Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Well it was a 10K easy paced run on Friday night, and then 19K yesterday forenoon.

    Friday was really nice, the sky was clear and the roads are unlit so the starry canopy was spectacular. Even in Southern England there are areas where light pollution isn't bad.

    Yesterday forenoon was harder again, the first 6 miles were pretty much uphill all the way, but good to get out.

    I have a feelig that my road shoes are about run out, they've done 450 miles and I've got a feeling that's probably contributing to the leg fatigue. I managed to find a pair of last years model online yesterday so they're on order and the older shoes will be relegated to 10k and less for the moment.

    Sticking with the plan this weekwill be more challenging, I've got military reserve training at the weekend so limited opportunities for the two 10 milers that I'm due, along with tommorrow evenings tempo session being a bit time crunched as well due to workload.

    Good to see everyone else continuing apace.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    We got 4 inches of snow last night on top of the ice that had already fallen. My gym is closed today. So, looks like I'll be resting today instead of my usual bike ride.

    I'm supposed to do 5 miles with speed intervals tomorrow. Looks like that will have to happen in the gym. My plan calls for 1 mile warm-up, 4 x 1/2 mile increasing pace each time with 2 minutes walking in between, then run to finish the 5 miles. That will be hard to do inside, because I really have no way to track pace inside. I'm debating trying intervals on the elliptical, since I really can't stand the treadmill. Might just have to suck it up and use the treadmill. At least I have some time to think about it.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Taeliesyn, you planted a very dangerous seed in my head, ultras. So to be sure, I am looking at a full/ half in September/ October to close this year with. Then a full in April/ May 2016 and a 40 miler in August 2016, the grim reaper. It's 40/70/100 miler, either 4/7 or 10 laps of a 10 mile circuit. A giant hamster wheel. Between you, Romy and MM, that little seed is being nurtured. Will pop into the LD forum a bit more often. Good luck with the cutback week and the "low HR" training.

    MM, good going on the 2 runs, the advantage of trails is that you get that isolation to see how great the skies are when it is clear and without LP. Living in a city with 2 big conurbations nearby, everything is bathed in sodium glow, even if you get to the edge.

    Ceci, Given the size of the laps if you had a stopwatch app on your phone/ watch you could work out a time for a lap at the paces you want and time each lap. It would give you a delayed indication of how fast you were going. A bit like the way track cyclists do pursuit races. I have a 3gbp stopwatch for rugby training, I am sure you could get a cheap and cheerful stopwatch to use as a pacing aid. Your inside track walkers might upset the timings slightly.

    Had a tempo run last night, supposed to be this morning but with work commitments I cannot get up early enough to get it done. Another session I did not look forward to, they all have a common thread, speed, hence the look at longer distances, less about speed and more about gutting it out. It actually went quite well, hit all the planned paces so great success from a training perspective and felt really invigorated when I got in. Slept like a baby.

    Have fun everyone.

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    edited February 2015
    Robbie, even in my current plan I have at least one speed session per week, generally tempos of some kind rather than sprint intervals.

    Notwithstanding that I prefer the longer sessions, half an hour never feels like worth getting changed for, I spend as long getting ready then showered and changed as I do training.

    I understand what you mean about where you are, I spent a couple of years in a job where I was in Chilwell quite regularly. It made running quite challenging as pavement was the order of the day, along with all the hassle of crosing the road every hundred yards :(

    So last night was an easy paced 8.5K around Battersea Park, pretty quiet evening although a fair few dog owners out as well as a couple of British Military Fitness classes in the park. I have a feeling that the park is also used by the Dog and Cat rescue centre to exercise some of the dogs, so I really like the amount of activity in the area.

    After two fairly hard sessions at the weekend my legs were a bit fatigued, so it was fairly hard work.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I'm busy for a few days and look at all the posts!

    Taeliesyn, your beer mile sounds like it was great fun, now if they only did tequila miles.....
    Going back to your question about my knees, it is lunges that are a real killer for my knees and the program I was doing had me doing weighted lunges. It is a shame as I know lunges are good for strengthening your knees, I think it is my balance that is the problem, I'm just too wobbly!

    MM sounds like you live in a great area for running!

    Robbie, I am with you on the speed thing, but instead of going longer I just choose to run my races slower ;) Kicking earlier wouldn't have made any difference against my son, he always does just enough to stay in front! Halfway round the course I was feeling good and picked up the pace a bit. I noticed my son starting to lag behind and asked him if he wanted me to slow down, he said yes. I asked him if he was out of breath (it was an uphill section) and he replied, No, I never get out of breath when I am running! I told him he obviously wasn't trying hard enough, lol!

    Ceci, hope the weather improves for you, would hate to be stuck running on a small track or a treadmill.

    I've been full of the cold since Friday but thankfully it is just a head cold so not affecting my running except for an increased frequency of snot rockets! Sunday was supposed to be rest day but I ended up doing weights even though I had said I wasn't going to be doing them till after my race next month >:) I just really like the changes I've seen in the last month, avoiding the lunges, doing split leg squats instead. Yesterday was bodyweight training and today was a trip into the city with my daughters and lots of bad but delicious food. Went out for a 5km run in the evening and then made lots of pancakes. Tomorrow is Jog Scotland which will be a 10 minute run followed by a 30 minute run, unless someone else turns up, in which case we will probably be back doing 10 minute runs :p
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    romyhorse wrote: »
    Taeliesyn, your beer mile sounds like it was great fun, now if they only did tequila miles.....

    I would SO do that!

  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Finally got out again with a four miler. My stomach is still a little sore but much better. It took me awhile to want to get out the door and run here today since we're still in winter.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member

    I'm fortunate inasmuch as working in London early in the week I have a couple of options. Battersea, along the Thames Path, St James/ Green/ Hyde parks. For most of my plan the sessions in London are up to 12-15K steady pace or tempo sessions so being generlly flat works out quite nicely.

    I live in North Hampshire, so have access to some of the long distance trails and Salisbury Plain. I far prefer the weekend runs, Friday nights at the moment I'm sticking to path or pavement but as the evenings are lighter I'll manage to get out into the forest. The last couple of weekends I've seen quite a few deer, and it's clear that the land is starting to come alive again. It's still quite wet underfoot, so winter trail shoes are the order of the day.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Bah, having a bad brain time. Good running everyone!
    Monday was one of my shorter routes as I knew the LHR training was going to slow me down. 10miles in 2:12 for about an 8min/km pace, which is about 2min/km slower than I would normally do that route.
    Tuesday was my group run, where I managed 10 before the group run and then the bare minimum of 5 in the social run. The 10k wasn't too bad, although it was around 7:50 pace. The social run after though was a serious mental battle. Not only was I the tail runner for practically the entire run when I am normally near the front of the pack, nearly everyone took much joy in giving me *kitten* one way or another over my slow pace. It was all good natured teasing and I'm expecting it to continue for weeks to come LOL. That run, my pace drifted out to 8:30 or 9:00 for some of the km's. I'm not entirely sure what caused me to slow down that much as it's pretty much a flat course. So I should have been faster than my 10 miler the day before.
    Maybe it's proof I am a better downhill runner as at least with my 10 miler, there were plenty of downhills where I know I picked up the pace.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    @taeliesyn It seems to me that I do better on hills than flat.

    Yesterday's run was in the gym- 5 miles with some intervals, finished in 51:45.
    - 1 mile slow (11:27)
    - 4 x 1/2 mile fast with 2 laps walking in between
    - Easy(ish) pace to finish the 5 miles

    It's looking like all my runs this week will be in the gym, thanks to icy roads.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    MM, you are right of course, you can do tempo runs in longer distance events. However there are 2 schools of thought, one that says they're important, just like in prepping for FMs and below, the other says they aren't and are optional. They tend to agree the key determinant to ultra success is time on feet unless you are in the elite class. Bearing my age, running history ( 9 months)and running successes ( not even completed a HM race yet), I think elite is some monstrous distance away. I don't sit at home wishing for another sprint interval session whereas I do look forward to 8-10 mile even pace runs. I do them but only because the plan says so!!

    Romy, if only you weren't a mother, you slowed up to stay with him and he blasts you at the end. You will be rewarded eventually. Good luck with Jog Scotland.

    upsaluki, nice to read that you are back, take the recovery easy.

    Tae, nice going on the slow runs and if this is you on a cutback week then I am royally screwed. It's taken me 3 days to catch back your one day of activity. Given the way you blast away, I'm not surprised at the gentle teasing. It will be interesting to see whether you feel this makes you stronger in the medium and long term. You may still need to do a hard session every week, not sure what your plan will look like.

    Ceci, nice going on the never ending loop.

    For me, it's a week of evening runs. Two yesterday, to and from the blood transfusion service, part of a study on the impact of different donation frequencies. I am in a 8 week interval group. Recovery runs in both directions, struggled keeping the pace low on the out, easy to do on the way back. A foundation run tonight, slightly faster, nice feeling, except the really slow pace at the end. A short fast interval paced session tomorrow night, then a night off before a reduced intensity weekend. On track for over 200kms this month.

    Enjoy yourselves
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Cold is worse, didn't get much sleep and couldn't be bothered going to Jog Scotland. Saw on FB that we were only going to be doing 10 minutes plus 20 minutes so I decided to go, turned out FB was a typo! Wasn't too bad except he made us run up one of the steepest hills in town in the first run! Thankfully the rest was on the flat.
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Romy- sounds like you were a victim of the old bait and switch 8)
    - nice job everyone. Taeliesyn - I like how your bad runs are still better than my good runs
    - I did three plus miles tonight. -3F here. Anyone else ready for spring?
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    upsaluki wrote: »
    -3F here. Anyone else ready for spring?

    I have been in Finland at those sort of temperatures and am not sure running would be on my agenda outside, but we were visitors. We are not that cold in the UK, we got there in the Midlands for a few days 3 years ago, so it's not the temp I long for. I just look forward to midday runs at the weekend in daylight. Running in the dark is uninspiring.

    Romy, hope the cold clears up soon, not sure I would go out for a 10+20 as an organised standing around while everyone gathers social type event if I was feeling under the weather. All credit to you. Off to the fun factory.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    You're still running Ceci :) Not that I've had to deal with the horrendous weather ya'll deal with, but sometimes I think it would be nice to have a gym with an indoor track nearby. Not that I could afford membership LOL.

    Bad news on the keeping up with me front Robbie, this is a cut back. I'm down 12km from where I would hopefully be (Haven't hit that 70k+ yet this year) And I'm still going to do my stupid 24km/15miles on Friday :p The teasing wasn't exactly gentle, but I know it was all good natured so I don't mind. Probably the only time anyone will ever be told to hurry up during one of the group runs LOL. After I go through my 6-8 week test phase I'll reassess how things are going and start adding some speed work back in. Most likely during my group run stuff. I will be doing a stress test in a few weeks when I'm in Madrid for work and have access to the hotel treadmill. Other than that, I don't plan on getting my HR above 150(though it will for a little bit) until I finish this training period. It may spike on the weekend when I might have to give my horse a lesson in manners, but so be it if that's the case.
    You are doing well with your runs mate, and yep all my reading regarding ultra's the big key is time on feet. Making the intended distance for shorter ultra's over a weekend or 3 days is a good idea too.

    Romy, good work getting out there, but look after yourself. Better to run up the nasty hill at the start than the end though ;)

    upsaluki, I think you're crossing min/km pace with min/mile pace mate. Your 6k(3+miles) was way faster than any of low HR runs.

    -3F.. umm I'm too lazy and I'm not sure I really want to know the answer, but anyone care to convert that to C for me? I have a feeling I would actually do well in those temps for a race, if I had the correct layers and could easily discard extra layers as I warmed up.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »

    -3F.. umm I'm too lazy and I'm not sure I really want to know the answer, but anyone care to convert that to C for me? I have a feeling I would actually do well in those temps for a race, if I had the correct layers and could easily discard extra layers as I warmed up.


  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    taeliesyn wrote: »

    -3F.. umm I'm too lazy and I'm not sure I really want to know the answer, but anyone care to convert that to C for me? I have a feeling I would actually do well in those temps for a race, if I had the correct layers and could easily discard extra layers as I warmed up.


    Aaaawwww feck!

    upsaluki you're definitely more hardcore than I!
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    taeliesyn wrote: »

    -3F.. umm I'm too lazy and I'm not sure I really want to know the answer, but anyone care to convert that to C for me? I have a feeling I would actually do well in those temps for a race, if I had the correct layers and could easily discard extra layers as I warmed up.


    Aaaawwww feck!

    upsaluki you're definitely more hardcore than I!

    Haha. Today's 3 miler was at -8 F (-22 C). I don't like hot weather so if I was running in your neck of the woods right now I'd still be sniveling. 8) I'm just happy to be back at it after having to take some time off for my stomach.

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I think the coldest I have run outside is around 10F. I'd be running outside this week if it weren't for all the ice everywhere! Unfortunately, the Greenway will be the last to clear of ice. A good soaking rain on Saturday should do the trick though!

    My gym is a non-profit specifically for "senior" adults. You have to be 50 to join and it's only $60 a year! Well worth it for me to have a place to go if it's too cold, wet, icy, stormy, or hot to be outside.

    Speaking of my gym, another hamster run yesterday, 6 miles in 59:12 plus about another 8 laps of walking. us9c4sg2i6ic.gif
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    taeliesyn wrote: »

    -3F.. umm I'm too lazy and I'm not sure I really want to know the answer, but anyone care to convert that to C for me? I have a feeling I would actually do well in those temps for a race, if I had the correct layers and could easily discard extra layers as I warmed up.


    I've given up trying to work out what the temperatures people talk about here mean in english. Broadly, cold.

    I recall some advice from one of my basic training instructors, a Commando Sergeant; any fool can be wet and cold...

    It's all about the kit one uses.

    That said, I don't think it's been below -5C here this season, so not too bad.