Starting Nov 1



  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    If I knew how to post pics I would show my gym injury. I went to grab dumbells from the rack and caught my finger. Bruise, bleeding and some skin movement. I think my ego hurt more than he finger but it isn't pretty.

    Way to get back into it Jen.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Terrie I will be joining you in your misery as I'm starting stage 5 tomorrow (it's a repeat of stage 3). That body weight matrix is no joke! I never could get thru it twice. I remember the DOMS lasting for days!

    I think that's a great plan to get back at it Jen.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Ouch, Terrie. That sounds awful. Finger injuries are such bleeders, aren't they?

    Why can't every level be as awesome as 1? I shall just do 1 forever :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    :bigsmile: Good plan Jen
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I thought so!

    I signed up for Stitch Fix. My first shipment doesn't come for two months, so I asked them to not send pants--my chest never shrinks but my legs do! Here's my little referral link if you want to give it a whirl yourself:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    @Jen - my friend did stitchfix and LOVED it. I may try again after I'm done blowing up like a balloon :) Your plan sounds great! I also ate all the food this weekend too :)

    @Terrie - I started with 10lb plates on the romanians and actually found that heavier weights helped me to balance better. I ended the last 2 workouts with 20lbs in each hand. Sorry about your finger, that sounds super painful.

    @Blue, good luck with stage 5! I started stage 4 last week. I seem to be averaging 2 lifts a week only, so it will likely take me a bit longer to complete.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Stage 5 started this morning! Damn I forgot how hard that BWM is! Took me nearly 5 min to complete and there was no way I was doing it again!! (plus I ran out of time :wink: )

    In stage 5 you're to do 3-4 reps of 4 - I was finding that quite tedious so I think I might do 2 8s instead. It's easy to do 4 of one arm (or leg) and immediately 4 of the other but to only do 4 reps of something like the DL or bench press seems way too short. I will up my weights on the next A as I used what I finished off stage 3 at to ensure proper form.

    This stage is 120 second planks again - not gonna happen LOL
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I did stage 1 today! Hooray! I did nice light weights--first set of squats w/ just body weight to remember form; then 15 lb ez curl bar; then a total of 25. Still managed to get charlie horses in both quads, but I suspect that had something to do with the fact that I had eaten salty chinese takeout for lunch and had nearly no water all day. Oops. I should feel that tomorrow!

    I rowed up to 60--I figured better form was worth sacrificing the weight, and though I'd rowed 80 recently, it was at least a few weeks ago. Step ups, 12lbs then 15 twice. Crunches (60 total) instead of those prone jackknifes. And I added 10 hip thrusts at the end as well, just for giggles--i was probably doing it wrong, but figured it couldn't be that off. Those are from the book May was talking about, Strong Curves.

    Altogether, not so bad! and no knee pain. So that was worth it right there.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Nice job ladies! I decided to take advantage of the nice weather today and run outside. 2 miles was a total struggle for me today and I'm not sure why. My guess is that I'm used to running on a treadmill and not used to being on varying terrain outside. BUT I did it :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Good work girls :smile:

    I really liked those simple exercises from stage 1! Can we do those forever? Lol

    So jealous you got to run outside Rama! They're forecasting more snow and cold this week. We won't even hit freezing as a high :grumble: I'm pretty sure 2 miles will be tough for me too, when I finally get out there.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Yep, let's do them forever. We'll just keep increasing the weight.

    Sorry to hear your weather is going to get worse; ours was below freezing today as well, and windy. The storm they predicted for this week is now expected to go out to sea, so that's something I'm very grateful for!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Don't worry blue. I leave for Vegas next week and it is always nice when I go away *sigh*.
    So.. Looking at 3B tomorrow, what is the difference between the Romanian deadlift/bent over row and just bent over row?

    I'm also jealous of the outdoor nice weather :(
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    Good morning ladies... so I have exciting news, I joined the gym last night, I feel so badass joining a mostly guys gym :)

    This morning I woke up at 5:45am (just to give me those needed 15mins to actually WAKE UP), had my pre-workout drink, dressed and ready I was for working out. Opened the windows' curtains (the glass windows act as my mirror to check my form and tbh, to check how my butt and belly are looking every day, vain I know), turns out IT WAS RAINING!!!!!! arrggghhh no way that little rain will keep me away from my first official gym AM workout. I did my warm up (Insanity 4mins warm up). Did my home workouts:

    Push ups - all 15 on both sets (NROL4W)
    Hip Thrusts - all 20 on 3 sets (Strong Curves) - Damn those get harder, my butt was on fire and I'm ready to add a barbell for my
    next workout)
    Back Extensions - all 20 on 3 sets (Strong Curves) - I love/hate those, I know they are working, but they are BORING
    Side Lying Clams (Strong Curves) - 30 with each leg- If I wasn't on a time limit I would have done a couple more sets, for some
    reason I love the little burn I get towards the end of each set hehe

    (wore a hoodie and drove 3mins to the gym)
    Step ups - 10lbs on each hand (NROL4W)- KILLERS, I was doing those at home with body weight just fine, but I guess the
    bench I chose was too high (I'm 5" after all), for the 2nd set I chose a smaller bench and it was better
    Seated rows - 40lbs (NROL4W) just as hard as the previous time at the gym... gotta keep that weight for 1 more workout A
    Squats - 15lbs preloaded bars (NROL4W) - honestly was the first time using those bars, I just assumed it was better than Smith
    machine, I should be able to do more, I just need to figure out for next workout.

    All in all, it took me less than an hour (from wake up to driving back home), so I'm hoping the more confident I get, I'll do more at the gym and eventually the whole workout at the gym, might save me some time. I burned good amount of calories, even if I know with weightlifting the HRM doesn't really work. I'm already feeling the soreness and I know i'll be SORE tomorrow...
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    And well, my general impressions and experiences of my first SOLO morning weight training workout at the mostly guys gym...

    - I caught a glimpse of my calves and they are looking
    - My left leg (dominant) is way weaker than my right leg.. weird... gotta work on that.
    - There were like 6 guy at the gym and this was their face when they saw my come in, hoodie on and all :noway: :noway: :noway: (loved it)
    - Those guys were mostly hanging out tbh, lol. they'll somehow always gravitate towards me, I guess out of curiosity. One of them was doing the seated row next to me in a very bad form, I felt like correcting him but I didn't know how he'll take it... 5" lady giving a big strong men form advise about weightlifting ....
    - Minutes later, same bad form guy asks another guy who was very busy doing some cable exercise, what (muscle) were they good for... guy looked at him :embarassed: and said: "idk but my arms get tired".... :huh:

    All in all it was a good crowd and good workout , looking forward to Thursday one :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Nicely done May! I like how you're incorporating different exercises from different plans! I wear my HRM for weightlifting - I figure if it actually burns more than what my HRM says, I'm creating a bigger deficit. I know 'they' don't recommend it, but I start with cardio - I do the 16 min of intervals with every workout (either treadmill or bike). That gets my HR up and then I find it stays up during the lifting.

    I'm sure feeling the effects of my workout yesterday! YOWSA!! I could hardly get out of bed this morning but sucked it up and walked/ran on the treadmill for 40 min. Tomorrow I do B - which if I remember correctly, isn't as hard as A.

    Terrie, can you go to Vegas this week instead? LOL I'd really like some warm weather :wink: I find it's that way when we travel too. It's always nicer at home. It's a wedding you're going for? Where are you staying? I love Vegas :bigsmile:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies! I am sadly sore from my outdoor run yesterday. Makes me think I need to add some incline when I'm on the treadmill. I am starting to get really tired and am hoping that I can figure out a way to break through that to just get my workouts done. I fought the urge to go to sleep at 8:00pm last night... I am planning on doing Stage 4 B today, but may have to skip the intervals depending on how I feel. I can't imagine this is going to get any easier either :laugh:

    May - great work! That looks like a killer workout.

    Terrie - the romanian DL/Bent over row you essentially have one leg up in the air behind you parallel to the ground while doing the row. Bent over row is just that, you bend over and row. Hope that makes sense. Jealous you're going to Vegas! I went at the end of Feb and it wasn't quite warm enough yet.

    Blue - I just bought a HRM and am really excited to start using it!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'm having less achiness today than I expected--just a little. Did the boring elliptical for 45 minutes today and will do Stage 1B tomorrow. Stage 1, I love you.

    I have to do side-lying clams as part of my PT--you want strong adductors, let me tell you! I did 10 hip thrusts and yeah, I can see how you'd burn with 20! I haven't figured out how to do it without having my arms on the bench as balance.

    May, watch the height of your step up--I am now just using a low step, but was stupidly using a full-on weight bench, which was at least as high as my knees, being wee like you. My form was atrocious and my knees went out continuously, which probably was one of the factors in the long injury I just recovered from. I'd rather add weight, lower bench. I tried to do both, and won't do it again!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    I was using a workout bench for stepups too. It was a little high an my bend was just slightly over 45 degree so I switched to a step up with 4 risers to get to my perfect 45 degree.
    Ramalem - I was doing that one leg for the single leg Romanian deadlift. The problem and regret with buying the book on Kobo, you can't look at the pages they suggest because they don't line up on the phone.

    We have a friends wedding in Vegas, at some gardens so probably no cheesy Elvis there :( saying at MGM, which is ok but I ind almost too large. I don't like walkin forever to get to the pool.

    Yates at home sick today so 3B will wait. Glad to hear it isn't as bad as A, day 3 and still sore.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Where's the wedding, Terrie? I went to one at the Paris several years ago. Hilariously, they give you an hour in between the ceremony and reception that's entirely unscheduled--shockingly, they suggested we visit their casino :)

    I did 45 on the elliptical today and man, this afternoon the DOMs from yesterday really kicked in. I picked today to wear heels, too, which I only do once or twice a year. By 6:30 I was staggering! lol.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Not 100% on the location. I think it is almost an hour from the strip.
    Looked back at my last message, what bad typing on my phone I did.

    Trying to figure out my schedule this week, no WO tonight and now a gender reveal party tomorrow. When WO take over an hour and the gym closes at 9. It is sometimes gets hard to fit it in. Mornings are out of the question too since I've been doing 9-10 hour days at work.