Talking Dead: Team Carol



  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    I'm going to go ahead and check in cause I wont be back till late.

    Cardio: 766/320 way more than I ever thought I could achieve! (including combat)
    Strength: 97/90
    Punishment: 3/1
    Food: 6/6

    Can't wait to see the rest of the numbers! You guys are so awesome!!

    OMgosh Sara!!! OVER 700! You are a beast!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    One person didn't check in but she did midweek so I will give her 2 points only because I can't confirm her calories.

    Absolutely phenomenal numbers this week! Not sure who to pick for MVP.
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    I'm so sorry - it was me that didnt check in. I was out all day yesterday at a work event. I didnt get home till 11:45pm. I actually tried to check in then, but the site was "down for maintenance". I tried a couple more times, but couldnt get on and went to bed :(

    I'll do better this week if you dont think me out :)
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Simbersea -- No worries. That seems to happen quite a bit recently late in the evening. At times I can't get to my diary or post to the boards, so not your fault.

    My SV and NSVs for the week: 1) I finally have seen Onederland on the scale - I know I may bounce a bit, but it is nice to break out of the 200s. 2) My fitbit tells me that I have averaged 11,000 steps this week! I have a hard time consistently walking 10,000 so to be that much over weekly has me stoked! 3) I found my smallest size clothes and they all fit! I had forgotten about them but then a memory of having some smaller old navy clothes made me search our boxes and ta da! I have a bunch of jeans, shirts and a few more sets of work pants. I am likely in good shape until I get close to UGW.

    If anyone has a fitbit and wants another friend, I can be found at
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Everyone's numbers are awesome!!!!

    Sadly I did not make it to 500. I will have to try again this week.
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    I am FLOORED by the numbers you all put up each week! I am continuing my journey through the 2nd season of WD. It seems like I cry at every episode. I am trying not to get too attached to anyone.

    Today I am rejoicing bc I hit 5.2 lbs lost... I have lost these same 5 pounds a million times over... But I think that this time it could be it... Only 1.8 left for the goal for this challenge!
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    TJ- At least you tried! And I'm sure you still put up big numbers!

    Funky- I am pretty sure I cried all of season 2 as well... for a Zombie show, its really emotional lol
    And congrats on your loss!!! You can definitely hit another 1.8 during the rest of the challenge!
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    I think I might be able I catch up to the current season pretty quickly. I just finished S2E6. I am desperate to know what happens. I can infer a few things by the list of characters in the challenge. I have only looked up one spoiler so far and I am going to try really hard not to look up anymore.

    Sorry if all of my "talk of the past" drives you guys nuts. :flowerforyou: I guess I'm a little late to the party!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,626 Member
    I think I might be able I catch up to the current season pretty quickly. I just finished S2E6. I am desperate to know what happens. I can infer a few things by the list of characters in the challenge. I have only looked up one spoiler so far and I am going to try really hard not to look up anymore.

    Sorry if all of my "talk of the past" drives you guys nuts. :flowerforyou: I guess I'm a little late to the party!

    Don't worry about it, I just re watched all of it the 2 months because my hubby never saw it, now we watch it together on sunday nights. :)

    well I'm about to do my 30DS and some walking. and tomorrow I'll be back to zumba which I am super excited about, being off 2 weeks sucks so ready to start again.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    I'm so sorry - it was me that didnt check in. I was out all day yesterday at a work event. I didnt get home till 11:45pm. I actually tried to check in then, but the site was "down for maintenance". I tried a couple more times, but couldnt get on and went to bed :(

    I'll do better this week if you dont think me out :)

    Hey did you stay with in your food goals this week? I counted you because you had a mid week check in anyway. I will message Cindy, I'm sure if MFP would not let you in, we can still count you for a full 3 points. I just gave you a 2 cause I wasn't sure of your food goals. You rock, no worries!
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    I made 6/6 days on food. I hit my strength okay with 135 minutes, but I didnt make the 320 cardio, I only got to 230....
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    That's ok that you didn't hit cardio because the team did enough to cover you. I will write Cindy.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    This week Daryl, Sasha and Maggie got tons of kills. Carol is again not represented this week but next week she will return!!

    I posted the new challenge and hope you like it. Our team turned in some monster numbers and it was extremely hard to pick an MVP. I chose Funkygranola for her big comeback from her migraines, her super numbers for cardio and strength and true excitement on the message boards for both the WD and her new bike.

    Let's have another great week!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,626 Member
    WTG Funkygranola :smile:

    and I like this weeks challenge splitting us up should be a little fun.

    Team P all the way haha

    well today I woke up a bit late and my hubby now is sick, I feel bad I gave him whatever it was I had. :frown: but I am going to make something to eat, after that do some work outs and tonight back to ZUMBA :love:

    it's a rainy day here in PA but I will take it over snow any day. everyone enjoy your Monday
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    This week Daryl, Sasha and Maggie got tons of kills. Carol is again not represented this week but next week she will return!!

    I posted the new challenge and hope you like it. Our team turned in some monster numbers and it was extremely hard to pick an MVP. I chose Funkygranola for her big comeback from her migraines, her super numbers for cardio and strength and true excitement on the message boards for both the WD and her new bike.

    Let's have another great week!

    Way to go Funkygranola!!!!!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Color run on saturday was so much fun!!!! It was only in the 20's and the wind made it worse, so my friend and I went to 6 department stores at 7am to find hats and gloves. Finally found something. I had a great time and I would definately do that again.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    I love the challenge this week! Though I'm the most practical person, I'll represent Hopefuls this week!
    Too Start off my hopeful week. My daughter is homesick. And on my big gym day :-( So i'm going to work out at home and start C210K at week 2. Yup, that's hopeful ;-)

    Monday- C210K(37 min) + pilates video w/weights (60)
    Tuesday- Swim (65)
    Wednesday- Pilates(50)+ C210K(37)
    Thursday- Strength (30)
    Friday- Pilates(60)
    Saturday- C210K (37)


    I can't wait to see Carol, Tyreese and the girls next week!
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    This week Daryl, Sasha and Maggie got tons of kills. Carol is again not represented this week but next week she will return!!

    I posted the new challenge and hope you like it. Our team turned in some monster numbers and it was extremely hard to pick an MVP. I chose Funkygranola for her big comeback from her migraines, her super numbers for cardio and strength and true excitement on the message boards for both the WD and her new bike.

    Let's have another great week!

    :bigsmile: :blushing: HOLY CROW! Thank you! Honestly!!:flowerforyou:

    This group really has gotten me moving in the right direction and i am now 1lb away from my weight goal for the challenge... I just need to keep pushing. I had the most successful weekend EVER! This week I plan on making my first bid for the 400 club. Here is my plan so far:

    Monday- bike goal 30miles (70) Dynamic Stretching (15)
    Tuesday- AM Run (50) PM Bike 15miles (30) Dynamic Stretching (15)
    Wednesday- Personal Trainer (30) Run (30) PM Bike 15miles (30)
    Thursday- AM Run (50) PM Bike 15miles (30) Dynamic Stretching (15)
    Friday- AM Run (50) PM Bike 15miles (30) Dynamic Stretching (15)
    Saturday- Video (30)

    Now lets hope that this all happens..

    GO TEAM P!:drinker:
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    This week I really want to try to kick up the Cardio some. I've really been concentrating on my lifting, but I wont be able to see all these new muscles if I dont work off some fat :) So, I'm gonna get "practical" and add in a couple extra workouts this week on my rower and see if that helps. This weeks plan:

    Monday: Strength (45) + cardio (15) + cardio (30)
    Tuesday: Cardio (60)
    Wednesday - Strenth (45) + cardio (15) + cardio (30)
    Thursday: Cardio (60)
    Friday: Strength (45) + cardio (15) + cardio (30)
    Saturday: Cardio (120)


    Now I just got to get it done...
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Happy Monday! Great job Funkygranola!!

    I like the challenge this week! A little nervous to see what the punishment is though. I've started the week strong. I have 215 mins of cardio so far today and will try to get 30 mins of strength in by the end of the night.

    I thought this week's episode was interesting. I'm really worried about Beth, but super excited to see Carol next week!