30 Day Shred and Nordic Skiing



  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    This is an early morning post here as I am taking a respite and looking for inspiration to exercise (and there is plenty of it here, well done all. PB, your 4 miles walk sounds both lovely and surely is significant exercise, LMV, congrats on inches lost, and BM, you are really on course with day 5 under your belt). Having read of your 36C which would do my exercising in, I hesitate to whine about our cold weather- about -6C at the moment. But it is not the cold, it is the tremendous amount of snow we have had last night. It is literally almost to the top of my thighs (I am 5'5"). Trying to take Nellie to the back yard to toilet was exhausting as it is not a really fluffy snow but rather moist and heavy. It is far deeper than Nellie is tall and she can only get through it by leaping. She seemed somewhat confused but finally leapt back and forth over the same small area to create a toilet space. I hesitated to let her out for long as I don't think all that leaping would be that good for her. We have been out twice and each time when she comes in, she is covered with snow and needs a complete rubdown. Even then bits of snow fall from between her paws and I have had to mob floors each time. I have tried to do a little shovelling to clear the side steps (it continues to snow) but can only do a little at a time because shovelling and throwing snow is one of the worst things for the wretched GERD/hiatal hernia. My neighbours next door, whom I yelled across to, agree that this is the very worst amount of snow we have ever had at one time and it coming in November is very unusual. Somehow I will get dug out but there is no use even phoning a snow removal company today as they will all be tied up with their business contracts and regular customers. So I may be snowbound for a couple of days. I can handle that as long as I can deal with Nellie. It is a good thing that now I can let her out of her indoor pen and let her have the roam of the house without much concern that she will get into mischief. Well, I do feel somewhat better for having vented here so hope you all don't mind. These situations can put my stomach in knots but I hope by later this afternoon I'll be able to do something in the exercise mode. Regards.
  • mummyinthemountains
    Bracken - I shouldn't even be on the computer I've the small matter of a mountain of ironing (husband's white cooking clothes to be ready by tomorrow morning) but I just wanted to say I know just how you feel! It has finally stopped snowing here after 2 days/2 nights but fortunately my husband was home and so was out clearing the snow for hours last night in the dark, as he had to drive to Innsbruck today. But that knotted feeling oh I know so well, but at least with my daughter now in England I can sleep easy, not worrying about getting her down to school in the lower village somehow as I don't drive in the snow. Like you this year our snow is early, the first Advent Sunday is still a week off and there's a lot of it!

    Congratulations to all the Shredders most inspiring! My back is fine but I've been working all weekend only just finished but I should be doing the ironing now so shredding will have to wait until tomorrow!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Bracken I'm so sorry to hear about your extreme weather conditions. It must be so worrying to have so much snow to clear when you know doing so will aggravate your hernia. I wish I was able to come and help you shovel. I presume that the authorities are used to dealing with snow and so your roads will soon be cleared so hopefully you and Nellie will make it to the road for her to get some exercise. Thinking of you, big hug xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    MITM and LMV, I hope your backs are not sore from lifting me onto the Ski machine! Honestly, I don't know if I would have got on without your support and I feel much better from doing it. I really felt I couldn't manage it as the little bit of shovelling had made my stomach uncomfortable. I decided to check out our site to at least motivate me from mindless eating but your words made me think that I would at least get on, even if I only went through the motions. However, I managed to do a very reasonable effort near my usual levels. When I came from the basement, I heard a noise and , great news, my neighbour was using his snow blower to blow out the snow in my driveway up as far as my vehicle. He has done this in the past but he is recovering from a knee replacement surgery so I didn't expect him to do this and of course, hope he has not done too much. As for the snowplow, LMV, it went down the street in the early afternoon but the problem is that the plows make no effort to keep the snow from the entrance of any driveways (in fact, people often cynically suggest they often deliberately plow more snow at the entrances!) In any case, the plow had left banks along the street that were about four feet high, including at my driveway, and that snow is very heavy because it is compacted. So you can imagine my gratitude at having that dealt with by the neighbour. There is still a lot of digging to do. I will try to get the snow around and under my vehicle out tomorrow. My brother has also said he will try and drop by after his teaching if possible so I feel progress is being made. MITM, I hope your husband had no problems getting to Innsbruck. He must have a very strong back! I am suspecting we may be in for a very long and hard winter here. For the past several weeks, the stable owner and her daughter have commented on several occasions about the unusual thickness of my horse's winter coat. Darkness will soon be here and I must get Nellie out to the backyard again. Regards.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Day 6 Done.

    Bracken, so sorry to hear of you having all those difficulties with the snow. It's so weird what is happening with the weather. Both you and MITM having early and heavy snow. It has been unseasonably hot here eg had to come back early this morning on our walk as it got very hot quickly and I worry over the dog having heatstroke. Then less than an hour later monsoon rain and storms! The weather can change quickly here but even the Taxi drivers (The fonts of ALL knowledge!) are commenting on the "crazy" weather. I hope it will clear up quickly for you both and that Bracken you won't be housebound for too much longer.
    LMV, very impressive measurement results. The hard work is definitely paying off. As to still trembling after 45 minutes. Yep! I have felt like my whole body is still trembling on going to bed at night after shredding. lol x
    PB, Just wondered if you are using weights? I was using small wine bottles(!!) til mine arrive but have been afraid to use them for the past 2 days in case it was the cause of my chest pain. If you are using them how heavy are they? Also have you had any discomfort ? (sorry! lots of questions) x
    Happy shredding/NSing
    BM x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    Day 18 - done!!

    "If you want a 20 minute workout that delivers, you are going to have to earn it" Well I certainly feel like I've earned it today. I've gone right off level 2 and simply can't understand why I liked it last time. What on earth has changed in me since last year that I find it so much more difficult? It's a mystery.

    BM - fabulous, well done on completing day 6

    Bracken - really well done on dragging yourself onto your Nordic tracker. Good work! I'm so pleased to hear that your neighbour helped you out with his snow gun, that must make life a little easier for you and Nellie. Good luck with digging out your vehicle!

    Weigh in for me tomorrow - please, please, please may this shredding have paid off and show me a loss!

    Keep shredding
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Bailey - don't have any weights so I am using plastic water bottles - I think the trick is in the way you use them rather than the amount of weight........

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Have done day 5. Sweaty..... first cardio still really difficult but somehow the later ones are not so bad. Just decided I don't like star jumps...

  • mummyinthemountains
    Evening Shredders!

    Well there is nothing quite like reading this thread to motivate you to SHRED!! Ladies I'm so inspired I jumped into my gym gear ready to greet Jillian with a smile and day 15 is done and dusted!

    LMV - well done on your measurements, those slim fitting trousers you'll be slipping into before you know it. Good luck for tomorrows WI I shall be keeping everything crossed for you!

    Keep up the good work!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Managed a mile walk with Nellie and did my Nordic track. I was finally able to do some snow shovelling though I had to take it carefully and slowly (reflux problem). However, it was heavy snow and I moved quite a lot so I hope that counted as exercise as well.
    LMV, fingers crossed here for you too. You deserve a great result as you have Jillianed your heart out and dropped inches. Don't forget though that you could be building a little muscle that in the short term will impact on your scale weight. MITM, love your expression- done and dusted- Jillian is having nothing over on you!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Day 7 Done!

    MITM, you are so right......this thread is very inspiring. I read it just before I shred and it makes it so much easier to get started.
    LMV, There is no justice if you have not lost weight!! lol x However as Bracken says you are probably "packing muscle" now!
    Bracken, hope your snow situation is improving, You have so much determination to keep on exercising even with your reflux it is inspiring.
    PB. I HATE the cardio, particularly the jump rope! so know where you are coming from!

    I used the hand weights today so hopefully will have no repeat of the chest pain!

    Keep on Shredding Ladies x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    Day 19 - done!

    I really didn't feel like it this morning but it's a case of don't think about it just blimmin' do it! So, it was a bit of a battle and I felt enormous relief at the end of circuit 2 knowing I was 2/3 of the way through, and then I remembered what was in circuit 3 and didn't feel quite so relieved after all. Anyway, I'm now drenched in sweat but am pleased another day is done. Only one more day of this level and I can move on. I can't remember what's in the next level but I'm sure I'll soon be remembering level 2 fondly lol!

    Well done everyone on sticking with it. It really is inspiring to read this thread as others have said and I love the fact that there are shredders in Wales, Suffolk, Austria, Singapore and Canada - we circumvent the world!

    Weigh - in was good news, 4lb off this week. I think 2lb of that relates to last week really as I was surprised I didn't lose anything then. It's a relief to see a bit of movement on the scales!

    Keep shredding
  • mummyinthemountains
    LMV - 'a bit of movement'?!!! And there's you telling me 1/2lb is a whopper, so what does that make 4 pounds - an extremely large lunge on the scales I'd say! Bear in mind I don't think either of lost more than 4lbs last time round either!! And as you so rightly pointed out you still have a third to complete!! Fantastic result!
  • mummyinthemountains
    Day 16 completed hurrah!

    Knowing how well LMV has done, inspired me on today to work a little harder. Just as well as it was minus 12 this morning brrr and it didn't get any warmer than minus 2 all day long, although it was blue skies and sunshine but when my friend rang to cancel our walk as she didn't feel well, I was more than happy to stay inside safe in the knowledge I had already worked my bones, long and hard!

    Bracken - snow clearing definitely counts as exercise in my book!! I'd rather Shred any day of the week than pick up a shovel!!

    Until tomorrow Shredders!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Day 6 completed. Tough one tonight - difficult day at work and loads to do this evening so only just got round to it Will probably miss tomorrow - but will try and fit it in before I go out in the evening if I can get home early enough. Then the parents arrive. Could be trickier.....

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    LMV, absolutely amazing, 4 pounds lost! And so well deserved with your dedicated shredding. And the rest of you Shredders are keeping the faith too. Today was not the best day for me. When I was walking Nellie, about 3/4 of a mile into our walk I suddenly felt really awful- so bad that I had to call my neighbour on my cell for a lift although I was only a block from home. Anyway, things did resolve and I am hopeful that I'll be able to do the Nordic ski tomorrow though I gave it a pass today.On a more positive note, my neighbour helped finish digging me out and then my brother came and cleared a lot of the snow away so that I can finally get out again.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Bracken, so sorry you were unwell yesterday. Very scary, especially with no warning. Maybe you could take a few days off and then see how you feel? x x x
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Day 8 done!

    Starting to get apprehensive regarding level 2 now!! :smile:

    BM x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Prynhawn da Shredders,

    A little later in the day than usual, but,

    Day 20 - Done!!

    So, farewell level 2 and it's on to level 3. Day 1 of a new level is exciting, but then you realize you have to do it 9 more times lol BM, don't worry about level 2, you will be ready to move on and as with level 1 it's a case of doing what you can but just keep moving!

    Bracken, I'm so sorry to hear you were taken ill and I hope it is nothing serious. You have been doing a lot recently so perhaps your body is telling you ease up a little. Shovelling snow is extremely strenuous. Please take great care of yourself.

    Right, off to shower and then it's welsh class this evening. Oh, I nearly forgot to say, at sewing class yesterday I put the zip in to my sundress. I tried it on and the zip went up smoothly.......it fits!! Another NSV (non scale victory for those not up to speed with MFP speak!)

    Keep shredding all
