Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    edited March 2015
    I don't have a real HRM, only a watch that you have to hold the button down to get a heart rate. (It's been on my Christmas list for 3 years!) Occasionally, I check my HR while running, but most often use it for timing my runs in the gym and making sure my HR gets back down to a normal pace when I'm cooling down after a run.

    I've never really thought about cadence. I have a naturally short stride. So, I really have nothing to add to this conversation! lzjw27uj5nf9.gif

    One hour on the stationary bike yesterday. Supposed to do speed work today. It's raining, which will turn to freezing rain overnight and snow tomorrow.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    Glad you had a good run Laura :)


    Pace alerts can be a little deceiving at times as GPS signal fluctuations etc can throw things out horrendously. Glad it turned into a good run.

    Although I totally threw all the LHR stuff out the window tonight as I just mentally could not have dealt with it. I am glad I did.


    You are right about pace alerts, I only use them with lap times and ignore alerts for the first 30 seconds or so. Using lap pace with the alerts seems to be ok for me, I kept dropping out of that after 5 minutes, which should have been stable by then. But clearly something clicked later on.

    If LHR is not working for you, it is good to dump it and come back later. Firstbeat using training effect, which sort of worked for me when rowing training, used a similar concept to understand how hard you are working and how much rest you needed. My issue was that the Suunto stuff, it was matched to at the time, was just too unreliable and I got fed up of HR training with HR recording. It became pretty pointless. You seem to have been successful with what you were doing before, so you might need to go back for a while.

    Ceci, nice going on the bike. My boss is prepping for a marathon by doing lots of cross training on a bike, with small amounts of specific running training. He is comfortable with how his training is going at the moment. He has been running for a fair while and believes he is in a better position than he would be if he did running training only. Keep it up, spring will eventually come :D

  • iainletham61
    My tuppence worth on the strides stuff came from a book I read written by Chris Brasher prior to running the Edinburgh Marathon some 30 years ago his tip was short strides for uphill, long strides for downhill and something in between on the flat. It was an inspiring read full of loads of tips defo worth a read.
    First run out today since my 5k run on Sunday got in 6.5k in 41min went at a moderate for me and felt good I'll try the same on Thursday then again on Saturday when I'll push up the pace.
    Totally gutted this morning with the snow but it was gone by midafternoon so yahooo, Romy how was it up your way? I've a trip to Inverness on Saturday
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Went out for today's run during lunch (between rain showers). 5 miles with some speed intervals. Other than app malfunctions and a pretty stiff wind, it was good!

    Warmup 1 mile
    15 sec fast, 3 min easy
    30 sec fast, 3 min easy
    45 sec fast, 3 min easy
    60 sec fast, 3 min easy
    45 sec fast, 3 min easy
    40 sec fast, 3 min easy
    15 sec fast, 3 min easy
    Cool down to 5 miles

    Finished in 49:28
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    edited March 2015
    Easy paced recovery session tonight. I moved office yesterday, giving me a much longer cycle through London than normal, so I didn't train last night.

    On the whole HR training issue, I find that I struggle to run slow enough, going back to the cadence point I mentioned upthread. To run down to 130-135bpm I end up taking a really low cadence, so end up with sore lower legs.

    I prefer working on pace intervals instead, which seem to work ok, although the Garmin isn't great for short intervals. It takes long enough to register the faster paces that it gives me no useful information. That said, during sprint intervals I generally don't have the wherewithal to look.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I checked my cadence a few times on today's run (not on the uphill portion, though). I seem to have a cadence of 150-160. It seems consistent, regardless of where in the run I am (middle or end....the hill was at the beginning). So, I should be trying for about 180?

    Today's run felt really good. I felt strong and able. I did walk once (my darn leg) for a half minute. This past week or so, I feel as if my runs are getting stronger but I have nothing to base that on, except feel, since my times aren't even a beat faster than normal.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    If 150-160 works for you Paytra, stick with it. Only mess with your cadence if you're having issues you can relate to over striding or similar. The 180 cadence thing is over rated and was actually just taken from an observation of what elites tend to run at. No studies (to my knowledge) actually show it's better for you if it's not natural.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    PaytraB wrote: »
    I seem to have a cadence of 150-160. It seems consistent, regardless of where in the run I am (middle or end....the hill was at the beginning). So, I should be trying for about 180?

    I'd stick with where you are, you could push it up but I suspect you wouldn't get much from it now. While 180 is seen as ideal it's unlikely that most people get there without specific drills.

    The logic is that the higher cadence forces a shorter pace, which places less load on the lower leg, and reduces impact loading on landing. It also reduces the amount of up/ down movement in the run, so improving efficiency.

    Good work in addressing it though. I generally work on the basis of the music that I'm listening to, which means only on pavement, I don't listen to music when I'm on trails.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hey nice runs everyone.

    Some great insight from MM and Tae, supported by the link below if you want to read extensively on it.


    Got a short swim session in last night, not enjoying it and left me tired, might not be the best thing to do during the taper. Will try again tonight. Nice easy run this morning, started off really slow and stiff but sped up significantly during the run, felt really comfortable towards the end and had to put the brakes on.

    Feeling really strong on the runs once properly warmed up.

    Have fun
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Iain, much to my disappointment we have had almost zero snow this winter, because it is coming from the west it dumps it all on the mountains and there is none left for us! There was a lot of snow just to the north of Inverness but it should be fine by Saturday, nice town, enjoy yourself.

    Lots of interesting discussion on the LHR training and cadence, very informative.

    I've a sore knee after JogScotland tonight, my son has sore feet. Running on pavements does not agree with us. Was hoping to do parkrun on Saturday, will have to wait and see.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Thanks for the input everyone! Robbie, that article is interesting. It's good to know that overstriding is an issue. I was wondering whether lengthening my stride would help me run faster (longer strides = more ground covered per step = faster).
    Guess I'll just keep going as usual. I'm injury free and that's the main thing. This last week I actually feel faster, so maybe.....just maybe.....something is about to change.

    Romy, take care of your knees. I hope your next run is on a trail. Running is such a great activity for you and your son to be doing together. That's really wonderful.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Decided to hold the swim sessions until after the 15th, I am too competitive and they are tiring me out despite being only 100m, that's how bad a swimmer I am :'( .

    Easy recovery run this morning, distances getting shorter, HR is dropping quite a bit, so don't know whether that is a good sign or the technology failing. The TomTom measures blood pulses in the wrist using laser light. I have stopped wearing gloves this week and wonder if the veins/ arteries are a little too deep for it to be accurate. Last horrible ( I mean inspiring :D ) interval session tomorrow and then into the final straight. Just giving all the HM kit a last long run out on Sunday then it will be washed and packed for the following weekend.

    Have fun everyone
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Was supposed to run 6 miles yesterday, but was barely able to make it home from work in the sleet, then snow. I did manage to get the dog out for a walk around the neighborhood. I don't even think yak trax would have helped yesterday. I'm hoping to find a trail clear enough to run on today. Changing my Jantastic goals to fewer runs per week. I'll up it again next week when the weather is clear and temps in the 60's!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    PaytraB wrote: »
    Guess I'll just keep going as usual. I'm injury free and that's the main thing. This last week I actually feel faster, so maybe.....just maybe.....something is about to change.

    Being injury free and enjoying your running are the most important things. Taeliesyn, got me into a lot of how you feel, is what you want to feel. Positive Mental Attitude has a strong resonance for me.

    Have fun

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Well the horrible interval/pyramid run comes around again. And my knee hurt and I felt tired and dehydrated and I was just finding excuses. So it's 0500 and 7C (45F), dry, a little breezy. I thought of you guys trying to run through snow and ice or dealing with LHR runs that screw your mind or real aches and pains of running. So I just went out and blitzed it. Quite happy, one long run, one sprint interval session and some easy turnover sessions left. Feel in a really good place. PMA.

    Have fun
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    So I just went out and blitzed it. Quite happy, one long run, one sprint interval session and some easy turnover sessions left. Feel in a really good place.

    Great job, Robbie! I found a trail that was mostly clear yesterday and just ran. I knew where I was going, but had no idea really how far it was. (I had planned to run at least 6 miles, since that was the distance I was supposed to run on Wednesday.) Sloping downhill out, sloping uphill back. When I got back to where I wanted to stop, I had done 7.8 miles in 1:18:54. I had to slow down a couple of times to avoid icy spots and had to stop once (Thank God and the Parks Dept. for the Porta Potty!)
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »

    It's all got suddenly very serious!!

    This arrived today, kit bag and number!!
    Awesome. Sorry I haven't been on much. These are the dog days of winter here. Pushing myself to get outside and run has been a little bit of a chore.
    After I do my 10k in March I'm going to bump my running days down for a few months, but bump up some strength training. Then I plan to do one of the Hal Higdon plans.

    Keep up the good work everyone.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Good runs Ceci and Robbie, hope your weather improves upsaluki. I'm still resting my knee and hoping I'll be able to get my long run in on Sunday.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    The move to a new office, and riding my Brompton through London rush hour instead of on the South Bank, seems to have given me a bit of a problem. I've strained the front of my right quad and I'm uncomfortable about the prospect of running on it. I'd realised that the riding had left me tense, but hadn't really gathered how tense until this morning. Assume everyone in a cage is out to kill you and you can't go far wrong, but there are so many of them, and some very complex junctions, that it makes for a challenging time.

    I was due a 15Km tonight and 17Km tommorrow, but think I'll possibly break out the Waterrower tonight instead, and then take my road bike out for a spin in the morning.

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci, quite even pacing on your run and you can see where the icy bit was. You are rocking those runs in those conditions.

    upsaluki, the weather stinks for you guys, hope you find the love when it improves.

    Romy hope your knee improves enough for you to run on Sunday without making it worse.

    MM, you are a brave soul. London traffic is manic anyway, I do not miss driving through the capital. Hope your cross training works out for you