Starting Nov 1



  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Our maternity leave policies suck, esp because they're hardly guaranteed like Canada's are. Here, it's employer by employer, in terms of whether you are paid for those 6 weeks or not.

    Yesterday was kind of a *kitten* day, so I had a beer and a meatball sub with french fries for dinner. Tasty, tasty feelings. I didn't get to rake in the afternoon as planned due to a long unexpected chat with a colleague at 330-4, after which it was getting dim from coming rain + nighttime dark. Alas. I'm up early today and off to the gym inside a half an hour. Today's going to be busy--I'm going to drive a few towns over this morning to pick up batting for the quilt I've been working on, and then run all the pieces--the top, back, and batting--to a quilt shop another town away to have them do the quilting on what's called a long-arm machine. I won't be able to get the quilt into my machine to actually do the quilting so I'm going to pay them to do it. That's around 10. It puts me back here for about 11, at which point I'll probably grab lunch and go to the workshop I've planned for noon. Then I have a 1p meeting, 4p therapist, and work to do in between. Busy busy.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Hhahaah, it censored me. S*H*I*T day.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Haha yah MFP doesn't like those swear words Jen - naughty naughty!

    Good luck with your day today, sounds like quite a bit of running around.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I'm not sure an employer has to guarantee you the SAME job after a year here, but they definitely have to guarantee you A job at the same rate as when you left.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Sigh, that's so nice... stupid US
  • mish26
    mish26 Posts: 60 Member
    This thread is really huge and I haven't read much, but is it ok if I jump in?

    I started the program Sunday, but didn't get to lift last night and won't tonight. We don't have a gym where I live, so I use the high school weight room. The problem with that is that I have to go at a time my husband (the Principal) can go with me. Looks like I'll only lift two days this week.

    Was anyone else super sore in the beginning? Did I maybe just lift too much?
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Welcome Mish - totally fine to jump in. We actually started this thread last November and since then have all pretty much finished the program. Jen is on to super charged, Blue is still trying to decide what to do and I am pregnant so there hasn't been much lifting for me the past few months!

    Definitely was sore in the start!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I was crazy sore at first. I still am from time to time, usually when I start a new stage/program/etc. The first few workouts of Supercharged made me very achy! I have one more left in Basic Training I and then I get to move on. I can do more than 2 workouts a week when my muscles aren't killing me!

    I didn't do the intervals today (was for a silly reason--I thought I was out of time but I wasn't) but upped my goblet squat to 40 lbs (I had a hard time holding it in my hands, though--might see if we have kettle bells somewhere in the gym), my standing forward row to 60 lbs, and I think everything else stayed the same. One more to go! One more to go!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Good job Jen!! I think I'd have trouble holding 40lbs too. Most I've ever tried is 25 for step ups and grip was an issue then.

    Welcome Mish - the more the merrier! I'm going to echo Jen and say that each stage brought on a different soreness which quickly went away (except for Stage 7 - I think I still hurt from that one LOL) I work out at home as I'm not a huge gym fan. I didn't need that much to get started either. I'm currently doing the 30 day shred with my hubby but looking to restart lifting again by the end of the month.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    My neck and shoulder still aren't 100% - driving is much better tho. I don't have to turn my whole body to shoulder check anymore :) I can still feel it if I move it in a certain way so no shredding for me this morning. I rode the bike instead.

    It's fricken freezing here - we went from a very pleasant fall - BAM right into snow and the deep freeze of winter! No gradual declines of temps - it was -20c overnight warming up to -15 - oh goody!! Our landscaping was this><close to being finished - now it's covered in a layer of snow :(
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Where'd everybody go?. :\
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Haha I was actually just thinking I needed to check in. I've been super busy at work this week training my replacement so unfortunately non-work related things take a back seat, BOO. I am still here though, and baby is still cookin away. Had a Dr. Appt. yesterday and I didn't show and progress from last week, although she says that's really no indication of timing. She estimates babe to be about 7.5/8lbs... super.

    So, on we go to week 39. Pretty much in a hurry up and wait status now. Have a bunch of date nights planned with David, so the next week should be fun at least! Boss is letting work a pretty flexible schedule next week which is nice too, so I anticipate a lot of naps in my future.

    Blue - that type of neck pain is the worst. You feel like such a gimp. Glad it's getting better, driving is the worst. It's cold for us here too, certainly not as cold as where you are. I hope your poor daughter got her furnace fixed!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Week 39?? The end is near! That's nice that your boss is till allowing you flexible hours while training your replacement. 8lbs? Ouch!

    I must have slept funny as my neck and shoulder hurt again :( I will see what it's like tomorrow but may not work out again until Monday. I was going to start lifting again on the 24th but I think we are going to try ripped in 30 instead. It's 4 weeks which will take us right to vacation. I will lift again when we get back.

    Another freezing day today but I had a 4 hour lunch with some friends I haven't seen in awile. It was so nice to catch up :)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Hey there! Sorry for the silence. The end of the week was crazy--yesterday morning I was sick (food poisoning?), then had three meetings followed by happy hour and dinner with some of my fellow instructors. Today I left at 730 to meet students and drive with them two hours for a field trip. Got back about 7p. I was planning on lifting yesterday but since I felt poorly, I didn't, and today I had no time. Whirlwind!

    How exciting you're so close, meg! I'm sorry your neck feels so awful. No fun at all.
    It was freezing here today, too. or, well, cold. We had a solid, hard frost overnight.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Oh Jen - food poisoning sucks! It always takes such a long time to feel 'normal' again. On the bright side, you get to start fresh after your involuntary cleanse LOL

    We started Ripped in 30 on Saturday - oh the DOMS!! I don't know what exercise it was but I'm still hurting this morning! After lifting and nothing during the 30 Day Shred, I was quite surprised to find some muscles that I haven't worked in a while :o It just goes to prove the old adage - change it up! Neither Wes or I were fond of the plyo moves in level 3 of the shred - we both prefer the weight moves over the cardio - so we moved on to Ripped. Ow, ow, ow! Didn't work out this morning after yet another sleepless night and oh, did I mention the DOMS? LOL We will stick with Ripped until our vacation (32 more sleeps!) and then I hope to lift again in January.

    So the one thing I noticed that has changed over the last year is my bra size! I'm having a heck of a time trying to find a bra that fits! I've been wearing the same size, same style for years (like 20) - my old ones are too big and the current ones in that style just don't fit :\ And if there's one thing I absolutely hate is bra shopping! They're so dang expensive - for what?? A teeny tiny piece of material??? OK rant over.

    Happy Monday!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Oh, I hear you on the pricy bras. You should try being an unusual size--34DD. Everything's hard to find and very expensive. I'm able to wear a D now, so that's opened some doors, anyway. At the very least you should go get measured. It's amazing how off we can be.

    Sorry you're in so much pain! I finished Basic Training I of supercharged today. My split squat weight I upped to 80 lbs and still managed 15 reps/each leg even after doing the same with 75! Rawr! I also did my second set of reverse lunge shoulder presses with 12. Going to feel that in the morning.

    I'm so excited--I have a meeting-free Monday! So rare! So I went to the gym, grocery shopping, and just ate breakfast (it's now 11 am). Next I'll go to Trader Joe's and maybe Target before starting my work for the day. Ben'll be out this evening so I have plenty of time to plow through it. Love being able to take Monday as a weekend, esp since I spent Saturday with students.

    Have a good day!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies! Still here :smiley:

    Jen- sorry about the food poisoning. I can't even remember the last time I've had that. Sounds like you had quite the end of the week last week. Thank goodness for your "easy" Monday. Look at you go with the weights! Whooo hooo. I used to be a 36DD... Do you have a Nordstrom Rack anywhere around you? I've had really good luck finding bras there that don't break the bank. The Rack sells online now too I think. Enjoy your Monday!

    Blue- ohhh Ripped in 30 sounds more fun than 30 day shred... maybe I should look into that one too. I'm also not a huge plyo fan. Sucks about the bras. I was actually surprised I didn't get much bigger during my pregnancy. The only thing that really changed for me was my rib cage expanded a bit so I went from a 36 to a 38. I really hate when designers change what I call "my old faithfuls." I've noticed a lot of bras almost look pointy lately... not sure what's up with that.

    Weekend was good. Went out with some friends on Friday night, had book club on Saturday and then hung out with my bestie yesterday. It was nice to just get some good quality friend time in. Work is going to be pretty boring this week. Letting the newb just take over everything to make sure she has it all down, which is great, but also means that I don't have anything to do myself ha ha. So, I will dominate the internet today :smile:

    Blue, I did have to laugh... the snickers you sent in the package are so tiny! Are those Canadian fun sizes? No wonder American's are fat haha.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I wouldn't call them 'fun' LOL they're far too small to be fun! But yes, that is Canadian Halloween candy. I down them usually 6 at a time o:) I kept way too many for myself and have been pigging out on weekends. One more weekend ought to get them all gone LOL

    I was wearing a 36B or C and the band size has definitely gone down to a 34 but both the B and C in my favourite style are too big in the cup. Have I gone down to an A???? Yikes! It's probably more like an A1/2. Or they've changed the style - jerks! It does seem that pointy boobs would fit the style much better LOL I guess I just have to bit the bullet and go shopping. Online ordering is not working out for me like I hoped :( Or maybe stick with pull over stretchy bras LOL

    BT1 down!! Good job Jen - those are some pretty nice numbers you're lifting! You'll be at 100 before you know it. Enjoy your meeting freed day! Other than a brief call this morning, I have a meeting free week (fingers crossed so as not to jinx it) so far.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Yay for no meetings. I Just finished cleaning my desk, so am officially out of things to do for the day today...
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    When is your last 'official' day?