30 Day Shred and Nordic Skiing



  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Still not shredding but as ride on Harley cancelled due to the weather conditions will be heading for the gym later this afternoon. Still poor weather out there but nothing like the west coast of the UK or for that matter Canada. Hope everyone is safe and well.

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Shredders,

    Had a really hectic few days so didn't manage to get any more shreds in. On our spa day today I did manage 20 minutes running on the treadmill, 20 minutes on the "fat burn" programme on the bike, a few weights and stretches and a swim in the pool.

    Hope you are all shredding again soon. I don't know if I will be able to log in while in Australia, but even if I can't I will be thinking of you. We fly tomorrow - be good all and........

    Keep shredding

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Day 1 - Level 1 - harder with real hand weights - but feel good that I've done it and hope that after a few days I'll find it easier again.....

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Well ladies I did intend to shred on Sunday but with all that snow and it continued all weekend, it took down the electricity again so that put paid to that idea. But of course I probably burnt the same amount of calories snow clearing! However well done PB - just reading and knowing you have shredded has made me think so what stopped me shredding Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday? Tomorrow I am going to make a date with Jillian! BM - when are you restarting? BRACKEN - inspired as always by your dedication which is just what I need to kick me back into action!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi MITM - well I really have to get back on track now as I just got on the scales and I am ashamed. I have put yet more weight on - however, I have now cleared all of the Christmas leftover chocs/bics etc (I think - anything else is obviously well hidden). Feeling better than I have for a while now and hoping I can really get the focus back completely. Feel quite sore this morning from my shred - clearly having proper weights makes a difference too. One of the girls at work has some ankle weights too - and I did think that as I get into this I might try that as well - we'll see. Main issue for me is not letting my left knee become a problem.....

    talk toyou all soon as I have to get ready for work - just realised its nearly 8.30am and I said I'd be in about 9.00am. Not even dressed yet or finished me coffee....

    PB xx
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Encouraged my SAFFY & PB comments I met with Jillian today....

    I decided as I've acquired what could be best described as a 2" extra layer all over (made entirely I suspect from chocolate!) I would do her 'banish fat' in 6 minute fixes DVD. It promises to add strength and ab moves to dynamic cardio for increased fat loss to melt off the pounds. Sounds perfect then for my chocolate coating! Plus I know it works as it got me into my 'smart' trousers after last Easter for my daughter's school interview.

    I'm only doing 3 circuits at a time (I'm not hard core!) which with the warm up is still a 20 minute work out which is long enough for me. However I do love all the kick boxing and punching and it reminds me of LMV as she was convinced one of the girls looked like a rodent!! I should add LMV likes this DVD as much as she loves the Shred!!

    I also walked down to the village post office and had a gentle walk with my friend so I've made a start at last on the exercise front. Hope everyone else is on the straight and narrow!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi All. Encouraging to hear we are all getting back on track. A 6 pound weight gain threw me a bit because I had thought I was being quite good! I am just hoping the new scales are out a bit! I have increased my walking this week and..........given up diet coke!!! OH admitted last night he did not think I would last a day never mind 4 (started Monday). I know it's very early days but I don't feel any different. Maybe time will tell, although I am not too sure how quitting is supposed to make you feel. I did read on here if you stop it helps cut sugar cravings, but I never have those anyway as I don't have a sweet tooth.
    I think on Monday I will return to day 16 of the shred, although I wondered if any of you have seen Jillian's DVD Yoga Meltdown? I watched the first part and to my way of thinking it made the shred look like a walk in the park!! I think I may like the pace of this one more, although it is not slow yoga as I know it and goes along at a quick pace. I have difficulty with all the jumping jacks and skipping in Shred (Have an excellent sports bra but still find it uncomfortable), and I found I much preferred (elbow permitting) the strength to the cardio parts of the Shred. If anyone has time could you please have a quick look at it and advise me, I suspect it will be on you tube. I have not seen the 3rd part of the Shred yet so can only compare the Yoga to the 2nd part of the Shred which I enjoyed as it did not have as much cardio. Or maybe I was a bit fitter by then :smile:
    Good luck to everyone on this, our first weekend since we have kickstarted our health regime. Although to be fair Bracken never stopped hers!
    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, weather permitting. MITM, love the new profile picture, such a beautiful place you live.
    Take care all, BM x
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Shredders!

    BM - is Jillian's yoga meltdown one of your new Christmas DVDs?!! I had a look on you tube and I say if you fancy it, do it! The whole point of exercise is we have to find something we personally like and enjoy and will continue to do on a regular basis. So give it a whirl! We're all different (I could for example never take up running or swimming the channel!) and my exercise sessions have to be short and sweet (except when I'm walking) which is why my bite size sessions with nasty Jillian are just perfect for me! But I look forward to hearing how you get on - Jillian looked fantastic!

    PB - in case I don't get on tomorrow, I hope you will be celebrating your anniversary of straight-talking to yourself, to a better healthier way of life!

    BRACKEN - are you up yet to doing any Jillian exercises?! I'm hooked again on the kick boxing and punching as recommended by yourself!!

    Be good ladies!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi MITM - yes indeed - its a year tomorrow since my straight talking moment - and I think I kept a good course until 1st December - since then its all been down hill and I seem to be finding it difficult to cut out the sugar rushes and again today an enormous box of Thorntons chocolates was put out in the Den in the surgery and of course as it was a very stressful day I had to keep taking one. Still I ended the day on what felt like a bit of a good note as despite several blows in the last couple of days. One GP is leaving at the end of Feb to take up a partnership in Colchester. One GP has announced that she is pregnant and will be going on maternity leave in July. I had a complaint about a nurse being rough in a smear test (not the first time) and a row with a receptionist who was being awkward = which we later sorted out (my 2IC came up with a really good solution and I was thrilled at the way she managed the situation - she has really come on since I've been working with her). And last night and tonight we had 'informal' meetings with potential partners who we are formally interviewing next week. I've had 2 decent applications and a third on the way for a Nurse Practitioner - so its been a really busy week for me and a busy week for the team as people have gone back to work and decided they feel poorly again. Applied for the job in Ipswich too - so its been quite a week. not really about shredding - I'm going to do another shred tomorrow and hopefully sunday too. Will be doing my first public attempt at my solo on Monday night too (eek). Gosh didn't mean to write so much but I clearly have had quite an eventful few days.

    take care all
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Shredders. Yes, BM, it is encouraging to see others getting back on track including yourself. MITM, good to hear that you have already dropped 2 of those unwanted pounds. I have been easing into post Christmas exercise by letting myself sort of do what I feel like which most often this week has just been the treadmill. However, each time I have tried to do a bit more intensity or a longer distance. Today I was quite pleased to do 3 1/4 miles. MITM, you are whetting my appetite to try some Jillian again. I did really like the kick boxing/punching although I did make myself sore; however, I want to try some of it next week and try to listen to my body to avoid injury! P.B. what a week you have had but it seems there is a lot there to be hopeful about- hurrah. You too have got back to exercise so that is an excellent start. I do sympathize with your difficulties with sugar (it is interesting to me how people either really like sweet or not- lucky you BM). I would say sugar is my central and almost sole source of poor eating. I really want to cut my sugar consumption as it seems that it is more and more implicated in many health problems. Recently I have read that there is research that shows it is linked to the development of Alzheimer's which I heard described as a kind of insulin resistance. I seem to read/hear a lot about sugar's link to heart disease, inflammation, insulin resistance, arthritis, and depression. BM, is your quitting the diet Coke because of the idea that using sugar substitutes actually sets the brain up to crave more calories and sugar specifically? That is what I have heard. It seems to me that here anyway there is more focus on the bad effects of sugar than of fats now- even saturated fats. Bummer!
    Take care all. I have been thinking about LMV as it seems Australia (everywhere?) is having record breaking heat! Oh for a place of truly temperate climate.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Bracken & all Crackers - very interesting stuff about sugar. It is really difficult to stop craving sugar once you start and it has been so very easy to come by in the last few weeks. However, its one year today since I began this journey and everything tells me to reflect on my successes and not so much on the continuation of the journey - so I will go over to Lets Get Started to do that. will be shredding later today and possibly going for a swim. Have to go to hairdressers and do my shopping first though. See you all over on the other thread.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Quick pop-in to note that I did 2 miles on the treadmill and actually did 1 circuit of Jillian's Shred. I found it quite hard after not doing this kind of exercise for awhile and I may go back to my Biggest Loser Jillian tape; it also can be demanding and has similar exercises but the intervals are shorter and perhaps less intense. Or I may switch back and forth, not sure yet.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Well done Bracken! There's no getting away from it Jillian is quite a shock to the system, whenever, whatever, wherever!! I did another 20 minutes this morning and felt better for it but I'm sure my groaning could be heard all over the house - I just hope not outside too! I'm not going to tempt an injury so I only intend to meet with Jillian 3 times a week as I want to keep it up. Tomorrow I'm walking (snow free roads) with my friend and maybe I'll fit in a salsacise with Rosemary to move the chocolate flab on!

    BM - have you started shredding again?!!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    I spoke far too soon - did I say 'snow free'?!!! Woke up and put one toe out of the bed and I knew the temperature had dropped, drew the curtains and sure enough it was snowing. And it has continued to snow all day long. So no walking for me instead I cleared snow. The grey, dark, gloomy, cold day has not encouraged me to be good - I'll say no more! I hope tomorrow it will have stopped snowing and the urge to eat will have passed! Hope everyone else is being good!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening! Where is everyone?!!!!

    Well I'm back in charge again of my own destiny. I met with Jillian today and she gave me a 3 circuits whipping but I felt super great afterwards. And then this evening I did a quick salsacise to finish off.

    Hope everyone else is on track.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Nice one MITM. Glad you are back in charge! It is such a wonderful feeling to make a plan and follow it through. I don't know how much I like the actual exercise, but I LOVE how good I feel after doing it. Hope your daughter is doing OK now. To be homesick is not easy, as you know. My heart goes out to you both. Good for you for getting back on track. I am hoping to start Monday, just not sure what yet!
    Hope all fellows crackers have a fab weekend. Love BM x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A quick pop-in as I have done well exercising today. I checked in on the other thread yesterday to update but will restrict myself to this site today. I did 2 1/4 miles on treadmill, a Nordic track session, and a Jillian session. I've gone back to the Biggest Loser DVD for now because it has a longer warmup than the Shred and I think I need that. Also it focuses on Cardio and Strength intervals, not so much abs. Not that I don't need abs work, but at the moment this seems a better focus and it does have some boxing type intervals which I like too. I may try doing Jillian on alternate days if possible to try to keep from overstressing some muscles, knees etc. I also did a bit of snow shovelling- fortunately the snow as not heavy nor really deep but it did give me some minutes of outside
    activity. I did feel much better after the exercise.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Rode this morning. A bit damp but not many people around and plenty of deer.

    Swam this afternoon for half an hour. Feeling quite good.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    well since I last posted - I have been for a swim (50 lengths - really can't manage any more at the moment); rode Harley yesterday - very wet and mucky in the forest and poor Harley was sliding about quite badly - enough at one point that I thought we were actually going to fall over - not a nice moment - but he was a good boy. He also spooked at one point - although I still have no idea why but just as we were walking up the road to the forest and we had to go on to the side to let a car pass. I felt quite bad as when I arrived the horses were already tacked up and ready to go and Hilda, who I rode with, didn't have anything I could do. I do feel quite bad about it but there we go. Maybe I will send her a graze box - now there is a good idea.

    I have a stinking cold but am working through it. On top of my ride yesterday I took my car to the garage (about 1 1/2 miles away) and walked home then walked back to pick it up after it was MOT/serviced. And my pedometer said I was walking at more than 4 miles per hour - which is good as it means I'm walking faster. Still fighting comfort eating but have plenty of good food and not a lot of naughty things about so when I get a craving I'm limited - but eating to many carbs.

    Today, I think I will do Jillian (back to day 1) as my cold is making me feel rather manky and I don't want to go out far. There is a hint that I may be able to ride again tomorrow and on Sunday (weather permitting) which will be fab. This will certainly help me to get fit - then it will soon be time to get back on the scales and see if I've made any progress. Will do some measuring too as a lot of what I am doing should be toning.

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    I've been blog reading NOT exercising but I've just read 10,000 steps (which is the goal to lose weight) works out at 4-5 miles! I intend to wear my pedometer tomorrow/today!