Starting Nov 1



  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies! I'm not ready for Monday yet ha ha.

    Had a pretty productive long weekend and got more of the trim in the house painted. Did the middle floor bathroom and kitchen, which leaves the living room to get done before the end of the month to meet my self imposed goal. I also ended up making three batches of jam and a pie - good riddance to all that fruit I had laying around! We even got to ikea and bought new dressers for our room to make the move of hubbies stuff from babies room to our room easier. And here I wanted to have a lazy weekend ha.

    I only got three workouts in last week due to some back issues, but I'm hoping to get at least 4 in this week. I also really need to clean up my eating. I've been getting lazy, and I'm truly nervous to step on the scale at my Dr. Appointment next week. :embarassed:

    Jen - I'm super impressed with all the work you're doing. Can't wait to see some of the finished product (I bet you can't either). Also congrats on being halfway through Stage 6! You're blasting through it.

    Blue - Sorry about your back, that's no fun. I'm glad you had a good time on your trip though!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    This group seems to do everything in tandem - whether it be headaches or sore backs LOL

    Jen, you should really get some sort of activity tracker to record all those 'non-exercise' things. I'll bet you burn a lot more than you think. Speaking of which - you should have seen how many steps and stairs my fitbit gave me while on the motorcycle!! I think I had 61 flights one day LOL I've driven that same stretch and it never gave me extra while in the car. For some reason the motorcyle caused more movement. Other than that, I don't often get credit for things I haven't done. Once, climbing the stairs at an Oilers game I got credit for 24 flights. We were sitting high, but not that high :bigsmile: I rely on it to give me my TDEE and find it fairly accurate.

    Meg, you were a busy bee too! I'm impressed with all you DIYers! My stools still haven't been recovered :wink: Right now we're in the middle of landscaping - well at least getting quotes for. The only drawback to moving into a new house - and it ain't cheap! We'd kill each other if we tried to do it ourselves LOL
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Meg, I've been thinking of you as I paint--thinking how much I'd hate to do a whole house worth of trim. I'm finding the roller actually works pretty well and so it's zipping along.

    I've debated getting a fitbit but I'd just rather spend the money on other things :) Thai food, for instance. And I suspect it'd just make me more frustrated with the scale.

    It is pretty amazing that you both have back issues this week, and not in a good way.

    Today I realized I've been holding my arms too wide for the underhand lat pull and had an easier time when I pull them closer together. However, I stupidly forgot to stretch my arms before I started my workout and pulled something right away doing the three negative chin ups (btw, got 10 seconds for the first one--could also be part of the problem!). By the time I did my 8th lat set, I called it a day--it was a little pinchy. Nothing serious, but I've learned not to push it too far. I squatted 70 lbs and probably could have done 75--my issue seems to be stability rather than heft. Our new squat rack has a basketball-court type floor--very shiny hardwood--and it makes finding the right position with 75 lbs on your back more challenging. 85 for the lat pulldown through all 8 sets (I remembered my add-on 5 lb weight), more knee-on-bench pushups. I did 10 minutes of HIIT before I had to leave for a meeting, and then walked 5+ minutes with my heavy work bag, so I'm counting it, too :)

    I need to go wrestle with my car hood now. Have a good night!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I need to go wrestle with my car hood now. Have a good night!

    You're a mechanic too?? :bigsmile: You gals impress me so much!

    I was up at 2:30 this morning - couldn't sleep :yawn: My kitty has taken to peeing on the carpet and bath mats again. She's done this before and it seemed to correct itself. But now she's at it again. We already keep our bedroom door closed during the day but she likes to sleep with us so she was doing a number on the bathmat in the middle of the night. Bathmats at least are easy enough to throw into the washer but carpet is a little harder to clean and/or replace. According to my husband, 'she's destroying the house' and she has to go. He likes to make issues bigger than they actually are but I'm still worried about Nyxon. I can tolerate carpet or bathmats but if she starts to pee on the furniture or the bed, that's something else entirely. I'll take her to the vet and see what they say - if they can even tell anything. I wish animals could talk - it would be so much easier if she could just tell us what's wrong.

    Needless to say there was no workout this morning. It was raining so no outside run or walk anyway. The weather is starting to cool off so morning runs should be a bit easier. No more humidity - YAY!

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'm so sorry, Blue. Ther'es nothing worse than a sick pet and a spouse who is less than supportive. I wish they could talk, too. I'd definitely start with the vet, though. S/he might be able to tell if there's a medical issue or suggest a pheromone spray or something along those lines to discourage her from doing that. Do you have enough litter boxes? Does she use them, usually? Cats can be finicky about what kind of litter they use.

    There's a spray I used in the basement to clean up cat pee, when they decided that a pile of dust was a great box down there; the spray is supposed to deter them from peeing on stuff again. Nature's Miracle, perhaps?

    Good luck. Little Nyxson's a cutie, and I hope she works this out.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Thanks Jen. I know Wes has been spraying something but I'm not sure what it is. Vet appt Friday. We shall see how it goes! We definitely have different views on the situation.

    So my day today was spent tromping around one of our field sites in coveralls, steel toe boots and a hard hat :laugh: I can't believe how much my back hurts! Those boots are heavy! :bigsmile: Got a ride in on the exercise bike before hand. My day tomorrow is prep work for a staff BBQ and baseball game. Gonna be a tough day :bigsmile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Sounds like you got some exercise just having to wear those boots! Have fun today at your bbq. I have a "retreat," which is just the pretty word for "all-day meeting."

    Got lots of painting done yesterday and 6B/3 w/o HIIT--I was beat. I did up my weights, though, for my 3rd set--25 for the backward lunge, 30 for the row, and 20/ea hand for the push press. I don't hurt as badly today as I expected :)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Jen - seriously you're killing it on stage 6! Way to go. I also pinched something doing Negative Chin - ups which actually caused me to have to stop lifting for while last summer grrr. And yes, trim... sigh. I managed to finish the kitchen (aside from the window frame) and now need to start on the living room. It wouldn't be so bad if it were only baseboards but the window and door trim is a giant pain in the *kitten*. Have a great "retreat" today!

    Blue - so sorry to hear about kitty. That is hard and frustrating. I agree - if only they could talk things would be a lot easier. Keep us posted on the vet appt. Steel toe boots and a hardhat huh? Awesome. Have fun with the BBQ prep and game today!

    I've had a pretty good week. Got my workout in Monday and then yesterday got out for a 3 mile power walk and stopped 2 times along the way to get in some body weight leg/arm workouts. I am headed to yoga tonight and am trying to get the courage to get my swimsuit on and go swimming during lunch tomorrow. We'll see how that goes!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    What an awesome day! Weather was cool - maybe low 60s and overcast but at least it didn't rain! We BBQd steak and chicken and sausage with baked potatoes and Caesar salad. It was a lot of fun. I didn't play slo pitch but a group of us played umpire in the stands. A good time was had by all!

    Got in a bit of a run this morning. It was really cool - maybe mid 40s. I broke my mile best pace by 20 sec - did it in 11:30! I think the cooler weather helped my pace. But then I started feeling it in my back :(. I think I'm going to keep to the bike for the next week to give my back a rest.

    Nice numbers on your 6b Jen! Does your "retreat" involve a lot of food too? :wink:

    Maternity suits are so cute, Meg! Swimming is such great exercise too! I often think of swimming but it would take me so long to work up to a decent number of laps. I'm not even sure I could swim an entire length :laugh: It seems like so much effort to only get a bit done. At least with running you can walk lol

    I think Christina is off to CA this weekend! Have a great time! Let us know how your princess makes out in Disneyland :smile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    So how has Nyxon been doing?

    Way to get those workouts in, Meg, and thanks for the kudos. I have to say, after seeing that "weightlifting standards" thing and clocking in as "hey, you don't work out!" I was a little sad. But my muscles are big, so I can't complain, really. I wonder if people who do, say, 5x5 tend to lift heavier sooner b/c they're doing the same lifts over and over--if I were continuously deadlifting, I'd theoretically be adding more and more weight. But I don't, so I don't.

    I might get in the next one today. We have a full day of faculty development; if I wasn't leading part of the second half, I'd split, but alas.

    And no, Blue, not a lot of food--or at least not interesting food. Ok food. I did have a nice lemon square though. Today I plan to have several cocktails.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    .Today I plan to have several cocktails.
    Then it's going to be a great day :drinker:

    Just returned from the vet. We need to get a pee sample to rule out anything medical. Not a terribly easy task. She's currently locked up in a room with some water and an empty litter box with these crystals. I have to collect the sample in a syringe. I'm hoping she goes soon so we can get it back to the vet by the end of the day. Unfortunately the sample doesn't last that long. I just checked on her - she just glared at me :laugh: No pee yet.

    I wasn't shocked at my weightlifting standards at all. I think you're right Jen, someone doing 5X5 is likely going to lift heavier faster. One of the things I like about NROL is the variety.

    Heading out to dinner theatre tonight with friends. I'm pretty sure there are cocktails in my future too :bigsmile:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Both of you enjoy a cocktail or two for me please!

    Blue - Great job shaving off some time on your mile! You can definitely swim, you just slow it down a bit! I hope you can get a pee sample soon, poor kitty (and you!)

    Jen - I also hear ya on those standards. I think since NROL has us do so many variations, there is not a long enough period to really get those weights up there... also wondering if those are for both women and men? Just curious.

    Well got my swim in and man did it feel amazing. I haven't swam laps in a long time and it felt great. I got 51 laps in which is about 3/4 of a mile so I'm pretty proud of myself!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    how did you even keep track? 51 laps! Nice work!

    I've had awful acid reflux heartburn stuff the last day and a half, but I had two glasses of wine and some cheese (and fries and some bread), anyway! I'm still hungry. Inevitably going over. That's ok.

    So today I realized I've been doing the pull-up incorrectly---I thought I was supposed to hold myself in place and then slowly slide down. Looks like I was wrong and I"m just supposed to slide down slowly. I did manage to hold myself up for 12 seconds today, though. 75 lbs on the split squat, and it felt like I could go higher, what with only 4 reps.

    I hope you make some headway with poor Nyxon. I'm sure she's pissed (see what I did there? It's punny).
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I hope you make some headway with poor Nyxon. I'm sure she's pissed (see what I did there? It's punny).

    Very punny! You know what 2/3 of a pun is? P-U!!! :bigsmile:

    On the kitty front - no pee sample yesterday. We kept her locked in the room but the minute we let her out she went straight for her normal litter box and peed! Little monkey! I think we might need to leave her at the vet for an afternoon to see if they can get the sample. I want to make sure these peeing episodes are not medical. If it's behavioral, the vet is suggesting a natural form of some sort of relaxant. Kind of like kitty valium. :laugh: Only it's natural ingredients.

    51 laps is amazing, Meg! My arms would never last that long!

    Even with my excursions out to the field and BBQs this week, I was still able to keep my sugars down. Not so much last night - my drinks are 100% sugar! I had two and knew I blew the budget so I had Wes's dessert as well as my own :bigsmile: Good thing the portions were small LOL Now that I've done a carb refresh (yes, that's what I'll call it :laugh: ) it's back to business. The scale was up 2lbs this morning. So, I think I've discovered sugar is my enemy.

    I think I was the one who planted the hold the chin-up thought in your head Jen. I was doing that just to see if I could hold myself there. I couldn't LOL I dropped like a stone. 12 seconds is awesome!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    So we've neglected the cat boxes for the past week. Never again. They/she used a corner of the basement as the pee corner--disgusting. The cement was saturated. So my exercise for the day? Cleaning cat pee out of basement floor. And more flipping painting!

    I feel bad because we're a little at fault, but also pissed (look, another pun). Alas. We bought a different litter for them today and didn't notice it was pine scented--here's hoping it doesn't freak them out so that they find another corner to pee in.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Nyxon's box is definitely not neglected - Wes is extremely anal about scooping 3 or 4 times a day. It's only neglected when he's out of town and I forget, or only scoop once lol.

    Kitties certainly have their own special way of letting you know they don't like something! Years ago when we had two cats and left town, we left the bedroom door closed because we didn't want all the hair on the bed. We arrived home to one perfectly placed poop right in front of the door! We got the message and never did that again lol. I don't recall those two cats ever peeing anywhere other than their litter box.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Wow, we clearly need a Wes. Our poor cats. Putting the boxes in the basement makes it easy to forget and/or ignore. Never again! And yes, they are very good at sending messages. Jane's main message is "I don't care what you think." lol.

    How funny, though--like headaches and back problems, this time two of us have cat piss issues!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Ha ha that's so true! Except you don't want a Wes - he takes anal-ness to a whole different dimension lol. He drives my crazy :noway:

    I think I found one of the major sources of my back pain! The couch and bed in the trailer! We headed out yesterday in the afternoon. Not too many people around so we ended up watching TV for the evening. I had trouble getting out of bed this morning :cry: I even support my back on the couch - not sure why it's an issue but I'm sure feeling it!!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Well, good to know! Then at least you can find ways to work with/around the issue.

    We just went to Red Robin. It was delicious, but I'm done eating for the day. 1300+ calories for my meal! Egad!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    We were going to go to Red Robin yesterday too but we ended up at Tony Roma's (and the scale was up 2 lbs this morning :wink: )

    Busy Monday morning for me - I guess that's what happens when you are away from the office for a couple of days :laugh: I wasn't exactly working those days but it was work related LOL.

    I moved offices a couple of weeks ago to our terminal site which is in an industrial area. Traffic is horrendous at 5:00 so I decided to change my hours and come in 1/2 hour earlier so I can leave by 4:30. It's really throwing me off - you wouldn't think 30 min would make much of a difference in your eating schedule but I'm finding myself very hungry! It really is all about the food :laugh: