Starting Nov 1



  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    Hi ladies!!! this is my first time posting, so I might go a little bit crazy with so many things I want to say.
    I have been reading/following this post and MFP for a while now, I feel so familiar already, I was just shy to say something, so please feel free to add me.
    I was always very thin and practiced sports since I was 4, gymnastics, fencing, soccer, always active. But always hated the gyms, hated cardio and anything repetitive. Unfortunately university life and overseas live got in the way and I stopped working out and enjoying food and pounds kept accumulating (mostly in my belly area) to the point that people on the streets would ask me if I was pregnant :( I always thought "some day I will start working out", "some day I will find someone worth it for me to lose this weight"... I have never believed in diets or quick fixes, so I guess I was scared of the hard work.
    Beginning of this year, I stepped on a broken scale at work and when I saw 139lbs I panicked, it was my breaking point, the biggest I've ever been (I'm 5") ... so that day I made the choice that I was starting insanity. I got the videos and haven't stopped ever since. I know is only 2 months but I know I made the right decision ... btw, the scale was broken, when I checked on another scale I was at my usual weight 136lbs (thank god!)
    Anyways, Insanity has been a struggle, physically and mentally, my life has changed in amazing ways, and I have cleaned up my diet in ways I never imagined, but it's come to a point where I enjoy analyzing what I eat, I make conscious decisions of not eating junk food for all the unhealthy effects that it has on my body and health. I'm on my last week of Insanity and dreading every workout, just too hard.
    I decided if I finished insanity I'd gift myself a gym membership to continue my healthy life, and I purchased the NROL4W, I'm super excited, I can't wait to start. I've read it, and reread it, and analyzed, and researched for the past couple of weeks. So that brings me to my post today (I'm sorry, I probably bored you by now).
    Yesterday was my "try out" at NROL4W, basically checking the gyms, checking the weights, making sure of what weights I would start, etc,
    1st gym I checked, Planet Fitness... EPIC FAILURE, it was CROWDED (I heard then that it's always crowded :( ), the lifting area was packed, people were lining up to use the weights, and (Smith) machines. To be a non intimidation gym, I felt the worst I've ever felt in a gym. And suddenly all my research just VANISHED from my head.... so I decided to check a 2nd gym also near my house.
    2d gym is an unnamed one, basically it say GYM outside, a small neighborhood one. I was impressed at how clean it was, it was basically all the machines, it was fairly occupied (not lines, no people waiting, no crowded feeling). It's a male dominant gym, the whole time I was checking it out, there were only 2 other ladies with one of the PT. It didn't bother me at all, and the guys actually tried to help me teaching me the techniques, suggesting weights. So I decided "this is the one" lol. Unfortunately their membership doesn't allow guests, so I'd have to go on my own (I had 60% convinced my cousin to start with me) but she prefers to stick with her Planet Fitness membership.
    So once I found "the one", my main concerns are
    1) I'll have to do it on my own, and that's a bit intimidating for me, I will be the only woman there basically (every guy there and the staff were very friendly and encouraging)... how did you cope with that especially at the beginning?

    2) they don't have Swiss balls, I'm ok purchasing one but I'd use it at home. I thought I can warm up at home, do the push ups and anything that needed the Swill balls at home and then drive really quick to the gym, should be around 5mins drive... is that something that could work realistically? Is it somehow important the order we do the exercises?

    3) while we were there yesterday trying the machines, and the weights, some of the guys were giving us advise and teaching us techniques, all very good advise, but at the same time I'm afraid that when I bring my book and workout sheets, they'll be trying to distract me from it... I can wear my headset and ignore them (but I don't want to seem rude) or I can just be firm and tell them I'll stick to my program... did this every happen to you? Have you had to keep other guys advise from distracting you of the program?

    Please feel free to add me, I need every possible advise and encouragement possible. Weightlifting is something completely new to me.

    ps: Congrats to Ramalem, beautiful news, I always assumed you were supposed to stop working out and become a big whale when pregnant, is good to hear you can even weightlift (when the time comes, that's NOT gonna be a welcomed news in my family lol)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Welcome, May! I had no idea we had a lurker! hahaha, all this time I assumed it was just the handful of us left on this thread. :)

    Before I respond to your message, I have a huge announcement: I'VE BEEN GIVEN CLEARANCE TO RETURN TO LIFTING!!! Albeit in baby steps, lighter weights, etc., I CAN LIFT AGAIN! No more PT appointments, I'm good to go! Happy dance! Once I can breathe normally, I'm heading in!

    May, I am also just 5' tall, and I topped out at 147.5 last summer. How I got there's a long story, but one thing you'll likely have to come to terms with while lifting is that lifting doesn't always equal weight loss. Just a head's up. I lost 4 pounds in the first few weeks and then that was it for months, really until I had to stop lifting altogether. My body changed, but the weight stayed put. If you worry the scale, you might get frustrated, just so you know!

    I did most of my lifting before I got hurt on my own. I have a friend who is a trainer and I'd ask her from time to time for pointers/form checks, but she's not at my gym nor I at hers. I watched a bunch of videos, pored over the instructions, and worked with very little weight at first so as to not hurt myself.

    I use the university gym so it's mostly me and the students. A different and equally challenging dynamic. On occasion there are people who like to "help" at my gym as well, and sometimes it's been useful; other times, less so. I'd see how it goes--stick to your program, but welcome, say, help with your form, and be firm that that's what you're doing. You've got nothing to gain by agreeing to whatever they might suggest otherwise, and you've got no reason yet to think they'll be insistent you do some other routine. So I wouldn't sweat it. I think a local gym'll be great b/c it won't be crowded.

    I wouldn't worry about the swiss ball. I like doing crunches on them or on the floor; I find little difference between them. I suck at jackknifes because they hurt my wrists, so I swapped those for more crunches. I just wouldn't worry about it.

    The guy who wrote the book (name escapes me) strongly recommends NOT wearing headsets until you k now what you're doing. I tend to get the cords tangled on the elliptical, never mind barbells--again, I'd just be firm with them and do your thing.

    My 2c., anyway!
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks sleepyjen for your suggestions and CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on getting back to lifting...

    I totally agree with you on the losing weight (scale) part. After I started this journey my priorities changed from "losing 10lbs" to "being healthier" and now to "being leaner and have the best body ever". I rather be toned and with a lean body than skinny fat. That's what motivated me to weight lifting. I think I will continue to do cardio (Insanity or start T25) on the days off lifting, just because I'm so used now to working out that I can't imagine myself not working out. Someone asked me how could I workout 6 days a week, I just responded, I eat 7 days a week. Working out is part of my life now, like sleeping and eating. Some days are good and I do my all, some days my mind is somewhere else, so I don't give my all, but I always give my all at the time. My body has changed like never before in only 8 weeks, people ask me how many pounds I lost and all I can say is NONE. So I'm coming to lifting with that in mind so I don't get disappointed or discouraged.

    I will keep in mind about the headphones, trust me, mine are ALWAYS tangled with something else, I'm just glad they are earbud ones or i'd be falling flat on my face all the time. I wear them to the MINIMUM. I'll just stick to my routine and hope nobody tries to distract me from it.

    Thanks for the suggestion about the swiss ball, I totally hate crunches but I love the cardio abs routine from Insanity, I'll just switch to those instead of the prone jackknife
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    @Blue - I'll see what I can do :) I imagine by the beginning of November I'll be begging for it to be over with haha.
    Congrats, Ramalem! That's so exciting! We should get the baby some of these:


    Haha I love those Jen! I'll keep my fingers crossed for a turnaround day for you! YAY for lifting clearance. So exciting for you!!! :drinker:

    @May- Welcome! I also didn't realize we had a "lurker". It's usually about 4 of us chatting ha ha. We've had quite the drop-off since the initial thread started in November. (Crazy it's been that long!). I also started on this alone. I had some previous lifting experience when I played sports in HS, and I had also done crossfit so I was familiar with most of the moves in the book. Like Jen, I watched a ton of videos and re-read the instructions over and over. I go to a big box gym, and there are a lot of dudes in the weights section, but there are usually at least 2-3 girls as well. I've never been approached about my form or what I'm doing, not sure if that's a good or bad thing :) You definitely need to be careful with headsets as the cords will get tangled if you aren't careful. Thanks for the congrats! I've been told by numerous sources that you are able to still workout as long as you listen to your body and don't do anymore than you were doing before you got pregnant. We'll see how long I can make it :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Welcome back to the lifting world Jen!

    ANd welcome to our thread May! We welcome all comers - new or not!

    I think I'm the only one here that works out at home. I prefer to make a fool of myself in my own home with nobody watching :smile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    There was no way on earth I was going to buy all that equipment. My membership at work is free, so I had no excuses besides self-consciousness and I'm way too cheap to let that stop me :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    If I had a free gym membership I would use it too! In fact before I started investing in home equipment the gym I belonged to was only $240/year. It only cost me $120 as my company will pay 1/2 as a fitness subsidy up to $350/year. They've basically paid for 1/2 my home gym! Some of it was used as well so it really hasn't cost a lot.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    thanks everybody for the welcome and motivation. "lurker" here reporting hehe. today I'm still sore from Monday's try out of NROL4W. Didn't help that last night I did my Insanity Max Plyo workout (aka all kinds of push ups).. So today I'm beaten (SORE) but loving it!
    I got a guest pass to try another gym for a week, used to be Gold Gym, now they changed their name/brand. I saw someone posting a pic of that gym and seemed good in the weight lifting area + they got exercise classes.

    @sleepyjen, I'm totally cheap too, that's why I'm doing all my research to find the cheapest/best gym. No way I'll pay one of those brand name gyms fees.

    @ramalem - can't wait to listen to your journey thru weightlifting and pregnancy :)

    @blueberry09 - you are so lucky! I wish I could have the space AND resources (job help) to get the equipment at home...
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    My company has an awesome benefits program and I realize how lucky I am to work here :smile:

    Just remember that cheap isn't always best - sometimes you do get what you pay for! I wouldn't have done well in a bigger gym - I hate working out in a crowd. Luckily for me, the gym I was going to was in my work building and the most I ever saw in there, including me, was 4! Then I changed job locations and that's when I started collecting home gym equipment :bigsmile: I no longer had the commute so I have the time to do it in the mornings before work.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Still sick today. It just won't end! I commenced with full-scale whining last night, lol. I mean, I generally feel improved but still really tired, congested--it's a slow slog and taking up all of my spring break, which is just sad. See, whining.
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    awww @sleepyjen, hope u get better SOON :) virtual hugs for u.

    I've been annoyed today, first I met some guy who noticed my sports watch (Polar F4) and we ended up talking about fitness... until I said the dreaded words "I'm starting to lift".... then he went on and on about how lifting will make me bulky, and that why would I start with 40lbs seated row?????!!! that I had to do 10lbs like every other "woman" at the gym. I just ignored and told him, no I wont go down on my weights, I wont bulk because I start lifting weights, and I already have my cousin who was a professional athlete and he agrees that no way I will bulk, I will just get a lean body.

    So I was telling the story to my friend, who usually works out and even had a trainer before... and she said the guy was right, his trainer had specifically told her not to lift heavy, but lift lighter weights (Barbie weights I guess), just increase repetitions.

    I guess from now on I will just keep my mouth shut and when people start asking me what am I doing, I'll just respond "I'm doing 5hours cardio on the treadmill and 100reps of 5lbs Barbie weights" lol
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Funny how those myths are still out there! Especially being spread by so called 'professionals'! Just goes to show you can't believe everything you hear and read.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Why is that such a pervasive belief? I mean, I guess it's one of those things--repeat it enough times, people believe it. I decided a while ago that if anyone says that (esp people I don't know) I'll say, "well yes, that's what I'm going for." that should do it! And you could always say, "I'm starting at 40 so 90 won't seem so crazy in a few months." hahahaha.

    my good friend said the same thing to me and I just said, "my muscles are so small right now, I"m really not worried about it." the women who are bulky as far as I understand do some crazy hours of weights, proteins, and what have you. My good friend is a serious weight lifter--waaaaay beyond me--and she just looks amazing. I mean, you can see her muscles--but that's not a bad thing! and she's hardly "bulky." we rather lack the testosterone for that. I wonder if some of the roots of cautioning us against heavy weight have to do with gendered norms of who gets to be strong in our society.

    Thanks for the hugs :) I think I might have turned the corner this afternoon. Fingers crossed.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    It's definitely a stupid myth, although I have never had anyone tell me that I'll bulk up. I guess no one has really asked what I'm doing anyways haha. I see plenty of gals lifting in the gym and they just look bad *kitten* and super toned.

    Yay Jen! Get better :)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hey Blue -

    For stage 4 did you do 2 or 3 sets? I don't like that they just don't tell me what to do :)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Planet Fitness is such a joke (Sorry if anyone likes it). She should go on with her bad self - there is NO way in hell I'd wear a crop top to the gym... but she looks great! That is just so ridiculous.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Rama - I did 3 for the most part unless I was extremely pushed for time. Then I only did 2. I never did any of the cobras.

    Jen - I did see some topics on that in the forums but didn't actually read the article. It just amazes me sometimes what people will complain about. First world problems I guess??? (how are you feeling BTW?)

    Last night as we were coming home after dinner, I thought - it's nice enough to run outside now (although it's still pretty dark and cold at 5:30 am) - the trails were dry and most of the snow has melted. Fast forward to 7am this morning and we've got SNOW (which is a 4-letter word in these parts LOL) No running outside for me for awhile I guess :cry: By the time this all melts maybe it will start to be lighter out and I can at lease see the trail. It's supposed to be below freezing temps for the next week - what happend to spring??

    I've been trying to switch up my carido - two weeks on the bike, two weeks on the treadmill. This week I started back on the treadmill but I'm getting awful pains in my ankles from running! I'm pretty sure I need new shoes - my hubby thinks I'm just getting old. Thanks for that! LOL So this morning I rode the bike to give my ankles a rest. I think on the weekend I may just walk for awhile and not try to do any intervals at all.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    No, not more snow!

    I feel cruddy usually until about mid afternoon and then I feel decent. I went out for dinner tonight and am hoping the change of scenery will do me good. Maybe another early night tonight. This cold just hangs on and hangs on.

    Thanks for asking!