Talking Dead: Team Carol



  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    3/09/14 - 3/14/14

    Cardio: 368/220
    Strength: 45/90
    Average calorie intake: 3/6 days
    Weight loss for challenge: 3 lbs so far
    Punishment = 0/5
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Team Daryl has decided on this week's punishment exercise, the Spartan Bow. 

    Just did these--they were really fun!! I'm excited about this challenge!

    I am sweating like a pig falling all over the place. I am about as graceful as an elephant ballerina doing these,but I can do them. My knees make protesting sounds but I see improvement with each set I do (5 or 10 at a time). Done with them for today :drinker:

    LMAO - this is why I wont take exercises classes outside of my house. I have horrible balance and coordination. I dont need anyone else seeing me fall over.
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    3/09/14 - 3/14/14

    Cardio: 190/220
    Strength: 45/90
    Average calorie intake: 3/6 days
    Weight loss for challenge: 5.7 lbs/7lbs
    Punishment = 2/5

    I am going to do all 4 punishments and anyone who needs them can have them! I will also probably have extra cardio
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Good morning team! It's already Wed! Half way through the week and over half way through the challenge too.

    Courscate: We are competing with in our own team!

    Kawookie: I feel your pain but I can tell you that it will eventually come off in the abs too. Women are built to have extra protection in our abdominal region to help protect those women parts. So I think our body must hold on to that area of fat last for that particular reason.

    Skittles: sorry about the loss of your neighbor. It's so very nice of you to step up and help out the poor doggie.

    I did the punishment last night and didn't feel very Spartan like. I was trying to channel my inner Gerard Butler but ended up feeling much like Kawookie. LOL! My balance needs some work and I guess this can help.

    Funky: Nice of you to offer some to the team.

    Janice: Sorry you are having more snow. I will send over some warm sun thoughts from WA. We are suppose to have a sunny day today.
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member

    I did the punishment last night and didn't feel very Spartan like. I was trying to channel my inner Gerard Butler

    This made me laugh! I haven't tried them yet but I have a feeling I will be falling all over the place.
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    Advice anyone?

    Yesterday I had my husband do my measurements as I try to do them every 2 months and we hadn't done a set since the beginning of January. Now, I know that we can't control where weight comes off, but I had lost everywhere BUT my stomach!

    How is this possible? How can I not be losing from my stomach when I have lost from my hips, neck, bust, ribcage?

    I have this fear of looking unnaturally prego as the rest of my body shrinks but my stomach stays the same making me look six months pregnant with tiny hips and boobs. Someone tell me that this is normal and I will eventually even out.

    On the plus side, I am down 6.5 inches overall.

    6.5in is aaamaaazing! way to go! i have found that the belly is the hardest area (for a LOT of people) to pull weight off. and for me... the first place it goes back on. im not sure how they work, but i know a lot of people that wear those compression things... really, dont know if it would help or not.
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    its official.... i got my first 'sports injury' if you can really call it that! haha.. i was doing box jump last night and missed. got a nice scrape goin up my whole left shin, along with a couple of chunks of skin missing. :D hurt like a ***** last night, and enough this morning, i opted to skip my lift and do yoga.

    i did NOT realize how much i use that part of my leg for every day things... especially since baby g is at that height when he sits now... and that height when he fligns his body back in a fit. i had to hold back screams of pain last night so didnt scare the poor kid.

    adjusted lineup:

    Mon: Swim (30c)
    Tues: Tabattas (45c)
    Wed: yoga (60c) + Swim (30c)
    Thurs: lift (60st) + Tabattas (60c)
    Fri: WOD + Row (60c)
    Sat: lift (60st) + yoga(60)

    est total: 270c / 120st
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    So, I take back my excitement over the Spartan punishment. When I woke up this morning it felt like someone had punched me in both @ss cheeks. They were MUCH harder to do today!!

    We are also leaving on Spring Break on Saturday for a week. I am nervous about getting my numbers in next week. It's going to be a struggle. Esp. the food.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,626 Member
    Hello my beautiful people, how is everyone? tell me about your day because I know it had to be better then mine haha, I woke up to rain ( could of been snow) but still rain makes me sad and then just spent 4 hours at the dentist I have to get a crown put on so they gave me a temp but I freaked out so I needed a break and I was cold so the doc thought I was going to pass out so I walked around a bit and I have to get 4 teeth filled ahh I thought I had horrible teeth but she told me I don't, ( I think she just said that to be nice lol ) also she said my left side of my mouth and face will hurt a few days so not fun and I haven't done one work out today. I may go to zumba but thats up in the air. and all I ate today was oatmeal so I'm a bit hungry haha but I am going to stay positive because I am better off from how I was in Jan. I am down 22lbs and I feel amazing. I am going to do the punishment in a bit and maybe some walking because that doesn't hurt lol I just won't be talking much ( hubby will love that haha)

    Kawookie you keep at it and in no time you will be like where did it go haha

    Hajenkatt going anywhere fun for spring break?

    coruscate I hope you feel better soon.

    well everyone enjoy your day/evening and I'll be back on later
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Skittles - yep that sounds like no fun. :flowerforyou:

    My week has pretty much been no fun. I am on spring break. It is blizzard conditions outside. I have had to watch my nephew every day this week for the whole afternoon (which can be fun, but it isn't exactly relaxing). My dad isn't doing so hot so my mom and brother have been going in to visit. My computer has been updating for HOURS so I can' t use it. (This is actually a netbook that I am using now so it is hard to grade without my grading rubrics.) I took in my husband's car and what was acting up for us was perfect in the dealership. The hospital calls and wants us to come in for a family meeting today about my dad, but we can't because my car is in the shop, my nephew needs a nap, and mom has the orkin man coming at her house. My husband is on jury duty and yesterday he gets stopped and ticketed for running a red light that doesn't exist so we will have to fight the ticket. The jury is currently stuck in deliberations with someone(s) that doesn't agree -- I don't know much as he can't discuss the case, but I know he has to go back tomorrow because they haven't come to a conclusion yet. This makes 7 days on jury duty. And tomorrow I get to go to family meeting at the hospital. /vent

    On the good news side, I have gotten in more than 90 minutes of cardio today for stress relief! :laugh:
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Sounds like Wednesday is not treating everyone very well :cry:

    Kawookie and Skittles- I hope your night/ week gets better!
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Day 3 Wednesday 3/12/14
    Format for the week:

    Cardio: 285/220 (Aiming for the 500 club again!)
    Strength: 65/90
    Martial Arts: 90/135
    Average calorie intake: 3/6 days
    Weight loss for challenge: 5.2#/ 9#
    Punishment (current) = 1/4 (Spartan bows 30 per side)

    They let us go early for work today, in anticipation of the weather turning. We have at least a foot of snow. So tired of snow!!! Did get ahead in laundry (a nice feeling).

    It does sound like everyone is having a rough time of it, but we are all staying on track!
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Midweek update:

    Cardio: 330/220
    Strength: 60/90
    Calories: 3/6
    Punishment: 1/4

    I have another day off tomorrow and I think it is supposed to be nice out so I am hoping to go for a long walk. I also have some cleaning to do which means I will be dancing throughout the house all day!
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    I managed to only fall over a half dozen times doing the challenge! Oh, wait that was on each side ;-) So far so good this week!

    167/220 cardio
    77/90 strength
    4/6 food
    1/4 punishment

    I'm counting Sunday for food because I'm going out to sushi for lunch with my husband tomorrow and then going to a friend's for Girls night in so there will be wine. Fun day!
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    3/09/14 - 3/14/14

    Cardio: 438/220
    Strength: 75/90
    Average calorie intake: 4/6 days
    Weight loss for challenge: 3 lbs so far
    Punishment = 1/5
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member

    Hajenkatt going anywhere fun for spring break?

    We are heading to New Mexico to visit friends. My birthday is at the end of the month, and when we moved I told my friends if they would throw me a party I'd come back for a visit. They're throwing me a party, so I am on my way down! LOL Part of my motivation for doing this challenge is for me to not only get into shape but be able to eat like a beast while I visit. I am so desperate for spicy, Mexican food, I swear I am going to eat three times my body weight in chiles and cheese.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Morning Team!! I dont know what is going on this week, but between a two day migraine and piles of work I havent managed any exercise yet besides a little walking. Its going to be a struggle to get the minimum for me this week. I feel bad about that. So sorry.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,626 Member
    Morning Team!! I dont know what is going on this week, but between a two day migraine and piles of work I havent managed any exercise yet besides a little walking. Its going to be a struggle to get the minimum for me this week. I feel bad about that. So sorry.

    hey I got you on this week :) so don't worry at all and I will do all your punishments.just try and relax the best you can and get better, I know how bad migraines can be. when I was younger I use to get a shot to help with them, but I think the shots hurt worse then having the migraine.

    @hajenkat that sounds like a fun trip and I would do the same, I love a good party, plus you get to see friends so that is a plus. I also say to enjoy your self with the food, we have to have a cheat day never once in a while or for me I got nuts ( i think I just am lol ) and if I go to long with out I will over eat and not stop .but enjoy your self

    As for me my face doesn't hurt as much which is good, my gums are a bit sore from the shots and I am eating soft foods because it still hurts to open my mouth wide from yesterday. I also have a ct scan to go to today for my tailbone but I will be working out after. my goal is 3 hours of work out today. I can do it :)
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    I have just finished composing a blog post about my UGW quandary. I would love to hear your musings and advice as I know some of you are further to your UGW than I am.

    @TJ- Feel better.

    @Skittles - Glad that your face is feeling better. Be really careful working out when you are having tailbone issues. Low impact for you!
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    Morning Team!! I dont know what is going on this week, but between a two day migraine and piles of work I havent managed any exercise yet besides a little walking. Its going to be a struggle to get the minimum for me this week. I feel bad about that. So sorry.

    OH NO! TJ! We have totally got you! All of my punishments are bonus and I will have extra cardio. Coruscate sometimes ends up with extra strength... (she might be willing to share) We will pull you through this.

    I have been out of the loop bc my phone took the route of permanent sleep on Tuesday. I got a new phone last night so I am back in the game!!!