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Jo's Packing It On Journal!



  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Only thing my gym has from your list is the one smith machine LMAO
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Only thing my gym has from your list is the one smith machine LMAO

    LOL LA Fitness had like 3 or 4 I think. For the size of the gym it was ridiculous.

    I want to go around and take pictures of my gym because it makes me happy LOL.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Let's see.

    Sick last week- really put me behind AGAIN.
    1/6 dance + dead lifts + accessory
    1/7- nothing
    1/8- nothing
    1/9- sick
    1/10- sick
    1/11- sick 2-3 hrs dance (some technical- some work)
    1/12- still sick- dance + did squats- moderately happy did 6 sets of 5/6 reps- these should come up faster + accessory
    1/13- still funky+ 1.5 hr dance + back. I LOVE back work- it makes me happy.

    Plan for this week
    1/14- still funky- + deads- not holding my breath for today
    1/15- off
    1/16 probably off - maybe chest- I'm off a day
    1/17- front squats= maybe dance- I gotta thing that night though!!!
    1/18- detail day- shoulders/bi's/tri's/calves + dance
    1/19- back + dance

    need to get back into the diligence of logging- I have a pretty good idea of what I eat- and I know I'm not crazy over or under- but still- need to be better about- I've been very hit or miss since I moved and there is no reason for that!
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Get back on it, girlie!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Cranky jo is cranky.

    I need lots more rest- I'm starting to think that is a big issue for me.

    Let's see- schedule got shuffled-

    so Monday was back- loved it- had a great work out
    Tuesday was deads- I'm finding my music theory class makes me late- at best I get to the gym at 10 PM- giving me just shy of an hour- it's not thrilling- but whatever- I'm making it happen. I did Deads- and some OHS.
    Wed- Off
    Thurs- I'm thinking I'm going to pop in and do some light work tonight and then call it early. We'll see.

    Interesting note- Over Head Squats- use it or lose it!!! my mobility is shot on those-
    4 sets x 5 alternating
    Bar- body weight- Bar- body weight

    Got on the scale- doesn't appear to have moved much- looks like 164. Thinking I might start HGOMAD. (Half Gallon!!!) and just ****ing go for it- buy 2 more dresses at TJmaxx- or some leggings and ****ing call it on wearing cute clothes. I'm searching a downloadable wrap dress pattern- fu*k trying to fit into clothes.

    lifts are disappointing me too- I am feeling stuck on 225. 245 seemed like a momentous task to pull 3-4 times. I'm trying to drop my weight and do more reps for size- but it's killing me. grumgle- I think more rest. I need more rest. more rest- and more food I suspect.
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    Saw it in another post, and dang your schedule is crazy busy. I can definitely see why you'd need more rest.
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    huge vote of sympathy here, there never seems to be enough time to get all the lifts in and get enough rest. I just spent an infuriating hour trying (and failing) to low box squat 42.5kg/94lbs. My legs were just too tired, even though I have not done legs for a week. :mad:

    Is there anything you can do to get more rest in?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Saw it in another post, and dang your schedule is crazy busy. I can definitely see why you'd need more rest.

    LOL- yeah I make some bad choices- and sleep gets sacrificed first- there is no question- it's a nicety to me- not a necessity.
    huge vote of sympathy here, there never seems to be enough time to get all the lifts in and get enough rest. I just spent an infuriating hour trying (and failing) to low box squat 42.5kg/94lbs. My legs were just too tired, even though I have not done legs for a week. mad

    Is there anything you can do to get more rest in?

    aw!!! that sucks- I was sucking wind at mine- and it was just very much ALL WRONG ALL WRONG ALL WRONG- and there is a point where you gotta pull the plug on the lift- and say eff it I'm going to hurt myself. LOL Hopefully next week will be better!!!

    If I get more sleep- I give up something else.

    I had an interesting journal entry last week (I am not consistent but I try to write thoughts down when they come to me as a self evaluation moment/revelation)

    and I got very short tempered because I lost my phone- which I KNEW I picked up- I made myself 10 minutes late because I couldn't find it.
    This ment 2 things.
    1.) short term memory issues
    2.) short temper issues

    I had put the phone hidden in my center arm consol thing because I moved my car closer to my front door- let it warm up- let the phone it but since it's a high traffic area- I didn't want i tout in the open for someone to just take.

    Then I couldn't find it.

    So I was pissed because I couldn't find it and I am VERY angry when I get like that. Very- like unreasonably ragey so... and then I finally realized I had left it somewhere safe.

    Just sigh- and I think a lot of that has to do with that lack of sleep- I sacrifice for what I love and I sacrifice important things- it bears evaluation for sure.

    Change in plans today because of my BF- I'm hoping to get my lift in- when he stays an extra day it ****s my schedule all up.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    So the business continues as usual.

    My schedule was off for sures this week but that's okay.

    I had a private dance lesson Friday- so no gym.

    1/18: Back Saturday
    1/19: Chest/shoulder Sunday- included some OHP
    1/20: Monday Dead/OHS/Box Jumps/Walking Lunges/Dance night
    Goal is to hit shoulders tonight or light chest- not sure.

    I'm falling woefully short on food- I am officially starting my version of GOMAD today- I put down 2 large pilsner glasses last night- just shy of a half gallon- so I put 60 oz. It was a lot for one sitting. so here we go- full force ahead with the lifting
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    LOL for a moment there when you said "Pilsner" glasses I thought your version of GOMAD was actually a GOBAD :laugh: I've also turned to milk as an easy-to-get-down and high-protein supplement. I was never a big milk drinker but lately I go through it pretty darn quick!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    LOL for a moment there when you said "Pilsner" glasses I thought your version of GOMAD was actually a GOBAD :laugh: I've also turned to milk as an easy-to-get-down and high-protein supplement. I was never a big milk drinker but lately I go through it pretty darn quick!

    OMG I'd die!!!! LMAO

    but seems like a great thing to try ;) wink wink nudge nudge!!!!

    speaking of HGOM..... I need mine. I only had six eggs and bacon's with three cookies today for food. Man i'm TERRIBLE with food when I'm left at home to my own devices- I eat NOTHING at home. I just drink coffee!!!

    Woot- chest day today
    Benched a solid 135 5 x 5- elbow only a little shakey - could have gone heavier but a. not trying to blow ye old elbow out- and b. I have no spotter and didn't want to ask. I hate asking for bench spots- I will but since I hate bench... I hate asking for a spot. Maybe in two weeks if the elbow is feeling better should see some gains- and can push 150.

    Superset Four sets
    5 (each arm) DB decline SL push ups
    8 Flat DB fly

    cable decline fly
    cable fly
    deep straight tricep dips

    Then about 45 minutes of dance.

    was a good day I think for a day off- spent the rest of the day beading my project. woot. woot.
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Your bench :love:

    Doing badass!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    aw thanks. makes me a little sad. My stupid elbow is giving me fits. But slowly and surely I'll stake plates on there!!!

    it's definitely a process!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Alright- so last up date was Wednesday.

    Still feeling fat. boooooooo I want leggings- moar leggings. and wrap dresses- because they are easy and I really want to stop wearing pants.

    Friday- Danced at work- so about 30 minutes of high energy stuff. Makes for a long night- but had fun. Got home at 1:30 AM
    Saturday- Danced- had a project we were working on- also a long day -at the studio from 4 PM to 11:30 PM.
    Sunday- Back- had a great back work out- pull ups are feeling stronger- but still not thrilled. I feel like progress is slow.
    - OHP- BB Rows- Press Downs/Lats- all the numbers here are creeping up- slowly- but I am seeing progress. This makes me happy.

    I got more rest last week which was good- I am still exhausted- I need more sleep. I'm debating gym tonight or no.. I'd like to start putting a third rest day in- or spacing them better- but the problem is I am not sure I'll have time tomorrow to do a full dead lift program- I need moar time!

    My new gym is much slower than my old gym right after work- I might be able to get a full work out in today after work- not sure. I should try it instead of just assuming I can't.

    I'm more consistent with tracking lately- I'm still low a few hundred- but I'm really trying to push it further. Closer to 3000- so even if I"m under -it's not a crisis.

    So I need squats this week- I don't think that happened last week- bad jo

    April seems so far away- I can't wait to cut again! I love eating all this food - but damn. it's expensive and I don't like how I feel!
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Good job on getting those lifting numbers up. I would indeed pay attention to get adequate rest though.... Sometimes more rest has a better effect then more lifting!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Good job on getting those lifting numbers up. I would indeed pay attention to get adequate rest though.... Sometimes more rest has a better effect then more lifting!

    Indeed. I think I'm going to force a more even space- I lifted Sunday- and Monday- probably take today off- sleep and then lift tomorrow and Thursday- I'd like to lift Friday- but I have to work Friday night- so I am 90% certain I won't have time.

    Felt solid last night
    6 x 5 of 205 deficit dead lifts.
    Box jump combo plyo thing. was good.

    I think I got 5 hrs of sleep- was kind of poopy Got in to it with the BF over money -and then something else and it made me cranky- and when I'm cranky I don't want to sleep. so feeling frustrated about that.

    But it is what it is- going to keep pressing forward!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    So I took Tuesday off- and because BF had to work yesterday (typically he is off) and didn't get to me till almost 9 PM- I had the chance to go work out- so I got an even space WOOT WOOT.

    So I did a quick chest work out last night- Chest is my weakest day- I dont' like it- I don't enjoy it I definitely work- but I am always feeling lack luster like it's not enough. which is really annoying.

    Bench- 5 x 5 at 135 and 145

    Super set
    Flat Fly 4 x 8 at 20
    Staggered elevated decline push ups 5 on each arm

    4 x 8
    Cable decline fly 60/50
    Cable fly 70/80

    I want to change some things here- this takes me about 45 minutes- and I just am completely unsatisfied with it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Rant rant rant....

    TL:DR- I'm PMSING and hate EVERYONE.

    I'm not sure where else to rant- but since this is a mini journal for me- I'm ranting here.

    I'm on - whatever 3 month cycle BC. it's great- I only have to deal with this every three months now instead of ever 28 days. GO ME.

    But one of the original reasons I went on the pill was to help iron out my raging hormonal anger issues. Which happen about 2 days before I start TOM. I'm pretty sure at this point it's not working- but I'm willing to take the trade of now only having to deal with this ever other couple months rather than every month.

    I'm super epic Cranky Mc-Cranky pants today. And last night. and mostly through today. Wildly annoyed. Anyway- darling BF is here for Wed night/Thursday day- and leaves this morning.

    Wed was fine- got home from work yesterday - everything was fine- had a nice hot bath- wine- candles- had a good time. Midlly annoyed because I asked him if he worked out the day before and he was like yeah. I said what did you do.
    <you know a work out>

    does that

    So I pressed him a little more on it- and he was like- push ups and bicep curls.


    Seriously? that's it- that was your work out? really? asl;kjdfl;adskjf;aslkdjf

    I realize you don't want to go to the gym- and I realize you like working out at home- but that doesn't mean we can't talk about it at all. I get so annoyed that he won't talk to me about it- I love talking about working out- and it's like he refuses. I swear to god if I had to do this all over again- there is absolutely NO WAY I would ever date or be involved with someone who doesn't like to work out or talk about it.

    Anyway- At some point- he decides he is going to go get dinner stuff to make food. But he really wants to make this dragon tail soup- it's the tomato bisque from Medieval Times.

    Great. Tasty soup.

    But that was dinner. That's what he wanted for dinner.
    Anyway- he comes back- like an hour later... how the *kitten* long does it take you to purchase like 6 ingredients for soup? seriously.
    And buys the wrong effing kitty liter- the crappy kind - super dusty- none clumping- just crappiest (pun intended) liter EVER. I'ts fracking useless.

    So I go take care of the liter- and it's so dusty- now my hoody and everything on me smells.

    I'm down stairs and he comes down and goes- my car isn't really drive-able- I have to go get this stuff for the slave cylinder. I was like- fine take my car then... like you need my permission to use my car- and if yours isn't usable- what else are you going to do?

    so just fricking take the damn car.

    anyway- so I've just deiceded to give up- he does the car thing- stays up and makes soup.

    That's his fricking idea of dinner. Soup.

    tomato bisque soup.

    now- it's delicious- sure- but soup. that's IT. SOUP.

    THE *kitten*. EVEN SMALL CHILDREN KNOW YOU NEED A PLATE FULL OF THINGS- NOT JUST ONE THING. like- where the epic hell is the protein?


    So pissed.

    whatever- I went to bed before he even got back- so yay me- early to bed!! was like 9? maybe? didn't get to sleep for at least 20 minutes or so.

    He got back and started making soup- woke me up and gave me some around 1030 I guess. It was good- but now he woke me up and just for soup- not steak- or ice cream. fricking soup.

    So I went back to bed and let him clean up the kitchen where I"m sure he made a mess. Whatever- big fat plate of not my problem.

    Even more wildly annoying- woke up super late- what the hell is the point of going to bed fu*king early if you still wake up late???

    Then my project bag- all my seed beads had spilled everywhere. are you F*CKING KIDDING ME.

    Can't find my music.

    Oh- and no food for lunch because all that's in my fridge is fricking soup.

    Fortunately one of the ladies is going to get hoagies- so we are splitting one.

    I'll have to make nice with the BF at some point- but I'm still grumpy.

    I'm trying to kill my PMS with oreo's at work- since I don't have any other food source besides fricking tomato soup for the moment.

    Thursday- rest day
    Friday -Dance tonight (work)
    Saturday- I'm supposed to go see him- but I'm on the fence. it's his birthday and I'm still cranky- I don't want to make this about me and my cranky- but I also don't want to be the *kitten* girlfriend who doesn't support him on his birthday.

    sigh- lose lose situation it feels like. oh well I guess. :(
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Got my Pre-Game squats on yesterday- did
    Two sets of each weight with descending reps 115, 135, 155 and 175
    Then I did a 5 minute HIIT session with alternating plyometric lunge jumps and tuck jumps. Killer.

    Bought some new pant legging things in an effort to be more comfortable. Is hard being thicker at this point. I'm seriously starting to consider calling it off at 4 months because I have some very expensive dance costume's that I can't keep altering. Verdict will be decided mid February when I take a trip to the bellydance store. I can't be buying a full size up- 400+ dollar costumes are hard to alter.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    let's see
    Sunday- Squats- felt pretty solid except my 175's- those kind of blew but whatever.
    Monday- Off
    Tuesday- Back and deltoids day- felt really good- hard but good.
    Wednesday- Deads, box jumps- walking lunges- ghetto hammy raises and light over head squat.
    Thursday OFF
    Friday- maybe chest- maybe front squats- not sure. hate chest- don't want to do it.

    Edit- hopped on ye'ole scale- looked like it was 167.

    I'm thinking of pulling the plug on this for end of February. I cannot afford to grow out of my costume's and I'm looking to drop under 160 in the next year- so putting on even more is just not reasonable. Dance costume's are very expensive and I take a pretty big hit when I cannot resell them. :/ So I am just thinking it's NOT realistic. But I think 7-10 lbs is a nice bulk and I've put on some size- so interested to see how the cut goes- I'll wait till march though and see what's what. :D