Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Well done Robbie and Taeliesyn on your runs. Looks like you might have had a breakthrough with your LHR training! Ceci, I'm with everyone else, just running regularly will help your speed. I would have a look at specific running plans as I find that gives me the motivation and structure I need to improve. But don't compare yourself to other people, my km time has come down by 2 minutes in the last 2 years but I am still one of the back markers at parkrun.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    @Ceci I have, in the past used SIS gelswhilst on the move, although at my HM in October I took them at 5K intervals and the last one landed quite heavily. Probably not helped by having been in pain since about the 10K point with ITB Syndrome.

    Generally for trainning runs up to 10 miles I'm now comfortable going out cold. That's now my midewek long, so tends to be at about 1900 having had lunch at about 1300. I may have a granola bar or something late afternoon.

    For longer sessions I tend now to be on Saturday forenoons, so about an hour before heading out I'll have porridge with a handful or nuts and a banana.

    I've been experimenting with on the move nutrition recently, honey stinger chews seem to work at two of those every 5K/ 25 minutes, gels are still ok for around HM distance but beyond that feel uncomfortable. I have used SIS bars and recently an OTE bar, but find them too chewy for running, I end up slowing to a walk while I eat, and have to drink a lot as well. They work ok on the bike though.

    It's just a question of experimentation, and balancing the conditioning to run without fuel with the need to practice eating on the move, and find something that works.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member

    I am scheduled to do 5 miles of hill repeats today. Really hoping the temp gets above freezing! (Right now it is 22 and feels like 9.)
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »

    I am scheduled to do 5 miles of hill repeats today. Really hoping the temp gets above freezing! (Right now it is 22 and feels like 9.)

    You have my sympathy, look forward to seeing the great result you will get.

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    So I did 8.3K easy last night and it was horrible. Legs were like lead, probably a reflection of having been working non stop. I'm probably a bit underfuelled as well as I didn't get much chance to eat properly over the weekend.

    This afternoon I had about 400 cals of yoghurt coated dried fruit about two hours before going out for an 11Km tempo session. Felt much better tonight, maintained a good pace throughout and no issues.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    MM sometimes you get runs like that, glad to see that it looked like a temporary blip.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I did my 5 miles of hills yesterday. It was cold, but not uncomfortably so. I did 6 reps of a long hill, stretching out the downhill recovery a couple of times. I ended up with 3 PRs on this course!

    Strava Link

    Elevation Pic:
    The little blip at just past 3.5 miles, I turned and went back up a short climb to see how fast I could do it. That's the toughest part of the segment, then you reach what you think is the top, come around the corner and there's more climb!
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Great job everyone. My boys have been sick with the stomach flu the last few days so I missed my runs on Sunday and Tuesday. Hopefully I can sneak one in today.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Yesterday was a 3km run on my training plan, some people might think its not worth doing but I like them as I am always short of time and they are easy to fit in. I had to do 30 minutes for Jantastic so I took my dog and did a run/walk up the railway line. Only managed to run 2.9km as it was so muddy and slippy. 35 minute run with Jog Scotland tonight.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    upsaluki, hope the boys get well soon.

    Ceci, saw your run on Strava this morning, great work, the false flat on the corner looked interesting. As on Strava you will feel the benefit in a few weeks time.

    Romy, whatever works for you. You are getting miles in anyway round. You won't get pushback from me. You are getting some long runs in with the rest of your programme. Good luck tonight.

    Nice and easy recovery run this morning, again pushing the fast end of the pace bracket and the second swim workout for me tonight. The 0 to 500m swim session was better than Sundays first effort, but still away from the supposed start of the programme. I still need way more rest between lengths than the plan. However like C25k it is going in the right direction. Felt a lot more confident tonight. Foundation run tomorrow morning, mixed interval run Friday morning and the third swim session on Friday night. Then get ready for more Six Nations magic.

    Have fun
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Foundation run this morning was done identically to the one on Monday, same route, same time, same average hr. Almost indistinguishable from each other. Feeling really invigorated for the day. Have fun
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Foundation run completed this morning. Almost identical to the one on Monday, same route, same pace, same average HR. Consistency. Feeling really invigorated for the day. Have fun
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Consistency is good, robbie!

    After Tuesday's hills and yesterday's 10k, I have achy muscles today. I intentionally chose the flattest area I could to run yesterday (hard to do around here!) It was good! Pretty steady pace for the first 4 miles and a little faster for the last 2. My scheduled 5 miles today will undoubtedly be in the gym as a cold front came through last night!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member

    It's all got suddenly very serious!!

    This arrived today, kit bag and number!!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Fantastic Robbie!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    That's exciting, Robbie!

    I did my 5 miles at the gym yesterday in 49:56. I am always inspired by people in my gym. Yesterday it was the guy in a wheel chair with no legs below mid thigh. He did the entire weight circuit of upper body machines and spent at least half an hour on the upper body ergometer. As Varda would say, "Ain't no reason you can't, man!"

    This morning it's 11 degrees with a feels like -9. If it's this cold tomorrow, I will be doing 10 miles in the gym. Praying for warmer weather!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Thank you ladies, it is very real now, 16 days to go. Ceci, praying for warmer weather for you.

    Had a hard session this morning, really did not want to do it, but got out. I actually started mentally talking to myself as the intervals were hard. On the first sprint interval my heart bounced to 191 bpm, previous highest I've seen is 186, including rowing many years ago on all out efforts (when wearing a hrm). Not looking forward to the repeat next Friday. Got my swim session done tonight, still following a pre start to 0 to 500m. These are getting easier.

    Looking forward to a simple recovery run tomorrow.

    Good luck everyone.

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited February 2015
    Recovery run done this morning, what with intervals yesterday, swimming last night and a dress rehearsal tomorrow for the HM in 2 weeks time, I wanted a really easy pace this morning. Warmup was sluggish, the start was worse, so settled in for a middle of the road run. I decided to just try and focus on efficiency and cadence. Well the result, the best recovery run as measured by low HR at a similar pace to other recovery runs.

    Managed 220km for the month, best effort yet, starting Monday on the taper for the 15th

    Post 15 March will re evaluate training paces for the Humber Bridge HM at the end of June
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Last night was a 10Km recovery run, pavement with a couple of hills, but out in the dark so quite pleasant. Managed a nicely fast finish on it as well.

    Tonight was 21.1Km. I'd decided to defer until tommorrow morning but then realised that I hadn't done the Strava HM this month so went out in the evening to get it done. In the dark, through forestry and muddy trails, with a headtorch on. Good session but qujite slow as I had to stop and walk a few times to avoid falling or steping into a big puddle. Very rainy and up on the ridge of the South Downs it was an icy wind.

    Good fun session though.

    Robbie, all the best with Silverstone. Should be a god day.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi everyone. Did a quick scroll to try to catch up.

    Romy a friend of mine did a version of C25K to work on speed. I think like someone else said it was just the earlier weeks of it though. Last summer my trainer only wanted me to do speed intervals or hill repeats 1x a week. I liked them though.

    Robbie I'm interested in your swimming progress. I found a similar program but can't get in the pool enough to be consistent with it. Just finished a 6 week beginner adult swim class that was too basic (first class I swam laps while the others got comfortable putting their faces in the water) but I came out with some good tips on how to correct my form.

    I find myself finishing C25K and doing marathon training at the same time, which sounds all kinds of wrong. I'm doing C25K for my 2 midweek runs until that's done, with an adapted long run schedule on Saturdays. This is marathon week 4 & is a taper week so I did 7 miles - ran 1.25 miles & walked 1/2 mile four times. The three past weeks 7, 8 & 9 miles) I did 3 of those miles on the elliptical with run/walk intervals on the treadmill. My trainer is adapting it as we go along based on how each week goes. Last week's 9 miles was so broken up it felt too easy. Today was good - tough but doable. I'll have 30 & 35 minute runs this week then will "graduate" C25K.