every time I thought I was going to have to stop I thought of you running laps in your gym!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Not sure if you've tried it iain, but foam rolling may help.
    Gladbyou got you run in Romy. I would have done the 10k tomorrow.
    Good work on your run Ceci.

    I headed out for my 24k long run tonight. Hit the 10k mark and turned for home. HR wanted to stay high, so I struggled to get below 9min/km for pace. I did the maths and realised the run was going to be in the 4hr region, so yep, turn for home. Got some good running on the home stretch. Not sure if I'm dehydrated or what, but these LHR runs are getting slower.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Taeliesyn, I've thought about trying LHR running before but only on my short runs, time constraints would prevent me from getting in my long runs, especially if my long runs were as long as yours! Maybe your body is just adapting to your new style of running but extra hydration wouldn't go amiss in your climate. I would have preferred to do my 10k tomorrow but didn't want to leave my son on his own while I did a second lap, not sure if he would manage a second lap with me.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    parkrun time 29:54 woot! Son's was 29:08. Room for improvement as there was a backlog at the start due to high numbers turning up. First km was over 7 minutes, second was around 6:30, last 3 were all under 6 minutes. New course record set of 15:02!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci, nice going on your run. Romy congrats on the 5k especially after the concern with your knees. Taeliesyn, nice going, yep long runs at slow paces take a long time, welcome to my world :p . Hope you get to find the sweet spot between HR, pace and distance. Iain, just watch pushing too hard too early, the first time I did C25k I pushed too hard, never finished and waited 2 years before embarking again. Take it easy the sub30min 5k will come just by doing more distance.

    I had an easy run this morning mixed in with a hangover. Glad I did it, glad it's over. Normality resumes. Have fun
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Robbie, easy runs with a hangover can be quite refreshing, did your team win?

    I forgot to add that I went over my right ankle twice, twisting my right knee and stretching the ligaments on my left knee, all in all I'm surprised I'm still walking! Thankfully they aren't feeling too bad today but glad I did my 10k on Friday now. I'm off to church with my Rainbows for Thinking Day then we are doing activities with them till 3 o'clock, so a long day for me.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Bad weekend all round, Nottingham Rugby lost on Friday night, Quins and QPR lost yesterday. Had a good coaching session this morning with the U8s, we were joined by Sean Romans (Nottingham scrum half) and Brent Wilson (Nottingham captain and flanker). Really nice for the kids, and great to talk to Sean and Brent afterwards.

    Had a 10 mile long interval session on the Nottingham Waterways towpaths before rugby training. Quite a refreshing session, good confidence builder for the HM. Intervals are definitely getting easier, practice makes perfect. Might even get a swim in this afternoon, trying the equivalent of couch to 5k in the pool.

    Romy you need to look after yourself, hope the knees and ankle continue the rapid recovery, take it easy and look after them.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Great job Romy!

    Robbie- Swimming is on my list of things I want to do soon.

    The one thing that would keep me from running a full marathon would be the time commitment. Seems like I'm running all the time now, I can only imagine how much time I'd have to put in for longer distances!

    I got to run my 10 miles outside on Saturday. It was cold, but the paths were mostly clear after the morning rain. Only had to detour a couple of times to avoid flooded tunnels. I stopped in the middle long enough to take off a layer of clothes. I always seem to overdress! I finished in 1:45:26. My heart and lungs were great- my legs are still complaining! I need to figure out how to fuel more before running and maybe even during. My stomach was growling at the end. I don't think hydration will be an issue. I won't even bother carrying a bottle during my half, since there will be rest stops throughout.

    Sunday morning, I got in my scheduled 2 miles before breakfast and the snow started pretty shortly thereafter. Glad I got it in early! Week 13 done, 7 left!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    It's 4 weeks to my 10k, everyone tells me it is really hilly and the hardest 10k they have done. I had a look at the elevation map and it said it was a climb of 45m and my friend has run the route a few times recently and her Strava feed said she had an elevation change if 83m. Either way I should be okay, most of my Jog Scotland runs on a Wednesday night have an elevation change of at least 80m. Really looking forward to it but I have no plans to try for a PB I just want to enjoy it.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Had a busy weekend with a houseful of family. We cooked up a Chinese New Year feast on Saturday and it was delicious! We're still taking my step-dad to the Emergency room every day for treatment for his infected leg. He was given the permission to return to his home yesterday if he continues going for treatment from there (he lives across the strait). I hope he goes. He's not always reliable when it comes to things that inconvenience him. If not, he'll have to come back and stay with us until his leg heals.

    I managed to get in a run yesterday to complete this week's Jantastic goals and am now thinking about my March goal.

    I'd like to speed up my running. I've become complacent with my speed and my leg is hindering speed as well. I'm thinking that I may start doing C25K again, running my complacent speed for the walking intervals and speeding it up for the running intervals. Has anyone tried this method? Does it help with speed? I may be limited by my leg but I'd like to try something.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    @PaytraB My speed has increased the more I run. More miles = faster. I've heard of people running during the walking intervals, but I never tried it. I moved right into a 5 to 10K program, thus increasing my miles.

    I have a friend who is a trainer, she took my 1/2 plan and incorporated some speedwork and hills. I think that is really helping my speed too. It's only 1 day per week, but seems to be making a difference.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Romy, the thing with the LHR training is it's most effective on the long runs. Investigate and if you've got a HRM have a play to see what sort of pace you would carry doing a LHR run. Hope your knee and ankle heal up ok.
    Your 10k sounds fine. I know hilly is relative to everyone, but 40 or even 80m over 10k is almost flat to me.

    Robbie, I know the long runs at slow paces mean a long time, but you're running your long runs faster than me mate :p
    Good work for getting out with a hangover. Bugger about the rugby and keep us informed on the swimming. It's meant to be great cross training.

    Ceci - Yeah fuelling during a run is good advice, try some different gels or I even use a muesli bar on most of my training runs. Gels are generally more effective. Other people use jelly beans or various sweets. If you are fuelling though often your need for hydration increases too.

    Paytra - generally more miles and consistent running will help your speed, otherwise a dedicated speed session once a week is a good idea.
    I think the C25K approach could work, but you risk doing too much speed work as the program advances and this generally causes injuries.
    Hope all goes well with your dad and he sticks to his appointments.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Ok so now my update, Saturday's parkrun was another horrendously slow run, and earlier during the day on Monday I was contemplating giving up on the LHR stuff. Got home from work, had a quick nap while it cooled a bit and then headed out.
    First km was good, 2k was good too. Then my pace seemed to start to blow out. I finally clicked that all my horrendous pace runs, had been done with me seeing my pace while I was running (Screen I had set on the garmin) So I changed screens to only show HR and ignored pace.
    Queue a good run. I was averaging 7:50min/km at the 16k mark and dropped down to an average of 8:12 for 24k. Happy with that, and now to see how I back up later tonight. Not sure what the temp is going to be. If it storms like forecast, it will drop the temp into the low 30's otherwise it may actually break 40C :(
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hey, nice going everyone, some nice sessions in there.

    PaytraB, with Ceci, going longer will improve aerobic performance and will improve speed. C210k would work, Ceci, upsaluki and myself have all transitioned that way. Personally I would not go down the C25k doing the walk intervals faster. If you want to do 5ks faster I would pick up a specific 5k training plan, same for any distance. It will be outcome specific. There are many free ones out there, pick one and see how it goes. I also hope your father gets better soon.

    taeliesyn, 3hrs 20 on your feet is still impressive and as a result you broke the 200km for the month. Well done. Although I think it is a long time, I know I have to overcome the mental barrier soon, if I am to do a FM, it will be 4hr30 chip time plus all the other palaver, based on extrapolating current performance. Re times, you are adapting to a different set of training inputs, in a straight foot race, you would still leave me in your dust, remember the temps you are going out in.

    I can swim in a fashion but never had the stamina to do more than 2 lengths. In the family the boys can do a mile and a 1000m respectively, my wife can bash out 500m without trying and I struggle on a length. Holiday, later this year, is a 2 centre affair, one with 5 huge pools. I need to be able to do more than 25m to really enjoy it. So 0 to 500m is a 6 week c25k equivalent, although I could not do workout1, so I am extending it a bit further. I am adding time in pool to time on feet.

    Yesterday, had a good foundation run, each target pace, was run at the fast end, again felt really good. It might be psychosomatic but Matt Fitzgeralds 80/20 has certainly lifted my perception of my performance and the stats seem to bear it out. Have a 5mile plus tempo run this morning, if it goes well it should be close to my existing 5km pace.

    Have fun
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Paytra, I did the B210K, but that's what helped me bring my times down, and then a bucket load of running since have kept the times coming down (Until this training swing)

    Robbie, yeah 3:20 on the feet is a long time, but honestly it didn't feel like I was out there that long, which is a good thing.
    Sounds like your swimming is about the same as mine mate, I can swim decent distance if I do side stroke, but ask me to freestyle and I crash and burn quickly. If I ever consider triathlons, I may use the C25k approach for my swimming too.
    Enjoy your 5 miler!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Well got to 200km for the month, and did my fastest 5km time (27:54) in the middle of a 5 mile tempo run. So happy, hope this is the start of a great day, and hope your days are just as successful.

    Have fun