Starting Nov 1



  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Sometimes you just need a good ole box of Catholics ;)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    So I have an infection and am taking Bactrim. I'm glad I only have two doses left, as after dose three I've been feeling kind of gross when I take it. Nauseous, a little shaky. No fun. I think I may skip the gym until it's over tomorrow morning.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    iPad has a dictation function? Who knew? LOL

    You can't go wrong with Catholic cookies and cat food ;)

    So far so good - I've been able to stay away from Wes's germs. I'm sure I'd have picked it up by now if I was going to.

    I'm not sure I like high rep workouts - that usually means lower weights to be able to get it done. You don't progress quickly - although maybe the goal of supercharged is just to be stronger? I'll have to look at the books again. 4Life is pretty similar in the setup to Supercharged. Decision, decisions.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    well, after endless basic training you move into hypertrophy, which i'm guessing is lower rep/higher weight. but yeah, i'm with you--i feel like a sissy when I have to use 10 lb weights, but I can't do two sets, 15 reps each of lunges with shoulder press with anything heavier!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I guess whichever way we're doing it works because we have seen results!

    Nyxon got me a Garmin forerunner for my birthday :) Now that it's snowed there won't be any running outside until spring but I am going to compare the HR function with my polar to see if they're similar.

    Went out for breakfast and did some Christmas shopping. Now I'm going to veg in front of the tv for the rest of the day :)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Sounds like a good day. I put another hour into raking the backyard. Problem is, the grass is crazy long and the leaves are wet--it's a beast to get them out of the grass at all. So the whole thing is thus taking forever to do. THere's at least another hour to go out there but Ben really wanted me to come in so we could heat up leftover pizza for lunch for both of us before he had to leave. and now I should be grading, but my five minute break lasted about 45 as I moved laundry, cleaned litterboxes, made the bed, folder laundry, brought laundry downstairs, etc etc. You know how it goes.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Annnnd I put a lip balm in the dryer. Dammit. Appears to have only gotten on one piece of clothing, but that piece is one of bens good shirts. Here's hoping I can get it out! I soaked it in oxyclean spray and am now washing it on hot. I should have thrown some oxyclean in the washer but forgot. Next step if this doesn't eork will be to try to iron the goop out. And if that doesn't work, get some stain remover particularly for grease. Never a dull moment!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    That drives me insane when Wes leaves crap in his pockets! I keep any money that I find o:) With him it's usually packages of gum! I washed his iPod once - I could hear music when I was taking stuff out of the dryer - I'm surprised it still worked!
    The leave raking sounds nasty - I'd rather shovel snow!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I keep money, too :) lip balm was my fault, alas.

    I got up this morning, had my coffee and went to the gym for 8! I did basic training 1 b #3. I managed 75 lbs for my second set of 15-rep split squats (so 39, swapping legs halfway). I did the intervals at the end, too, and came home ravenous. I ate two pancakes, two small eggs, a small sausage patty. Hungry hungry!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    edited November 2014
    Morning ladies! Quick check-in before I start training my replacement this AM!

    Blue - I hope you had a lovely Birthday! I feel like I should get a head start on my Christmas shopping with the kiddo coming and all, but then realized that it'll probably give me a good excuse to get out of the house. That and stores keep crazy early/late open hours, which really could be a good thing when babe won't sleep ha ha. How sweet of Nyxon to get you such a nice gift! We aren't set to get snow, but are looking at the first hard freeze of the season here mid- week which is odd for us this time of year.

    Jen - UGHHHHH I hate that. I've done that several times. Up until a few weeks ago, David (don't think I've ever actually posted his name in here, weird) and I did our laundry separately. I will cook, clean do whatever, but I loathe laundry so I told him from the day we moved in together he would be doing his own ha ha. We've now started keeping a communal bin so I'll need to be a bit more careful. Luckily he works from home, so his "nice work clothes" are sweats.

    Had a pretty good weekend. Friday went out to our favorite Indian restaurant and then went and saw Interstellar. Saturday we tailgated and went to our local college football game, and then Sunday kinda vegged and broke out the new steam carpet cleaner I bought a few weeks ago. Man... I never could have imagined how dirty our stairs could be. SO GROSS. Definitely feeling the cleaning/walking in my lower back today, so looking forward to yoga tomorrow.

    Hope you ladies had a great weekend!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I was wondering what your hubby's name was LOL I don't think you ever have used it. Only Hubs :)

    Great numbers Jen - that's awesome. I'm sure you can do 100lbs! I checked out the differences between Supercharged and 4Life - they're pretty similar except 4Life is much shorter. But the workouts are set up exactly the same - rep for rep. I'm leaning towards Supercharged in that it's longer but we'll see.

    Did level 3 of the shred this morning. WOWZA!! It was tough! Lots of plyo type moves. I think I did more of the modified moves - poor Wes is still getting over his illness from last week and couldn't keep up at all. It's hard when you're 100% - pretty much impossible if you're not! Meg, I can see that being a great 'get back into it' program for you as soon as you're ready. Even if you don't do the weights - the movements are still tough!

    Happy Monday!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Yeah I think it will definitely be a good getting back into it program for sure. I'd like to couple that with couch to 5k... I'm actually REALLLLLLY looking forward to start working out again.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Thanks re: numbers! I am thinking I'll definitely at a PR day in here somewhere--maybe at the end of supercharged?--and see what I can do. BTW, he talks about 4Life as being many ways the same as Supercharged, so there you go.

    I never got to stage 3 of Shred. That video is brutal! If I were Wes I'd fake sick much longer than his actual sick lasts.

    Meg, I couldn't remember how often you pop up on the weekend and was asking Blue when your due date is--I was starting to wonder if the kid was on its way! Glad you had a fun, non-birth-giving weekend.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    sleepyjen wrote: »
    I never got to stage 3 of Shred. That video is brutal! If I were Wes I'd fake sick much longer than his actual sick lasts.

    HAHA - he stayed in bed this morning while I worked out. He did do it later and said it was tough but I wasn't there to witness how tough it was ;) Mine was brutal - I tweaked something in my shoulder doing those beloved (not) plank rows! I can't turn my head - shoulder checking while driving was a real challenge! So it looks like no more shred for me this week (darn??) but at least I can still ride the bike or I should be able to walk on the treadmill. I need to keep up some sort of workouts - I hit the sun and the sand in just over 5 weeks :D
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    ahhh sand and sun. I want to go! :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Come on with us then :) The more the merrier! We leave Miami Dec 22 - six weeks yesterday! I'll even volunteer to look after baby - plus the couple we're travelling with has a 14 year old daughter for the times we want to work out ;) (like THAT's going to happen!!)

    How long do you get for maternity leave? In Canada it's up to a year.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    US Maternity leave sucks so bad. I get 6 weeks paid (from disability leave), then I can use my vacation/sick time which will amount to roughly 1 month of pay. You have the option to take up to 4.5 months from work (which I am), but only 2.5 months of those will be paid for. I'm so jealous of Canada/Europe. It makes so much more sense!!! :s
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Having never done it myself :p I think mat leave here is paid at 60% with some companies topping that up. For such an 'advanced' country, the US really is far behind on some things! With Canada right behind them.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Yeah, honestly I wouldn't even mind not being paid (although man 60% for a year is awesome). It would just be nice to have the option to stay home and not lose your job. You miss so much in that first year.