Starting Nov 1



  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I forgot to send congrats to you, blue--I know how you've been waiting for that! wooohoo!

    And big congrats to Terrie--how exciting.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    YAY - the scale finally moved this morning! Hallelujah!! It was such a long time coming!

    It's so weird - I've seen more results since I stopped lifting and working out 5 days a week. Looking back at my spreadsheet (don't forget - anal accountant here :bigsmile: ) I've only done 3 days of cardio a week since I stopped lifting. Kept my cals at 1650 but also reduced carbs and sugar so I'm not sure what actually triggered it. Obviously combination of all of it. When I started this journey in 2011 my goal was 140lbs. For the first time in 3-1/2 years, I actually think that goal might be obtainable after all! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    The big test will be how long it takes to get rid of my 'vacation' weight LOL
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Congrats blue! So exciting. I always lose weight when I stop lifting, with or without doing cardio instead. I feel like some bodies are just wired that way... perhaps it was some extra water your muscles were hanging on to while lifting, who knows. Reducing carbs and sugar is also probably a big contributor.

    I have a pretty low key day at work today aside from some meetings so I think I'll start to put together some type of light strength and cardio workouts to do twice a week. It really sucks to have to start using 5-10lb weights again as I really feel like it's doing jack *kitten* for me... but I guess something is better than nothing right? I've got my yoga class tonight, and I'm going to try and get a DVD or another yoga class in tomorrow after work in addition to an hour or so of walking at lunch. This week has been pretty good in terms of setting and keeping goals for me, so I'm pretty happy about that.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    perhaps it was some extra water your muscles were hanging on to while lifting, who knows.

    Could be? I know I drink a ton of water - I'm on glass 11 already and it's only 3:00. I thought that was supposed to help? Either way, I'm not going to argue :smile: I have been doing a modified BWM on the weekdays I don't workout - 25 squats, 25 (each leg) static lunges and pushups to failure - which isn't very many these days :laugh: I plan to do that next week while on vacation as well. AT least it feels like I'm doing something!

    This morning was crazy for me- I'm trying to get everything done before I leave. I think I'm there :smile: Now it's pretty low key too.

    I think the dumbells are going to do more than you think. You're right - it is better than nothing, which you could be doing. Good work keeping to your goals for the week. My goal for the week is to make it out of the office before going insane LOL 2 hours and counting til vacation!!! :drinker:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Congrats, and have a good vacation! I started six today--the chin up thing was hilarious--I lasted a whopping 7 seconds. My weight for the lat pulldowns declined from 90 at start to 80 at end, and the pushups! OMG, on an incline, was brutal. I ended up putting my knees on the bench for the second set. I really liked the barbell split squat, though--felt good to get the bar on my shoulders.

    My weight this morning was 128.5 with my PJs on, so probably 128--better than it was, and good considering I had IHOP for lunch the day before, Friendly's (a diner-type place) the day before--eating with the niece was salty :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    the chin up thing was hilarious--I lasted a whopping 7 seconds.
    I really liked the barbell split squat, though--felt good to get the bar on my shoulders.

    You lasted way longer than I ever did - good job! You'll be feeling that tomorrow :wink: I too, really liked that split squat - definitely something different. Was your weight the same as a back squat? I can't remember what my weight was on that one - I'm thinking they were pretty similar.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I started lower in order to be gentle to my knees (I might have skipped my PT a lot lately) and because I wasn't sure if the split would be destabilizing. I think my back squats ended at 75, and I did these at 55. I'll up it to 65 for set 1 next time and 70 for set two and see how it goes.

    My first two chin-ups lasted maaaaybe 5, and that was as I slid down. lol. It was hilarious.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Down again this morning! Whooohooo! I never, EVER would have thought that exercise was detrimental to weight loss, but that's the way it seems to me. With that thought in mind, I think I'm going to delay lifting again until September. I maintain while exercising so I'm thinking if I can get low enough, that is the number I will be maintaining. Does that make sense? Ideally, I'd like to get to 145 before lifting again. I will continue with my morning BWM and maybe add my 12lb bar to the mix as well as 1 or 2 cardio sessions (maybe 3) a week and see what happens.

    We're hitting the road in about an hour. We are taking the motorcycle thru Montana, Idaho and Washington before heading north to BC and then heading home. Unfortunately, Meg, we're only going as far as Spokane before heading north. If we were heading to the coast I'd show up on your doorstep for coffee :laugh: We should be home by Wednesday - not sure if the hotels will have wifi but I'll check in when I can.

    Have a wonderful weekend - see you next week (if not sooner) :drinker:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Have so much fun blue! Montana is my favorite state in the world :) Drive safe!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Have fun!

    i've lost a few pounds in the initial stages of lifting, but for the most part my losses have come when I've stopped.

    Speaking of lifting, all the muscle that wraps around my rib cage--under my chest etc--is sore today! It hurts a little to even push the top of the soap dispenser down, lol. My arms hurt, too. Haven't had DOMs like this in ages.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    boo :)

    Finally back at work an entire week YAY... I was swamped so this is the first day I have had to post lol Not much going on... can't workout and I haven't exactly been eating well LOL

    I am looking forward to some normalcy soon and getting back into my routine with food :) On September 1st though I will lifting again so here I go again.. I feel like a broken record that just gets stuck and keeps skipping to the beginning over and over again lol

    We will be going back home in 2 weeks and I am totally ready for that lol Not sure if I am ready for my Diva Princess to meet Disneyland lol That will make for some interesting days... Just know I stalk you :P
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Claaaaaaaam! We don't mind your stalking.

    So you're originally from California? How'd you end up in VA?

    i spent yesterday working diligently at prepping for class and then drove back to Massachusetts to see my dad for his birthday. I took him out for dinner and we played some cribbage. Alas, no time for a walk and my calories were over. It's kind of awful--my weekly averages have been over for the last four weeks. Oops. Back on the wagon soon.

    Today should be a lift day but a) I still hurt from the last one and b) we're going hiking this morning, before the gym opens (university gym--10am open time on Saturday. Nutty). So at least I'm going hiking. Then we're going to a brewery. and a diner. So. Um. Back on the wagon soon :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Morning ladies? And Stalker Clam!

    Well, we survived our first portion of the journey even tho we were hit by hail :noway: It was quick - maybe 2 min worth but we found out this morning that area was hit with golf ball sized stones! Damn we were lucky! You could sure feel it as it hit. 15 min later it was 85 degrees! Gotta love Alberta weather! Today will be nice. Kalispell is supposed to be mid 80s.

    Christina you are so screwed! Mixing your 'diva princess' and Disneyland? You're hooped my friend lol. But her expressions are going to be priceless and worth every penny. Wes's niece took her kids in April. Julie is 8 and her grandma bought her the bibbity-bobbity-boo experience. She looked adorable. I can't remember which of the characters they dressed her as - I think it was from Frozen? That seems to be all the rage these days. I'm a little behind on my Disney movies - the last one I saw was the Lion King when my niece was 3 - she's 23 now! And you and I can now start our lifting programs together -again:laugh: in September. Jen, will you be starting stage 7 about then too? Oh, and stage 6 DOMS are nothing compared to stage 7 :wink:

    Summer sucks for diets - too many patios, too many trips to breweries :wink: and wine tastings! How can one possibly keep up? Or even try to eat 'healthy'? I've probably had more sugar in the last 24 hours than I've had in the last 3 weeks total lol. Your day sounds awesome Jen. Enjoy it and worry about calories later :happy: That's what I plan to do. I love the story about your dad and cribbage - I used to meet my dad at KFC for lunch once a month to play crib before he passed away:cry: I never did tell him I was 'eating healthy' - I just logged it and carried on :smile: Life can't be all about calories!

    Just waiting for it to warm up a bit before hitting the road. Short day today - we should hit kalispell mid afternoon so I can foresee drinks by the pool! :drinker:

    Have a great day!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    You're the best, blue. We had great fun today. All that hiking, even after my lunch, left me tired/hungry/dehydrated enough that the generous pours at the brewery have left me quite sleepy. I think we'll have junk for dinner tonight and get it together later.

    We've had hail here in the past so I know what it's like! Crazy! I hope you have a great (and peaceful) trip!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    So I ended up over by, um, 800 calories yesterday. I decided to just let it all hang out and ate all the stuff I wanted too, though I should have eaten less dinner since I ended up awfully uncomfortable from such a full stomach--something that hasn't happened in a long time. If my TDEE calculations are right, my TDEE is about 2k, so that only puts me over by 600. Yay? But a good time was had by all, and it's not a big deal.

    re: stage 7. Looks like I'm supposed to start it on my birthday, 9/3! It also looks like that puts me incomplete before the tattoo appt. Rats. I really want to get into the gym today but alas, the gym is closed on Sundays in the summer. I could get a guest pass to LA Fitness down the road but then I'd have to get the tour, blah blah blah. Maybe I'll just lift the cats :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    How close are you to the appt Jen? Just finish it off after your recovery period. Do a second round if you need to.

    Made it safely to Spokane. It's hot, hot, hot here! Mid 90s - too hot to wear full gear. Tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter -38c which is about 101. Don't plan on wearing any gear at all except a helmet - which is mandatory in Canada anyway. That's where we're headed tomorrow. Did that a few years ago - did I ever get a nice tan that day :bigsmile:

    Did a bit of shopping - there are so many good deals right now. All the winter stuff is in so they're clearing out summer stuff. I got a workout top for 80% off! Cost me $6! Unfortunately the bike doesn't have a lot of room to bring stuff back :sad: I could have done so much damage :laugh: I swear that's why Wes likes to take the bike - it costs him less money lol. I really like to help the local economy :wink: especially at an extra 50% off!

    Off to Applebee's for dinner! I'm scared to hit the scale when it get home :wink:

    Hope everyone had a good weekend! :drinker:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Jen, I forgot to mention - awesome hotel we checked into. Not only did they give us a goodie bag upon check in (Doritos, nuts, water) they also had cookies at 5:00. I had 3 :bigsmile: Before dinner. Then I proceeded to have a full dinner. I'm expecting the food coma to overcome me shortly. Is that how you were feeling :wink:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I felt like my gut was going to explode. My belly resembled that of someone who is 4 months pregnant. :)

    Sounds like you're having a fun if awfully warm trip. Good!

    Re: appt--I'm kind of anal retentive and wanted the program done for the sake of having the program done before it. lol. You know how you get an idea in your head? I'm also not great at deviating from set plans (like doing workouts consecutively). It makes me uncomfortable. Weird, I know!

    I was aiming to be 400 cals under yesterday--ended up at 360 after taking my calcium supplement (chocolate calcium disks are the best thing ever). Pretty close. Walked for an hour, too. Off to the gym today for 6B.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies and stalker Clam. You know... we rarely talk about lifting weights on here, so it's not like you couldn't join in :)

    Blue - I'm glad your trip is going well (aside the hail). I LOVE Kalispell and my hubs and I have actually toyed around with the idea of moving there... but that probably won't happen until all the kiddies are grown and out of the house. Spokane is always about 10-15 degrees hotter or colder than Seattle. So glad I don't live there ha ha. Glad you found some bargains. Hope you have a safe rest of your trip.

    Jen - hiking makes me so hungry and I always feel like I should have a lot of rewards after I finish one. Same goes for snowshoeing and snowboarding ha ha. I would like to get out for a hike this week, but of course there is too much going on. Maybe I'll drag my friend out for an early morning one on Saturday. I've had worse days than 800 over... LA Fitness is super annoying about offering tours, personal trainers etc. I avert my eyes whenever I walk into my gym so I don't get accosted. Having the bump now helps too. I am also anal retentive and don't blame you for wanting the program done before the tat.

    I had a pretty good week last week. I worked out 4 times (wanted to do 5-6, but just wasn't feeling it) and ate pretty decently. I am hoping to get 2-3 gym trips in and a yoga session and some walks if it's not too hot out this week. We are back in our heat wave followed by thunder and lightening pattern this week. Its supposed to be 90+ today, followed by thunder/lightening tomorrow and Wednesday. It should slip back into the high 70's by Thursday whew.

    I started to get uncomfortable for the first time during my pregnancy last week. I think I'm starting to experience some sciatica on my right side which comes and goes and some growing pains in my pelvis which is making walking not so comfy. Also, babe has decided it wants to hang out pretty much only on my right side and really likes to hang out around my rib cage, which doesn't feel so great. I guess the honeymoon is over. :laugh:

    And now for your enjoyment - bump pic week 25:

  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    lol oh I know.... when I was stuck at home I was reading from my phone and it is way too hard to type on there so I was just stalking :bigsmile:

    Now I am really trying to quit smoking so just trying not to shank someone and go to prison or something lol my diets, exercise and whatever else is out the window lol

    And Meg you suck... pregnant and smaller than me :bigsmile:

    ETA: Jenn - I had a job offer in Virginia so I took it which I got laid off a year later from lol