Starting Nov 1



  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi Ladies! Late check-in today due to a Dr. Appt. I had to take my glucose screening test today - bleh. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I pass so that I don't have to take the dreaded 3 hour one. Doc said all is well and she is no longer concerned that I'm measuring big. She said I must have just had a crazy growth spurt and she's happy with my size and weight. Phew!

    Blue - Hopefully you can get that sample soon! I'm thinking good kitty thoughts. Sugar is just SO good though... I eat ice cream daily now... haha. 30 minutes can really throw you off, maybe just bring an extra snack? I hope your back feels better!

    Jen - Things do seem to come in pairs around here don't they? And oh man I haven't been to Red Robin in ages! yummmmmmy.

    I've got a three day work week this week, and a five day weekend. I cannot wait. Hope you ladies have a good rest of your day!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    woohoo five day weekend! I'm glad you're doing well, Meg--how many more weeks?

    I lost my gym time to a good cause today. You can see the video on Facebook :) Hilariously, when I started watching it, my first thought was, "damn, my legs look good!" and I kind of regretted losing the gym time. But my classes start tomorrow so I need to get my stuff sorted and ready to go. So I'm drinking the last of our summer beers and organizing my lecture notes, shoved in a binder in no order at all from last year. Oops.

    How funny we both went/were going to red robin yesterday. we never go there, but some friends were headed there so we went, too. Are you leaving now at 430 in the morning? good lord. you're braver than I.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Are you leaving now at 430 in the morning? good lord. you're braver than I.

    Ha ha - nope! I'm leaving the OFFICE at 4:30 instead of 5:00. I'm now up at 5 am to exercise instead of 5:30. To the office at 7 instead of 7:30 am. It's so dark in the morning these days - makes it much harder to get out of bed!

    Nice that you get a 5 day weekend, Meg. I don't work Fridays so I get a 4 day :smile: I knew you'd pass your Dr appt with flying colors :flowerforyou:

    Back to the grind tomorrow Jen? Boy the summer went by quick. I'll have to go checkout Facebook now :wink:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    YAY! No gestational diabetes :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    YAY! No gestational diabetes :)

    That's good news!

    And good on you Jen for accepting that challenge :drinker:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    One of our local junior hockey players had the Zamboni dump snow over him for his challenge :laugh:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I didn't see the video but there was a picture in the paper. Plus, I think it was probably 85 degrees out when they did it :laugh: We're quickly running out of days like that :sad: It's so dark in the morning - I just want to stay in bed. What a dumb time to start getting up even earlier LOL The drive home WAS nice yesterday - not as many yahoos on the road at 4:30 :smile:

    Slow Tuesday for me - just biding my time until lunch - going away lunch for our engineering co-op student. She's back to class next week already. The last week of the month is always a little slow for me - I call it my hurry up and wait week. Can't do anything without information - which I have to wait for :smile: So I get caught up in here :smile:

    My first 'son' (who is expecting the baby in January :love: ) is playing hockey this year in Denmark. I've started searching for flights so we can go meet the baby (and I guess spend some time with him too LOL) - I just have to narrow down the time frame. I'm thinking end of Jan to mid Feb or the second and third week of Feb. We're back from our Christmas cruise Jan 2 so it will be a quick turnaround until we're off again! I hope it works out! He played in the Netherlands last year and Germany the year before that - we (I should say WES) always found an excuse not to go. We are going this year come hell or high water! I'm not missing out on meeting my grand baby! Nosireebob! Not this time. I may be going by myself LOL but I'm going!

    Happy Tuesday :drinker:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    OMG blue that is amazing! I love that idea and Jen, yes good for you for accepting!

    Jen, I'm almost 28 weeks so just entering my 3rd trimester eek! I don't feel like I'm ever going to stop growing:

  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    You're so close! It's amazing how quickly it's gone by. At least for those of us who are only spectators :)

    So last week something twinged in my left upper arm--the side area, I don't know what that is, part of the bicep? I was hoping the extra rest day would help but I still felt it in parts of my workout (6B--particularly lifting the weight up for lunges). I don't know if I should lay off until I don't feel it pinching anymore (which'll ruin my finishing schedule, most likely) or just plow through. I can't seem to get at it by kneading it--it feels like it's in the deeper muscle. Made me sad :(

    I'd be on that flight to Denmark too, if I were you, Blue! You'll just have to drag Wes along with you.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I agree with Jen - it has gone by fast! And it's been so easy - for us anyways :bigsmile: You still don't look that big to me - I think you look fantastic!

    Are those the barbell lunges you're talking about Jen? You don't lift them off the squat rack? How close are you to finishing 6?
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Thanks guys! It's gone by quickly for me too actually, almost too quick!

    And Jen - be careful!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Nope, it's the reverse lunge with one dumbbell on shoulder. Mine never rest on my shoulder--slightly above--but it's the effort of getting it there when I can feel it. I dropped my weight from 25 to 20. All the other stuff went fine--upped the rows to 35, kept the push press (i hate that exercise) at 20. I have one more of A and one of B to go.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Wow - you're getting close to the finish line! Does it twinge when you do anything else? I wonder if it would be just as effective if you held it by your side?

    We had success with the pee sample this morning!! I hope! We got pee but we won't know for sure if it's good until the vet analyzes it. Hopefully there was enough and she doesn't have to go spend the day at the vet's tomorrow waiting to pee LOL I really hope it's a medical issue and not behavioral. Wes keeps threatening to turn her into a fur muff if she doesn't behave :wink:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    It doesn't hurt today but I can still feel it, for example, when I turn the steering wheel hard. Weird, eh?

    Way to go, Nyxon! Let's hope this is step one on the path to not peeing on things.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    The pee sample was good but they didn't find anything medical related :cry: So, it's a behavioural issue - something is obviously stressing her out but I have no idea what it is. The vet suggested a higher protein food - of course we just bought a bag of regular food :laugh: - and maybe the natural anti-depressant to sprinkle on top of her food.

    The pee itself doesn't stress me out (I can wash a few bathmats) but Wes's reaction to the pee stresses me out! Bathmats and carpet are easy enough to replace - I won't get stressed until she starts peeing on the bed - hopefully it won't ever get to that! We had a toy poodle who did that when she got old - sometimes when we were in the bed! She was 15 when we decided to put her down :sad: She was blind and deaf and had major arthritis but she was my baby - hardest decision I've even made :brokenheart: Nyxon is only 13 and healthy other than this issue. Here's hoping we can get it under control and she can live out her life stress free :flowerforyou:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Feliway makes diffusers that are supposed to be soothing to cats--it automatically sprays a pheromone into the air every half an hour or so. You might try that. Jane's been so jumpy lately I was thinking of getting her one.

    A colleague of mine has a cat on actual prozac, so that's always an option! i had no idea they made kitty prozac, but there you go.

    Good luck! I hope she works it out. It's hard when your spouse is totally impatient/not understanding about something like this. I'm way more laid back than Ben is--or at least I was, back when our cat, Tuesday, used to throw up all the time. Ben'd get pissed, and I'd just clean it up.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    We are investigating that Feliway as well. I'm in for trying just about anything at this point.

    I just can't understand how Wes's first reaction is to get rid of her? Hello??? We've had her for 10 years - she's my baby! I can't just get rid of her. (I'd rather get rid of him! Oops - did I say that out loud?? :laugh: I'm so tempted some days!)

    We had a cat that used to throw up as well - I used to say he was bulimic. Half the time we wouldn't know it was happening because the dog got to it first (gross, I know! Sorry!) We took him for test after test after test. He had exploratory surgery and ultrasounds but they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him :cry: He was so thin, you could see his ribs. Another hard decision :brokenheart: Buddy was only 10 years old. When you get a pet you think they'll be around as long as you are - but nope :cry: I could never not have a pet - my life would be too empty.

    I saw something on facebook the other day that said something to the effect that you lose a piece of your heart when your pet dies, but the next one fills the hole. I couldn't agree more.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Yep, I agree, too. Ben used to threaten to get rid of Tuesday when he was angry about the puking, but would often apologize the next day :) He never really meant it--or, he meant it in the heat of the moment but then took it back. Maybe Wes is the same, only not vocal about taking it back? I'm sorry about your other kitty; poor thing. Ours was a very anxious cat from a long history of abuse by other cats; he'd eat fast then to avoid getting beaten, so he ate fast forever and often threw up. He got cancer--that's what got him last April. He was 13.

    So 6a last workout didn't go super well today because of that bicep. I think it's a real injury--a tear or something. It felt much better today until I did those stupid chin-ups. I did all three but likely shouldn't have. I'm such a mule. It was ok during the squats (the ten were pretty easy until the last one) and ok-not spectacular during the lat pull-down (pathetic--I did 80lbs and only got 9 before I couldn't pull another). I could only do one pushup set (20, anyway, knees on step) before it pretty much let me know I'd be full of regret to push it, so I stopped. I think I'll skip 6b final and wait four days before starting 7 on Tuesday, assuming it feels improved. Dammit, I'd hate for my schedule to get busted because of my stupid arm! It was tender even turning the steering wheel to the right (left arm).
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I hope your arm heals quickly. You'll need it for stage 7! It's a tough one. Are you going to do 7 twice? Tuesday seems to be the day to start again. At least that's my plan too. I'm going to finish off my stage 1 exercises - I think I have 2 of each plus some AMRAPs.

    Did you have two cats when you had Tuesday? Luv the name :smile: Or did you get two cats after she passed? We had two cats and the toy poodle thru the 90s into early 2000s. We lost Peanut (17 yrs) in Dec 2003 and got Nyxon in March of 2004. She's been an only cat since then. We often talk about getting another dog but don't think Nyxon would like it too much lol

    I think Wes tends to overblow things in the heat of the moment too - difference is he doesn't apologize afterwards :cry: So I can never tell where he really stands. I'm encouraged to see that he's investigating a lot of options for solutions - new litter boxes, unscented litter, high protein food - hopefully it will help!

    Have an awesome long weekend!