30 Day Shred and Nordic Skiing



  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Day 12 Done!

    I have decided I much prefer level 2 to level 1 (Is that weird?). I definitely sweat more and am much more exhausted at the end of it, but I still would rather do the abs and strength of 2 than all the cardio of 1. I am also more able to keep up with Natalie for the abs/strength but still need to follow Anita for the cardio. Can't believe I will be halfway in 3 days.

    Bracken, I would have done the same thing re contacting the Police. What a total numpty of a man, the poor dog does not deserve an owner like that. No dog does. (As well as the accident that could have been caused).

    PB, the ball sounded a hoot! I would have loved a ride on the carousel:smile:

    LMV, have a fab wedding anniversary. Like you I prefer to shred in the morning. It is a lovely feeling to have it done and out the way!

    Take care all, BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Happy Wedding Anniversary LMV - have a wonderful day. I hope he spoils you!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Bracken what an awful worrying sight. Glad you have had the courage to report to the police - as you say, its dangerous both to the dog and to other motorists. Such a stupid thing to do but I bet the person driving thinks he's got a really clever dog too. What an idiot!

  • mummyinthemountains
    Afternoon Shredders,

    Well I still haven't Shredded but at least I've exercised. I decided to cheer myself up with a spot of Rosemary today which did the trick and loosened my limbs up after yesterdays 'challenge' (on the other thread) so I'm ready to face Jillian again tomorrow.

    BM - isn't is funny how we all like different bits of the Shred!

    LMV - I'm sure Jillian would have liked to have said congratulations to you today!

    PB - Fingers crossed you danced the calories off! And well done on your 1000 pounds total!

    BRACKEN - after my log piling at least I won't go cold this winter no matter how much snow there is!

    Well I've also had my daily dose of vitamin D today as I went walking with my friend, very cold but blue skies and sunshine so I'm feeling up for the Shred tomorrow!

    Keep Shredding!!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Shredders.
    MITM, I felt exhausted just hearing about your wooding marathon. The pound dropped was well deserved.
    I was able to get Nellie out for a mile walk today and also did 1 1/4 on the treadmill. I finished another Nordic track session as well.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Fellow Shredders.

    I did not do day 13 today. Unfortunately my elbow is still really sore. However I am sure a day of resting it will be enough for me to get back to it on Thursday. Can't honestly say I am missing it today, but I am always pleased when it's another day done. I have noticed with my sneaky daily weigh in's that hardly any weight is coming off, but my clothes definitely feel looser and I am sure my tum is changing shape! (no abs, lol. The fat seems to be shifting itself into a different place!).

    MITM, good to have you back. So sorry your daughter is homesick, hopefully it will soon pass. It is a difficult time of year anyway with many mixed emotions (as Bracken stated). So being apart from loved ones seems all the worse. Thinking of you x

    Bracken. Happy for you your dress is "ruching". Such a lovely feeling when the hard work pays off. Can I just ask you roughly how long it takes you to walk a mile? I have no idea how far I walk, but my morning walk seems to take about 55 mins at quite a good pace. I should really buy myself a gadget that tells me all these things, but not being technical the choice is frightening!

    LMV, hope you had a wonderful time x x unfortunately time to get back to Shredding now! :smile:

    PB, Hope you have a good day in work x

    I have added another DVD to my Christmas list. I have now asked for Darcy Bussel Pilates. It has quite good reviews and she is an excellent Ballerina, so hopefully I will get on Ok with it. (I love Ballet). It says it's for beginners as well as those experienced so time will tell!

    Wishing you all a safe and happy day, BM x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    well done Bracken! That's fantastic. How's the snow in Canada?
    They are threatening some here in the next few days but not in Suffolk - we'll just get the cold (which I don't mind). Mum and Dad are going home today so back to the shredding tonight at least for a few more days!

  • mummyinthemountains
    Evening Shredders!

    Just wanted to pop in to let you know I've been good and exercised day 18! I did think first thing this morning why am I aching across my chest?!!! How could I ever forget my brick lifting!!!!

    Thanks to Bracken telling us about Becks' blog I thought this one was written especially for us SHREDDERS!
    'the time and energy for dieting and exercise will never magically appear - but remember it's 100% worth it'

    BM - your exercise DVDs will be as large as your cookery book collection at this rate!!!

    See you tomorrow Shredders and that includes you too LMV!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Shredders. A good day today considering that I had a morning appointment with the Doctor ( about 30 minutes away) and then did a stint minding the Kettles for three hours. (as an aside, I was told that last week a 70 year old woman doing this in another mall was assaulted and pushed to the ground by two men with black hoodies, so unrecognizable, who managed to break the kettle from its chain and abscond with the money- really despicable) I was able to get in 1 1/2 miles on the treadmill and do the Nordic track. I stepped on the scale this morning and was pleased to see my weight is within two pounds of the best I have had so that was a boost.
    BM, you certainly deserve to see that scale of yours budge with the consistency of what you are doing. It is a little hard for me to judge your distance since when I walk Nellie a mile that includes sniffing time which is quite frequent often but I don't like to just drag her along. Our walks include the sniffing stops, moderately brisk paces punctuated by short burst of jogwalking. I don't discourage this as I have found that if I walk by myself I never seem to be able to go as fast as I do for some parts of my walks with Nellie! I was thinking however about how I walk on the treadmill and based on that I would expect you are doing about 3 miles, perhaps a little more. A brisk walk for 55 minutes is very good.
    PB, thanks for giving me an opening to moan about weather! Much of the snow is still here except the past two days have been quite warm (9C) and some rain tonight so because there is lots of snow, it is now packed and slushy snow. Temps will become much colder tomorrow and on and snow again is forecast for Sunday, I believe. Hope your shredding goes well after your break.
    MITM, thanks for pulling out that apt quotations. It's a great reminder to do something, to do anything at present because those ideal times are virtually non-existent.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Day 13 done!

    I am so happy to have got through today's shred. My elbow held out just fine. It is still sore, but hopefully that will improve. I think 2 days on and one off might be the way to go for me.

    Thank you Bracken for the info on my walking. We don't stop too much for sniffs and wees. Harry is too busy racing ahead looking for lizards! (On a long leash) Last week a crocodile was seen and photographed on a path near here so that would be interesting! I have seen some lizards that would be as big as a croc, but looking at the photo's the one on the path was definitely a crocodile.
    It beggars belief that someone would knock an older lady (or anyone)over for charity money. That is wrong on so many levels it is hard to know where to begin. I believe firmly we should treat others as we expect to be treated, so I sincerely hope those "hoodies" get what they so richly deserve. Bless her, I hope she will be ok after her ordeal. Keep warm in your weather and snow Bracken. (I can picture myself all wrapped in lovely layers and warm clothes :smile: ). I also had to smile at your "warmer" weather of 9c. You certainly do have extremes of weather where you live. I would love it!
    MITM, you must be feeling so good to have day 18 completed! Are you planning on doing more of Jillian when you finish the shred? I am going to try a few more DVD's of hers, but I would ultimately like to think I could do 3 days a week to keep my hopefully achieved fitness levels up. Hope your Daughter is doing OK x
    PB, hope it wasn't too hard watching your parents leave. Do they live very far away? Hope you enjoy getting back to Shredding!
    LMV, I have to say your Anniversary day sounded absolutely perfect to me. The walk around Swansea market was the bit that got to me. I can just close my eyes and picture it so well. So glad you enjoyed it. I wish you many, many more joyous Anniversaries with your lovely Hubby x x

    I have another couple of deliveries due now from the lovely John Lewis people, so am going to spend a happy afternoon wrapping gifts for OH. I find this time of year so difficult, but I know there are so many people far worse off than me, without family nearby etc, so I will try to count my blessings and enjoy singing along to Mr Buble's Christmas CD as I wrap!

    Happy Thursday Shredders!, Love BM x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    I found it hard to drag myself out of bed this morning. It was so warm and snug there and the weather outside is absolutely wild with gale force winds rattling everything. But, I knew I had a date with Jillian so I forced myself to get up and .........

    Day 24 - done!

    Because I'm late I have just 20 mins before I have to leave for Pilates. I think I will still be trembling which isn't good and I probably won't be able to keep my balance due to the shaking so I'll be toppling over lol.

    BM - I love the fact that you manage to create so many shopping opportunities out of your fitness regime. You definitely need a pedometer for your dog walking so you know how far you've gone. John Lewis sell them!!

    Must dash now, will try and get back later

  • mummyinthemountains
    Evening Shredders!

    Just time to pop in and say those wonderful words day 19 completed!! But will I get to say day 30 before Christmas day who knows!!

    BM - my intention (but I do remember saying this once before....having completed the Shred....) in the New Year, I shall be continuing with Jillian but with the other DVD as it has 6 minute bursts which I can cope with 3 at a time, and I hope to try and fit this in 3 times a week because it does seem a shame to regain the inches after working so hard to shift them! And LMV and I both know they won't stay off on their own!!

    LMV - I'm not sure why PB thinks I'm in Wales (a little further a way I'm in Austria!) however I hope you are tucked up safe and sound in your cottage. And likewise PB and NEW8 with the dreadful weather in the UK.

    BRACKEN - cannot believe your horror story about one of your crew - whatever next? When you're next out collecting I think you should wear a 'I love Jillian' t'shirt so no one attempts to mess with you! But stay safe.

    Right I've got to work now - whoopee!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    I'll add my name to those who have got another day of exercise done today. I was able to take advantage of this milder day today and walked Nellie 2 1/2 miles. I also did my Nordic track and a 1/2 mile on the treadmill so felt quite satisfied exercise-wise.
    BM, I do complain about the Canadian winters but I think I would not actually enjoy living in a climate in which there were not four distinct seasons. And my favourite clothes are winter clothes; I love wool sweaters.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Day 14 Done.

    So relieved it's over for another day! I am going to take tomorrow off to give my elbow a rest, then back to it on Sunday for day 15, yay! halfway there then.

    Bracken, I too love and desperately miss the seasons. We are in the middle of a storm now, it's either scorching hot sunshine or monsoon rain here. Never a happy medium.

    MITM, congrats on Day 19. Sounds like a good plan with the six min bursts. I have asked for that DVD for Christmas.

    PB Hope you are OK there with the weather.

    LMV, Been on line and a John Lewis pedometer is going to be in my Christmas stocking! lol x (Couldn't find a pink one,) I have also asked for yoga gloves and socks now. I am slipping on the rug or my mat when I am in Plank position (not a sentence I ever thought I would say!!). So figured the gloves would be Ok for that.

    Happy shredding Crackers I now have 48 hours to enjoy before my next Shred.

    BM x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    Day 25 - done! The end is in sight!!

    MITM you have plenty of time to get finished before Christmas so don't let me down, we're in this together and you WILL be shredded for Christmas. 18 days left and 11 shreds to do........ you have no excuse not to finish!

    I am HATING level 3. Can't stand the rock star jumps, they are absolute killers. Also, the jump lunge things are awful and the ab scissors are positively painful. When she says "This is where the magic begins.........." I feel like crying. There is no magic, that's a lie, it's just hard work to try and get results.

    Just 5 more days to go, I so want it to be over.

    I did quite well in Pilates yesterday given that I felt so wobbly after shredding. My balance was fine and I was solid as a rock. My core is obviously strengthening up nicely with all Jillian's torture.

    PB - I think of you in the punches when she says this where you get rid of all the tension from your day, if I was in your shoes I'd be thinking of the partners' meetings as I punched!

    Bracken - well done on continuing to get your long walks in together with the treadmill and Nordic Track. How many of your 100 10 minute bursts have you completed now?

    BM - more shopping, bravo! Tell me, this time last year did you think you would be ordering exercise DVD's and pedometers? Have you tried your Rosemary DVD yet? That really is so much more fun than Jillian, you should give it a go on your Jillian rest days. Also, have you got out your lovely Hobbs dresses yet to see how they fit?

    Right, I think I've got my strength back...........only 5 more days of sorrow

  • mummyinthemountains
    Afternoon Shredders!

    Day 20 - tick!

    Thank you LMV you've put me right off day 21 now with that all too vivid reminder of what is waiting for me in Level 3! It's all coming back to me memories of hating it also!! So can't wait for Monday - oh yes I can!

    BM/BRACKEN - I have Mr Buble singing with Rod Stewart 'Winter Wonderland' as I tap this! In England BRACKEN he is even the music for a campaign for a supermarket 'Iceland Foods' adverts on tv!!

    Right my tea break is over and I must return to work.

    Be good Shredders! (Especially me!!)
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    I forgot to mention the Buble. Bracken, he is HUGE, HUGE, HUGE in the UK and he always seems to be here promoting something or other. We love him here!! xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Shredders. It is so great knowing that you are all moaning, groaning, and dreading but still shredding. I wish Jillian could see you all.
    LMV, thanks for asking about the Nordic track numbers. It sent me to do a reckoning. I've done 29 since Nov.4 but know I had done a few before then that I did not keep track of but I could figure it out by counting backwards from the Olympics start date (which I will not do at the moment). I feel as if I'm doing quite well and definitely can feel the effects and also feel as if my endurance on the machine is improving. Still it is a quite a number from 100 but I have until into February so I'll glide on. Today I did the NT and also a mile with Nellie (very cold) and a mile on the treadmill.
    Michael Buble is usually in a Christmas special on tv so I'll watch him- not quite as impressive as your live performance BM.
    Take care all and try to avoid any dramatic aches and strains as you shred.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Oh Joy, a no shred day!

    I have just weighed and measured. Very disappointed with a sts weight but........ 2 whole inches off my waist! and 0.5 off both my chest and hips. I am more impressed with the .5 off my hips than my waist though. I honestly thought it would take a stick of dynamite to shift anything off my hips! So whoo hoo, it has given me the incentive to plod on with our Jillian :happy: .

    Bracken well done on all your exercise in that cold weather. I am sure I would just love to curl up with a hot chocolate and a good book if I had snow outside! I too am waiting patiently for the Michael Buble Christmas special. Hope it's a good one.

    Wishing all Crackers a fab weekend, Love BM x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    This really made me laugh!!
