Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Nope - didn't stay put and am feeling it in my arms! I'm sure it'll hurt even more tomorrow.

    In Canada we have the CFL - Canadian Football League. Only 8 teams (I think) and our team, after not making the playoffs for a number of years, are playing in the semifinal tomorrow! If we win it's off to the Grey Cup - not quite as big a deal as the Super Bowl - but a big deal in Canada none the less. We're celebrating like we're in the final as it's unlikely we'll get there lol If by some miracle we do get there, we'll celebrate again next weekend :)

    Snowing here today :( Might get an inch or two. It's pretty tough to complain when Buffalo got nailed so badly! Oh my, to see all that snow! Worst I've ever lived thru was about 18" in less than 24 hours - and that was hell! And now it's supposed to rain there and warm up? They're going to float away!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I know--I'd be very worried about my roof if I were in Buffalo. Those poor people. We might be getting some actual snow next week. Monday's going to be 64, though. Bizarre.

    I did 2B today. It starts with these weird slide-your-hand-on-the-floor things called pushaways (2 sets of ten/each hand). then jump squats (easy peasy, even with dumbbells, as you only do 5-8 in each set (2 sets)). then two alternating sets, lopsided step ups (weight in one hand) and elevated foot jackknife pushups (meh). 2-4 sets of 10. Then another pair of alternating sets, front squats and a lat pulldown with half-kneel. I stayed low on the squats as I've never just done a front squat--just the front squat Push press in NROLW. I did just the 45lb bar initially, then added five pounds for my third set to make it 50. I could probably go to 60 without terrible struggle. I'll up it next time.

    I'm sure we'll both be feeling it tomorrow :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Haha, yep! Although I've done most of the exercises before in the shred so they weren't completely unfamiliar. Except for the ab bridges and the tricep squats. I can really feel it in the back of my arms!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    My triceps are burning today! I can feel the heat from the inflammation thru my shirt!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Seriously? That's insane!

    I need to get to the gym sometime this afternoon. I have meetings 12-2, then 3-5, so I'm hoping 2-3 is my gym hour. We shall see.

    The Nat'l Weather Service is predicting 6-10" of snow here Wed night, Thurs morning--might make for a snowbound turkey day!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    That doesn't sound terribly bad - all that food and no place to go? Perfect :) Lets' just hope it doesn't rain after all that snow! You can watch football all day if you're so inclined. Me, I'd be binge watching something on TV! And shopping the sales on the net at the same time :) And sending Wes out to shovel ;)

    Speaking of Football, our Eskimos got smoked by Calgary yesterday 43-18. Yikes! Oh well - they haven't made it that far in years so at least we have that bright side to look at!

    Triceps still hurt but they're no longer on fire. I thought I'd give them one more day of rest and just rode the bike this morning. The scale was up a pound - combination of the inflamed muscle and all the junk I ate yesterday, I'm sure. Although I can stay close to my calories on weekends, nutritionally sound, they are not! Gotta work on that!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    HELLO!!!! So happy to see so many of the same people on here as before. It has been too long, will have to catch up. I know life isn't an excuse but I have been using it for too long. Asked for some weights for Christmas to start over. Gym was getting too busy and I was finding the thought of going and tripping over people too much. I will have to maybe get some at home ideas from you, Blue, to see how to alter things when I start again. For now I have been running once a week and doing the BWM every two or so days. I would love to know how everyone has done since I have left and will slowly read to find out (lots of catching up to do). Blue - you must've finished by now, Ramalem - how is the pregnancy, Jen - How are the knees?
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    TERRIE! Welcome back!!

    Scroll up--Meg had the baby! Just this weekend--a little boy.
    My knees are fine! I don't run as much as I used to, so that keeps them in check.

    How was the wedding? You're a married lady now, eh? Congrats!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Wedding was good, perfect day with perfect weather. We go on our honeymoon in two weeks.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Hey Terrie! Welcome back!

    I did finish NR in July - I think? Seems like so long ago .... I just did some light cardio thru the summer with a modified BWM (who knew it would come in so handy?). Sometime in Sept my hubby wanted to work with some weights so we've been doing Jillian Michaels together. We finished the 30 Day Shred and now we're on week 2 of Ripped in 30. I never imagined I would feel DOMS from a video work out but oh yeah! they're there! We'll continue with Ripped until we leave for our Christmas Vacation on Dec 19. I plan on lifting again when we return in January. Maybe we can start at the same time? Although I'm going to be gone to Denmark for most of February so I might be playing catch up!

    As for home weights, awhile back costco had a set starting at 10lbs all the way up to 30lbs that was about $200. Great place to start! It included the rack to place them on as well. I haven't even touched the 30lb ones yet - my step ups on level 7 were 25s. Do you have a Physique Fitness in Calgary? I bought a small bar with 17.5kg weights (plus some extra 10s) - I think that was $100 or so and a cheap squat rack and that's what I use. I don't have the room for a full oly size bar and I can't imagine ever getting to the point that my little bar won't hold that much weight. I also have a functional trainer with the pulleys but that one was a little pricey - more like $1500 but you can do the workouts without one. If I only had the money for one purchase, I'd go with the bar and weights however, I quickly got to the point where I could no longer lift the bar over my head and needed Wes to help me. I got the squat rack for Valentine's day :) Before I got the Costco weights, I only had 10s and 12s and they worked just fine for everything else. you do quickly out grow them tho. Let me know what you get :)

    Where are you going on your honeymoon? How exciting!!

    How was the workout today Jen?
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Pretty good! I'm beat so I'm stumped trying to remember my numbers. Deadlifts w/ rows I kept at 65 and only did 8 in each set instead of 10, given how badly I overdid it last time; I can already feel my mid-back tightening up again. I managed to do my pushups largely w/o my knees on the ground (wahoo!) and I used 20 lbs for the reverse lunges. I didn't do any intervals--no time.

    I forgot to tell you that I realized the book didn't call for intervals--just the worksheets! Not that it hurts any, I just thought it was funny that I was doing more exercise than I needed to.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Further proof that exercise doesn't kill you ;) Is it doing anything for the scale?

    Ripped it this morning although my tris still hurt! My arms are really tired now. It was a good workout but I'm looking forward to getting back to lifting.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Forgot to mention - there's a retirement in the office and we're having his lunch today. Marble Slab for dessert! Sometimes it's so hard to be good o:) Maybe if I skip the lunch and just have dessert?? ;)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'd totally eat that cake. Course, I just had a butterfinger mini, so I'm not a great barometer for sugar-related decisions.

    Scale's stable, so I"ll take it! It fluctuates inside a 5 pound window. Works for me.

    Sorry your arms are so tired. I might try to get to the gym tomorrow before the snow flies--we're looking at about a foot, from what I gather, so I'll need functional muscles for Thursday. :disappointed:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    We, too, are expecting snow Thursday - about 4in worth. But we still have to work - we already had our thanksgiving holiday :)

    Marble Slab is actually ice cream! I guess it must be a Canadian thing? I had chocolate mixed with vanilla, with peanuts, m&ms and crushed oreos, with chocolate and caramel sauce on top :):):) Oh yum! Probably my entire intake for the day. Lunch was steak, chicken a bunch of salads, garlic toast - I passed on the potato tho - YAY ME LOL I missed some carbs o:) I more than made up for it with the ice cream unfortunately - but it was soooo good!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Oh! Is it where they mush it up on the slab, mixing the stuff in? There are a few places here who do that, but I've never had it. Sounds like a delicious day! I ate ramen with frozen broccoli for lunch--not very glamorous!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    It was certainly delicious - 3150 cals for the day delicious :) Oops LOL
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Thanks for the tips. Going to see what Christmas brings. I have mentioned some adjustable dumbells and a 2 piece bench with a barbell and weights, hoping I could raise it enough to get my short body under for the back squats. I figure those items should get me started, I'll just be missing a lat pulldown as a main item but I'll make something work (maybe a bungee attached to the roof in someway...?). We are doing a southern Caribbean cruise, we leave for Puerto Rico next Saturday!
    I would definitely be down for a restart January, hopefully I will acquire some items to give it an attempt (I only have 3 and 8lb weights at home.. I left off using 30lbs for some presses by time I quit).
    Where are you headed Dec 19? Or just a stay-cation?

    Yesterday I played 2 rounds of volleyball and my abs are on fire! I forgot you could work up a sweat playing volleyball (our team is really rec but I subbed later the evening for another team). Going for my weekly run with a friend tomorrow.

    Anyway ladies, have a good evening.. I am getting motivated to leave work to do a Costco run :(
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    We're doing a southern caribbean cruise too! Out of Miami Dec 22 to Jan 2. Christmas and New Years on the ship. Can't wait! 24 more sleeps til we leave (but who's counting ;))

    Sounds like you've got a pretty good plan to get you started. I did see a bench with 100lb weights in the Canadian tire flyer on the weekend. It might have even been less than $100? Not sure.

    Do you run outside? Are you getting snow this weekend too? We're expecting anywhere from 20-30cm. That's 8-12 inches Jen :) and then the freezing cold sets in. Close to -30 for the lows. Brrrr can't wait to hit the sun and sand!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Snow starting today, although haven't seen it yet. I am running outside due to me being cheap and not wanting to do the gym thing. Maybe one day a treadmill will be on my list but for now it is decent temperatures and most people around are good with shoveling their walks.
    I think my friend's mom is on your cruise, or a very similar one. The dates and location line up. Cruises are the best!
    Broccoli in ramen, sounds delicious.