Starting Nov 1



  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    The run was good Jen. 4km, husband had trouble keeping up but didn't do too bad considering he has never in his life ran further than 1km.

    Do you have someone to run with in Denmark Blue?

    Continuing with 30DS, moved onto Level 2. So many planks! My abs aren't ready for them so they still feel like they work my arms more than anything (miss that about NROLFW, by time I got to planks, my abs felt the brunt of it like they are supposed to).

    5lbs is a great loss Chris!

  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I brought workout clothes on my vacation! I used one set to walk about, and then the warmer stuff for the time at the volcano/biking down. I wanted to walk more, but since I bit it on the bike my leg hurt the remaining full day. Bah!

    I did a plain plank today for only 30 seconds and my arms were a tad shaky--I haven't done one in so long! I felt kind of pathetic.

    Good on your husband, Terrie! BTW, you should join us on FB. When we vanish from here we're sometimes there.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    When is your DRs appt Chris? Hopefully you will have good news for him (you finally quit!) and he will have good news for you!

    After being a sloth most of the weekend I had no trouble getting out of bed and working out this morning. YAY - hopefully the funk is gone and I will be up and at 'em every morning this week. I have to get my weight back under control. This last vacation really threw it for a loop! I got in lots of steps every day and I was pretty good on the food - ate normal portions and stocked up on veggies at the buffet, but it was the drinks that killed me. Having gone the last couple of years having drinks only on special occasions to drinking 3 or 4 a day (or more? LOL) for two weeks straight did me in. All that sugar after cutting out most sugars for 4 months prior is wreaking pure havoc on my system. At least I won't be drinking a ton in Denmark - I'm really going to watch it and hope for the best. I'm actually thinking of bringing my runners! It will be cool while we're there - lows at freezing and highs just above. Perfect running weather for me. Even if I run a couple of times a week that's better than nothing. I say this now LOL We'll see what happens when I'm actually there! I tend not to waste room in the suitcase for workout clothes LOL

    January 28...tick tock ... I have no joy in going to that appointment lol I did wear a patch yesterday (smoked some) and I have one on today... fingers crossed. So far so good.

    So I have discovered that I have the opposite problem than most humans.. I don't eat enough on the weekends... Sat and Sun left me with 500+ cals on the table. Saturday I ate a yummy apple tartlet thing but yesterday I didn't even hit 1200... I don't know why, I have always been busier on weekends I guess (not chained to my desk) so I sporadically eat...
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    My hubby will run with me in Denmark Terrie - we may even convince Aaron to run with us too, although I'll likely be too slow for him. He is a professional hockey player after all ;) Good on your hubby for keeping up to you! And running the whole distance! 4k is a comfortable run for me that usually takes me about 28 min. If I can do that a couple of times while we're gone, I'll be happy.

    Lots of plank style moves in Level 2 - very effective! I remember being sore after the first couple of times. And my arms were very tired!

    Christina, do you try to average your foods out over the week if you have such low weekends? Yeah, I don't have that problem at all! Weekends are usually when I can pack away a large bag of jalapeno kettle chips :) And way over calories. But kettle chips have no sugar ;)
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    My hubby will run with me in Denmark Terrie - we may even convince Aaron to run with us too, although I'll likely be too slow for him. He is a professional hockey player after all ;) Good on your hubby for keeping up to you! And running the whole distance! 4k is a comfortable run for me that usually takes me about 28 min. If I can do that a couple of times while we're gone, I'll be happy.

    Lots of plank style moves in Level 2 - very effective! I remember being sore after the first couple of times. And my arms were very tired!

    Christina, do you try to average your foods out over the week if you have such low weekends? Yeah, I don't have that problem at all! Weekends are usually when I can pack away a large bag of jalapeno kettle chips :) And way over calories. But kettle chips have no sugar ;)

    no I don't try to average it lol some nights during the week I will be over on calories just because we may have to grab pizza, mcdonald's or something on go depending on schedules...

    see I am weird... I knew it :D
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Where are you guys on facebook, a group?
    Visiting a friend for her 30th today, long 3.5 hour drive times 2 will means no work out today. I could use the break, I only did volleyball yesterday without 30DS. I don't know if it is weather or what but my head had been killing me lately!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies.

    Not much to add here but wanted to pop in and say hi. My kid is driving me bananas these days... He had his 2 month appt yesterday and had his shots so he's been less than pleasent. We are also having to change up his sleeping habits (was using a vibrating chair) so he can fall asleep on his own... Sigh.

    I think I'm going to wait until February first to start paying close attention to what I'm eating... And probably start working out then as well. Just can't get into that mindset quite yet.

    Blue - I love running in different places! When I lived in Spain I ran all the time, although got several weird looks from people there as that wasn't very common.

    Clam - I have the opposite issue, weekends are where I overdo it!

    Terrie - we're friends on fb and have a constant message thread going. Feel free to friend me on fb (Megan Ramaley Fisher).

    Jen - I don't even think I could do a ten second plank yet :)
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    lol just don't pay attention to my facebook posts... most are about my 7yo diva child... LOL
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Christina's posts are most entertaining :) Her daughter is going to write a book and buy a castle :)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    YOU LIVED IN SPAIN? Hot damn, Meg!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Christina's posts are most entertaining :) Her daughter is going to write a book and buy a castle :)

    yeah thats the new goal LOL she asked me last night "how much is a castle mommy... like a billion?" LOL

    lord help me....
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    sleepyjen wrote: »
    YOU LIVED IN SPAIN? Hot damn, Meg!

    Somehow I missed that! WOW! When and for how long? and why? How did you end up there?

    Now I see the post where baby is a little fussy. Poor little guy - or I guess I should say poor Mom! It's pretty hard to focus on your own needs when you're still trying to figure out his. Is he a pretty good baby otherwise? Taking him to the mall (if it's still not nice enough to take him out) and pushing him around burns calories - even if that's all you do. My problem would be staying out of the stores ;)

    Got a NR workout in this morning YAY I finally feel back on track. Still not back to my pre-vacay weight yet but at least it's getting closer! I wish I could whoosh but my body doesn't seem to do that. I guess I have to take the .2s and the .4s when they come.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Ok. I've added meg. I am terrie kostiw on fb.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    terrie_f wrote: »
    Ok. I've added meg. I am terrie kostiw on fb.

    lol you should be able to find us under Meg's friends LOL
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Terrie I was trying to stalk your wedding photos but you haven't posted an album yet!! The one's you're tagged in are awesome! Beautiful location! Was it Canmore? Loved your dress!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I lived in Spain in college (studied abroad) for 6 months. So amazing, I want to go back so badly.

    Charlie is getting back into his normal happy go lucky grove for the most part. He has his moments, but honestly I feel pretty lucky. He slept almost 7 hours last night! We went to mom and baby yoga today and we had a new teacher who was awesome. She made it more of a flow class and used the baby for some strength moves... I think my arms will feel it tomorrow. I also waked quite a bit today, almost 4 miles!

    Blue- good on you for the workout!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    That's awesome Meg. There are so many things I wish I had done when I was younger! Like spending an extended time abroad, work on a cruise ship etc. Now that I'm old(er) and have too many responsibilities it's just not as easy. I have to wait for retirement. Hopefully that will come sooner than later LOL I look at Aaron and the places he's lived - Germany, the Netherlands and now Denmark - I'm so jealous! I'm glad he got the opportunity to do what he's doing. Bonus, I guess, is that I get to visit him in these places :)

    How are the arms today? Mom and baby workouts sound like fun - as long as baby cooperates :)
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Thanks. It was Lake Louise. We should hopefully get all the pics back next week, then maybe I will post more.

    Day 2 of 30DS Level 2.. made me realize how much I hate 30DS, can't wait to lift again! I don't feel like I have gotten anywhere, I guess it has only been 2 weeks but I could see improvements after 2 weeks of NROLFW.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Greetings! Glad to hear Charlie's letting you sleep, Meg! New babies are tough!

    I did Basic Training 4/B yesterday. It went pretty well; I didn't really up any weight, but I didn't drop much of any, either, which is sometimes the case when I do something for a second time and my muscles are fatigued. I just got back now from run/walking for a half an hour. Now I need to probably get some work done, though I'd like to loaf :)

    Happy Thursday!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Totally mediocre workout today. I had a feeling I didn't have enough in my stomach to work with, and by 2/3 of the way through I was shaking and called it a day. Sad! I got some good lifts in, just not enough.

    The mister, because he attends a proper gym and has a trainer, informed me today that he's put on 3.5 lbs of muscle since starting his workout/lifting program. I'm so happy for him! I'm also wondering what my numbers would be, had I had numbers from last November when this started. He's lost 2% body fat. I'd like to think I've lost a bunch, but who knows. The measuring calculators seem ineffectual, since parts of my body have grown with muscle addition (see: *kitten*). Alas! We'll never know.

    Now if only my stomach fat would hit the road. I feel kind of stuck in that department. I suppose I'd have to do a cut, but I'm not eager to do that at all. :P