30 Day Shred and Nordic Skiing

Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
Hello Shredders,

Let the torture begin. I've set up a separate thread for all the moaning and groaning about our daily dose of Jillian and the ski track. We've done it before so we can do it again and we all know, No Pain, No Gain. I have a slightly dodgy knee at the moment so I'm a little bit apprehensive. I just woke up with a painful knee last Wednesday - I think the husband must have kicked me in the night lol. Anyway, I'm hoping it won't be too troublesome but I'll have to be careful. I'd better go and find my Jillian DVD as I haven't seen it for a while, it'll be covered in dust somewhere!

See you all tomorrow!


  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Thanks for setting this up and for including the Nordic skiing which I intend to do daily as I have posted about my 100 day challenge. However, it may be unrealistic to do both on every single day although I mean to do so as frequently as possible. Sorry to hear about your knee and think you are wise to start carefully. Last time I did Jillian I made my one hip worse so I too am being careful. Let the games begin!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Shredders!! I think you are all delightfully crazy to put yourselves through this again!! lol x x I wish you all well and as usual will be cheering you on from the sidelines!
    BM x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    Day 1 - done!

    It really wasn't as bad as I remembered and I'm much better at the cardio than I was when I started last time. I managed that section with ease so that 22 miles of swimming must have had quite an effect on my fitness levels. I struggled a bit with the side lunges and pull in the last strength section as my knee wasn't happy with it. I had to modify that but all things considered it went rather well!

    Really can't say I enjoy it though.

    BM, lovely to have you on the sidelines, but why don't you commit to doing Rosemary's 15 minute salsa workout while we do the Shred? I am absolutely positive that you would enjoy it once you got used to it. Getting your feet in a tangle is part of the fun and it definitely helps whittle the hips down.

    Be good Shredders
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    ps Bracken, of course it is unrealistic to do both every day but I'm sure you'll manage to do something most days xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Day1 and I did do a bit of Shredding (actually I am using my Jillian's Biggest Losers:Last Chance Workout) and some Nordic Skiing - I only do about 10 minutes at the moment but it gets intense quite quickly.. The Jillian was a bit of a shock. I remember that when I last was doing it, before I left it for other summer activities, I felt it was quite easy. Today- not so much. The cardio wasn't the issue- more the feeling of using all sorts of muscles I apparently have not been using. So what muscles am I using for walking, riding, biking, gardening...? The other disconcerting discovery was that I really do have some real soreness in my left arm and hand, mostly around the wrist. I've been sort of ignoring this soreness which has gone on for several weeks. I know how I got it. I fell off my horse when he shied suddenly when we were riding in the field. That was the first I have fallen in 3 1/2 years. It was not Briar's fault- he is usually bombproof. But we were riding along the edge of the field near a woods. There was apparently a flock of wild turkeys in the undergrowth and their gobbling was unexpected. (These wild turkeys were re-introduced to our province only a dozen years ago, mainly on the impetus of hunters. Everyone said at first that they were a very shy bird and you would never see them. Now they have flourished and become very bold. I have seen them at the stable within twenty feet of the owner's back door, looking for food at the birdfeeder.) Anyway, I think I tore some ligaments. When I went to do a modified pushup, I found I could not bear my weight on the left hand. I had had bruising on my thumb but it has gone but I guess I have been ignoring the discomfort when my arm is used in certain positions. However, I am certain it has not been broken so I'll have to avoid a couple of Jillian moves for awhile. (This certainly counts as a moan, LMV, so thanks for the forum!)
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    Day 2 - done!

    Wasn't quite so easy this morning as I knew what was coming next. Also, when she says "Just a couple more" I knew she didn't mean it and that there were at least 10 more! I got through it OK though.

    Bracken, well done on giving the Last Chance training a go. From what I've seen on Biggest Loser the last chance stuff is HARD! I'm a bit worried about your wrist though. Have you had it checked out? If you haven't, I think perhaps you should. I also know what you mean about the muscles as well. When I got up this morning, although I wasn't actually aching anywhere, I could feel that I had used my whole body and that my muscles had been worked. I don't know if it is a coincidence as I've had plenty of exercise recently with the swimming, but I slept really well last night

    Keep Shredding Shredders!

  • Morning Shredders!

    Well busy, busy lady that I am schlipkrapfen making - I didn't get the chance to post yesterday but have no fear; as my potatoes were cooling I was dashing off to complete day 1 of the dreaded Shred!

    Decided to go slowly (fearful of the back) as with this particular DVD I believe 'it's not how you start but how you finish' so I used only 1kg hand weights to ease myself back into the moves. But like you LMV I too was pleasantly surprised at the cardio sections thinking back to last year and the red face and the sweat dripping off me - I didn't struggle. I did wonder if I'd be in as much agony as I was the first time round with my thighs, when I could hardly walk for the next 4 days without squealing but I stumbled out of bed as normal. However I am aware across my chest that I was doing press ups (modified) yesterday which is not something i would ever do by choice!

    However it's day 2 and I shall be at it again later with my 1.5kg weights. And unlike you LMV - I absolutely loved every moment!!! BRACKEN - I agree with LMV I think you should have your wrist looked at too. Right next batch of potatoes are calling...
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    "And unlike you LMV - I absolutely loved every moment!!!"

    MITM there is something seriously wrong with you!!
  • Oh boy, am I beginning to regret those earlier comments....

    Day 2 of the Shred completed using 1 1/2kg weights this time round. Since when did jumping jacks hurt so much?! Not because of my stamina or legs but the lifting of my arms ow! Straight onto the push ups ow! More jumping jacks ow! And then that final strength move lifting the weights over your chest ow! Finishing off with yet more jumping jacks OW! OW! OW!

    With the additional 1/2kg on the hand weights doing the strength exercises, I was aware this time round of the muscles in my thighs... Several hours later along with the aches across the chest from yesterday/today (ow, ow, ow), I'm still feeling the muscles in my thighs and sadly I'm beginning to squeal quietly when walking down stairs and getting up off of chairs. I fear it could be a very loud squeal when I attempt to get out of bed tomorrow morning!

    So no doubt that means an entire 20 minute session of torture with Jillian tomorrow - oh well no pain, no gain!!!

    LMV - I will not be enjoying day 3 of the shred of that I am sure!!!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Day 2 of Shredding but not quite. I had a terrible bout of acid reflux today and I think my hiatal hernia is acting up (yikes, I sound like an old crock! But it was so bad I couldn't ride today) Ironically, I have put it down to eating too healthily! I wanted to up my fibre which is hard to get as I've found I do better trying to really reduce the gluten. So for the past two days I have had oatbran, which I actually really like, for breakfast. Also I made a veg soup last night and it had a bit of tomato and parsnip (though not much so rather frustrating). I also wonder if some of the Jillian moves affected the hernia. Anyway, there was no way I could do Jillian today. However, I did do The Nordic Skiing and did quite a lot more than I have yet. LMV, when I was on the ski machine I thought of your words of wisdom story about the obstacles and felt some satisfaction that I had found a way to work in some exercise. I also managed to walk Nellie 1 1/2 miles, less than usual still an effort. So glad to be able to share the pain here- even you, MITM, I see
    have discovered some muscles that cry ouch. Let's hope it gets easier for all of us. And I have not given up on Jillian yet either.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Well lady shredders, I absolutely cannot believe I am about to say this but..........I have just ordered the 30 day shred! I know it's not the same as actually saying I will do it, but it's a start! I am still waiting on a couple of results and if they are clear I will seriously consider doing it. I have been reading reviews and remembering that you both had fab results after previously "shredding" so it has inspired me. Plus, test results aside it is probably a good time to start. Christmas is coming, my arthritis is currently pretty much controlled and (gulp) I will be 49 tomorrow. So enough is enough and these pounds have to come off. I was fat and 40 and do not want to be fat and 50. Strangely enough it is only since being on MFP I have encountered "skinny fat". I just always imagined being reasonably slim to look good in clothes. I never once thought about toning etc and looking good under the clothes! So....any advice off you shredders will be so much appreciated. Also I don't have weights yet, I could not get them delivered to here so will have to trek around until I find some, any thoughts as to a good weight etc to start off? Like Bracken I would imagine there will be limitations as to what I can do, but would still like to make a start. Probably way too advanced and adventurous for me but in for a penny..........
    Thanks for listening! Love BM x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders!

    Day 3 - Done!

    MITM I felt great relief at hearing you say you were squealing with 1.5kg weights. I only have 2kg so have been doing it with those and on one or two exercises have had to put them down before the end. However today I got through the whole thing with them and even managed some gentle side lunges without my knee hurting. Really the only good thing about this (apart from the results) is that it only lasts 20 mins.

    BM - re weights, if I were you I would start without them or I sometimes used to use a couple of tins of something eg kidney beans at about 440gm which is a really good way to start adding weights in. Delighted to hear you are going to join in the pain! Don't just watch it, have a go and join in even if you can't do a lot of it at first, if you never try a modified press up you'll never be able to do one. If you don't have the confidence to try book yourself a session with a personal trainer who will take you through the exercises. I did that a few years ago and I could barely lift myself off the ground when I tried a press up (modified form) and I could only manage 3 feeble attempts at lifting myself before I was worn out. If you keep trying though you get better and better at it. I felt so proud of myself the first time I managed 10 and it really doesn't take long to see massive improvements. Give it a go, you have to start somewhere.

    Bracken - I'm so sorry the hear about the acid reflux and what an inspiration you are to us that you are continuing with some exercise despite that. I suppose it's a case of listening to your body and doing what you can, but really well done. I'm pleased the "obstacle" story helped you.

    BM, just a thought, if you haven't looked at MyFitHookers profile page and read her story then you might be interested in it. She used 30DS to help her and you ahould see the pictures of her now in her blog. I know she's younger than us, but we can all do it if we put our minds to it.

    MITM - you sound like you are enjoying this torture lol. No loud squealing today please!

    Be good all, got to get showered and off to my Welsh class

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    ps Remembered to take my measurements yesterday. It didn't make pretty reading but I hope things will look better by the end of the shred! xx
  • Day 3 - done and dusted!

    There I was squealing like a baby yesterday and yet today I'm as fresh as a daisy! I think my body is playing tricks on me, no aches and pains whatsoever.... I'll probably wake up tomorrow unable to move!

    Oh LMV you do make me laugh, I was spluttering away reading your post especially that line about 'the only good thing about this (aside from the results) is that it only lasts 20 mins - ha!

    BM - Oh do join us! I too have read much of myfithookers blog and she credits the lovely Jillian and the dreaded 30 day shred with her initial first dramatic weight loss and new shape. I first used small plastic bottles of water as handweights before I purchased my set of weights. But luckily when the daughter started using weights I got lighter ones for her which I prefer to use for this work out as it's a killer but it really does work! It's a shame you can't read our first attempt as we were feeble and weak but we kept it up for the full 30 days and the results speak for themselves. So don't be too hard on yourself if you struggle at the beginning we certainly did and I know I only completed the 30 days with the support of LMV and yet here I am now loving this DVD!!!

    Yes LMV - I really enjoyed today!!!!! BRACKEN - pleased to hear you're not giving up yet on Jillian but we do have to be careful and remember we're not getting any younger but just a whole lot fitter!

    See you tomorrow Shredders!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Shredders and happy birthday, B.M. I think it is great you have decided to join the Shredders. I actually own the 30 day Shred now. I bought it at the end of the spring when I had been using my other Jillian video quite a lot and wanted some variety. However, I really made one of my hips sore (it already has issues!) and then left it for the summer. I have started back with my original DVD, The Biggest Loser: Last Chance Workout. It is somewhat less intense than the 30 Shred but includes a lot of the same basic exercises. It has a 5 minute warmup, a 25 minute Last Chance Workout combining alternating cardio and strength intervals through 6 circuits but I think the intervals are shorter than in the Shred. There is also a 10 minute body sculpt for upper body and a 10 minute lower body tone. Then a 5 minute cooldown. You can run the complete workout without a break or divide it up. I have never reached the point of doing the sculp and tone after the workout but they are good to do as an alternative. The participants are 3 women and 4 men from the tv show, The Biggest Loser but all of them have lost considerable weight and there is a variety of levels of fitness. There are beginner modifications demonstrated but there are also participants who have clearly reached a high level of fitness. However, since you have already ordered the Shred, you will probably be able to use it to adapt to whatever level you start at. You do have the advantage of being much younger than I. So I was quite pleased today to work through my Jillian DVD as I was feeling better today. I even managed quite a good ride and did the Nordic Track. Poor Nellie got the short end of the stick today tough because there was so much rain that it was impossible to walk much and we only did a half mile. Now if only I could wake up fresh as a daisy like you, MITM.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    Day 4 - Done! Today I employed the tactic of imagining Jillian right by me and ramming my weights into her at every opportunity. The time went extremely quickly and I particularly enjoyed the punches which quite frankly were over too quickly!!

    Fantastic effort Bracken. I hope you feel extremely pleased with yourself. I am so proud of us Crackers upping our game. I hope you don't have any ill effects tomorrow.

    MITM - I was trying to work out what your "rude" word was. After seeing your ps I'm wondering if the site picks it up as a derogatory way of referring to Afro Americans even though it's a completely different word?

    Right, need to get ready for pilates now........as if I haven't worked my stomach muscles enough!

  • Afternoon Shredders!

    Day 4 - completed!

    I'm going to upp my game tomorrow and intensity and join you LMV with my 2kg weights. Well that is the plan if my husband can remove the extra weights the daughter has attached to them.... You do realise as you're swinging away at Jillian, she is a mere 5ft 2.5"?!!!

    BRACKEN - I'm sure I've said this before but if I'm anywhere near as fit as you are when I'm your age I'll be thrilled! I read a review recently about the 30 Day Shred and 2 things struck me; 'After observing Jillian for a while, she is the type of individual you would either love or hate.' That is a very true observation of our group!! And secondly 'This is not a DVD for your Grandma who is out of shape' - so BRACKEN you must be in shape!!!

    Well I must shower and then I'm heading off to the garden for a spot of leave sweeping, glorious day here; blue skies, sunshine and snow capped mountains after days of rain.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Shredders. The short report here is that today despite everything, I managed a two mile walk and did my planned Nordic track as well as getting in a bit of a ride on my horse. (Nellie was thrilled with that because while I was riding she got to play with her Lab friend, Carter, for the whole time and madly jump into the pond for a swim despite the 6C temperatures.) I had vague hopes of doing some of Jillian but as it is now 8:30, I think not. However, I am pleased that after yesterday I have no serious soreness, just a general feeling that I have used certain muscles. Jillian is planned again for tomorrow. LMV, I have heard that visualization is a good motivation technique; however, your use of such to imagine throttling Jillian is somewhat suspect! MITM, good to hear you are uping your game. It motivates us all.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    I'm off to Cardiff this morning for a cross channel celebration with my friend from Bristol who has also reached Calais and didn't get up early enough to do the Shred before I go. Might do it later, but prob not! Therefore, a rest day.

    Bracken I'm not sure where you got "throttling" from, I wasn't imagining anything that violent

    Be good Shredders, got to dash

  • Afternoon Shredders!

    LMV - now you cannot blame BRACKEN for her vivid immagination - we all know how much you 'love' Jillian!!

    Well this morning, I too would have liked to have been off to Cardiff (hope LMV you haven't undone all your hard work this week knocking back champagne?!) as I didn't fancy facing Jillian! No reason and luckily I didn't read your post as I was meeting my friend to go food shopping first thing. Had I, who knows I may have skipped the Shred also. But instead I just got on with it and once I got to the punching bit which is my favourite exercise, plus it's the half way stage I was loving it as usual and felt very pleased with myself once completed!

    I then stepped on the scales after showering and was even happier when I saw 9.9 register - I then toasted Jillian with my cup of tea! As I was time pressed and my friend was due any moment I skipped breakfast (not something I ever normally do) but it had been my intention to attempt a fast day today. Well seeing on my own diet I'd lost my holiday pounds I toyed with eating but ran out of time! So I thought oh go for it, see how you get on. I will let you know tomorrow if I survive on 500 calories!

    I'm not shredding tomorrow as I'm working all day/evening which is just as well as I may be too weak!!!

    Keep up the good work Shredders!