30 Day Shred and Nordic Skiing



  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Afternoon Shredders,

    Day 26 - done!!

    I worked hard today to make up in part for overeating last night. I realized at one point that I was actually whimpering ...... I bet that is just what nasty Jillian wants. I must say there quite a puddle of you know what on my mat after all the effort I exerted, not very pleasant.

    Bracken you are a third of the way through your epic Nordic tracking if there are a few more sessions which you haven't logged yet. Well done. By Christmas you'll be just about half way there if you keep going.

    BM - your STS is a consolidation, well done. As for the inches, wow! Brilliant work, it makes the effort worthwhile doesn't it? MITM and I found the salsasizing fantastic for whittling down our hips and thighs so yet again I urge you to give it a go on shred rest days. I'm such a nag I know, but you will reap the benefits

    MITM - enjoy level 3 on Monday!

  • mummyinthemountains
    I'm just popping when I should be working (hee!) but just wanted to say love the plank photos LMV and well done BM & BRACKEN. Don't worry BM remember LMV and I both had weeks when we stayed the same and then were pleasantly surprised the following week and I too strongly recommend Rosemary, I've done a couple of sessions with her of late which might explain my thigh/hip loss!

    See you Monday for a whopping moan no doubt!!!!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Checked in earlier just to read and get some motivation to exercise which I badly needed today. It was a slog but I finished doing more than I thought I would at the beginning. I started by walking Nellie- no fun, a bitter -3C but did get a mile done. Took a break and then did the Nordic track, my best effort of the day and did push myself a bit more. Another break and then the treadmill- it seemed endless but I did do 1 1/4 miles broken in two to put laundry in the dryer. Yes, BM drinking hot choc and reading a book would be infinitely more enticing at the moment. Good to hear that you are seeing changes in inches from your shredding. Hope the scale will soon reflect your consistent effort.
    LMV, also loved the plank photos. However, I am going to believe that the impossibly round and high buttocks of that model have been photoshopped! I believe Beck would say you have drawn a line under last night with your determined shredding today.
    Take care all.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello my little shreddies,

    I was just browsing one of the forums as I can't sleep and found this post in response to someone who asked if she should do the 30 day shred or Ripped in 30.

    "They are both good programs. RI30 is more challenging. If you regularly work strength training and body weight into your. Fitness routine, you could probably start w RI30. If not, you should probably start with 30ds"

    Scarily it sounds like there is something worse than the shred. Should we graduate onto it at some point next year just for the fun of it?

    Right, going to try and sleep and hope I don't have Jillian nightmares!

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Day 15 done! Yay, yay, double yay!!

    Half way there, yahoo. I was unable to shred yesterday as my elbow was really sore. We went on a hunt in the sports stores and eventually found an elbow support which I am trying out now. Hopefully it will give me some relief as I am NOT stopping shredding now. LMV, I am going to be a finisher!! :happy:
    Bracken, Well done on walking in -3c! I was telling my OH about the extremes of temperature you have been through and he thought it would be an ideal place for me to live! I wait with baited breath for the day you wear your dress, It really can't be long now with all your exercising. Fab! x x

    LMV, OH thought I was choking because I laughed so much and then started coughing at your pictures! They cheered me up no end. The elephant looked like a self portrait of me. The position was I am sure, exactly like mine when I "plank". Thank for making it fun. I am going to follow both your and MITM advice and dig out the Salsa DVD. Unfortunately our DVD remote has died a sudden death. (Honestly, nothing lasts here!). So I had to do my shredding with the DVD in the laptop earlier. It is almost cheaper to buy a new DVD than to buy a remote here so will have to pop out in the week and buy another one. (Our 3rd in 5 years). So I will start Rosemary then.

    MITM, Hope you got you're work done at the weekend so you can happily shred today! I am loving Section 2 of the Shred (apart from the elbow pain!), Hated the first section. You are right it is weird how different we all are with what we like. I was dreading moving up to 2, but now although it is difficult I love the strength and abs bits. I am sure my fitness is improving too, because the jump rope is getting a tiny bit easier, :smile:

    PB, Hope you had a good weekend and that work will go smoothly for you x

    Off to shower now as my legs have stopped shaking and working out in 35c tends to make a person "glow" quite a bit! x x

    Wishing us all a good week shredding and otherwise.
    BM x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Shredders,

    Day 27 - done!

    Phew, that was hard this morning. But it's a beautiful sunny day with blue skies and a crisp nip in the air. The tide is in and because of the sky the sea looks blue so I kept determinedly looking out of the window at the beautiful view, when I could, to ease the pain today.

    Bracken I echo BM and say well done on getting out there in -3. Brrrrrrr but I'm sure Nellie appreciates it and so will you when the ruching on your dress falls perfectly.

    BM - llongyfarchiadau, hanner fordd! Halfway there! You ARE a finisher. Really pleased you are enjoying level 2. I really dislike it all, but I know I look and feel better for doing it so I'm ploughing on and as you know, if I start something I like to finishe it.

    I won't be shredding tomorrow, early start as we're going to see my Mother-in-law in Bournemouth. We're staying overnight in Bath and so depending on what time I get back on Wednesday I may not be able to shred that day either. Depends how long it takes us to finish our Christmas shopping in Bath!

    Keep shredding and tracking!

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Lovely pics - made me giggle - although I think I'm slightly larger than a baby elephant....
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    SO Disappointed!!!

    Not only has my DVD remote packed up, my laptop is having another "moment" and won't play my Shred DVD. OH has been informed and is on is way to buy a DVD player in his lunch time post haste! However he is unable to bring it home until after 6pm so I know I won't be shredding that late. I also cancelled my make over at YSL for this afternoon as messing around with this laptop has made me late. To be honest though I didn't really want to go, I was after a "smoky eyed look" for Christmas as I am quite clueless with make up. Then when I thought about it, having someone that close to me "in my space" would have probably freaked me out!:smile:

    Hope everyone has far better luck shredding than me!

    LMV, Have a fab time shopping x x (I love Bath so I have Christmas shopping envy of you! lol x x)

    Take care all, BM x x
  • mummyinthemountains
    Level 3 - 'not a cake walk!' the lovely Jillian tells you.....

    Wow - first thing I noticed was the speed of the music and the warm up hadn't even finished... and during the warm up there are DOUBLE JUMP ROPES and BUTT KICKS. It didn't feel like a warm up to me, more like near the end!!

    To the floor and as soon as she mentioned the words 'Super Man' I inwardly groaned. I hated that exercise last time round and I groaned again as I lifted my arms and legs, only this time round I could do it without the struggle. 'Strong as a rock, ABS of steel' snarls Jillian and boy her shoulder muscles are impressive.

    'Level 3 - no excuses'; sumo squats, mountain climbers (felt almost at home!) pike crunch, scissor crunches, jumping lunges... I enjoyed that section (yes LMV you read that correctly!) but BRACKEN I'm sure you recognise the exercises they're in that other DVD.

    But then shadow boxing, jumping jacks and butt kicks with HAND WEIGHTS!! I hope LMV you're using your water bottles!

    'Why do you want to be fit?' snarls Jillian again. Well obviously because I want those grooves in the tops of the shoulders NO!

    On to Rocky style sit ups, jump squats, and rock star jumps LMV's favourites and finally side plank raises....

    I love this level!!!! I found it far easier than last time!

    Days 21 & 22 tick tick. Bet you can't wait BM - hope you've got your new DVD player set up ready and waiting!!
  • mummyinthemountains
    Evening Shredders!

    Did I scare everyone off?!! Just in case I gave the false impression I have the strength of 'Superman' in my last post - my ABS were screaming today during the SHRED!!

    However with Jillian drumming on about the back muscles - I took abetter look at mine today; I only ever glance at my ABS from the front for signs of any improvement and when dressing to check 'does my bum look big in this?' I look at my back view! I strongly recommend anyone who hasn't done so recently to do so - I can see where I've been working out there's far more definition!! I also feel the urge to wear a backless dress only one I don't have one (and never have!) and I'd freeze to death out here!!

    well day 23 tick! Hope someone will be joining me tomorrow!

    P.S. LMV - now were you thinking of starting the 'Ribbed in 30' (or should that really read ripped?!) on your return from Australia? To kick start 2014 back into touch?! When do you actually leave and return? I had a look at the DVD it's once again her magical interval system mixing cardio, strength and ABS only this time 4 levels over a 4 week period! I'm in!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Day 16 done!

    MITM, I read in Horror, awe and fascination at what is to come in Section 3. I am quite looking forward to it. I hated 1 so much anything has to be better!! I do however wonder if I would dislike 1 so much now that I am a little fitter? I think most of it was my body screaming to stop as it hadn't suffered exercise "abuse" like that for many years :happy: There is a good picture of a lady's back in the success stories today, which mirrors your statement. Like yourself I don't look at myself from the back. I decided against buying the Ripped in 30 as I am having the 6 minute workout plus Jillians yoga workout. (and Darcy's pilates!) for Christmas. If you are all going to be "ripped" though I will certainly join in. I will probably have to catch up when I return from the UK as I am going home for about a month in Feb/march.
    I am finding the elbow support seems to be helping, It's a bit of a wrestle to get it on and off but hopefully worth it. I tried to buy yoga gloves off Amazon but they don't deliver them or yoga socks to SG. So I am going to buy some exercise gloves in a sports shop here and see if they work. I wondered if anyone else of us has the same experience of hands slipping on the yoga mat? I have to use the mat on top of a thick rug and do all my workout on that, otherwise I can picture the chandelier of the ceiling below swinging with all the jumping around I am doing at my weight! :laugh:
    Our new DVD remote also works the CD player!! I found out earlier as I pressed play to start the 2nd workout, the dulcet tones of Our Michael started singing "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!"
    So I had Jillian in front of me and Michael surrounding me . It had me in hysterics. I had to unplug the CD player. It's strange as they aren't even the same brand.

    Happy Shredding Fellow shredders

    Love BM x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Afternoon Shredders,

    No shredding again for me today as I feel awful. See post on other thread.

    Go MITM and BM! Well done on your shreds. BM, I am quite taken with the idea of doing the shred to Michael Buble and might try it. Need to get his album first though. It is playing everywhere at the moment. Re yoga mat, I don't slip on mine at all as it isn't in the least bit slippy. Before I bought it, I borrowed one from a friend and that one was a bit slippy so I suppose it depends what they are made of. Hope the gloves work.

    MITM, we fly to Australia on 6 January and get back on 6 February. I'm up for starting Ripped in 30 sometime after that. I think 10 Feb is a Monday. I don't know when half term is if you are planning to come to UK so why don't you think about it and find a time that suits you to start as I'm fairly flexible (hyblyg - new word learned in Welsh last night meaning flexible, pronounced hublig).

    Right, going back to bed.
  • mummyinthemountains
    Evening Shredders!

    Day 24 tick!

    Thank you BM I was having second thoughts this morning until inspired by your post!

    LMV - did you by any chance measure the length of your arms before starting level 3 as I'm sure mine have got longer since holding dumb weights for jumping jacks and butt kicks!!!

    I am going to be in England for half term so perhaps we could start the ripping, correction ribbing on my return so I can eat my Easter egg guilt free!!

    Right I must head for my bed.
  • mummyinthemountains
    Oh my, oh my, oh my - I need new glasses I really thought that DVD was ribbed - what was I thinking showing your ribs off to their best!! How stupid of me - ripped as in the lovely Jillian ripping us to shreds! This is what happens to your brain when you do jumping jacks and butt kicks with hand weights I obviously hit myself at some point.... Goodnight Shredders!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Day 17 Done!

    3 more and I am on to the "biggy". A tad apprehensive as I am doing OK now with level 2. I am still shaking and nauseous after it, but an improvement on level one when I just wanted lie down and stay there after doing it!

    MITM, I had to giggle at your "ribbed". It is so like something I would say too. You only have 6 more to do now will definitely be shredded by Christmas. Well done! x x

    I don't know if my mat is "slippy" it's a Reebok one and the store assistant did say it was non-slip. I only seem to slip towards the end of the workout when even my palms are "glowing". Is this normal, or should I just buy a different mat? Advice appreciated, as really can't be without one. x x

    Am off to write on the other site now where I noticed us crackers are dropping like flies with the lurgy.

    Happy shredding (Only if you are well enough!)
    Bm x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    Day 28 - done!!

    I am feeling much better today so did the shred as I can't bear the thought of not doing something about those excess lbs. It wasn't too bad except that I loathe it.

    MITM - I am indeed using my 2kg weights throughout now and haven't managed to knock myself out in the jumping jacks, but that's only because I simply can't lift my arms that high!

    BM, re your mat, if it's only slippy towards the end when your hands get warm, then keep a towel by your mat so you can wipe your hands. The same thing would probably happen on any other mat I suspect.

    Bracken - look after yourself, we can help each through this lean spell while we are not feeling top notch

    So, we all need to get set to rip in time for Easter - can't wait!!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders!

    Day 29 - done!!

    Only one more day to go. I feel ecstatic that the torture is nearly over!! Today I went back and did level 2 and I was surprised at how much easier it was after 8 days of doing level 3. I gritted my teeth and got through nearly all f it with Natalie. Had to put my weights down for the v raises at the end and my jumps were a mixture of double and single, but I threw myself into the rest of it because it was THE LAST TIME!! Absolutely trembling now, I think level 2 is the worst for having the shakes after but going to sit down and watch Saturday Kitchen to recover. The husband has brought me a large glass of water as I'm too weak to get my own!!

    Tomorrow or Monday I am going to do level 1 to see how much I have progressed and then, it's back to the lovely Rosemary although I may dig out that other Jillian DVD and do one or two of her circuits as well. We'll see.

    Bracken - really pleased to read on the other thread that you managed to get some exercise in yesterday. Well done, tremendous effort, it really is hard when you are under the weather. I hope the predicted snow storm isn't too bad.

    BM, PB and MITM - keep shredding!!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders!

    Whoop, whoop!!

    Day 30 done and I'm shredded!!! I can't believe I've got through it. I'm mighty relieved that it is over for another year. It's horrible and I really don't enjoy it, but it does work. I'll do my measurements later and see if I've managed to lose any more inches. I did level 1 today which was much easier than 30 shreds ago!

    Hope you other shredders are still going. It's turned ominously quiet on here!

    Keep shredding
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Just a brief pop-in here today and regrettably was not able to exercise today and as it is past 7p.m. Unlikely to start today. But I did add .30 mile yesterday after posting which was a mental victory if not a huge exercise victory. Still feeling a bit under the weather but improving.
    Well done, LMV in finishing the Shred. You are indeed a finisher as you talked about. BM, you are still doing an amazing job.
    MITM, I'm sure you are very busy but I'll bet you are still working on your exercise.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Day 18 done.

    I found it difficult to do today as I had lost my shredding mojo. Had 3 days off as wasn't feeling too good. Nothing really wrong but lethargic and a bit headachy. Back to it now though, so hoping to start level 3 at the end of the week.

    LMV, you are a star and my hero. To hate the shred as much as you then continue to the end is awe inspiring. However I don't think we will wait a year to do it again(!!). I think we should bring it out of the cupboard every few months. :wink: Please post your stats when you have them, I need all the inspiration I can get, lol x x

    Bracken, hope you will soon be fully recovered, it is admirable you are still exercising when you don't feel 100% but please look after yourself. Hope your little "sugar junkie" is back to normal bless her! x x

    MITM, where are you? PB hope all is well with you too

    20 hours before I get to have all the fun of the shred again,
    BM x x