Starting Nov 1



  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Do they lock us out after 500 posts?

    I do have the 4Life book. I didn't do much with it since I wasn't supposed to be lifting, blah blah blah, but the idea is that you can put together your own workouts and de-emphasize things like squats if you have bad knees, etc. I got it for all of $4 on amazon.

    Mercifully, I got some sleep last night. Yay for feeling like a functional human!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    We've obviously had a lot to say to close down one thread :bigsmile:

    I see that Turbocharged ( I think that's what it was?) is a New Rules book. I had no idea! I'm going to look for 4Life this weekend and if I can't find it for a reasonable price I'm going to order it from Amazon. I think it was more like $17 when I looked last night. Now that it's getting a bit nicer, that will be my reading material sitting on the back deck :smile:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ahhh sitting on a deck. A gal can dream right? Although, Seattle is supposed to get to 61 degrees today. I predict I will see lot's of topless gents and cars today... that's just how we celebrate anything above 55 :glasses:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    If there's no wind, my back deck is the perfect place to sit in the sun - even at 14C. It's nice and sheltered and faces south so it's nice and warm. Sitting on my deck with a good read is my form of outdoor exercise in the summer :drinker:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I got mine through the amazon marketplace--individual sellers with used copies.

    Today's not terribly cold here but gray. Pining for the porch days!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Finished Stage 4! DONE!

    All I can say is that when I plan my own program there will be no lunges from benches whatsoever! :bigsmile: I can handle static lunges on the ground but I really hate those ones from the benches - front or back!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    YAY! Good job blue. I am planning on finishing Stage 3 tomorrow.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Wahoo Blue - way to be done another.

    I have been so busy at work I don't get lunch, so I keep telling myself without eating, no point in going to the gym.. BAD, BAD!!

    I'm almost at my Vegas countdown though, 2.5 week, maybe the thought of a bikini will get my butt in gear..
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Go Terrie go!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Nothing like a warm weather vacation (and a wedding!) to get you motivated :smile:

    I'm just ready to board the plane to Denver. Not sure how much time I will have for checking in but I will if I can. Have a good weekend everyone :drinker:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Have a good trip Blue!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Have fun in Denver, hopefully nice weather like have been having :)

    Vegas is actually for a friend's wedding too. I have 3 more workouts until I will try on my dress again and see how it fits (I decided I would try it on after every stage).
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Got my lift on yesterday (finally). I don't think there has been a single day-after Stage 2 without DOMS - feeling the burn.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Have fun Blue!

    Sad confession:
    I haven't exercised in a week, haven't done my PT. Work was just crazy busy with days that just stretched to 12 or so hours; then we had the party yesterday, so that was a lot of work to prep. And now I'm sick! head cold. Here's hoping it's short-lived.

    Back soon! I'm on break this week so if I can breathe out of more than just my mouth soon maybe I'll get at least a run in :) I'm supposed to give a talk on Monday to a senior citizen group--there are 65 of them enrolled that I will try not to sneeze on. That, writing a department report and grading midterms are my big break plans.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    How was the party Jen? Are you feeling better yet?

    Denver was awesome - we had a really nice time. Lots of food, lots of drink - I averaged about 2600 cals a day but I was only up 1.2 lbs this morning! That should be gone in no time (I hope!) We hit the Cheesecake Factory Saturday night - OMG!! I had the peanut butter chocolate caramel swirl - or something like that! OMG! I only ate about 1/3 of it - it was soooo yummy! Too rich to eat the whole thing but OMG, was it good! :bigsmile: We don't have CF here in Canada (at least not in my little corner) so the once a year or so I get to go, I indulge :wink:

    I think I will start stage 5 next Monday and concentrate on some cardio this week. I jumped on the treadmill for some run/walk intervals this morning to get the blood flowing again :laugh: Burn off some of those extra calories I put on over the weekend LOL
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Happy St. Pattie's Day Ladies!

    Terrie - Stage 2 was the worst. Not looking forward to 4 this week as I think it's a lot of the same stuff...

    Jen - I hope you feel better. I caught a cold last week too, nothing but a runny and stuffy nose. Enjoy your break!

    Blue - I've always wanted to goto Denver but haven't made it yet. Cheesecake Factory is deadly (in a good way of course). Your cheesecake choice sounds devine and hopefully worth every calorie.

    I just finished stage 3 today - took a bit of a break last week. Since it's such a small group here, I feel pretty comfortable telling you guys that I found out last week I'm pregnant. I wasn't sure what this would do to my routine, but I decided I would finish up Stage 3 and then take Stage 4 slow and halfing my highest weight. I'm going in for my first appt. in a few weeks and will confirm with the Dr. then. I definitely don't want to stop lifting, but obviously know that I'm going to have to slow it down a little bit. :)

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    congrats Ramalem!! That's awesome news! :heart: How exciting!! When's the big day?

    I'm no expert but I don't see why the Dr. would tell you you couldn't continue lifting. As long as you're taking it easy ... Your body will thank you for it :smile: Although squats and deadlifts could get a little interesting in the later months :bigsmile:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    The projected big day is November 13th! I'll find out for sure in mid April when I go in for my first ultrasound. I don't see why the Dr. wouldn't be ok with it either. I took it kind of easy today, but felt so good afterwards, and my back pain is gone for the moment so I'll call it a win. I'm going to start adding more walking and yoga in too.

    All my friends that have been pregnant and haven't worked out said that is their number one regret. I just need to remember how good I felt today when I become a lazy whale in a few months!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    My birthday is November 9 - maybe I'll get an extra special birthday surprise :wink:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Congrats, Ramalem! That's so exciting! We should get the baby some of these:


    I'm glad Denver was fun, Blue! We have a cheesecake factory in town. We don't go in there :) I don't love their food but the cheesecake is so very good, it's best to pretend it doesn't exist when you go by it every day!

    Still sickly, but today feels like perhaps the turnaround day. I gave a two hour talk yesterday before crashing at home and watching many hours of television. Today I have PT and will have to confess to doing nothing for the last ten days. Oops.