Talking Dead: Team Beth



  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member

    I may have an actual bow buried somewhere in storage... can I use that to perform the exercise if I can find it?

    Doing bow and arrows with an actual bow and arrow = BADASS. I gotta go find me a bow and arrow!

    ETA: I think we can log it under archery.
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    So when will we learn what our extra exercises will be for losing?
  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member
    I was lurking in the Team Mika and Lizzie forum. Sounds like they want to give us burpees. :-P
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Punishment exercises should be up today. It will count as part of your strength training. In fact, you have to complete it in order to get a point for the strength part.

    Yeah, I think they are leaning toward burpees - man I hate those things.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Mika and Lizzie decided that our punishment exercises is 50 Burpees. You don't have to do them all at once, split them up over the week and include them in your totals when you send them to tj1376 or you can't be credited for strength training this week.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Oh, and MVPs are always exempt from punishment, unless they want to do them and donate to a Burpee deprived teammate.
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    TiffytVS: you can find cheapy bows at Walmart!
    Oh, and MVPs are always exempt from punishment, unless they want to do them and donate to a Burpee deprived teammate.

    Question! Is it the Burpee that includes push ups, or just the version that involves kicking your feet out and then back in before jumping up? 'Cause if there are no push ups involved, I will gladly donate it to anyone that needs it. :)

    Chest injury while in the military = unhappy lady while doing push ups now :embarassed:
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    TiffytVS: you can find cheapy bows at Walmart!
    Oh, and MVPs are always exempt from punishment, unless they want to do them and donate to a Burpee deprived teammate.

    Question! Is it the Burpee that includes push ups, or just the version that involves kicking your feet out and then back in before jumping up? 'Cause if there are no push ups involved, I will gladly donate it to anyone that needs it. :)

    Chest injury while in the military = unhappy lady while doing push ups now :embarassed:

    Second one. So if you want to do them, Im sure someone will appreciate it.

    Chest many bad questions come to mind.
  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member
    TiffytVS: you can find cheapy bows at Walmart!

    W00t!! Thanks!
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    No problem! :)
    TiffytVS: you can find cheapy bows at Walmart!
    Oh, and MVPs are always exempt from punishment, unless they want to do them and donate to a Burpee deprived teammate.

    Question! Is it the Burpee that includes push ups, or just the version that involves kicking your feet out and then back in before jumping up? 'Cause if there are no push ups involved, I will gladly donate it to anyone that needs it. :)

    Chest injury while in the military = unhappy lady while doing push ups now :embarassed:

    Second one. So if you want to do them, Im sure someone will appreciate it.

    Chest many bad questions come to mind.

    I did 20 of them earlier with very little problem, so I'm good to go. If someone needs the immunity it's up for grabs!

    It wasn't anything exciting... just a torn chest muscle on top of a URI that had settled into my chest. I popped a combination of Tramadol/muscle relaxant/Tylenol/antibiotics like candy for months. Fun times! I don't think it ever healed properly though. =/
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    MORNING TEAM BETH!!!! How is everyone doing with their bow and arrows and burpees? Are they helping you get more strength training in?
  • kmoirecavender
    kmoirecavender Posts: 91 Member
    TEN burpees ....I am surprised I could do one, but giving it thought, the only other time I tried them was in the kickbox class, about 3/4 of the way that point I was having trouble standing! Yay, I did it...10! I can do this!:smokin:
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi team Beth,

    I've been struggling with getting back into weight loss mode for months now. In the past, challenges have always been very motivating. But I guess I am still just not ready, for whatever reason. I don't want to drag the team down with me, so I am out now. Best of luck to everyone on your goals.

  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Hi team Beth,

    I've been struggling with getting back into weight loss mode for months now. In the past, challenges have always been very motivating. But I guess I am still just not ready, for whatever reason. I don't want to drag the team down with me, so I am out now. Best of luck to everyone on your goals.


    So sorry to see you go Shirley! Good luck to you on your fitness journey (it's not always nor totally about weight loss). Blessings to you!
  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks for letting us know, Shirley. And good for you for being true to yourself about where you're at. I'm sure once you hit the fitness portion of your journey, you're going to rock it!

  • kmoirecavender
    kmoirecavender Posts: 91 Member
    I got half of my burpees done yesterday, and 25 Bow & Arrows. I will get my burpees done today and plan on splitting up my B&A, throughout the rest of the week! Sorry to see you go Shirley! At least stay in touch...when it's time, it will be time, and I hope we are all here for you and one another then... I am really enjoying this challenge and in general using glad I ran into it!! Hope you all have a fantastic day today!! KILL ZOMBIES! And by that I mean, anything that is dead and has no life...does not belong in our lives! I am planning on slaying the zombie in my head who whispers negative things to me today...
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    KILL ZOMBIES! And by that I mean, anything that is dead and has no life...does not belong in our lives! I am planning on slaying the zombie in my head who whispers negative things to me today...

    This is a great idea!!! Anyone else planning on killing Zombies today??
  • kmoirecavender
    kmoirecavender Posts: 91 Member
    I just completed 25 more B&A...I am not quite sure if I am doing them correctly. Am I supposed to get a horrendous burn in my lower neck/top of shoulders area? is not a "pain" but is definitely a using the muscle burn.
  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member
    Great idea, kmoiregreen! I definitely want to kill zombies today! I'm going to kill those zombies that make me feel bad when I don't do everything perfectly. Perfect is boring!

    I've done 75 bow and arrows and 0 burpees. I just keep putting them off. Perfectionist zombie strikes again! I am a little nervous about making my goals this week because my birthday is Friday, and I know I'll be eating lots of desserts and unhealthy meals. I've done 30 minutes of strength training and 85 minutes of cardio so far. I'm going to do 30 minutes of strength training and 45 min of cardio tonight and the rest Saturday morning. I've also been trying to save calories throughout the week, so I can do some extra splurging Friday and Saturday. Even in a zombie apocalypse, you gotta celebrate your birthday! :drinker:

    Anyone else have birthdays or special occasions coming up during the challenge?
  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member
    I just completed 25 more B&A...I am not quite sure if I am doing them correctly. Am I supposed to get a horrendous burn in my lower neck/top of shoulders area? is not a "pain" but is definitely a using the muscle burn.

    I'm no expert, but I say any burn is a good burn. I'm feeling mine in my straight arm mostly, which I thought was kind of strange.