Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Had a wonderful evening. We are heading out to breakfast this morning and then they're off to visit his brother and I'm off to work :( But first we open presents!!

    Meg I discovered a great arm workout - it's called baby lifts lol I was bouncing Cooper on my knee and lifting him up. OMG my arms are sore this morning lol.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Quick check in (as they seem to go these days). HI TERRIE! Good to "see" you. 2 lbs will come off in no time.

    Blue - the in-laws visit was long... they just left on Monday. Thankfully they weren't around the whole time, but were less than helpful while they were here unfortunately. Oh well, it's done and over with and probably won't happen again for a long long time! :smile: And yes, baby lifts are amazing workouts. Carrying the car seat around is going to make me buff in no time.

    Jen - sounds like you were productive yesterday, good work!

    Down 1.5 lbs from last week. People weren't kidding when they say the weight just comes off while breastfeeding. I guess I didnt realize how hard your bod works when you're producing milk. Oh the things you learn.

    Have a great rest of the day gals.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Meg, with all the exercise you did pre-baby, I'm sure you'll be down to normal in no time. I can't believe your inlaws were less than helpful! I think having two might be a little different but I think Kristi was grateful for the times I had Cooper. It gave her a little space at least and more time with Oliver. Although maybe it was different because she was in my house and not hers? I don't know. She kept asking me if I wanted to give him back :) I'd have kept him if I could - such a little sweetheart! So easy at that age - eat sleep poop and not even necessarily in that order LOL
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    A friend of mine, when her baby was small (he's 2 now), had a similar experience--her MIL was out for two weeks and expected my friend to wait on her! She was totally exhausted by the time she left, pretty much the opposite of what she'd hoped for!

    I ate a ton last night--it didn't seem like a lot at the time, but little bits add up, especially when much of it is fried in oil per the hannukah tradition. Oh, and I ate an enormous black and white cookie. Yum :)

    Went for a good walk today, then unexpectedly had lunch with one of my college friends and her husband. I was super house-productive this morning: laundry, kitchen, etc etc. Errands in the afternoon, appointment. Gym tomorrow.

    I'm strongly considering going to a gym I have to pay for, just so I don't have to go to work all the time to work out. I have a dear colleague who chats my ear off at the gym--there are few quick hellos--and mucks up my timing in my workouts. Those two things are motivating me to change. Alas, I probably won't do that until after I'm back from vacation so as to not pay for a gym membership while I"m away, and then the gyms will be crowded with new year's resolutioners!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    sleepyjen wrote: »
    A friend of mine, when her baby was small (he's 2 now), had a similar experience--her MIL was out for two weeks and expected my friend to wait on her! She was totally exhausted by the time she left, pretty much the opposite of what she'd hoped for!
    That's so weird! Even when we were at their house when Oliver was about 5 months old it wasn't like that. I'd never expect anyone to wait on me - especially when I can get off my butt and do it myself! Besides, I'd rather hold the baby :)

    I haven't logged at all this week - early start to my vacation I guess. I've just got so much going on with the kids' visit, year end at work, packing etc etc. I haven't eaten that badly but I'm sure I'm over a hundred or two.

    What kind of gym are you thinking of joining Jen? I can understand why you'd want to - not have to go all the way to work would be a big plus. If you had the room you could set yourself up for the price of an annual gym membership. Bonus for you would be the gym at work! Listen to me LOL The one who hasn't touched weights since the summer :) Jan 5 I'm back at it tho!

    24 hours from now I will be on my way to the sun and sand!! WHOO HOO! Can't wait!

  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    One more hour to go and I'm done for the year! First a pot luck lunch and movie with my group and then bowling and snacks with the group where my office is :) It's going to be a tough day!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Woohoo! Have an awesome time! I had a decent workout today; I skipped the last set of pushups with rows (those are as awful as they sound) but was able to up my weight at least for the single-leg romanian deadlift!

    Work is actually only a few miles from home; it's more the mental trip ("bah, I Have to go to work!") but I'll likely keep it. The mister has signed up for a gym and a bunch of bells and whistles--he's lifting now, too! It's fun to hear him talk about it. It's a bit of a pretty penny right now, so free gym is the gym for me.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    I second the free gym, Jen. I am happy my membership is over at mine. Can't wait to hopefully get my Christmas weights :)
    Went for my weekly friend run yesterday, not as good as a week before vacation but did up our speed. 5.3 km, 40 min, 1 45 second walk. Happy I pushed for the walk part, my one calf hurt yesterday and it is screaming at me today.
    Good that your weight is going down, Meg. I'm sure your little one will keep you quite busy in the next little bit to keep it melting off without a worry.
    We had our potluck today too, I had a starbucks earlier so I didn't go for seconds like I normally do.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Sitting here in Dallas waiting for our connection to Fort Lauderdale. It's freezing here! Only 48 degrees. Brrrr. It's almost warmer at home.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Only 48 degrees! It was in the 30s and windy here today. Brr, brr, brr. Enjoy your trip!
    Take care of that calf, Terrie! I found a compression sleeve helped mine heel when I injured it a year or so ago.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    After a couple of glorious days in Fort Lauderdale it's off to Miami to board the ship tomorrow
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    What happened to the rest of my post? Weird. I wished you guys a merry Christmas and typed a whole long message. I didn't see until this morning that it was gone!

    Anyhow have a wonderful holiday and I will try to check in if I get wifi
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Blue - have so much fun on your cruise and soak up some sun for me!!

    Jen - I wish I had the option of a free gym. My old job had a pretty nice gym in our office and it was $15 month.... the did donate all the money to a different charity every month so that was nice. I pay $60/mo for mine which sucks but it has a lot of amenities and is super close to both work and home.

    I finished up all my shopping yesterday and just need to wrap a few more things before I am officially done done. I'm actually anxious for Christmas to just be over... im nervous for how Charlie is going to do at my big family gathering. Hopefully he just sleeps through it.

    I've got my dr. appt on Friday and hopefully can start shredding next week!!!

    I'll probably be back on, but if I don't talk to you ladies, I hope you have such a Merry Christmas!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    How's charlie with strangers? The new baby in our family mostly sleeps, and doesn't cry a lot.

    Merry Christmas to you, too! I haven't been over here too often lately; my gym visits were a bit further apart than usual. I did up my deadlift weight to 70 for 2 sets of 12 yesterday; the rest I left more or less where they were. My body seems to be changing--suddenly people are noticing it looks different; my jeans that were a little tight suddenly fit like a dream, and my other jeans I can't fit in anymore as they have no flexibility and couldn't hold my squat-built behind.

    I'm not sure I'm going to get a walk in today--I've been busy all day (had to finish Christmas shopping this morning, then went grocery shopping--that place was as though it were a saturday rather than a Monday--then did some stitching on a project for ben (it's a tiny cross stitch of one of the characters from "the wire," and now i'm trying to bake but round one, despite greasing and flouring my mini muffin tin, stuck like crazy. Bah. They're still delicious but I can't hand them out to the mailman! Which means we'll be eating them. All. Bummer.) and now it's nearly dark.

    Enjoy that cruise, Blue!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Have an amazing cruise Blue!
    I'm hoping to start logging my calories soon, I tried to send all of you friend requests as it seems my timeline is pretty dead. I'm not kidding myself that I will count before and during holidays. Hoping to ease back in with 1800, then 1500 and see where that goes.
    Run tonight with my friend. Bought new jeans that are a size up from before.. at least I am comfortable again..
    Happy holidays everyone. I should be on here again as I am on at work I won't get any days off until Christmas.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I eat 1800 every day, as a rule. I love me some lifting :)
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Run was good last night. Happy to have a buddy that pushes me or else I would've walked most of it. Calves are sore today :smiley:
    I think when I get back to heavy lifting I can stick to the 1500-1800 depending on lift days or not. We will see what my body reacts to.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    How was everyone's holidays? I am back to work today.
    So cold today, was supposed to run but I am backing out if my friend doesn't. Made it on the bike (parents don't use it anymore) last night for a bit, good to get muscles going. Got some dumbells (only go up to 20lbs) for Christmas too, now to get a bench and barbell and I am set to start!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Holidays were good! Busy, but good.
    I'm supposed to be finishing up basic training III in supercharged either today or tomorrow, but I've evidently come down with something. I'm doing my best to mend before we leave on Friday! Yesterday we helped friends move out of one house and into another for many, many hours; I think it used up whatever resistance I had left to this thing, which had been lurking at the edges for days. Alas!

    Glad to hear about your dumbbells; I have a set of similar size for when I can't get to the gym.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Moving is lots of energy. I spent my cleaning up a flood I created.. oops!!