30 Day Shred and Nordic Skiing



  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Bailey

    I'm back! Long post on Lets Get Started thread which I won't repeat here! Have given up on the shred for now but will start in the New Year. Will also be heading back into the Gym and swimming. Have been misbehaving badly. Only good thing is I've had a couple of good walks and some lovely rides on Harley (see other post).

    Well done to all of you who have stuck with the shred - you have my utmost respect! I will do it I promise.

    Take care
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Shredders,

    Go BM, keep it up and be a finisher! I've been to Cardiff today for final Christmas shopping and my on and off cold has definitely broken now - my nose won't stop running and I've been sneezing all day. Will try and do my measurements tomorrow morning to spur you on. I'm not sure I've lost much more than when I was half way but I feel better despite the cold. Weighed in and have still only lost one of the three I put on last week, but at least it's one off.

    PB - really pleased to gear you sounding a bit perkier.

    Bracken - I hope your visit to the doctor went well, thinking of you

    Off to bed with a Beechams and hoping I feel better tomorrow

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    BM - here's the final reckoning

    Top of bust - .5"
    Full bust - 1.5"
    Under bust - 1.5"

    Natural waist - 2"
    Belly button - 2.25"
    Biggest belly - 4"

    Hips 1.5"

    Thigh - .5" each
    Mid thigh - .5" each
    Above knee - .5 each
    Knee - .25" each
    Calf - .5" each
    Ankle - same

    Bicep - 1.5 each

    Really, really pleased with that. Hope it inspires you to carry on BM. Still full of cold so not exercising today, but will carry on when I feel better so I don't undo all the good work

    Keep shredding
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Wow LMV!! Fabulous statistics. Hope I can achieve even half of that! It's a very difficult time of year to shred don't you think? Even though the results are brilliant for Party dresses, there are so many distractions and coughs/colds it seems like an uphill task from the off!. I expect you are so relieved to have finished it. Are you going to do it a few times before your hols or just relax and enjoy your time before you set off? Hope you will soon be back to yourself health wise too x x x
    I completed day 19 earlier and had just finished when the storm siren went off, so I had to take the dog for a quick walk on very wobbly legs. Fortunately we did not get wet but it is raining with a vengeance now and a very noisy storm!
    I thought you might smile at my latest purchase!! I have bought a Parka from Hobbs, it is also being delivered here. I wonder just how many winter coats they deliver to these tropics!:smile: I bought it to wear when I get off the plane in the UK. It is always such a shock to feel the cold (even though I LOVE it) and then quite a walk to pick up the rental car, so that is my new purchase to hopefully stop me having a chest infection this time home. OH thought I was crackers asking for a long cashmere cardi for Christmas (Hobbs again, to travel in! lol x) Haven't broke it to him yet a Parka is on it's way! I ordered a size 16 in both so hopefully they will fit, if not I have til February to lose the inches. Might just be shredding again!!
    Have to wrap a few presents now, So take care of yourself. Plenty of fluids and wrap up warm in the cold!
    Bracken, Hope you are much better too. x x

    BM x x
  • mummyinthemountains
    Morning Shredders!

    Bracken - I'm so pleased you can see my halo shining brightly!!!

    Yes Shredders, I have been exercising and I am still on target to complete the dreaded 30 day Shred this Friday!! I might not reach my target weight but I do have a more slimmer, trimmer, toned figure than I had when I was last at target, which surely is the whole point of losing weight - it's not about a number on the scales that only you see and know but all about how you look and feel!

    LMV - I hope you are on the road to a full recovery. Congratulations on your stats and I hope you're back in your Christmas Cracker dress.

    BM - funny when I come to England I'm the complete opposite, I think how mild it is! And I have to break this to you gently but LMV has probably thrown her DVD into the sea now she has completed!!

    Keep going Shredders the end is just around the corner!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    I was halfway through a post on here and got sidetracked on the Hobbs site looking for BM's cardi. By the time
    I came back my post had disappeared lol. Is it the Izzy cardi BM? Good idea for something nice and soft to travel in. May go for one myself - what colour did you pick? I fancy the red, but oatmeal may be more practical!! It would make a good Christmas present from my Mum and Dad!

    Well done all of you shredders. May do a shred tomorrow in honour of MITM finishing and BM finishing level 2. Come on girls, you can do it. MITM, you are right, the number on the scales is only a number and says nothing about how we look which is much more important. I can indeed get into my Cracker dress and may wear it for the Strictly final on Saturday as we have some friends coming round and are glamming up for the event. Sequins is definitely the order of the evening!

    Right, time for sleep, keep shredding girls, you know it is worth the pain!!

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Shredders - well done all of you. MITM you must be so proud of yourself - what an achievement. I'm afraid this has probably been the most indulgent run up to the Christmas season I've had in years - but it has been fun! Safe juourney to those of you who are travelling 'home' for the holidays. I will be on the road for the next few days but will be home again by Monday afternoon. House looks a bit of a tip but it will all be alright in the end. Am looking forward to a ride on Wednesday morning - after Breakfast and before lunch.

    Good night last night - but I really must stop drinking, it doesn't suit me. I was awake again much too early. Need to put sausage rolls in the oven and get them ready to take to work for the Secret Santa today. Last day at work then I get to take a week off - really need to have that time off I think. Once the holiday season is over it will be time to really focus again and not be distracted so that I can get the last 20lbs off. Will be looking to do the 30 day shred as an antidote to all this indulgence at least....

    Take care all and if I don't get time to speak to you before - Happy Christmas!

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi All, no shred again for me today, I have a 'Picky scratchy" throat and such a headache. It is neither here nor there really. Not enough to say I have a cold or feel ill. But enough to make me feel exhausted and more than a bit sorry for myself! So I remain on day 19 and just itching to see the back of level 2. Still have a few days before Christmas so should at least have started level 3 before the "big day".

    LMV, yes it is the Izzy cardi. I too liked the red, I also have an oatmeal-ish colour so I plumped for the grey. I figured I would get more wear out of the grey than the red. If your parents are buying it for you for Christmas there is free next day delivery on at the moment, so you know you will have it in plenty of time for your Hols. (NO, I'm not on commission! lol x x) My Parka has arrived and is so warm, and whoo hoo, it fits! I had to put the air conditioning on to really cold (18c, that's as low as it goes!) and then try the coat. I would have keeled over if I had tried it on in this heat:smile: It is a lovely quality coat, the pics don't really do it justice. (Floral Parka). I bought a dress today, along with a polo neck, but these are being delivered to the Welsh home ready for February. So I definitely have to keep shredding or ripping (or something!) after Christmas.

    Hope I can report day 20 done tomorrow, I have a cut and colour booked for 3pm tomorrow on the busiest street in the city. What was I thinking? So I may have to save any energy I have for that! :smile:

    Wishing you all a lovely weekend. Be safe, Love BM x x
  • mummyinthemountains
    Shredders - I have been completely shredded!!

    Days 29 & 30 completed! Yes! I know what it is I like best about level 3 - the music because the beat is fast it seems to go quicker. And it was a delight when Jillian says at the end 'see you tomorrow' I got to shout back 'oh no you won't!' There will be no more shredding from me for 2013!!

    BM - 2014 probably 6th January (as LMV is flying off to Australia) will see me attempting to 'banish the fat' with Jillian. And no doubt I'll be thinking of LMV constantly as she didn't 'take' to one of the girls featured!!!! So I hope you will be joining me.

    BRACKEN - you've gone quiet on us. I hope you got to your medical appointment okay and that everything is in order and that Nellie is alright?

    PB - The daughter is bringing her hiking boots 'home' with her, so although I may not be shredding for the next fortnight I've a feeling I'm going to be doing a fair bit of Nordic walking instead!

    LMV - did you shred today?!! Yesterday I had to arrange my 'shred' around the chimney man coming... Still at least I'm all ready for Father Christmas now!

    Be good Shredders!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. It has been an uphill battle recently but I am still trying to hang in. I'll try to post on the Started thread and keep this a bit short but I do want to congratulate all on hanging in and making some significant achievements. LMV, your measurements are a real testament to the power of the Shred- well done indeed and so nice you can wear your Cracker dress. MITM, since it is now Friday p.m. here I am sure you have also completed the Shred and from what you say you have also reaped the benefits of inches lost.
    BM, you are clearly on course despite feeling dragged down and it is great to hear you have already done 19 days of the Shred and are certain to do more before Christmas. PB, glad to hear the riding is working out for you and rather envious to think you will be able to ride on Christmas morn- it always seems particularly special to ride on a holiday or special day. Many years ago on a trip to England, I was able to hire a horse and have a ride on Rotten Row in Hyde Park on my birthday- it was lovely and put me in mind of all the scenes in novels of the 18th or 19th century when ladies were riding there. I've had a difficult time with exercise for the last week with either not feeling well or unexpected commitments. However, today I was quite pleased to do 2 1/2 miles on my treadmill as well as the Nordic track.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Bracken - riding is about the only exercise I'm getting. I agree Christmas morn is a good time to ride. I used to drive a gig with an elderly friend some years ago and we have had some great drives - especially on New Years Day - and of course we always took a flask of coffee (laced with Whisky) and a hip flask of sloe gin in my pocket as well as a few treats (luckily the pony knew the way home). Ah those were the days. Had a bout of D&V last night - no idea why but went to bed at 7.30pm - woke up at 3.00am and read for an hour then was back to sleep - feel much better this morning. Can't imagine what caused it other than a reaction to finishing work (on a slightly sour note) and feeling quite down again. Oh well. Feeling much better this morning and am off on my little odyssey this afternoon. Tidy up and sort out this morning first.

    See you all in a couple of days!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Posted on Started thread so just noting here that I did do 2 1/2 miles on treadmill though was not able to get to the Nordic track today.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Shredders,

    Well I am on a short shred programme in a bid to keep up my fitness levels before I go on holiday. So I'm doing the 7 day shred!

    Day 1 done!

    Went back to level 1 and managed it all with my 2 kg weights apart from the anterior raises at the end. Had to put my weights down for the second repetition, it was just too much for me! I get on absolutely fine with the level 1 cardio now and am kicking my own butt along with Natalie.

    Hope you will all be getting back into exercising ways with me soon.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Certainly will LMV. Went to the gym this morning. 20 mins on bike; 20 mins on cross trainer and some weights. Felt reasonably happy with my fitness levels despite lack of exercise in recent days. Happy thought to be getting back on the straight and narrow. Just finishing off all the Christmas goodies (still far too much chocolate laying around - not to mention the cheese).

    All in all, I've had a lovely Christmas and will be back at work on Monday. Mum and Dad are going home on New Years Day and then its back to normal. Just arranged a ride on New Years Day - yippee! Harley has been hunting today so he will be tired tomorrow so no ride tomorrow.

    May have to eat some cheese and biscuits though now as I feel quite hungry. (left over veg and smoked haddock (grilled) for lunch - followed by left over Christmas pudding and brandy butter.

    I hope everyone else is doing OK and getting ready to focus. starting 30 day shred on NY Day........

    Love to all
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello PB,

    Great to hear that you had a good Christmas and are already breaking yourself gently back in to exercise ready for the 30 DS.

    Day 2 - done!

    I was surprised to find that my muscles were aching slightly yesterday - how quickly we regress! I probably went 10 days without exercising properly and that's the result!! Looking at my schedule over the next week (husband's birthday, trip to a spa and a zillion pre holiday things to do), I'm thinking 7 shreds may be a little ambitious but I'll try and do as many as I can.

    Weigh in for me tomorrow where I'll find out for sure what damage I've done during the festivities!

    Be good Shredders!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    I admire you greatly for shredding again! Even if you think 7 days of shred is a bit ambitious, it is a fabulous mindset to want to do it. In fact I think shredding helped my mental health enormously as well as physically. If you only fit a couple in I am sure you will benefit. Are you all packed and ready for your Holiday? I am pleased you and your Mum liked the cardi's. I love mine too! I have worn it around the apartment but had to put the air con to it's lowest to try it! :smile: Are you flying direct to OZ? If you are having a stopover here, I would be happy to offer any advice or places to visit etc. Or if you had a spare hour to meet for coffee/wine? Anyhow I suppose you will have your itinerary all set so I hope you have an amazing time .

    Bracken, I sincerely hope all is well there with you and Nellie. I watch the news regularly and actively look out for your area. It has been hit so hard, please take good care of you both. x x

    PB, good for you for having a great time over Christmas and then just "cracking" on to shred. I will be joining you but will start next Monday. I am going to go back to day 15/16 and start from there!

    LMV. hope you, your daughter and family are having a magical Christmas. I expect it is all the more special to have Christmas with her now. Have fun over the New year too! x x

    New8/Saffy Hope you are having a great Christmas too.x x

    So sorry, I have just realised I wrote all this general "stuff" on the Shred site. It does contain a little bit about the Shred so I hope all will be forgiven! :blushing:

    Wishing you all a Happy eve of New Year's Eve(!)
    Love BM x x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Just a quick note to summarize exercise post-Christmas. Boxing day- treadmill almost three miles. (Followed by 3 days of no exercise!) Monday and Tuesday 2 miles on treadmill. Wed. (New Year's day) 2 1/2 mile treadmill, Nordic track (finally again).
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    well done Bracken - not shredded after all today as Susie turned up - supper wasn't too bad except for the wine and the chocolates......
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Well done to everyone for exercising over the Christmas period, I'm hanging my head in shame as the only exercise I've done (aside from snow clearing) is excessive amounts of jaw movement... I'll say no more but I will be back hopefully on Sunday when I will become a SHREDDER once more!!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Another quick note for today's exercise: treadmill 2 1/2 miles, Nordic track session.