Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Did you ever make it to the gym Jen?

    No workout for me this morning :( I was up at 12:30 and could not go back to sleep. I tossed and turned until at least 3:00 so when the alarm went off at 5 there was no way I was getting out of bed! Slept till 6 got up and came to work. Such a life LOL I'm feeling like a zombie today.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Yes. Um, what day...Saturday? a poor workout, as evidently having a beer around noon and a bunch of pizza and then hitting the gym at 4 is a weak combo.

    I am sorry you've caught my insomnia! I woke up at 545 today. Not as bad as last week.

    I went back to the gym today after yesterday's disaster (knee bad, long day, forgot gym bag). My knee only felt tweaky when I attempted jumping squats. 5 w/ 25lb dumbbells was bad, as was 5 with 15lbs. I put on my knee compression sleeve and was fine after that for the rest of my workout. I used the bike for intervals rather than running, as the pounding on the treadmill seemed like a bad idea.

    It's POURING here today. It was very icy this morning. Tonight's the university holiday party and then I'm meeting my first-year seminar instructors (I'm the director) at a pub afterward. Safe to say I will be over, calorie-wise, for the day!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    You jump squat with dumbells?? No wonder your knee hurts!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member

    Today I'm hoping to get some exercise in but it's raining again; i have to draft my final exam, copy it, get some blue books, and give it from 315-615. Then I run out to grab dinner and come back to show a movie to the students from 7-10. Busy day!

    How's the shred? I thought about dusting it off given the weather but then I remembered how much I hate it and most exercise videos.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi gals - was just on here checking in real quick and thought I would pop in and say hi. FB is definitely easier :)

    Jen - such a busy day. Good luck! And I agree with Blue - no wonder your knee hurts haha.

    I finally got on the scale today - 168.5 which is 18.5 pounds over my pre-preggo weight. I'm anticipating a few more pounds coming off in the next few weeks, and hoping that BFing will help with some of that weight too. Then in exactly 3 weeks (not that I'm counting) I can get the clear to workout.

    Hope you ladies have a great day!!! I'm hoping to get on the forums at least every other day.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    No shred for me since Monday - a couple of sleepless nights will do it! I'm not stressed but do have a lot on the go with the trip fast approaching (9 more sleeps :)) Once I'm awake it's nearly impossible to go back to sleep. At least this morning it wasn't until after 3 that I woke up. I did get a BWM in tho - just no logged exercise.

    I really like the first couple of stages of the videos where she does more with weights. The latter ones she does more plyo type moves which I'm not a fan of. We hardly picked up the weights at all in Week 3 of Ripped. We will finish it off before vacation but I'm really looking forward to lifting again in January.

    Meg, that's not a huge weight gain - you'll be back down before you know it!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Yep, 18.5 isn't bad at all. I'm looking forward to your presence again as a lifting commiserator :)

    I'm eating a danish for no good reason except I wanted a danish. probably a bad idea as I'm going to have to inhale dinner in three hours so I can show students a movie at 7. I'll save the last .25 of this danish for tomorrow!

    I took a very chilly walk this morning--it was drizzly, breezy and cold, but I soldiered on for 47 minutes listening to the podcast "Serial." Right now the kids are taking an exam and I'm watching them.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Supercharged Basic training 3 started today. Going to feel it tomorrow! It's arms and glutes-heavy. Rawr.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    GO JEN!!

    Unfortunately after a third sleepless night in a row I was in no mood for exercise :s I did have the best sleep between 5 and 6 tho! Really hated to get out of bed. Didn't really even have time for a BWM but did get some pushups in at least.

    I'll bet even Meg gets more sleep than I have been getting LOL
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Finally got a decent sleep last night! Hallelujah!! I woke up a couple of times - correction - Nyxon woke me up a couple of times but I was able to go back to sleep. Will do a BWM but no workout. I have my annual 'poke and prod' with the doctor this morning. Such fun! And a lunch with some friends from high school. Last time we met we stayed at the restaurant for nearly 4 hours! I guess we had a lot to catch up on ;)

    Have a great day ladies!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ugh Blue - sorry about the sleepless nights. Charlie is actually a pretty good little sleeper for being so little. He'll go about 4 hours, nurse, then another 3-3.5 hours. What I wouldn't give for 6 hours of straight sleep though. We've started introducing a bottle, so I think it's David's turn to wake up with him tonight or tomorrow night :smile: Glad you got some good sleep last night though, and good luck at the poke and prod hehe. Have fun at lunch!

    Jen - EVERYONE and their mom is talking about the Serial Podcast, I guess I'm going to have to start listening to it too. And really danishes are delicious so, eat on sister. Good luck with the Basic! Woot Woot.

    My knee is bothering me a lot these days. I realized what it was... I've had it before. It's called chondromalacia and essentially means the cartilage below my knee cap is disappearing or damaged. I need to be better about icing and stretching and doing some exercises. I am still hoping to get out for a walk today... we had crazy crazy wind storm last night and it's been gross and rainy out all week. Seems to be better for the next few days!

    I hope you guys have a great Friday and weekend. I'm really trying to make an effort to login on my computer at least every other day... still no logging (I probably won't for awhile) but it's nice to catch up and stay connected.

    Ps - if you want a "birth announcement" message me your address... they are pretty cute :smile:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    yes please!!!

    Drs apt went really well - he said I was down 11 lbs from last year?? WOW - I didn't think it was that much! In all fairness, my appointment last year was only days after getting back from a week in Vegas so last year's number was artificially high ;) But I'll take it LOL Had the apt been the week after my holiday this year, I'm not so sure the difference would be that much :)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    hey hey,

    I'm glad your appt went well, and sorry you're still not sleeping, Blue. And I'm sorry your knee is poorly, Meg! We all fall apart at once.

    I'm still achy from supercharged the other day; I took the day off from all exercise, save some running around we did looking for these rocks local artists have been painting and hiding around town. They post clues daily, and then people hunt for them. We found two today and were quite happy-we figured we'd be too late to the party, but we weren't!

    Down 11 from last year--way to go!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies, quick check in today.

    In-laws are finally gone WHOO HOOO. It has been a long long two weeks. Don't have much to report today, just wanted to come and say hi. I can't believe that Christmas is next week you guys, where the H did time go?

    Jen - that sounds like fun!

    Hope you guys have a good Monday :smile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'm still grading. I'm down to the big guys--two 20p independent studies. I'm thinking about printing them out and heading to a pub. I have the attention span of a gnat in the house.

    How nice to have the visit over! I don't know where the month has gone, either. Mysterious.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Welcome back Meg! I haven't seen you back on since I have returned.

    2lb weight gain from the cruise (I thought I did so good too). That totals almost 10 lbs since the August wedding.. I really need to start logging. Hopefully you do better at eating than I did Blue.

    Any luck on the sleep Jen?

    I have volleyball tonight then a jog on Wednesday again. My friend and I did 5km no stopping 2 weeks ago so I am hoping I didn't ruin that gain for myself.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Terrie 2 lbs is amazing! It will be gone in no time! I won't do nearly that well lol. I plan on Baileys in my coffee every morning, mimosas with breakfast and drinking by the pool all afternoon o:) and that doesn't even include the food and I've hit my cals for the day :) Hit my lowest low this morning :):) so at least I'll be starting off at a low number!

    I meant to ask, Meg, how the visit with the in laws went. That seemed to last a long time.

    Jen that rock hunting looks cool. Did you get a workout in today?
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I'm so excited - my 'second son' and his family are visiting today :):):) I haven't seen Oliver since he was 9 months old (he'll be 3 in March) and Cooper was just born Oct 1. There will be a little bit of squishage going on LOL but I promise to let them breathe :) They haven't gone to see Santa yet so I may just suck it up and go to the mall with them. Malls may be my favorite place but not at this time of year. I did the majority of my shopping online this year. SOOO much easier!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Woohoo, have fun!

    I didn't get any exercise yesterday but I did finish all my grading; today I got into the gym in the morning, submitted my grades by 10, and solved a handful of other work issues before coming home. I've got laundry going, put Christmas lights up outside to surprise my husband (we're waaaaaaay behind this year!) and will head out in an hour to celebrate Hanukkah with the fam (my cousin married a woman who is Jewish, so now they do both traditions!) I'm tired but it's a good day.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Sounds like a great day! I'm just waiting (not so) patiently for them to arrive :)