Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I will be on a cruise so I will be hitting a few of the islands in 7 days. We'll be in a different port everyday - I really should print out the itinerary so I know. I've never been before so I'm really looking forward to it. I will absolutely take any recommendations :) Jen, that ziplining looks amazing - it's definitely on our list as they have them in just about every port. Last year we ziplined in St Thomas and this year it was in St Kitts.

    Terrie, I don't think we did much of level 3 of the shred. She gets into a lot more plyo moves which neither of us were fond of (think jump squats and lunges of the BWM). Then we did her other 4 week one and never made it to week 4! We only did one or two of week 3. The name escapes me at the moment. Do what you can - no shame in not completing the whole 30 days as long as you're doing something! Use that as your warm up back into lifting. I found it to be very effective.

    I've been feeling out of sorts this week - not sure if I'm fighting off a cold or TOM might make an early appearance or what! I couldn't get out of bed again this morning even after having a good night's sleep. I did do my little BWM routine but I've really got to get back into it. I've done only one of each workout since being back from holidays. My clothes are tighter - I need to get back down to pre-holiday weight. It goes on so dang easy and takes forever to come off! :'(
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Sounds like the combo I had in Hawaii--a cold that wouldn't end and a period that started early. Somehow being in paradise made it all easy to forgive, even if my pockets were full of tissues.

    I started Basic Training 4 today. It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. I did three instead of four sets (you have the option) and might do 4 next time. I'm getting some new calluses as a result , and it did feel good to do something different. And ten reps were so nice compared to twelve.

    Today I'm feeling blue--folded up the vacation laundry to be packed back away with summer clothes :(
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    edited January 2015
    I did ziplining in St Kitts this year too, it was great.
    We stayed in Kihei when we hit Maui, I think a little cheaper but still with lots to do :)

    Ended up running 6.5 no stopping, I am pretty impressed and don't feel sore today. I got a new Samsung watch that I track steps and running with, for some reason, compared o just my phone like my friend uses.. our distances are wayyy off. Mine would say over 8km but google maps and her phone would be 6.5. Don't know what is going on.
    Even managed to listen to Jillian squack for day 6 of 30DS after the run while the husband did some lifting (first time ever!)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    You're a better man than me Jen LOL My vacation laundry is still hanging in my laundry room and I got back the day you left :) Normally I would have done it over the weekend but I was away again so it's still there. Must do it tonight! Maybe. Or maybe it can wait until Friday when I'm off?? ;)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'd wait. What's the rush?
    My tank top (under my sweater) smells like sunscreen still.

    Nice run, Terrie!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies, happy hump day!

    You guys moved fast the past few days. I love love love Hawaii. We usually stay in kihea when we are in Maui. I've been to Oahu (didn't love it) and Kauai which was my favorite. David and I were thinking of even booking a last minute trip before I go back to work, but it's either that or a trip to Dallas to visit his family... Tough choice :)

    I need to make working out in the am a priority - Charlie usually sleeps from 6/7-10-11 so I need to stop being lazy and use that time to workout. Naps are just so much better! Weight didn't budge this week, but I've also been eating pretty badly the past week - cupcakes, take out you name it!

    Anywho I'll check in more later, dads taking me to breakfast!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Awe - enjoy your breakfast Meg. How nice! You need to pick one of those times as a workout with the nap as the reward :) I love naps!

    Terrie - you ran 6.5k AND did Jillian? What are you - Superwoman? ;) Each one of those would kill me (5km is the most I've ever ran so yeah, I'd be about dead after 6.5!) Good on you! I once shredded level one and two back to back - once! Not sure i'd be trying that again any time soon ;)

    Christina - do your kids like to work out with you? Or they're just doin' their own thing?
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    HAHAHA no... I don't let them work out with me because then it just turns annoying lol Gwendolyn will dance around but that is about it. My son wanted to be a badass once and try to squat my 90lbs I had done .. yeah I let him try ;) I am mean I know lol

    Running... yeah that will never happen in my world... If I am running you better follow cuz that means bad shiznit is going down lol
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    LOL Christina.

    Even with all the running, I still don't love or even like it really. If I was going at it alone, I would probably remain on the couch.

    I vote Hawaii for you Meg and second the not loving Oahu. We tried to get out of Waikiki last time (didn't even see Waikiki beach although we were 2 blocks from it) and go to different areas. It was more enjoyable and the beaches on the east side were so beautiful with the awesome green colour I love (and only 20 minutes away!).

    I also second the waiting for holiday laundry.. such a chore and sad reminder that you are back at home.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Yeah, it was a total bummer. Back to work tomorrow!

    I hope y'all had a good day. I have 200 more calories to eat and I'm starving, so I"m going to go find a snack and start the book I promised to review for this month but have been ignoring.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I caved and did the laundry LOL Now I don't have to spend my entire day off doing laundry. I guess that's the bright side :)

    Yet another day of sleeping in with NO workout! I have to get out of this funk! I'm still 3lbs away from my pre-vacation weight. While I have been eating well I just feel better when I exercise.

    When are you back to work Meg? I think Hawaii would have my vote too although Dallas has an awesome outlet mall in Allen! :)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I go back at the end of March, so I've still got awhile :)

    I'm the total opposite of you Blue, I come home and get all the laundry done ASAP, can't stand to have it around ha
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    So I got up this morning and it was hard; I'd gotten I thought plenty of sleep, but the damn cat tore around the house early today (4? 5?) and keep waking me up off and on. I had a cup of coffee, half a half a glass of water (i.e., 4oz), cereal with banana. Got a cup of coffee on my way in. Then, midway through my second class, I felt totally woozy even though I was just sitting there talking. It passed but when class was over I ate a bunch of mints (the only edible thing in my bag) and felt a tad better. I came home, chugged the rest of my water plus 16 more oz and ate lunch. I think I was dehydrated and hungry; funny how that hits you sometimes. In HI, I had a cup of weak coffee, and a packaged danish and managed to stand around waiting for the sunrise for hours; then I had granola bars and biked down the mountain! I suppose that was still more sugar in my system than I had today. Plus two cups of coffee does that to me sometimes, if there's not enough food to absorb it. When I was a kid I had hypoglycemia--I guess it still pops up from time to time.

    I should take a walk later but I might pretend it knocked me for a loop in order to nap instead.

    Go to HI, Meg! I envy your cheap(er) flights there.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Ha! I fell asleep reading a book I have to review. Nap achieved!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Well done Jen!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Yah Naps! I'm struggling through today, again. Seems to be a common theme around 3pm. I did manage to avoid some art reveal at work where they were serving cake :)

    4 of us for your run today, husband, his friend, my friend and me! I'll be happy to not be the one slowing us down, lol.

    30DS yesterday went well, I don't find I am increasing my heart rate on the cardio and not sore the next day, maybe I need to try harder. The lack of repercussions are diminishing my drive, hoping starting level 2 will bring it back (3 more days).
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I worked out this morning!! Ok kinda pansy with my lame 20 min cardio warmup the started my convict conditioning

    I am very retarded at knee tucks... Lets just leave it there lol

    Down 5+ lbs this week... Thank god lol
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    How's the nonsmoking going, Chris? How was the run, Terrie!

    I did Basic Training 4B for the first time yesterday, and holy cow, my whole body aches today. Muscles groups that haven't been targeted in a while were used heavily. So my pecs are very sore, my forearms are sore, and I did front squats down pretty low, so my lower gluten are sore. Good sore! But enough to keep me from doing yoga this morning--I don't think I could downward dog for any length of time!

    I took another brief nap yesterday. It's this book! I started reading with a cup of tea against my chest, leaning back on the couch, and the next thing I knew I'd dropped the tea and it was spilling all over the place. Oops. I'll finish the book today, taking one last nap, and get on with things!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    bahh still smoking.... I told him yesterday STOP buying them!!! Will finish it up this weekend and put my patches on... :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    When is your DRs appt Chris? Hopefully you will have good news for him (you finally quit!) and he will have good news for you!

    After being a sloth most of the weekend I had no trouble getting out of bed and working out this morning. YAY - hopefully the funk is gone and I will be up and at 'em every morning this week. I have to get my weight back under control. This last vacation really threw it for a loop! I got in lots of steps every day and I was pretty good on the food - ate normal portions and stocked up on veggies at the buffet, but it was the drinks that killed me. Having gone the last couple of years having drinks only on special occasions to drinking 3 or 4 a day (or more? LOL) for two weeks straight did me in. All that sugar after cutting out most sugars for 4 months prior is wreaking pure havoc on my system. At least I won't be drinking a ton in Denmark - I'm really going to watch it and hope for the best. I'm actually thinking of bringing my runners! It will be cool while we're there - lows at freezing and highs just above. Perfect running weather for me. Even if I run a couple of times a week that's better than nothing. I say this now LOL We'll see what happens when I'm actually there! I tend not to waste room in the suitcase for workout clothes LOL